How to sing with a richer fuller tone - Singing Exercises

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hi guys I'm Madeline Harvey thank you for joining me today at Madeline Harvey calm when I begin working with a new student I love to start by having a nice lovely conversation and learning about what they're looking to achieve with their voice because everyone's different right but what happens to be on the top of almost everyone's list is I would like a richer fuller tone so I wanted to take some time today and share some ways that you can get a richer fuller tone at home just by playing with some nice easy sounds so take what resonates with you and then just leave the rest for now great singing is not about remembering a lot of information it's all about trial and error feeling what works best for you by playing with the the breath the sound and how your sound in your body are responding to each other so with that being said the best way to achieve a richer fuller tone is to create some space inside the body so we're going to create some space inside the nose inside the throat and then we're going to blend the two together so we're going to start with the nose space with the mouth being closed go ahead and hum up into the nose face with a nice medium level pitch like this go ahead and try that good well done now notice how nothing nothing else should move anywhere else you shouldn't feel pinching at the throat the tongue or the jaw but if you do just relax and sigh up into the no space like this mmm-hmm go ahead and try that good good good now that you have a nice a sense of what vibrations feel like in the nose space with the mouth continue to stay closed we're going to observe the breath and we're going to stretch the space on the top so go ahead and and observe a nice slow easy inhale feel the coolness of the air as it rushes into the nose get a sense of that space good now using your imagination imagine that as you inhale the air stretches from side to side and expands from side to side inside the nose it should feel very subtle but do you get a sense of it good good good good good now send a yawn up into the nose face really feel the the air expanding from high to low inside of the nose face this way good back from side to side good and up and down good now with the mouth staying closed send your humming sound back into the nose did it feel richer did it feel fuller good good good go ahead and try that again and really think hold that openness into the nose go ahead and try it good very very good now let's try it one more time and as we do we're going to hold that openness while we include some mouth space like this and what we're looking to do is again just include some mouth space balance is key we want to hold the vibrations up in the top as we just include some vibrations on the bottom let's try this together good very good job that's a wonderful way to gain some richer fuller tones on the higher end so you can play with a variety of pitches but start by humming and really open that no space as you include the mouth very good practice and practice and practice that until your body has had an opportunity to accept it as a new habit good now let's pivot our focus to the throat space where the tongue the jaw and the throat all meet just observe a nice neutral natural inhale good very good nice neutral nothing really happening not a lot of business going on there now just yawn a little bit just very very subtle yawn in the back feel that a lot more air comes rushing in good play with it one more time good now notice that you don't hear the inhale we don't observe it like like that if you're feeling that you can hear your inhale you're relying too heavily on the muscles in the chest to pull the air in we're just focusing on the throat so let's do five yawning inhales together here we go nice and slow really getting a sense of relaxation feel the throat open and work to stay open as the air comes rushing in and as it comes rushing out very good now let's go ahead and inhale one more time and we release a nice speech level ah on a medium level tone with the exhale like this ah go ahead and try that yeah ah ah good did you feel that the throat work to stay open as you were releasing the exhale very very good now this is really important to stay connected to your natural speech we don't want to use too much air pressure to knock anything out of balance balance is key here so now that we have a sense of both the nose and the throat space let's blend the two together so we're going to start at the top with our medium level pitch then as we include the mouth we're going to descend and pitch and as we do that we're going to open the throat so it's going to sound like this I'm going to observe my throat stays open good let's try this together ready ah good good that's a wonderful way to blend both nose mouth and throat resonances but the important thing there is that you stay connected to what feels completely natural for you we do not need to pull the body open to manufacture a sense of fullness your exhale should be nice and gentle and your resonance and space should stay nice and open okay so continue to practice with all three of those sensations the opening on the top the opening on the bottom and what it feels like to blend the two together continue to practice that it does not take long to achieve amazing results this way but it does take a nice easy focus and a sense of playfulness about it play with pitches play with sensations but see if you can hold those spaces open as you create the sound okay thank you so much for joining me today I hope you enjoyed this this video on creating a richer fuller tone if you did please feel free to visit my website to download the complete lesson it is called a richer fuller tone thank you so much for joining me today at Madeleine Harvey calm please feel free to check back often or subscribe to my youtube channel I'm constantly creating content specifically for you so if you have a question that you would like to send to me please feel free to give me aa give me an email give me a shout-out I would love to hear from you okay thank you so much for joining me today I look forward to seeing you again soon bye you you
Channel: Madeleine Harvey
Views: 267,007
Rating: 4.9625125 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing with a richer fuller tone, how to sing with a fuller tone, how to sign with a richer tone, how to sing with a fuller sound, how to sing with a richer sound, sing with a a fuller sound, sing with a fuller tone, sing with a richer sound, sing with a fuller sound, madeleine harvey, voice lessons, singing exercises
Id: 5xSkiRPNC8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2015
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