How to Sharpen Sawmill Blades [DIY] ┃Save Money Homemade Sawmill Blade Sharpener #sawmill #sawblade

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[Applause] foreign here we go welcome to [Music] okay what's up everybody so if you've ever owned or operated any kind of band Mill for any length of time you're going to find within a reasonably short manner of time that you're inundated with dull blades and the first thing you're going to want to do is get them sharpened and you're like hey I know easy peasy I'll slap them in a box and send them off and get them sharpened well I'm going to give you a few reasons why you might not want to do that first reason Moolah green backs right we all have a little bit we all want to keep it that's the moral of the story so every time you send out 10 blades you got eight dollars per blade plus shipping and handling so it's over a hundred dollars depending on where you got to ship them to then you have the you know or am I going to get my blades back yeah is UPS going to lose them you know not that UPS is into losing stuff but you know stuff happens right so then you also have the hidden fee and the Not So blatantly obvious fee of now I don't have any saw blades I can't install wood right so now you have to March your little happy butt out there and buy an additional 10 blades or even quadruple that if you got a big enough outfit and you're really churning out some Lumber so it gets pretty expensive and it's ongoing right so like if you get your blade sharpened 10 blades once every three months that's 400 bucks that's a lot you know when you could avoid it second reason that's it folks time right you ship your blades off and you don't ever know when you're going to get them back even before kova they were like 30 days out that the place that I would roll with during Cova they were six months out everybody and their grandmother wanted to cut up some wood okay there you are I mean you're down for six months you know I mean blades you have to buy in order to keep Milling for six months it's it's just it's mind-boggling third reason the straw that broke the camel's back was the fact that I would ship 10 blades off and I would get eight back I'd ship 10 blades off and I'd get seven back the facility I was shipping them to would deem them unfit for Duty and then they would just disappear into thin air and I'm kind of like uh I would like to see them you know or maybe make Damascus blades out of them or their mind give them back and all I heard was crickets chirping and I thought you know what I could probably do a little better than this and last but not least control right I mean who doesn't want to have control about a critical component of your business or hobby I mean let's face it folks a Lamborghini is a paperweight without tires a sawmill is worthless without a saw blade I mean that's what it boils down to so this video is going to be all about how I sharpen my Blades by hand because I just needed that sense of security knowing that I can move forward when I want to move forward how I want to move forward and why I want to move forward so we're going to break it down for you do's and don'ts that I've run into the most efficient means that I I come about sharpening this stuff the reasons why we're sharpening it how much to sharpen um I think you should be like kind of like a One-Stop shop you know you guys should walk away pretty happy so without further Ado on with the show baby all righty then let's let's get down to down to brass tacks so I wanted to give you guys a brief overview in my machine horsepower and blades and why I selected them and kind of just a quick overview so I got one Miser lt40 35 horsepower that's important because when you're selecting blades in tooth angles and so and so on and so forth you have to have the butt to push these things okay especially if you're going through Hardwoods 158 inches it's by inch and a quarter that would be from here to here teeth spacings are seven and seven eighths from here to here four inch tooth angle or tooth rake depending on who you talk to that's really important okay and why is it important because otherwise if you use a seven degree or 11 degree or anything like that your Lumber ends up looking like a Sahari desert every time it goes from like soft wood to hardwood softwood to Hardwood I always had it wave you know if I use a seven degree tooth I couldn't get it to the plane out you know oh 45 000 thick okay that's important um and I'll tell you why in just a second so now how much do you take off what's sharp and what's not sharp it's just like a pocket knife okay you can't see a pocket knife's dull but you can feel it and if you looked at it with a microscope you can see it which we're I'm going to show you a couple teeth sharpened and unsharpened so what you want to take off is like a thousandth of an inch that's the only difference all you want to do is make that dude sharp like this that's it it's just a little I mean just a couple Sparks and that sucker's sharp anybody got that little questions comments concerns moving forward now this is kind of where it gets a little bit scientific first off let's start with this with the thickness o35 okay it bends more less fatigue less metal failure okay oh 45 bends less than a third oh 35 prior to failing and an o55 bends even less than an o45 prior family why is that because they're thicker okay if I take any kind of metal and I bend it over something the inside radius is under compression the outside radius is under tension I think they call it okay that creates a constant you know this number right over and over and over and over and over and over and over every time that thing spins so what you end up getting is micro cracking now is this actual is this theoretical when does it happen when does it not happen I know when the blade fails and I know that that blade failure is based on microcracking but how would I deem this serviceable or unserviceable based on micro cracking okay so I'm a certified welding inspector and have been in the industry for over a decade and we do a lot of nde work you can't see micro cracking micro cracking is on the grain boundary okay it's like if you looked at steel under a microscope and etched it it's like gravel held together with with other metal alloys and so forth and so on you can't see that with a naked eye now does it exist it has to right because of Blade failure so you got to weigh that in the machine that that you know you'd send it to or you haven't sent it to takes a big swath out of this