Sawmill bandsaw blade talk with Mr.Robert and where to get some blades

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[Music] hey everybody thomas here and today without we're out here with mr robert and we're going to talk about blades and some shortages that are out there whether it be a blade stock material from some companies or whether it be sharpening services so first off if you haven't seen mr robert in the videos i mean he is the man the myth the legend when it comes to sharpening i mean this guy can sharpen anything and i i've been very blessed to have him as a very good friend as well as a sharpener of a lot of my blades i sharpen from time to time but usually i'll screw things up and pull out to fix it but uh if you've seen the videos a lot of people contacted him recently or asked for his contact information uh and in fact let's start off with that so you were just telling me about a guy out in oregon yeah there was a gentleman in oregon called me this afternoon and he had some blades uh they were 144 inch blades and he's he's buying those from jerry's research they're a good company they got some pretty good blades and ripper blades and he really likes the rippers in fact i have 23 rippers hanging up right here belongs to a customer and he likes the rippers i like the rippers i like the way that they set and sharpen they're extremely good blades seem to hold up very well but anyway this gentleman out there in oregon called me and was inquiring about my sharpening and i would have liked to have done business with him but it's just not practical that far off as as the the mail service uh i had a guy in montana wanted me to resharpen some blades to sharpen some blades for him and i told him if he would box him up go down to ups uh fedex or post office ever how he wanted to mail him pay the shipping both ways and put the money in the box for what it cost for me to sharpen each blade then i'd be glad to do it well he did that but once he got down to i guess it was ups he found out that he could purchase new blades cheaper that he could pay the shipping in both directions pay me to sharpen them so that's the route he went yeah so that kind of gets to the point um that i'm also getting to in this video is also there are people who sharpen saw blades out there so check in your local area check the facebook groups check the forms whatever ask people who's in my area who can locally sharpen because i mean you've got people driving hours away to come here to sharper blades in fact you're just telling me since just this month you've sharpened over 200 blades yep getting close to 300 blades just in january i have a guy up in north alabama that he brings me his blades and uh he'll bring me a box of blades and i'll sharpen them and then he'll bring me another bop pick them up bring me a box and he and him and his family come down and they take them like make a day of it they pick up the blades and then they go down on the beach and they eat and they fool around well he just makes an outing out of it there's a gentleman up here in uh alexander louisiana called me the other day and he wants to sharpen some blades so he's got to bring me his blades and he has a mother that lives in foley alabama which is pretty close so he's going to he's going to take a trip bring me his blaze go visit his mother and then i told him i would have them ready when he come back through and i like to put my customers in line in the sequence i call it the circumstance circumcision order that they bring to blaze so but but since he's going to do that go bring me the blaze go visit his mother i'll have him ready when he on his return trip yeah and that's you know you get a story from mr robert every time that happens too i'm sure if you it's like a time warp when you come here you never know how long you're gonna spend it's always a good time now yeah i have a good time i've been out here i've been out here all day all day long right by myself just me and that dog hit himself over there she asked her she's my she's my partner so one of the things um i kind of led to this in the the youtube short video that i did two days ago um here recently we've been hearing a lot of issues with blades so timber king recently put out a message saying to all their people that they're no longer offering soft sharpenings or blade sharpening services the company who did it for them they still offer that but they're saying don't go through timber king to do that and i have heard of rather long delays on some of that stuff cooks we've heard a kind of a situation with cooks where their facility where they sharpen blades i had a fire of some sort i don't know to what extent but they're kind of backlogged on the sharpening surfaces for blades cook still does have blade stock material um and we've talked to some folks that day but there's that blade stock material is kind of dwindling and we're not trying to scare anyone we're just trying to you know have people be aware and there's some precautions you can take uh meisenheimer that's mr roberts one of his favorites um they used to get uh what was the linux linux and they they haven't been able to get inch and a quarter stock uh and they've actually teamed up with another uh blade manufacturer out there and they're trying to get blades to them but uh the stock is just not there at some of these larger places now i've had some people say one guy recently commented uh that his blades he was getting are on back order they were down