How to sharpen a bandsaw blade, Mr. Robert's operation, Cook's cat claw sharpener & setter

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hey everybody thomas here and today i'm with mr robert and he's going to show us undoing a blade here as long as the chickens and dog get out of the way that one didn't do it sometimes it happens so there's a couple ways to do it if you don't have gloves on it's not a bad idea just to throw it out there third time's a charm it does happen to me too there you go you're gonna do this one by hand all right so one of the things we want to talk about is uh sharpening blaze now we've did a video on this way back in the past we're going to go over and mr roberts new shop in there if you're here for the sawmill show that was literally the christening of the shop he hadn't had it open that long it's raining outside but uh you know bear with us as we get through this first things first what he does is he throws this on his um cleaning device if you will so this wheel right upgraded yeah upgraded because beforehand he was only running one of the uh the steel cleaners there now he's got a dual one on there so he'll show us how it works go ahead so he just turns it on he's got a little groove there he slides it in and this is literally now you can see that rust just coming off this is one way he cleans the blade this gets rid of any uh burrs anything hanging on there the rust he also will soak the blades just for a short period and vinegar to help break that rust off and while his cleaning we're going to show you something new that he while he's sharping excuse me we'll show you something new that he added to his sharpener that will in fact make these blades rust prevented we'll say there's rust prevention added to him so it's pretty neat so again he does one side and then he'll invert the blade there you go he just flips it around now there was a question the other day hey my blade was cutting in the wrong direction what happened you just invert the blade literally you bend it in itself and again takes off both sides and just cleans all that rust off there to try to get the blade cleaned up and also that helps to get the the teeth ready for sharpening um if you have like little particles of rust and debris and stuff on there that could throw off your uh your gauges on your dial indicators on your setter so this is one way to make sure that we know what the blade's condition is and also it makes it easier to see if there's any cracks or any kind of imperfections in the blade again he's going to invert this blade again let's see if we can show this a little bit closer [Music] he just whips it in there you go all right so now we're going to head into the shop and show the rest of this all right so we're here inside of robert's shop and as you can see these are orders that are complete that are waiting for pickup by customers this shop right here was all the wood was cut by yours truly of course i did it for my buddy mr robert everything so the hardwood floors here this is water oak and live oak there's some live oak pieces there kind of like the brownish color and the water oak and of course all this beautiful pine uh wall and everything he did really cool thing with the metal around but on his uh setter right here uh he's placing the blade in there he's going to go over this but one of the things i want to talk about if you're here at the show he may have talked about this too he buys these zip ties if you will and for every hundred blades that's one of these bags so there's one two three four five six seven eight there's eight bags there that here okay so you know assuming there might be a little bit lost the man since february has almost sharpened 900 blades so that's not bad for pretty much a one-man gig now his son does come out here and helps him from time to time when he gets a large large order but it's really impressive how many blades mr robert has sharpened since february that's almost 900 blades i'm gonna tell you i get blades in here from every manufacturer that makes a saw blade and i'm going to just tell you it's all that weird double hardened 847 and all that in my opinion they can throw that in the river it just it would even make a good fish bank or nothing oh what is what is your blade of choice my blade of choice is just a just a common standard blade like this one right here this is all uh this is yeah this is a timber king ultramax but he's also a really big fan of the meisenheimer blades which i believe they're nicholson stock or something to that effect yeah nick meisenheimer out of morristown tennessee makes a very good blade uh cooks ripper blades are good blades i have several customers that swears by the rippers i guess what i really need to tell you is if you got a blade that cuts really good for you no matter what it is you stick with that blade that's exactly right and for me these timber king ultramaxes they've worked really well i have run cooks in the past before but i do like these blades they seem to run well my buddy mr jack he likes to run cooks blades on his mill so it's kind of all over the place it's personal preference all the sharpening aspect if you get a blade that's double hardened out here on the tape if you sharpen if you set your angles too high up on the tip of the tooth you will snap it off yes and we saw that just the other day when we had some actually