how I improved my singing for FREE (No vocal coaches)

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel my name is Kayla rose and this is my channel I want to preface this video by saying I do not think I am the best singer out there I do not think I am really revolutionary in any sense of the word but I have gotten a lot of requests since I put out this video a year ago now where I showed you my progress from where I started to where I was that year it's been a year now and so I figured I'd make another progress video slash telling you how I managed to improve my voice without spending any money without vocal coaches no programs I didn't pay for online courses or anything like that everything I did was completely free I will start off by showing you my progress now [Music] [Music] to [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] to skull of a siege [Music] [Music] skill [Music] it's just me singing louder getting more comfortable with actually singing because before I was just nervous that people would hear me and so I tried to keep my voice really quiet and that was not helping me at all so if you're not in an environment to be comfortable with really experimenting with your voice and being able to sing you're not gonna see a whole lot of results at least I didn't I've come to the point where who cares if someone hears you saying if it's bad oh well that sucks don't be afraid to sing just because you're scared that other people are gonna hear you and make fun of you because at the end of the day you're improving yourself and building on a skill that you really want to improve on the more you practice and the more you work on getting better the sooner that skill is going to come more naturally to you another main thing that helped me was I looked up so many videos alright now I'll pop up on the screen some of the main videos that I watched and I still use a lot of the techniques that I learned from these videos a majority of it was just like random people I'd come across and I tried their techniques and some of them stuck and some of them didn't feel good and if one of the things that I was trying wasn't feeling good I just stopped doing it another main thing is aside from videos I just sing a lot you got to know your own voice first there are so many sources out there that can provide you with advice on how to get better and improve your singing but if you don't know your voice it's not gonna help a lot I'm like for me I suck at runs no man and I know that's my weak point so I try not to include a whole lot of those in my singing I like my vibrato though it's just something that I've come to terms with my voice it's just one of my strong suits breasts and runs absolute trash don't ask me did you kick ass some of my favorite exercises I like to do our lip rolls where it seizes up I'm not gonna do these exercises full-out but I just want to give you the main gist of how they work lip roll we're and then you go mmm you know to release tension in your neck you just kind of move your neck around and but you don't go like too crazy with it and then also sirens there's the yeah so on so forth also if I'm singing a song and I can tell that I'm stressing to get the high notes or I'm just not doing good I'll do the vocal fry' or it's just go full grudge for a second but don't force it it should just come out naturally and if it's not coming out naturally then you need to stop it find techniques that work for you and your voice one of my biggest struggle points is pitch it's talks it's so hard I don't know why it's so hard for me what a lot of you point out to me as well in my songs where it's like oh this is good but like your pitch girl work on it I'm trying I try so hard but it's just one of my struggle points and I'm really working on it find the things that you know you need to work on instead of focusing on the things that you may already be like somewhat decent in for example I get comments saying that I have a decent tone so why would I work on getting a better tone when pitch is throwing the whole song completely off like that is a main component of a song is pitch and if I can't get that right then there's really no point in perfecting my tone does that make any sense sure maybe my tone could get a little bit better later and I'll improve on it but right now I need to focus on pitch for us the whole song sounds like garbage anyways breathing is so important and I didn't start implementing proper breathing techniques I don't even know if I'm doing proper breathing techniques now to be honest with you but I have it started focusing on breathing until as of recent and once I started doing that holy cow everything was just so much easier and pitch actually improved me if you check out my last singing video it's the my boy cover people were even pointing out like this is your best cover and I agree because I was really focusing on my breathing I had support throughout the whole song honestly I think breathing and support in that regard is the backbone of singing if you don't have that down singing is going to be so hard it's like trying to play a flute with no air if you have a very little breath coming out you're not gonna be able to play the flute very well your voice is an instrument and in order to have notes or even me talking right now you need air you need support in order to let that out when you breathe check your shoulders like do you go that's not good when singing at least like any other time sure go ahead breathe like that when you breathe you want your stomach to expand your chest to expand when you breathe in through your diaphragm I find that it's easier to focus more of the tension that would be in your throat down in your diaphragm area because that's what's really gonna help support and bring your voice out another good method that I learned in order to increase your breath and how long you're able to sustain a note is that exercise where you breathe and then you keep doing that until it runs out and then you just keep doing that each time just try and hold it a little bit longer and a little bit longer and that'll help with like your breath support and how long able to hold a note for just to kind of recap so far just in case you're getting a little bit lost one of the main important things is breathing if you're constantly doing short breaths from your chest you're not gonna have support there's no support in that and you're gonna run out of breath really quickly and you're not gonna be able to attain those long notes those high notes really focus on your diaphragm and breathing please even look up videos on how to do it properly release tension tension is the killer of singing if you have tension anywhere up here it's gonna affect your voice if you're anticipating a really high note and you automatically start clenching it's like oh my god I know this note is coming you're gonna croak and if you don't croak it's just gonna be not the best sounding thing in the world or it's just gonna hurt when it comes out try to release tension and let them know what come out naturally if you can't hit the highest note that you're wanting don't worry it'll come with time after more practice warm-ups exercises you don't want to force it cuz if you force it it's not gonna sound good know your range improve your range and just let it be that lookup a lot of videos that's what I did so many videos if you're not willing to put in the work to learn those exercises in the first place it's gonna take a whole lot longer for you to improve anything as far as how I learned to sing with my specific style or thing that I like to do I'm just that's my natural voice I'm just letting my natural voice do it I'm not mimicking any other artists like I see a lot of people nowadays are trying to emulate Billy eyelashes on for example start off just getting to know your own voice your own sound and improving that over time instead of starting off trying to M you another person sound right off the bat and like forcing a sound that's not natural to your own voice unless that's a sound that you want to go forth and shoot go for it on here we'll live your best life I think that's another key point is just stick to your sound know your voice improve on your voice because it's unique along the way you'll start getting those little flares those little unique tweaks that feel good to do on your own I think patience is key with learning how to sing as well like you can't expect to be Mariah Carey immediately tomorrow after you watch this video and you call on YouTube and you google a bunch of videos on how to say I still have a long ways to go and I'm not even sure I'm qualified to give advice on how to sing nothing is impossible it's only your mind that makes you think that you have these restraints and it's like oh I can't do that I'm not talented so I'm not even gonna try like just break through those restraints and you can do literally anything you want to do you got to do it makes you happy you know it would set aside other people so those are my tips for now I'll probably come out with a two-year singing progress video really soon so you guys can see transformation if you will from when I first started to Midway to now good luck I hope this helped you if you enjoyed this video and you want to follow along with my progress and singing please be sure to subscribe down below into the Bell button to be notified that I've posted I also have an Instagram side of bench row seventeen you can go check that out if you'd like if you enjoyed this video please be sure to give it a big thumbs up and let me know you liked it that's it for me today thank y'all so much for watching and I'll see you my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Kayla Rose
Views: 596,282
Rating: 4.9700627 out of 5
Keywords: singing, transformation, improve, improvement, singing improvement, singing progress, how i improved my singing, no vocal coaches, vocal, coach, lessons, voice lessons, free, lifestyle, beauty, fashion, ariana, grande, ariana grande, cover, into you ariana, into you ariana grande cover, adventurose, adventurose17, kayla rose
Id: xjWJ9NEeth0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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