The return to the most amazing Mississippi circle sawmill. Searching for sawmills episode #6

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hey bud Tom's here and guess what we are we are back to their Circle Sawmill of Greene County now there's a lot of uh bullshittery over there going on I'll say but uh those individuals over there so my dad's over there too but he is now a sawyer he's got quite a few hours and he's ran Sawmills now for for a while so I feel he's a great addition to here but you got Robert westfald he is you know he's run Sawmill since the the mid 90s and he got his cousin over here two dogs Mr Donald they have run this Mill here for quite a long time too and Mr Donald used to be a logger a lot of cool stuff going on here but this Mill here I think they've had this since like the 80s or something like that and they tore it down up in Tupelo Mississippi area put it on two truckload trailers and haul it down here and rebuilt it and he's been cutting on this thing since the 80s so very impressive this is a great video I've been wanting to come out here for a second video but this machine is awesome it's been around the block or two yeah what kind of Mill is this you said this is lift hand left hand all runs to the left but see they make them you can reverse be sure on that side you know Michael right here okay gotcha yeah it did sound like a something screaming over there no so each one of these T I mean do you how often do you change these out putting wires out okay I don't change it to the wires out gotcha I buy the beer okay from Corinth Mississippi and some up in Minnesota I'll order some out of Minnesota too yeah right next to uh or Menomonee saw might happen too I forgot the name of it I love looking on that pinball Center but I ordered some from them okay Corinth we've got to where they don't want to sell but so many okay I used to I could order 50 or 100 300 whatever last time I tried to order for them and they said we can't sell I've got to sell a hole I've got several of them it might have been two or three boxes and I said no I'm not doing that because you know down a little big salt meal yeah be all right but like man I don't need I don't need 200 uh teeth sitting in there for a year so are these the ones you use a tool just to put them in there okay yeah if you got that tool that'd be great okay that's pretty cool are they pretty easy to do yeah Mr Robert's got Shasta up here brought shaft up here for us there's the teeth yeah okay you're like that this is a 937 11 30 second tooth okay oh and I ordered I had they were down on 150 or so in there but this here this puts them in and takes them out okay you I'll I'll just demonstrate all right you're gonna take a nap okay so that goes through the as they do the holes see oh and that causes a pivot point at least something you can pivot off of you pick up on it like that hard okay and it'll roll that tooth out gotcha Shank you just leave it in there yeah and you set that tooth take that and you set the other tooth on there and push it back down like that awesome okay that is really cool so I mean you can change these out throughout the day if you hit rocks or whatnot oh yeah if I uh I hit a I think I told you I hit a big boat in a long but size that one 20 feet long took 52 teeth out of this blade oh my goodness oh my goodness that's 52 of them that's a bad day well I mean and I and I got to where if any logs come out of a yard really like that because I I don't think I've ever could have a full five Lobby to come out of a yard and didn't have Nails in it little nail ain't bad it'll chip two or three of them you know okay but big Nails I hit that one it was a I call it drift boat okay and you did wasn't in the log straight I hit it like this it's a long way it's kind of yeah diagonal across it yeah there's a little saying it took 52 teeth out of it oh man did it hurt the blade itself no it didn't hurt the blade this one here has got a tooth out of it it's been that way ever since I owned it okay oh I see it yeah no oh anthra's Tennessee just played okay uh I bought two of this one another one and I run the other one and get done pretty good but this one here is a little thicker than the one I was running on the other one I bought so I put this one on there and it cut so good it's got a tooth out of it I could have that fixed you can have that put back on it either so how long can you run a blade before I mean is this blade been hammered or you hammered it before I never had to hammer it okay wow oh wow but if you're solid I mean if you're running like eight hours a day commercially oh probably yeah you might have it checked in a year okay oh I don't know just how a good blade and a good meal and setting up really right oh you don't um you don't hammer it rigor gotcha if this hammered right to start with the fish rice you don't Hammer Rick and that I remember last time you said you you kind of dish it and as it comes up to RPM she straightens up that's right it's one over two you see see that crack uh-huh yeah I see that opened up that Gap there so what he's doing he's he's flexing that that thing winds up that 700 RPM yep it'll be sitting up there like that okay and then he comes see I thought you got tension yeah yeah and without that water it don't have that good tension gotcha if the Sun Shines on it um get that the Sun come nowhere and shine right on that blade to get hot it'll want to go the other way okay putting this cool that water keeps attention it's made like a saucer yeah when you hammer it it's gonna have loose it's supposed to have from the tip of this tooth straight through that there to the tip of it and it should have a few stretch of string or put a straight edge it should have about an eighth of an inch correct right okay cool that's really cool after uh that keeps that tension on it and when you wind it up I mean it'll it'll stretch out it'll stand up or just as straight whatever it winds up uh that's pretty neat yeah I'll tell you about your buddy up there