a subscriber on my channel out here we saw that we were trying to set a blade and it was one of these super duper hardened ones or anything and it was like every other tooth was wanting to snap you have to you have to drop down you never push on the tip you have to drop down in here toward the gullet a little bit yes and then you could do very well in setting the teeth i set the 20 thousands unless the customer asked for something different i sharpened to eight degrees unless a customer asked for something different and from time to time i will ask for a six degree blade if we're cutting some really hard stuff and now a six degree blade will run a little bit slower and i am working on putting together a video that shows the difference but really there's not a whole lot of difference six degrees those are the ones that i say for the really really wide say black walnut oak something that's going to put a lot of pressure on the blade but i want to take small little cuts at a time all right so for you folks that don't live down here in south mississippi that's watching this video the most important thing in this shop is this baby right here which is this is a new addition because for the past however many years you've never had that in your sharpening shop i built this little room it's uh 13 by 20 by nine foot tall i wish i'd built it ten foot tall nine works ten would have been better and i have six to eight inches of sprayed in foam insulation in all the walls and eight inches in the ceiling and my floor is insulated so that was sprayed by uh mr howe lewis howell here from southern comfort spray foam down in loose dell mississippi you can see it coming out up here yeah he did a fantastic job and everything but we have insulated this room again it's like five to six inches of spray foam in here and this room can turn into ice box if you're here for the samos show june 12th a lot of people hung out here this this is where this this lucky guy here hung out while i'm out there sweating it out there i am so thankful there were lots of setting questions yeah he got to stay in here so i've mechaniced on this stool all day put a rear into that all right so he's going to go over some setting information here because i'm trying to learn i have a cook's cat claw sharpener center as well as a timber king sharpener etc but setting is one of the things i am not good at and i have to do a video that i'm going to watch myself to get better at all right we cleaned the blade out there y'all watched us clean the blade i brought it in here and i adjusted my rollers to suit my the length of my blade and i have blades anywhere from 39 inches 139 inches to 229 inches so they're all i'm constantly changing the set so i butt it in here the first thing i do i usually take a take a little bit of wd and i lubricate my dial indicators make sure they're working properly and that's one thing he really likes about this the fact that you can see real time indication of what your set is and it tells you because you may have a tooth in there that's way off way under or way over and leave that exactly exactly right so i'll bring my blade up so he's bringing to the dial indicators are on the flat portion of the blade and the gullet lower portion of the gullet so we're having to move i had to move that two thousandths of an inch and what he did is he just zeroed these so he zeroed his dial indicator so he knows what he's working from okay so we got him zero so we're gonna drop this back down and how high do you like to have the blade this is a this is a cook's instrument and i will tell you that cook tells you to have the gullet of the blade right right here flush with the top of this block okay and the top of this block in here okay now however if you can you get in here thomas if you come in here and you look these these are your anvils this this one pushes this way this one pushes that way so you want to make sure that that anvil is a 16th or so below the tip of that tooth okay if you don't you're going to risk breaking it or chipping it off just snapping those teeth off and we may do that here so anyway we're going to take a look at it so we have zeroed our dial indicator okay i'm gonna put this right here i'll bring this up and now i'm gonna turn my anvils in to where they're touching the tooth okay not pushing but just touching okay all right and right and that shows you what the current set is so this is seventeen seventeen thousandths and that one's twelve yeah that's that's pretty far off so what i'm gonna do is advance this without adjusting pushing on these angles annie i'm going to advance this a couple of times so we're 19 000 and we're back to 11 there okay so i know that was 15 11 15 11 16 11. so i know that i need to tighten up on this right here and i need to tighten up a little bit over here okay so he just brought the anvils in i brought the anvils in so we're up to about 18 here and we're about 14 here so i need to go a little more here if you go a little bit at the time you won't over extend your over set your teeth yep that's it real easy to do whenever you get down to works close just a very minute adjustment on this we'll move that thing several thousands all right so i'm going to go ahead and sweep into the inside here so i give the viewers a little bit closer look all right so now we have this one here set on 20 and this one here on 18. so we're