in mexico or something like that and they just you know two-month wait or something to that effect another guy just texted or just you know commented today i think he's up in the northeast somewhere he said wherever he's getting blades from he's had no issues uh and there are you know blades there in two days so it's kind of in pockets and right now everyone and their uncle is getting a sawmill and i'm sure you've seen they're just a flood of sawmills on the market and with that you know increase in sawmills being produced and put out there the blade market hasn't really caught up to it yet now there are new some newer companies i should say like jerry's resharp they have the the ripper blades and everything a great company they're out of kentucky i've heard really good things about them i think they've been able to keep up for the most part there was a few little areas or situations where they had some delay there but i think they're pretty much up to date i've been getting my blades through timber king those have been pretty good the company that i'm working with on the carbide blade they've asked that i not put that information out yet because they have a very large shipment of those blades on order and has been literally stuck in uh shipping for quite a while um yeah so i'll have information on the carbide blades where you can get them once they have them in stock that's the issue is trying to get stuff in stock and you know with all the stuff going on in the world right now there's a lot of the uncertainty in prices of metal and we were talking to like meisenheimer and some other companies about blade prices we haven't seen a a large jump in blade prices but there has been uh some of the jump and blade prices in fact you've seen that in your your stones too for your sharpening i mean cooks those stones went up a couple of dollars each or something they're like 21.70 and how many how many sharpenings can you get out of the first stone you think 60 to 80 60 80. okay so i mean so one of the things we're asking people to do is if you have if you're a new saw a sawyer or if you've been sawing for a long time um if you have blades that are just sitting around maintain those blades don't just leave them out in the elements don't let them get all rusty robert just loves rusty blades let me let me let me jump in here man let me let me tell all you sawyers out there and we appreciate you looking at these youtube videos so what our goal is is to help sawyers to help you saw good lumber and to get a good blade and get your blade sharpened meisenheimer company up here in marstown tennessee i've been using this what kind of stuff i want to say nicholson but but it's linux stop i bought blades from them for years they telling me that they cannot get the company they were getting that stock from they cannot get that anymore they have made now the smaller blades like quarter inch eighth inch three eighths half inch up to one inch they can get that stock but the inch and a quarter and above they can't get it anymore they are they have made a deal or are contracted with another major blade manufacturing company to get their stock but i caught i talked to him about three weeks ago and he said well about two weeks we'll be ready to start making blades i talked to him yesterday and he said well they keep telling me every week that i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get it he hadn't got the stock yet and i asked him about his price thomas thomas hit on this one ago about the pricing they have been one of the companies that i recommend because they produced a good blade at a fair price at a really fair price one of the cheaper ones out there and i asked him i said since you're going to be getting a stop from another manufacturer i said you don't have to tell me i said probably won't but then he said yeah he said i said is your price of your blades going to go up and he said well we don't really make a lot of money on our saw blades we don't we don't have a big markup naturally they have some because i mean they wouldn't do it yeah they've got to make a profit yeah they got to make a profit but he said that no that they're they're not looking to have a big increase in the price per blade um so i i would think that once they get start getting the material and it is a i know the company it's a it's a good it's a good company it's a good blade but i've used them before they're good i won't tell you who it is because i haven't got them yet yeah but anyway they're all they're looking forward to getting doing business with this company and producing blades again now cooks i talked to them yesterday and i talked to them a couple weeks ago they did have a fire in their blade production area and they're in the process of moving everything to another building i don't know all the particulars about that but they are he said in another week or two they should be back in the production of producing blades again cooks makes a very good glaze yes it is uh there there are several companies out there who who you who you can buy blades from and i wanted to tell you this if you've got blades care of your blades you wouldn't believe some of the condition that of the blades that people bring me he gets some blades that looks like they were pulled out of a swamp they are rusted they've got growth on them he has to soak them in vinegar to try and knock the stuff off because mr robert offers i mean he does a phenomenal job he cleans the blades he sets the