how to belt high notes when you sing - vocal exercise

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[Music] hey guys I'm Madeleine Harvey and thank you so much for joining me today in our video we're going to be talking about how to belt hi so if you liked today's video please be sure to give it a thumbs up or click that subscribe button below I would love to see you here more often belting is awesome it gives the distinct emotional impression that you are in command of your voice and you are holding nothing back our objective of today's video is to allow that awesome belt of yours to effortlessly coordinate higher notes but at the same time reducing force and excess pressure this is really going to give you that awesome combination of both strength and freedom now the sound that we're going to be playing with in today's video is in no way a finished sound but it's meant to be used as a temporary coordination to really get that ball rolling for you this sound is really going to allow us to engage the components that are necessary for a nice healthy belt the craziness of the sound is a direct result of some very specific muscles that we're isolating so don't judge the quality of your sound not today go ahead and allow yourself to experience the access that this sound is really giving your voice once you become really familiar with that then you know that you can always play with its quality until you have your most desired result until then give in to the power of the crazy sound go ahead and allow this sensation to turn into muscle memory and then allow that muscle memory to translate into your songs are you ready to get started here we go so when choosing the perfect exercise in order to coordinate a belt high the very first thing that we have to do is remove pressure from the throat and we do this by over emphasizing our mix now whenever we're talking about belting or singing for that matter there's always this interplay between three main registers the chest voice the mixed voice and the head voice now without getting into too much detail today in today's video I want you to just simplify it by saying it all feels like funny speech and we're going to discover that by doing this exercise we're going to say as if we were the little aliens from Toy Story we're gonna say go ahead and feel that funny speech I did tell you now I want you to hear can you hear your mouth oh yeah can you hear your nose yeah can you hear your head yeah so that's how we know we've got a good coordination that is going to help us over exaggerate our mixture so that our chest and our head can come closer together so think of your mix as being kind of like glue that brings those coordination z' together and keeps them close we know that when we're singing belting it's very dramatic is very stylized and it's also delicious but again we want to remove the pressure from the throat and allow for the chest voice to lighten to prepare for those finer thinner coordination zuv head voice and again there's where we have our funny little mix in play so although we're gonna go through this exercise and it's gonna sound wacky crazy I want you to stay with it stay in the room with your sensations and feel what you feel the more you play with this the more you're going to start mixing and melting by default so it's all gonna feel like easy musical speech so here's the exercise we've activated our crazy alien and now we're just gonna open a little bit in the back and say laugh [Music] good so I feel a little bit that myself pallet lifts and the back of my tongue flattens ever so gently but I'm over emphasizing that l that brings me forward so with there I'm gonna go [Music] could you hear as I approach that higher note that there was no emphasis from the throat at all good now you try here we go [Music] you [Music] now again we're over emphasizing that crazy toy store alien so we shouldn't feel that we need to reach up to those notes instead I want you to feel that you're coming down to those notes try [Music] [Music] [Music] you good good good not really now we notice sorry if that was annoying we noticed that as we go higher the tone must shift the tone must shift so they're in the dominance between the way we felt it when we first started and where we're feeling it now and that dominance is a shift into head dominance so as we approach that part of our range we have to over accentuate all the more so we're gonna go even though that's crazy let it feel very even and again funny speech like coming through here ah [Music] [Music] coupe now again it's all very speech like so I don't want to overcomplicate it for you I actually want to simplify it and say let it feel funny and let it feel speech like but at the same time I want you to know what's happening on the inside of your instrument so as you contend continue to play with this all you have to do to bring it back to normalcy is to just start to let go a little bit more a little bit more and a little bit more and work it into a normal speech let it be easy for you let it feel like speech thank you so much for joining me today I hope you've enjoyed today's lesson if you have please feel free to give it a thumbs up or click the subscribe button below I'd love to see you here more often and if you have an idea for a video that you'd like to see please feel free to leave it in the comments portion of today's video thank you so much for hanging out with me I've loved every minute of it and I will see you next time bye you
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Views: 213,815
Rating: 4.9683042 out of 5
Keywords: Madeleine Harvey, How to belt high, How to sing really high, How to sing high, How to belt, belt high, How to belt without strain, How to sing loud, Sing powerful high notes, How to belt high notes, How to belt high without strain, Belt, Singing tutorial, Sing high notes with ease
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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