going to just tweak that a little bit still about 18 21 so i'm gonna slack off here just a touch and i'm gonna tweak here just a little bit now every blade that you do you will have to set the center up you cannot just set it and forget it this is not a turkey cooker let me tell you something when i went down to cooks so we're set right on 20 and 20. okay 21 and 20. so i count that's one two that's a little off three we need to tighten this up a little bit we're gonna start that over we're gonna start that count over and that blade would say i am in a thin part of this blade people will tell you that that blade's the same thickness all the way around that blade is not the same thickness that's exactly right so it will change and then it will change thickness and then when you get to where the blade was welded together yeah i cut myself that's a everyday thing yeah so everything on here is sharp the blade is actually decently sharp too um but i think i was cutting some oak with it but but down there they tell you to take this little wrench right here they'll tell you to take this little wrench and then tighten this up that's on your anvil which i've never never tightened that thing up because i'm he goes hand tight that's it i can do finger tight as tight as i can get it with my finger because he's constantly adjusting this to make sure he's getting the most accurate set that he can we gotta back this up so that's what happened see we're right at 20 21 that's one i think you set your uh you didn't i didn't i didn't have them tight well yeah okay i got a head myself yep two okay they're all hitting pretty good and that's why i don't tighten these down because if i if i come over two thousandths i'll adjust that and make it come back in cook says set within if you're within four thousandths that's good enough just rock and roll with this thing because this thing's made for speed not accuracy i i like my customers and i like doing this work if i give if i send out bad blades it won't be long i won't have any customers so i try to stay within two to three thousands and he's pretty dang accurate that as you can see right now i'm watching via my screen here but it's they're looking pretty dang close see i'll go around this thing till i get it consistent and see that one was too far so i'm going to bring it back a little bit yeah so take a look at that tool he has in his hand there this is essentially just a bolt that he did he cut a little slot in and he uses that to bring uh the the teeth back or in if they if they're not far enough or out too far that's a very important tool to have that's a robert westfall engineered tool it's not patented so if you want to make one knock yourself out takes me just a few minutes to get this thing set but once i get it set where i want it that's pretty close two three four that's the spot on all right now that that was five teeth that i had on twenty thousandths so i know that from right there to right there that's five teeth going that way so that's one two three four five so that's the fifth two right past the edge of this that's your fifth two you can always count on that so the fifth tooth meaning that's that's the fifth set of three so that's a 15th tooth from here so yeah that's right in other words that's the fifth tooth set i call that my left i call this my right correct so that's my fifth two set to the left side even though i set one left one right one straight i call that my fifth tooth from right here yep going in the left hand yeah so he knows he has that section set right there he's gonna set until it comes back around to that um white out mark there that's right they're shooting pretty good and again heat every single blade is unique no blade you can't just throw multiples up here and want to do that so again he's correcting a tooth right there i mean this is the level of effort he puts into this this is far more than i think you're going to get from some of the the mass manufacturers who do this on a you know hundreds and hundreds of these blades a day he individualized individually goes through every blade and does this so i i'm impressed and i am very satisfied with the level effort and the way these blades cut when he's done now these blades right here i the only thing i wish i had a way to determine how many times i've had a blade sharpened i guess if i kept track of certain blades or anything some had had a way to mark them or something like that but really i just run a blade till it goes which could be five sharpenings could be four sharpies could be six sharpenings i i really don't know and you'll see we're to show a blade here in a second we really make sure we get a full sweep of the gullet to ensure that we deadhead any cracks that may form after you run a blade many many times you'll start to see a crack forming at the lower portion of the gullet uh where that stress is right on the face that tooth if you draw a line straight down everything that's where you're gonna see the highest stress on your blade because essentially you know that that's the pivot point of that tooth or anything and that's where a crack will form and if you properly set your teeth you know not any one tooth is gonna be taking more load than another and then when you sharpen your teeth as long as you sweep that gull and everything you'll help to grind out any crater cracks or cracks that are forming