I'll tell you there's a lot you just got to you just got to fool with it and learn uh-huh I mean you're gonna saw a lot of sharp ended and sideways boards and all that after you learn half of that and I've been around a Sawmills I thought Peru here but I never had on one I had never run one all together different but you got you got this one in the 80s or so um no I got it in the nannies okay I've had this bill about 23 years something like that okay so you've learned a lot yeah [Laughter] oh there was a guy little right up here was a sawmill professional they sit up and seal he moved everywhere he had a sawmill himself and he'd move on he'd move on a piece a little Timber if it was a Big Timber you'd move the mill I set it up and set that thing up where it could do it and cut your travel down and down people and and people got him to go to their meals and set them up to help to set that thing up wow he was a they were professional at it and uh but he when I bought this meal he was old and he's in bad shape they can come down here gotcha and then uh a year or so after that he died hmm but I I was depending on him to help me set this thing here see he learned through the school Hard Knocks what you're telling me yeah anybody else but these people can tell you all kind of things oh man you got to do this do that so I know one thing I know why your Carriage are so good it's a Corley and it's it's uh manufacturing Chattanooga Tennessee the best state in the world so that's why it's so good [Laughter] well that needs the best part on there yeah bottom frame and all yeah they built their money so I've been up there too that the place in Chattanooga matter of fact I had a gear busted a big one on this end I busted a big gear and uh I just got in the car and there you go when the frame guys went up there and got it just straight back all right well let's let's watch you crank this sucker up see what she can do you go there's the button pretty cool [Laughter] and is this your clutch that starts to engage the blade yep sure is so again you got the shaft coming off here to a larger pulley over there goes through a hydraulic tank here yep and then you got a belt that goes down below to his auger that goes to carry out his sawdust and then you've got the shaft that comes off there it's a hydraulic pump then onto the blade itself what is this smaller one right here that little Ah that's his conveyor okay that's pretty cool all right there you have it she's spinning everything on here's spinning and again now these machines you just have to be very aware of your surroundings all the time never get yourself in a pinch Point never put yourself and grab a belt put your hand on a spinning object awareness is key he's about to throttle her up she's running now yeah that blade had a little bit of wobble to it now it's straight out looking yeah all right [Music] all right you okay [Music] yep okay so that's your air pneumatics [Music] that's pretty cool and now he's scooting the log out [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] more [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] 's doing over there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] now Donald wanted to keep on going unfortunately my dad and I we gotta head back North so we had to cut her short but he expected to get at least 60 logs out of us today and we we fell short of that I told him I told him I told y'all what he said that he had 60 logs here y'all can leave when they yeah right an interview is beautiful well the older the log is like this right here oh yeah fat lighter pure Dynamite yeah uh forklift Yonder got a big limb one I'm gonna cut it though that's pretty cool it's raining [Laughter] okay here now that was very apparent there his mama Leo a little over a four of a mile from his house and they had to be careful what they said on the porch because sheep they're here and I'm almost in here she had exceptional periods the night she died so you've been unconscious since 12 o'clock that day okay I would have said something to her she didn't let him shoot me on the side and she was unconscious developed by Bruno said hey Mama you hear me soon wow that's the chicken here at all all our brothers and sisters death is a post yeah and y'all are cousins they love each other they're best friends too my daddy was the highest MacDonald 40 50 years old well it's probably from being two feet away from a diesel Runners well I knew it wasn't bad I had a skitter yeah long Skittle them back 45 years ago 50 years ago when I first started lobbying yeah they didn't nobody was about over your place everybody had a pipe about that long stick it right over here same motor nothing right there and that flag look at the villain and we we lost the men with men football after Dark and we got over late maybe it'd be a Blazer far about that long sticking out of that fight bomb and you you get off that thing in your head [Laughter] baby I walked I was logging up the river about four miles up there and I went to town something I went on the courthouse steps I could hear my scooter but nah and this country has kind of went the way that dairies did yeah they used to everybody around every few miles every people had dairies dairy farms where they milked and they come get the milk they ain't none of them no more they've done done away with all of them they're all Wisconsin where I'm at now yeah upper west coast when I was teenager labels one two over three Sawmills at least and Avery they was uh two Sawmills you like this one up there obviously my wife's uncle he had one out there for years and years just like this that meal y'all wasn't looked at would sit up just like this meal right here on it was on the ground it was up on the floor it was on the ground that's me they entered how many million feet did Morgan Hicks killed for that meat oh yeah he worked it uh he worked it eight hours a day every day five days a week it'd be rainy sleep Pleasant matter to work five days a week the new people building out of lumber