How to Sing with Style - bends, trills, riffs and runs

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[Music] [Music] hi guys I'm Madeline Harvey thank you so much for checking out today's video in our lesson today we're gonna be exploring vocal style and some of the elements such as bins runs riffs trills it's gonna be great we're gonna talk about what makes each of those elements different from each other how they can build off of one another and what you can do at home to get real adventurous in your vocal styles so if you liked today's video please be sure to give it a thumbs up or click that subscribe button below I would love to see you here more often you ready to get started here we go so if I were to define for you vocal style right now I would say that it is a very subtle pitch and rhythmic sort of waggle it is a very subtle dynamic variation on let's say a melodic interpretation it's a really great way to bring new life and new interest into your phrases or on your notes simply by interrupting a pattern that the song has already established so let's say for example I could sing I love very straightforward or I could go I love you it's just a fantastic way to keep the ear of the listener invested and interested by keeping them guessing so a way that I like to look at it is being very similar to tap-dancing tap-dancing is extremely rhythmic and it's very accurate about those rhythms but what tap-dancing will do is use what's called a time step now a time step is just a small block of rhythm that has a particular signature to it so it's recognizable as being different from something else but they will use time steps in a sequence in their choreography so that's what we're gonna do today we're going to learn the time steps a vocal style how rhythmic they really are and then we're gonna put together a whole bunch of dancing are you ready our very first most basic unit of rhythmic style is called a note Bend and it sounds like this yep very basic but very rhythmic unit of style it's an excellent way to add a little bit of interest but still remain a little on the conservative side so in order for us to do these bins these trills these runs quickly we're gonna need to be able to focus our airflow but keep it manageable still so we're gonna go with the nice mm Wow very narrow I want you to do this work primarily with your air keep it very precise that way you maintain that rhythmic integrity so we're gonna do this note band three times like this [Music] that's low we want to be able to hear both of those pitches in that preceding interval so here we go ready [Music] think of it as a whip [Music] [Music] good very very very slow we don't want to slur the line we want to build up again that rhythmic integrity we want to hear that crisp whip-like nature of that note Bend so we went up going up now we're gonna go down going down yeah it's ooh this one's a doozy it feels very strange but get all the way down the tendency for a lot of singers is not to quite get all the way down to that Bend that goes underneath so it can feel very slurry sloppy pitches so we'll go we'll go nice and slow I got you it will go nice and slow and we'll feel what this feels like three times ready here's your starting pitcher [Music] [Music] so we have the note been going up now we have that open going down yeah very very good again these are basic units of style but they sort of introduce you to that interval difference you get very accustomed to being able to isolate the difference between those two pitches and if we can hear the clarity as you move from one to the next oh it's so delicious for the ear so there's your note Bend so now that we know our most basic unit of style a note Bend now we're gonna add something to it called a fall-off note it just adds a little bit more intrigue so it sounds like this [Music] yeah I think this is one of the yummiest things to hear in style just something about it that I really really enjoy listening to so for your ear remember we're gonna go slow we want to get that whip like we want to hear every single pitch but we also want that rhythm to be nice and tight so keep that vowel nice and narrow it will allow you to manage that airflow while still remaining precise it's what starts right here on [Music] so yummy right so good we want to hear every single pitch in that so we did a note Bend with a fall-off going down as we went up now we're gonna do the opposite it's gonna get really confusing but we went right so we went we fell downward now we're gonna do our note Bend and we're gonna fall upward yeah so let's try this together keep that Val nice and narrow here we go [Music] yeah really really good work remember to maintain that rhythmic integrity by going slow and keeping that Val nice and narrow ready to move on okay so our very next time step in our vocal style choreography is called a trill now all a trill is is a sequence of three notes otherwise known as a chiclet so we're going to start trilling downward and it sounds like this [Music] so don't get too caught up here just allow yourself to fall down but I do want you to concentrate focus on all three pitches where my pitch is that yes when I hear all three of those okay so we'll start you right here nice narrow oh here we go [Music] good very good want to just hear yeah so we went down as we went up now we're gonna switch it around that way you get the maximum benefit in each exercise so we're gonna trill upwards love that mmm there might be there might be some than in this lesson where my favorite that's my favorite that's my favorite it's just they're so cool they're so unique and so distinct unto themselves and they just all have