there in the gullet so i'm going to go ahead and uh stop shooting for here because you can actually we're almost back around so i'll just keep shooting until it just shows you so probably about three four minutes it don't take long yeah you can see the white white out mark is coming back around and there's a couple teeth in there so i may have hit something with this blade or who knows what there we go so now we're going to go ahead and switch over to the sharpener so i'm going to hop out here and i'll start shooting again correction robert want to say something whatever whenever i finish sharpening the blade i always back off the yes hold out on my anvils and i back them up six half turns now whenever i put the next blade on there none of these these animals will not be touching the blade anywhere yeah whenever i zero my blade you don't run a risk of it won't have any deflection at this point okay that's good that's a good thing always go back to something where it's not touching so you're not influencing your diet start over on every blade start from zero on every blade if you want to get a true set blade exactly always you never know when you've run into a dog on your sawmill or a piece of concrete in a limb or and trust me that does happen and uh or hit something and i have got blades in here where all the teeth are leaning that way really hard oh yeah we saw one the other day it looked like it was 45 degrees one direction every single tip let me hop out here now he's gonna go over to the sharpener now what i was talking about earlier in the video mr ingenuity here we did see this on searching for sawmills episode number one the green machine of green county there was like this blade lubrication system it's very high-tech it's on the sawmill though he is thinking head he's went ahead got a pvc end cap like a this is a what a three four okay three inch cap and everything with some really really expensive stuff and i've got wd-40 in here yeah w-40 and a nut because i knew i needed my sponge up a little high yeah a really expensive sponge there but again wd-40 he places the blade through that as he's sharpening he is again oiling your blade which is pretty awesome again just another step uh in there and everything keeps the blade clean also prevents flash rust to occur uh while the blade's just sitting around waiting for you to use it one time so yeah very very cool little addition that he's done here and really just some uh you know ingenuity it helps your blade puts a little oil on your blade and it helps the blade to cut down on friction sliding through this block well i put a little more tension on here maybe than most people who own a piece of equipment like this does but whatever that blade whenever that rock comes down across the face of that tooth i don't want this loose enough that it's going to push that tooth i want that tooth to stay still so it cuts down the face of that tooth down the gullet and up the tip of the tooth that's gonna do the same thing on every one give him one high here one higher here one low one over here every one of these teeth is going to do a job on that log and it's got a cut that's what it does now let's let's take a look at the stone here again the man sharpens some blades a stone starts off like that and it's down to that so pretty impressive that was about what yeah i like yeah i'm mike and sharp i really need to put another this rock right here i need to change this i need to change this cam because this cam is actually those blades i sharpened for your dad those cooked blades yes were almost like those 47 blades okay so i need to change this okay so we'll show the changing of this [Music] which is again how many cams do you have uh about five okay five different cams and one of your customers from bogalusa didn't have a one inch tooth spacing or something i have a couple blades here with one inch two spacers but he also now i have 60 blades out here that are three quarter two three quarter toothpaste you have to have that three quarter cab to go on here to do that yeah so and that is something that's really interesting about the the cook system as as the easy change out of the cams or anything and uh just the fact that they have a lot of different cams in stock because they know people who are running these systems these uh cat claw sharpener and centers everything they are uh they're sharpening not only for themselves but oftentimes for many people because this is literally this is a sharpener you'd use for a business he doesn't put it on there tight at all hold up we're gonna try very cold got it there we go ready and i hold back on this and i loosen this is inside this gear box on this little motor here it's got these little brass gears in there yes and if i put a lot of torque on them i'm going to strip those little gears and i have done that i don't want that to happen again yes that gear box is quite expensive a little over 300 yeah exactly so don't do that treats your equipment uh nice and it will last a long time so again the cam that he just took off there is a 7 8 8 degrees sdc it's a lot larger yeah see the difference in them huh oh okay so you're running a 7 8 wood miser what's sdc it's probably uh who knows sdc it's sd6 there you go now you all have to ask god what that is i just know it works on those 747 blades yeah or 47 i call them 747 yeah whichever those are who makes those