there all houses was Lumber and he had a big planer down here yeah and he had he's a monster an eight inch he wasn't playing it awesome again I appreciate y'all this is awesome all right so we're back out here and we had to bring up this what do you call that Mr Robert this is a rolling miracle this time it's been like that far years I couldn't tell you how long it's got a little worse over the time yes it has I think there's there's a lot of it but it hauls and load it does that now didn't he say all these tires are the original except for this one over here yeah this would say it's different it's a little narrow there's still no tire though no military time that's exactly right yeah that old white look they look there's a lot of weight on that tire there is there it is that thing's still running again all right folks so we I just learned why the second tire is different now you used to be a welder nuclear welder I weld anything yes he can now that I see this tire I'm like holy crap if my eyes was real good I could weld up pieces of two pieces of wood so what he did that's actually the same size rim on the other side yeah but then you turn it into a what now so you it it came that's that's a suicide rim that's you ever been to one of these big truck places I got a rack you put that tire that's exactly right you know why because when they air it up see this crack in it everything expand it locks in there I think I'd blow off before and kill you oh yeah put it in that rack to air it up if it blowed off it would hit you you know that's what that is so he made his own suicide rims that's a homemade you could see where he actually cut the rim off and then weld her up yeah whatever and then tell us how many Tire layers you think you wore off the other one huh and Robert what'd you call that tire it was a 13 price Miracle it's a rolling Miracle the sheriff down here in Indy County he brings logs out here we'll swell and he was standing around yeah he's left he come out here two years later and if he walked straight to that thing see if that tall still on we all do we're waiting for it and he aired it up for the first time in 23 years last week that's right because only because he added the other tire there I mean it's been I ain't never had to put it into it I could put that on the space shuttle six ply gone it's on the nylon tires but that's that's impressive see how much I cut off of there all right let's see you cut you cut off like three inches worth cut four inches worth and it took that band to that other end and laid it down on there see there's there's a little dry rod that's Ingenuity though because it is I don't think most other folks would have done that but I don't even know how to fix it you got to be you got to have some know-how I think that's a 68 model OKAY 68 miles six cylinder gas engine because it has a distributor right Mr Robert I looked at him like that's a diesel no it's got spark plugs it ain't no diesel no that's pretty cool though so yeah awesome machine it has been a good one if you've had it for 23 years to hold as many logs as you have all right millions of board feet of lumber you've cut all I've done to it is put plugs in it I'll put a set of plugs in it oh and porch and it just sits out here in the weather and you cover it up with that inner tube well so it doesn't get to the distributor I just started I think it used to cover it up at all but I got to work I'll take that picture and then build a distributor all it last two or three years we've had a lot of rain yeah it makes it it crank if you cover up a distributor every time you touch it yeah how you got started yeah you got started and then how you had to quit go to town and buy a grease gun come on tell us bashful now okay go tell him about the grease gun fit dollar you can tell it I don't know Donald has what you call a come apart this is two dogs this ain't dog every now and then if things ain't going just right he'll come apart he'll just fly all the pieces but I'm gonna let him tell you about the grease gun I'll tell the story he got a big old disc takes about four tubes of grease to grease at this well he had an old grease gun that he's had for years and years and years well he got out there and he started he was getting ready to Plies for your distance field so he got out there and he started and the Greek gun quit it just was wore out kind of like we are it was wool out so it goes up to the auto parts and he buys the best one they got he comes back he puts a team with grease in it he agrees that tube up well he jerked that out and he ran another tube in there and he's working on it and he popped it about twice and it quit the grease gun just quit looking out you're in here you're going to finish this stuff it quit well he just a dog for his draw he got down on it and he bent the handle on the grease gun then it jerked it off of the alamite and he took that tank and I don't know what he said probably don't want to know what he said but he took it by that rubber hose and he began to whip that dip with that grease he beat that disc all two pieces with that grease gun at about that time the end of that grease gun come out in that tube of Grease comes shooting out of there but he did he had never took that metal tab off the end of that grease off of that tube of Grease it couldn't fall his grandson was out there and he said Mall don't go outside Paul having to come apart he just come all the pieces out there that's a good one that's a good that's a true story [Music]
Channel: TC Sawmills
Views: 192,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: circle sawmill, Mississippi, antique, dangerous, historical, historic, history, fun, story, stories, country, Sawmill, learn, experience, Greene County Mississippi, Tupelo, circular sawmill, southern, accent, most powerful, awesome, most amazing
Id: oQY53uDRwk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 2sec (2042 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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