5 Easy Techniques to the Perfect Vocal Tone

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what up guys it's your boy Matt from Ramsey voice calm thank you so much for watching this video we have to talk about your vocal tone this is something that a lot of people email me about they're like hey I really want to improve my vocal tone and it's for a good reason it's because vocal tone is a really really difficult singing concept for a lot of people to master in other words a lot of people have crazy range they can sing like way down at the bottom part of their voice they can sing like all the way to the top part of their voice but I've got a question for you how good do those notes sound your voice do they sound really squeaky and really nasally these are all coming as a result of your vocal tone so we need to talk about vocal tone three main things you're gonna get out of today you're gonna learn exactly what vocal tone is you're gonna learn exactly how the correct an optimal vocal tone is actually created and I'm gonna give you five exercises to improve your vocal tone today so before we get started you know what you have to do you have to smash that like button you have to comment with the next kind of video that you want to see me do and make sure that you subscribe and turn on notifications for this channel by the way if you find this video helpful make sure to pick up my complete singing course and master your voice it's gonna help you improve and it's gonna get you a lot a lot a lot of great stuff more than we can have time to cover today so let's jump in what is vocal tone vocal tone or your vocal timbre is the unique sound or color of a person's voice so like if you hear my voice and you compare it to Obama's voice who's like very declarative and a little bit darker and a little bit deeper my voice is a lot higher it's probably a little bit brassier it's a little bit brighter it's a little bit louder because this is a little bit darker deeper Andy and some of his phrases you know on an upwards kind of sound and this is all aspect of vocal tone vocal tone in singing might be the very reason why you love some of the singers that you do why people love absolutely love Adele and Sam Smith whereas there are others and tons and tons of other singers that can hit some of the exact same notes but they hit them in slightly different ways that slightly different way is everybody's unique vocal tone so a vocal tone is something that you've been really struggling with you're not a crazy fan of your vocal tone maybe it's too breathy maybe it's too nasally or maybe it's too pressed or too tight this is all stuff that we can work on and I can give you some great exercises to help with now before we jump into the exercises to actually improve your vocal tone I promised you that I was going to tell you exactly what the optimal vocal tone is now it's probably easier to say what the right vocal tone is not as you probably heard you know we don't want our vocal tone to be too breathy we don't want it to be too nasally too pressed too effortful sounding too strained too dark or too bright we want it to be kind of like right in the middle which means that it's not nasal its resonant without being too bright it's not too dark it's a good balance of both bright and dark sounds and it sounds pretty effortless it sounds pretty close to a person's speech level like this and then they're like well thank you guys very much you know that they're altering something in their local tone now a lot of people do that on purpose and that's totally fine I'm actually talking to the folks that are trying to improve something about their vocal tone that they don't like right now so how do we get the perfect vocal tone well vocal tone is a really interesting aspect of singing in that vocal tone it actually comes from two primary systems in singing so there are three main systems in saying there's a respiration my breathing feeds into the phonation system which is my vocal cords vibrating together which actually creates the sound that then gets shaped by my resonation system or kind of like everything that happens above the vocal cords my pharynx the position of my larynx my tongue my teeth all this stuff that's a resonation system now with vocal tone we need to talk primarily about the second to the phonation system and the resonation system so you need to have these two guys in perfect balance and what I mean by that is if you were looking at the phoenicians system and we're looking at the way that my vocal cords are vibrating the vocal cords aren't vibrating strongly enough breathy tone and it's going to be really difficult to actually get a good tone that's rich sounding in that in other words if my vocal cords aren't vibrating enough like it doesn't matter how perfect my resonation system is it's just gonna still sound really breathy alternatively if you know with my phone a ssin system or my vocal cords I'm pressing everything too tight again I can have everything perfect up here but if this guy's screwed up it's not gonna sound right my vocal tone is still gonna be screwed up but let's say that everything with the phonation system or my vocal cords is working totally fine and I've got a ah perfectly beautiful tone but something's wrong in my resonation system let's say that maybe my soft palate is a little bit too low so I've got this beautiful ah tone but my palate is too low so I'm I'm singing into my nose it's too nasal alternatively you know I could actually have my soft palate too high or my larynx too low and even though my vocal cords are working great I so I'm like Oh an opera singer oh we want to keep everything in balance so the best way to do that the best of the best best way my friends is to just go back to the spoken level of your sound so I'm gonna show you some really really great exercises that are gonna help you fix your vocal tone immediately if you're afraid that you've been singing too nasal or to breathy anything anything that gets away from who you think you really are as a singer and as a perfect of vocal tonus I'm gonna help you fix that right now I'm gonna give you five exercises okay now the first thing that we're gonna do is we're just gonna talk on the notes for a moment and what I mean by that is very literally what we're gonna do is we're actually going to say some words along with specific notes and so in this particular case we're just gonna do what I like to call the five tone count and what that means is we're basically going to count to five one two three four five and back down on notes so it's gonna be like one two three four five four three two one guys you guys can start right here so a 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 one two three four five four three two one now notice that I didn't one two three four five just one two three four five I just kept that kind of spoken sound in my voice the entire time and that's exactly what you didn't want to do now don't worry if you're feeling like this sounds like really ugly or - like Plain Jane or - flat or something like that that's a way you actually have to find your vocal tone especially for people that are singing too nasal or - breathy we're gonna just giving them a one two three four or five no just say it they're like one two three no just say it one two three four five that fixes everything perfectly now let's do the same thing for the ladies ladies we'll