blades those were cooks okay wood miser makes one also yeah they make the uh seven seven degree they call them and i and i don't have to tend to to go with my daddy's philosophy on that and my daddy would say i wouldn't knock a hog in the rear end whatever [Laughter] now if any of you blade manufacturers out there hear that i'm sorry that's just how i feel about the blood yeah mr robert he's a who so yeah so again with the cook system you're able to run multiple different cams or anything it's a very user user-friendly system but it's just it's a system that's you know they know that people are buying this are oftentimes gonna be running a sharpening business and and mr robert sharpening business he's he's done quite well as you can see almost 900 blades [Music] all right i really need to put another rock in there because you ain't going to be able to see with that rock okay you want me to show that or you want to pause it let me see what this one to do let's see what this is don't if you can't see with this we'll put a new boat right okay and there usually is a cover on that robert doesn't never have no cover on nothing it's just something to get in the way that cover is just i'm sorry oh no he's not sorry osha i don't uh all that stuff you got to take it loose every time not me yeah he's running the business here and he's he's a one-man show for the most part so yeah and whenever you go another thing here if you got one of these and whenever you go from one cam to another if you're not careful you'll cut this blade in too yes when that rock comes yes always set it higher and work it down into the actual teeth always go higher just like on the setter setting it at zero for something else about this two that i like thomas has a timber king center and sharpener whatever you turn it on whatever you turn on thomas's it's full out it goes about that fast or faster doesn't it it's about yeah it's about that fast there is no there's no adjustment adjustment you can't speed it up or slow it down but this one here granny [Laughter] oh that was about half wide open whenever i just showed that so again every single blade now a sharpener is a lot easier to use in the setter because you know it's really if you can figure out which way you need to advance the blade based on how it's cutting so again he's going to bring it into the the face of the tooth and then he's going to start working the advancement of the blade forward or back in order to get that full sweep of the gullet that was a heavy grind and now he's gonna speed it up and that will be a very sharp blade so again let's see if i can get a good [Music] video let's see what this oh that's a sharp cut though i don't know but one thing's sharper than that what's that it ain't me the sharpest thing in the world is a park okay it will go through your britches and never cut a thread wow that's that's pretty sharp [Laughter] so what i'm going to do is we're going to go ahead and stop it right here and then we will show uh when i restart the video changing out the stone so stay tuned all right before we show him setting on a new stone and everything he's going to talk about this one now this is one of those for those crazy 747 blades everything with a really really high teeth high sharp teeth i call them yep them that ain't worth yeah i don't like so what he does he has this the the cam that he uses matches up to the stone he uses because his sensors are so high of a peak they they've got a very as you can see steep angle there on the extra stone itself so we're going to show him facing a stone too when he puts this new stone on but yeah so he keeps that set together for those who bring him blades he does not like and i don't like them i tell the people to pray well i don't like them in fact there's a few people who have actually switched to some other blades such as the meisenheimers one of our buddies mr les he really likes the miser hummers now he switched from the uh those wood mizer seven what do you call it turbos turbos yeah yeah the rock is just wore out yes it is yes it is it's kind of like me here's the wall of shame now thomas this is the new rock that i got let's give her a go so it's a little different this is a these rocks here are this is a 40 grit drop okay and this is a 60. okay this is a little fighter grip this is coarse i've not used one of these but we're going to try there we go so he's going to show us facing the stone and everything is there a certain side that goes on or doesn't really matter yeah this side right here yeah that's it look at that i feel there you go so again by not having that cover plate on here he can easily uh get to this and i'm constantly changing these oh yeah i'll change from cam to rock i have like when i change the cam i have a rock ground to fit that now if i got to stop take these three little screws loose every time you never get nothing done it's just aggravating it is it is that sometimes i get aggravated but we understand why they do it you know safety because there's going to be some knucklehead he's going to want to stick his finger into the moving spinning thing rock on there always stand to the side yes because you never want a rock to like fall apart on you i let it run for a minute the rock's gonna be okay a lot of people say tap on it a little bit if it's broken you can hear it that's a good rock okay now he's gonna grind this