blades he sharpens the blades and then his sharpening process actually oils the blade as well um a blade is not meant to just sit out in the elements and rust and stuff like that a blade like that will not last that long and you're also adding a lot of friction to that blade trying to pull out the wood and you're causing all these extra stresses take take care of your blades when you get taken off your sawmill a lot of guys around here drag that toe over yourself a lot of guys around here this is this is cattle and farming country we're using a trash can but it's hard i use it for a trash can but if you coil that blade up it'll just fit down in that bucket and there's a lid that goes on it that's awesome spray level oil it's a lick tub for cattle that you you buy this and it's got minerals and supplements in it you set it out in your pasture and the cattle eat it well this is you can see all around on the inside where the horns are scraped up yeah we find this all over down here in mississippi calgary but anyway you can find if not that you can find something to put your blades in when you get through with them roll them up store them in something and keep them clean actually i would suggest that whenever you before you take that blade off of your sawmill if it's got some build up on it run it just a second turn your turn your uh lubrication fluid on and clean that blade off good and get all that old wood and whatever so one of the things i do if i've been cutting sappy pine all day and stuff like that and there's a lot of build up on there because sometimes that pitch will just build up on your blade i'll run a scrap board or two of oak on there and that'll clean it up quite well and then like mr roberts saying i'll that during that cut i'll run my water heavy i'll put soap in it whatever it may be pine saw but you want to kind of keep that blade clean because that's less work that you have to do or any other uh sharpener out there diesel fuel diesel fuel is good i know i know and mr robert's all big on too and i ran my cook's mill we had a little wiper system but water's free water's free diesel is not cheap but it'll take much it doesn't take very much yeah to just to drop a diesel on that blade we'll clean it up yep and this is true lubricates it when i'm running a lot of stampy pine i will run some diesel i'll run some pine sol or wood whatever depending on flavor of the day i've i've put everything you can on a plate to make it run better but yeah right now water works pretty well the the bottom line is take care of your blades you i'm not i'm not saying that we won't ever be able to buy blades again but we have seen through some of these companies that we order blades from that like meisenheimer they had to switch companies because they couldn't get what they were used to getting and you just never know i mean i mean who'd ever thought we'd have to use corn cobs for toilet paper because you couldn't buy toilet paper at walmart yeah and there's been some weird things like hash browns freaking hash browns you can't find asheville you went to hashbrowns you were upset i mean for three weeks they've got it back though okay yeah just this silly thing but take care of your blades they'll they'll last last a lot longer if you don't let them get rusted up you know i get blades in here that's pitted so bad you could ch and break them yeah and people people wonder why well it's a good blade well it was until you throw it out there in the grass and let it lay there for six months and not take care of it another thing is also if your blade starts getting dull don't push it especially on the hydraulic mills because you can push hard on the hydraulic on a manual mill you're kind of limited to how much you want to hurt your back or anything but when your blade starts getting dull your sets getting out of it whatever that may be go ahead and take it off if you are putting a whole lot of extra stress on that blade you're getting heat build up you're getting uh you know your sets getting taken out of it you're just you're fatiguing the blade you won't get the five six plus sharpenings out of that that we like to see um now there are some blades they'll they won't last that long but i had a blade the other day i ran a blade it seemed like it went for a thousand board foot and i'm like well it's still cutting good i'm not pushing too hard everything but if you start really trying to stretch every one of your blades that way you won't get the full life out of your blade in our previous videos we talked about that put that blade on there it cuts good whether you have electric feed hydraulic feed or you manually push your blade through your log you get that speed that you like that you just go ahead and keep saw it and then all of us after a little bit you'll notice that that same speed but it's slowing down your blade's getting dull or you'll see waves in it waves are another good indication that your blade's probably dull maybe tweak that tweak it just a little bit or maybe push a little harder but the next time you notice it's slowing down change your blade it's already accomplished all it's going to do it can only do so much but and that could be anywhere between depending on what you're cutting 300 board foot to maybe up to 800 to a thousand board foot it just depends on the wood you're cutting the size of what you're cutting if the logs are clean if you hit anything if i hit the nail now on the video sometimes i'll hit a nail i continue to power