something yummy to offer so I'm gonna start right there here we go [Music] there you have it there you have it as simple as that love me some trills again I think each each step gives something really unique so don't get too caught up in it but we do want to hear each pitch so go as slow as you need to keep that vowel nice and narrow it will help you keep your air nice and focus so you can be precise moving on in keeping with the pattern of adding things too we did our note Bend is just a quick check-in open note bend with the fall off trill know what is next trill with a fall off note here's the doozy give a listen we have if we're trilling downward what's the only direction we can go on our fall off note is up because we can't go it doesn't make any sense musically it's not contained within the chord so we have [Music] doesn't that sound so cool so different so it's a trill down with a fall-off going upward yeah you want to try here we go on it you know keep it manageable keep it nice and tight like a whip here we go [Music] ah yes very easy for us to get ahead of ourselves and one of the things that if we remember from just literally is that gonna go I was saying I wanna hear all those notes now when we start to add fall-off notes as singers we can feel a little rushed to finish it right because we're trying to stay in time with everything but I want to encourage you to take your time that's that's the sequence we really don't want that middle note to get slurred over because we're trying to go whoo it just sounds sounds Wiley so we don't want it to sound Wiley we want it to be nice and crisp so I'll call myself I'll slow us down here we go let's try that again together [Music] there you go there you go a star adding a whole bunch of pitches we lose our way very quickly very quickly so take your time stay grounded so again drill down fall now we're gonna trail up fall down this is very what's up is down what's down is up yes it's very Allison wonderful so we're gonna trill up and fall down so here's for you ear yeah that's our sequence here we go let's give it a try [Music] cool beans so many beans are cool so real quick let's just see again how these pieces fit together we have our essential note Bend then we added the fall off note right so now we have our trill and then we added the fall-off now very cool so do you see how we're slowly adding things to each other can you guess what comes next okay so I'm bringing it home for you in our very last exercise in this introduction to vocal style so again I know just a second ago we took a listen to what we've done already so we have our note been opened with a fall off and then we have our trill right and then the trills with the fall off so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put both of those together and it's gonna feel like a concentric circle you're just pretty much moving in a circular fashion around that that scale which is called a run right so we've got our note Bend with a fall off and then we trill up right so it sounds like this yeah can you hear those pieces [Music] now to switch it and go the other way note man going down yeah cool beans so many beans are cool in this lesson so we're gonna we're gonna go slow and that's what this video is for come back to it as often as you need to to just check in and be like what was that pattern again but and this is an introduction of course style is vast and I'm sure I'll be making more videos on it but could not make those videos before I had some semblance of introduction to this awesome world of rhythmic style so here we go going slow keeping that valent Val listen that southern accent the vowel nice and narrow will start you right here for your ear there's that note man fall off note trill up one more time for your ear okay so let's be so bold let's summon our courage and here we go [Music] cool excellent excellent job so you see how that fits do you see how they fit together and it's like choreography just taking one step and putting it on the next step but they're all distinct to themselves so now let's take this pattern and let's take it back down so we've got the note band going down one more time for air now here we go there's your starting pitcher [Music] yeah excellent give yourself a pat on the back you did it you've begun the awesome journey of vocal style and again you don't have to see it like tap dancing I do because in another life I did tap dancing it was really really beneficial rhythmically speaking so go as slow as you possibly can feel what that feels like as you gradually speed it up you will seem superhuman in the accuracy of your vocal stylings I hope sincerely from the bottom of my heart that you have enjoyed today's video as much as I've loved making it for you if you have give it a good old thumbs up or click that subscribe button below I'd love to see you here more often and if you have something that you would love for me to break down for you then send it my way in the form of an email or a comment I love hearing from you guys I'd love talking to you guys I hope you're having an awesome time and I will see you next time I love
Channel: Madeleine Harvey
Views: 58,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to sing with style, Sing with style, Vocal style, Riffs and runs, Riffs runs and trills, How to sing fast riffs and runs, Vocal agility, Easy riffs and runs, how to sing riffs, How to sing runs, Sing riffs and runs like a pro, How to sound good, Vocal flexibility, How to sing like a pro, how to sing trills, how to sing runs, how to sing bends
Id: InWx7WHunHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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