rock i've got to grind this rock to make sure it's round all the way around and then we're going to put a little bevel so which side do you grind this side okay never this side there we go okay it'll look like i'm gonna grind on that a little bit actually i'm just making sure the face of it is smooth and flat and level it out now he's done this enough he kind of knows what the shape has to look like so he'll get it roughed in and then with the blade that he's using the blade will actually form these stones to the correct angle needs to be this is just doing the initial work so you're not cutting into your blade very important that you face your stone if you don't do this you will absolutely destroy a blade it's just like kissing your sister hey nothing too now if you go kiss your buddy sister it may be something today quotes of mr robert yeah so as you can see he just roughly he didn't do anything to the side again he rounded this edge right here and then now we're going to use the actual blade to kind of finish it out now this is the blade we didn't show on film i set this blade now this blade set a lot easier than the other one and sometimes they're just blades that are set better just do that and the other one i may have hit something so robert had to work out a little bit harder this one here you know it set like a dream i mean i was able to do it it couldn't be that hard let me tell you about these saw blades i sold lumber for years and years and years i bought a lot of saw blades first place these sawmills these little band saw saw bells when they came out they were called one-man sawmills they were built for a man to he got a tree blow down on his property he buys him a sawmill he saws it up he builds him a smoke house or a honk pin or a chicken house or put some porch on his house or something like that's what they were built for maybe build you a little cabin in the woods then they got so popular so people said i'm gonna buy me one of them i'm going into production i'm gonna start cooking lumber for people well that is what a lot of people have done but let me tell you about this blade this blade here is either 35 or 42 000 thick and sometimes a little different from that but 40 35 42 000 it's got teeth on it they hardened from about right here up there that's where they hardened that and that blade's only going to do so much work it's kind of like an old man like me i could get out there and mow the front yard but don't ask me to mow the backyard until i go in and watch gun smoke get me a glass of tea then i might go out there and mow the backyard but uh when this blade cuts two or three logs depending on what you cut and you you set that dial on your sawmill and it starts cutting down through there and you like the speed that it's cutting after it's cut a lot or two it's gonna slow down then you tweak it a little bit and it'll speed back up the next time it's throws down a little bit change that blade yes that blade has already done everything that you can ask of it because what's going to happen is you go you pushing that you're fatiguing the blade you'll start getting wavy you're not going to be happy and your customers are not going to be happy that's exactly right so it's best to keep a sharp blade and a blade that is set properly and also again the same thing if you run a blade you know if you try to get five 600 or more board foot of a blade you're putting a lot of stress in that blade you're you're asking a lot of it and they just won't last that long so what my betty my buddy mr jack does and a lot of my buddies you literally like what robert was saying if you're cutting at a speed you like that speed if you're flying through that log if it starts slowing down time is money change that blade out take it to someone like mr robert and he'll sharpen up for you for a small fee and then be on your merry way it will the blade will last you a lot longer too because once you put once you start putting pressure on that blade it's riding against your your roller guide stomp putting heat in the back of the blade it'll put a ridge on that on your roller guide it'll it'll reduce the life of them plus it'll reduce the life of your blade and it's just best to go ahead and put a good sharp blade on there and cut good lumber and sometimes i mean for me the most blades i've gone through today is about four or five my buddy jack he's gone through eight to ten blades a day depending on what he's cutting if you get a job are you cutting one inch dimension oak all day long well that's just that's a lot you're asking of your blade to do and they're really big logs that's just a lot so yeah take it with a grain of salt but literally you know know your machine understand what's you're asking your machine to do each day and if you're pushing it hard and everything change out your blade more regularly that's what we have uh sharpening surfaces for and i know there's a lot of guys out there who don't sharpen their blades you all need to start thinking about sharpening your blades because you know in the current day and age we live in right now there is actually beginning beginning to be a shortage on blade stock material i know that sounds crazy but you really need to start saving your blade stock and everything so you're not taking all the supplies out there because i know some people who have been cutting for a long time and they have never