through but if i hit a nail i don't want to stretch that blade anymore especially now so i'll go ahead and pop that blade off and i'll kind of note that that blade hits something and we'll have to take some better care of it because what your your uncle brought you something that day that we're missing how many teeth in a row i got two blades leaning up over there if you got a blade you got your blades round you got a tooth missing here here here and here that blade will still cut but when you've got a 10 or 12 inches of your teeth that are gone in a row that's not good that blade is pretty much toast uh what you what you have to do is sharpen that all the way around until you bring your good teeth down to what you're you have to sharpen those bad teeth up to and when you do that you're taking up you've sharpened the hardness that blades only sharpen about that much from the tip of the tooth down on the blade and you just ate a lot of your stone up yeah it just it just takes a lot to get a blade back in shape so take care of your blades and uh i'm gonna check on time make sure my video is still going yeah we're still doing good i i gotta i got a couple uh uh names here uh s-e-s-e metals and i want to say this is in georgia it makes sense southeast metals maybe southeast i don't know asc metals and they produce a ripper blade in fact the blades that are hanging in here these 23 blades this is where they come from and the telephone number is 706 553-6025 and what we're gonna do is we're also gonna put all this in the description below i'll get a screenshot of this mail put a picture in there and we'll give you a whole list of different blade manufacturers the thing you have to know though is what is the length of your blade what's the tooth spacing you like to use if you're you know what your your local sharpener do or what you can do and also uh what's the width of your blade and what angle blade you like to run so there's a couple different things you need to know uh down here i've run anywhere between six degrees up to 12 degrees and i run it you know 7 8 2 spacing but some other people run three quarter inch shoe spacing just depends on what you like i have a customer in angie louisiana who cuts nothing but cyprus that's all he cuts he buys it by the tractor trailer though and he runs a three-quarter inch two-spacing blade i hate him i have to i have to reset up my center i have to reset my sharpener you have to have a cam to push three quarters of an inch it's just extra work that i have to do to sharpen a three-quarter inch two-spacing blade 7 8 is kind of the standard i would i would say 7 8 is the standard so if you have someone that's going to be sharpening for you if you're going to sharpening be sharpening yourself make sure you have the appropriate cams and everything else to do what you're going to do 7 8 is kind of a standard just put it out there on this cooks cat claw setter and sharpener that i have i can do the throat i can do i have a half inch cam a half inch tooth spacing three quarter for three quarter inch tooth spacing and seven eighths i have those so i can't i can't i cannot set with this machine i cannot set a half inch two space blade but i can to three quarter it just fits within the parameters of this machine that i can set it it's got to be just right but i can set it so if you have a blade that's not 7 8 inch and you're taking someone who is going to sharpen it for you ask that question before you leave your blaze because it he may not be able to sharpen it now i want to give you another telephone number here it's it's this is in kennesaw georgia uh it's it's kennesaw saw blades and the blaze are mumford sauber blades now don't ask me how to spell echo i just i just have to it's in southern mississippi off i just call it wheelbarrow sometimes but anyway i talked to this gentleman for a long time the other day he has stock he and he is really good about getting your blades out to you in a timely manner two or three days and his telephone number is eight seven seven four two zero and uh i asked him i said i have customers that asked where can they get blazed i said can i reference you can i give them your information he said oh yeah he said i i'll get the blade stool and it'll be good blaze uh as a guy that that did some work for me he did some keel drying and tonguing grooving some lumber for me and uh this is the only blaze he uses he swears that's where i got this information he swears by these blades he likes it very much yeah so what we're doing is we're giving you other local information or you know local laden manufacturers if you will another one is jerry's resharp and i'll see if i can put that number down below i got it right here jerry's resharp it's in kentucky he produces a ripper blade excuse me and his telephone number is two seven zero seven five seven one thousand and if i'm not mistaken they do offer sharpening services as well and i hear that they're quite reasonable and they do a fine job with that i can't speak to that i don't know i got a buddy up there in tennessee he says they're good so i'm gonna go by that i believe then and there's another guy i have not i haven't talked to this guy but i have seen people on youtube uh the guy out of the woods yeah yeah uh he he likes these blazes joe maine out of georgia he produces what they call a silver tip blade and his telephone number is 229-563-1172 all right you got any more no that's all i have i i have these four right yeah so we'll