start right from around here on a g3 so we'll go up 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 and again notice I'm not going to 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 so if you get lost just go back to the way that you speak it great the next exercise for you guys to improve your vocal tone is a fantastic one and it's again gonna sound really really strange really really weird but I promise you it works it's called the five tone GUG so we're gonna stick with that same five-tone scale this time though rather than sync 1 2 3 4 5 we're gonna do it on a GUG like you're saying the word gut but with a G at the end so like a gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah ladies let's start that same thing right here so like a gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah breathy gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah is just spoken gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga now you'll notice that as I do that none of them are going to breathy Gaga none of them are going to nasal and they're not to press God God good I'm just going with my speaking voice like I'm saying gut gut gut God God God and it's gonna turn out perfect now there are a lot of people that are gonna even have a hard time making the Gugs a little bit less nasally and that's just because of the impact that the gugg has on the glottis so instead what we're gonna do is we're gonna force your soft palate to raise a little bit so rather than being lowered enough we're gonna actually make that sucker rise up a little bit and all we're gonna do is we're just gonna change the consonant from a G to a B so it's gonna be the exact same thing like a but this time we'll do it on buh buh buh like you're seeing the word but so it'd be like a buh bah bah bah bah bah buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh-buh-buh good luck making that nasal you're not gonna be able to because the soft palate which is a part of the resonation system has to rise up a little bit for that the larynx is gonna be a little bit lower the soft palate is gonna rise up and you're gonna have all this space kind of in the back of your throat that's gonna make everything just feel really open and nice and relaxed and that's exactly what you want to feel when you're singing ladies will do the same thing right here on the g3 so I go buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh no if by some miracle some of that still sounds like really breathy or nasal just really focus on saying the word but like you're saying but on each one buh buh buh buh and you'll be home free now what I want to help you do next is this is all like well and good on the lower notes in your voice but we want to sing high notes really well and that's especially where people's vocal tone kind of suffers because what you'll see happens is like people start off with a beautiful vocal tone at the bottom part of their voice they're like a gah gah gah and then once they go to the top part of their voice they just strained to the bejeezus belt they're like gah gah gah good good good good uh so I'm going to tempt you right now to try not to do that I'm gonna give you some exercises to help you avoid that but if you feel that things are getting really tense really tight breathy nasal anything that is not close to your speaking voice and which would reset go back to the way that you actually say the word and then go back into the scale so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna do the same GUG GUG GUG exercise but this time we're gonna do it on an octave repeat scale so rather than doing that gah gah gah gah gah we're gonna walk up to a top now it's like a gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah so guys you can join me right here like a gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga notice that nothing is good good good good god guy it's like I'm saying good good that's crazy gosh gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah let's do one more for the guys gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah awesome job really really try to focus on keeping that just as relaxed and as spoken as you can and you will be well on your way now ladies let's do the same thing I'm gonna start you at a b4 on top so it's gonna be again an octave repeat up to the top note and back down so it'll be like this gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga just sing it gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah lame just ain't good and there it is you guys have done a fantastic job so far it so I want to just challenge you with one more exercise that's gonna be really really difficult for a lot of people because so far both the G consonant and the B consonant are gonna be pretty good at preventing some of the nasality or some of the breath enos that you might encounter they're both gonna get the vocal cords to vibrate a little bit more strongly a little bit more thickly and resist the air more but sometimes we don't get the benefit of always singing on G and B consonants when we're singing a song sometimes with singing songs screws us up so what we need to do is we actually need to prepare for that so the last exercise that I'm going to give you is going to be the same scale that octave repeat but this time we're gonna do it on mum like you're saying the word mother with an M at the end and the reason this one's gonna be tough is because M is actually a nasal consonant or in nasal is what they call it in like speech so whenever you say mmm-hmm you'll notice that my mouth is closed and it's all going into my nose so purposefully we're actually going kind of nasal here but the goal here is to get some of the same feeling that you got on like the Bob Bob Bob to a mom so it's not really or where it's just too breathy instead we want a nice balanced mom mom so guys I'm gonna start you right here we're going up to the e4 on top and we're just gonna repeat like this mom again notice that I'm not squeezing I'm just allowing it like I'm saying mother ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma mom now let's do one for the ladies ladies so let's start here again around that beef or on top [Music] mama-mama ma-ma-ma-ma-ma and again with that mom really really try to avoid it going into your nose on that one again that's just like a challenge for you guys to try on your own you did such a fantastic job you try these exercises a little bit every day you will be amazed at how great your vocal tone sounds guys if you found this video helpful make sure it hit like comment with the next kind of video that you want to see me do subscribe turn on notifications check out my complete singing course master your voice for all this stuff and a whole lot more I'll see ya later
Channel: Ramsey Voice Studio
Views: 16,549
Rating: 4.9425416 out of 5
Keywords: How to improve your tone, how to sing better, how to sing, improve your tone, how to improve your vocal tone, vocal tone, how to change tone, singing lessons for beginners, vocal exercises, perfect vocal tone, singing lessons, tips to sing better, vocal technique, online singing tutorial, vocal coach, matt ramsey, ramsey voice studio, have better tone, vocal tone exercises, improve vocal tone, improve your voice, tips for how to sing better
Id: HpWEfqMm7dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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