sharpened a blade and they just have hundreds of blades piled up that's just not cost effective and yeah it's just not cool so again so he's kind of shaped that stone to the blade or to what he believes it needs to be and by running this machine right now on this blade we're going to kind of continue shaping the stone to the actual cut i said all that but i want to tell you this all you saw yours out there that saw it you know how you know your sawmill they all cut a little different what works for you that's what you need to keep exactly right what works for me may not work for you do you know your meal but just don't ask more of your meal than what it's capable of doing exactly so and going to that also like i know my timber keen 2000 l i know the little you know little ins and outs about it when my dad comes down and runs it he runs it differently than me and it just makes me kind of cringe but at the same time he's got my or he's got that kooks mp32 right now i've run it but he's running a lot more than me he knows more about that mill than i do so as you run the mill you start to learn what it can and can't do and just uh yeah so he's going to be facing that stone a little bit in the cut itself he's going nice and slow he's trying to get that full sweep getting close that sounded pretty good that sounds like a good sweep all right all right so let's get in here and see what this looks like this is a full sweep so you can see you can sharpen that toothpaste and it's riding through that gullet there and then over time again your blade will form that stone the way it needs to be just right and feeling those teeth yeah it will cut also what we can do is we can look at the face now it's going to be kind of hard for me to show this see if i get the light shine on it anyways you're going to see a a solid clean spot there whereas back here you're not seeing that that clean cut but here you are so again this is cutting really really sharp that's a that's really sharp i had to use that yeah i'd be interested to see how that uh cut that's really sharp i mean that's real sharp you can see that entire gullet is sweet swept out i can't really get the focus on the goal with that well there you go now you can see the light kind of shining in it on the left side so yeah that's a nice clean cut all across the face there so i hope this video was interesting i've been wanting to do another video of mr roberts pretty cool setup here we're going to show also again his little cool thing right here he just lubed it up every so often helps keep that bright blade lubricated going around it helps to stop any surface yep that's the thing about the cooks is you can set the speed on this there she goes so again if you like what you see please like subscribe the channel is growing all the time i really do appreciate it we are going to be doing another show hopefully in october time frame i was already speaking spoken to the folks at timber king that's what we're trying to do hopefully we'll have mr robert come up there and he can run my machines because i have the exact same kooks saturn sharpener as well as i have my timber king center sharpener so again like last year we did a show up in tennessee in october and we showed the sharpeners and setters and we showed the timber king 1400 the 2000s at the show in october what we are planning to have there will be the timber king 2000 the timber king 22 20. the cooks mp32 and then we're gonna be asking for folks out there as well hey if you have a mill if you're in the tennessee area near central tennessee or west tennessee if you'd be interested in coming out bringing your mill uh we'll have a darn good time out there so again please like subscribe if you have any questions or comments please let us know if you need to get in contact with mr robert do you have one of your cards on you i will put a little screenshot right here you can contact mr robert over here you can contact you'll be able to contact him if you want to get your blade sharpened by the one and only master sharpener he does also make um yeah he does sharpen planter blades as well he's sharp as chainsaw blades and he also makes spoons and spatulas so robert's rustic relics you can see his uh email there and cell phone so i'll put this in the link below but yeah if you want to get your blade sharpened mr roberts always looking for new customers he doesn't have enough he tells me all right folks we'll see you around thanks oh one more quote from mr robert i'm supposed to be retired i'm a little but i'm retired too i've been retired 18 almost 19 years in july somebody the other day said what are you doing i said i'm looking for a job they said well then you got a job i said yeah but i'm looking for a real job so i'll have weekends on retirement is a trick you never get another day it's just work work work all the time as you can see 900 blades that this man has sharpened since february that is quite impressive again folks stay tuned we'll see you around please like subscribe talk to you later thanks you
Channel: TC Sawmills
Views: 133,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooks, cat claw, sharpener, bandsaw, how to, instructional, diy, Sawmill, Blade
Id: DmrKbWq-xzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 27sec (2667 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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