also put in there cook's information and they have a website too uh i'll try to put timber kings in there wood mice and those are kind of the big ones um but yeah they're this is not a scary one this is just really to give you some information out there and also to ask you if you're one of those guys don't run your blade one time if you would please look at sharpening options or if you know someone else in the area that has your same size blade say hey when you're done with your blade give it on to someone else um because with everyone getting these sawmills everything blades the worst thing in the world to have is a sawmill without a blade that's a pretty crappy situation so i mean it's it's really awesome when you just go out to your sawmill and cut whatever you need to that day but if you don't have any blades in hand if you run a business i mean that's your livelihood that that that hurts so we're just asking yeah just be mindful uh use blades don't just do one-time use run a blade to to its full life and if not i mean also if you are a sharpener if you would leave your contact information down below like a website a number a name a location or something like that maybe this will help someone to find another sharpener maybe in their area also check the forums you've got the portable sawmill group on facebook you've got the local sawmill group you have the timber king one you got the wood you got all these different facebook groups uh and also you got the uh all these forums and stuff online that's a wealth of information don't be afraid to ask a question because there are some stupid questions so your question won't be the stupidest here recently i gotta tell you one thing here recently they've been asking what kind of what is this and i'm like how can these people call themselves sawyers if they can't figure out i think some of these people are just doing it for fun but yeah whatever go ahead sorry that's all right on that blade uh you run that bait blade till it breaks yes yeah don't ever just run a blessing well i've used this three or four times some people are scared of bleeding i think it's at the end of his life it's at the end of his life when it comes into that's exactly right or three or however many parts of the pieces yeah now though now if you if you've got a saw blade and you look at it and you see it half broke handle yeah halfway yeah don't run that because what will happen is you'll run that get halfway through the log and that thing will break they're not always the easiest things to get out of the log you have to put gloves on and drive a wedge in or snap it off or something like that i've actually sucked the blade up into my drive belt before so if you see one that's broken but still in a circle but got big crack in it don't run that blade it's it's it's bad i had a guy the other day asked me so about welding these blades back together i've seen a comment here recently too i can tell you through experience if you've got a brand new blade and you put it on your sawmill and it breaks say let's say it breaks into whale it didn't have a good well to begin with yes you can re-weld that blade and use it but if you've got a blade that you have run a thousand feet or more and you've had it sharpened a time or two when it breaks throw the blade away because what happens is you've got those stress cracks in there they starting to go into the blade and it breaks there well that's not the only place that there's cracks in that blade you know what i have done this before i have taken my blades down to a pipe shop guy welding them back together nailed them fixed them up i run the blades no time and they broke somewhere else so you're just wasting your time by welding up a old blade like i said if it's a new blade and it breaks at the whale go ahead and fix it but an old blade when it breaks just say thank you for your service and put it in well i hope you enjoyed this video i know it's rather long everything but we want to put some information out there that can be used by sawyers alike and just you know kind of crappy situation crappy times we're kind of in right now so yeah thomas thomas has been busy around his place oh my goodness yes he had several projects going that he has had to complete so he's not done a lot of sawing lately i have quite a few blades out here for thomas to sharpen i think i'm down to one blade yeah he informed me a while ago he said robert i only got one blade left i do have another box that's my reserve box i keep in the back but everything but so tomorrow i will sharpen for thomas yeah there's a few out there there's a few so again hope you like this video please like subscribe uh in any comments below if you are a sharpener uh please put your information down below and we'll try to put it out there to others out there and also again don't be shy on some of the facebook groups and forums you know let yourself be known if you have any questions just ask away just as long as it's not what kind of wood is this freaking plywood or something like that we'll see y'all thanks
Channel: TC Sawmills
Views: 15,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sawmill, bandsaw, blades, where to find, who makes, best, timberking, cooks, woodmizer, Norwood, woodland mills, hudson, baker, shortages, how to, diy, information, Jerry's Resharp, otw, tc sawmills, tc Homestead, buisness, save
Id: X4hQ6IveiXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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