whole thing and then their reasoning is is that it gets rid of this microclassic microcracking does it do they do that for every blade every tooth I mean that's that's like you know it's a pretty big claim so something to consider moving forward is that you aren't necessarily going to be getting that you can if you want if you wanted to take that time or power to you I don't okay I just basically knock off from here to here a thousandth of an inch and move on and I use an o45 not only does it it's a happy medium between blade failure it cuts the truest Lumber so the the actual you know the thicker the blade the truer your Lumber is going to get but if you only can cut a couple logs and the blade cracks in half you see what I'm saying so it's a happy medium that's what I like so there's a good example of an unsharpened blade you see that little shiny spot on the tip there you see that little shiny spot that's what you're trying to get rid of and this is an example of one that has been sharpened so you see there's no there's no tiny tip at all it's just pure Sharp and I went ahead and blued it so you can see a good example of what not to do okay you see how it's blue like that you've run that tooth all right folks here she is this true mechanical Marvel for all you mechanical engineers out there try to keep up it's just kind of a basic chainsaw sharpener here's the model number you guys anybody cares down there they're all generic they're all branded different they're all out of China these things I think were like 50 or 60 bucks but I found a neighbor down the road who sells them for 35 bucks I guess he buys a crate oven sells them and helps out homeless kids so I thought hey win-win but I took the guard off here so you guys could see the wheel a little bit better and so a few things I had to do was to take out the spring mechanism that holds it up they held up operates via gravity something else I had to do is to take out there's an automatic feeder mechanism where you pull and sit back pull set back chainsaw blade it works this it doesn't and this I had to tighten in really really tight or I forget exactly what I had to do but you can see that blade just sits in there like so and this dude is adjustable so you can make it as tight and as Loose as you want so the blade doesn't kick over when it hits the it's the sharpened Stone just kind of sits in there like this um you're going to want to put up some two by fours so they're on the same plane two by four seem to work perfect so they go wrap your head around that so three two by fours I just clamp them off to that to the frame here and then this one there's a link down in there see a metal pole took a half inch Bolt drilled this put a half inch pull it half inch bolt half an inch bolt so it's just stopped there and these guys kind of hold it upright something you want to gonna do is put a bearing right here so that Glides and what that does is it keeps it Stadium or pill shaped and the reason you want that is so it's flat going in and out of your otherwise you have to bend it you know you have to take and bend it with your hand and you get fatigued after a while okay you can kind of see how I had to Contour that stone just this face not this side but just this face so I could get this deep down in that gauge as I could and then as you're moving your you know you just slide it ever so gently forward like this well and then you lift this mechanism here I got a stick here's a stick and I put it on my knee and I just raise it like this and then move the blade forward and lower right right forward so in a couple settings this way is just 90 degrees to the Jaws okay perpendicular and then you tilt right here would be four degrees or if you're doing a seven degree blade it'd be seven degrees or you know whatever and I just match it up to the blade it's pretty easy to do when you start make a mark that way you don't re-sharpen the same tooth over and over again don't bear down too hard or you'll get that blue effect like I showed you earlier as your as your uh as you're sharpening you're going to want to take and just pull a little bit more Slack with your hand you can see the back of that blade see how it does that on that roller bearing and then that helps you actually feed in into the Jaws makes everything nice and smooth all right ladies and gentlemen here we go [Applause] [Applause] so you see how the predominant Sparks were coming off the bottom off the bottom of the tooth that means I got to change my angle from from like here because it's hitting the bottom of the tooth to like hear where it's hitting the full tooth that's how you can tell if you're square with a tooth or not and then I'm going to sharpen those okay so what we're going to want to watch for our Sparks coming from the whole back side of that tooth well I may be the front side the whole front side of that tooth should show Sparks the Whole Thing Once because and why this is important is because you don't want to burnish it trying to get that tip sharp you want to just bend and bump it and move on foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that's all I can do a blade about eight potatoes so there's a tooth I just sharpened see how there's no white little shiny Edge to it okay here we go and there's one I haven't sharpened behind it and the tip is rolled it's hard to see but it's there it's rolled the difference between that one and then that one you hear how it's not it's not rough and that one's catching big difference so as you're doing this to you know as you're doing this you have to realize that that tooth setback like this so if you bump this thing and then go straight up you're going to shave the front of that tooth off so so as you you bear down a little bit and then you got to back off enough to get past that tooth which is like a 64th of an inch right and then when you come up you're not raking the top of that tip off which I've done a bunch every so often you're going to pull the slack out once it starts getting hard what will happen is it takes and it actually pre-loads it and actually helps feed it got tires to it relax don't do a lot of heavy drinking there you go Don't Mess some stuff up man wear you some safety glasses or readers if you're old like me who wants to talk about grinding wheels I do I do I've been playing around with a lot of different Wheels I haven't tried the diamond wheel yet because it's just too small it's it I can't get it it just yeah it's too close to the motor so you do not want to use these brown guys you see how it polishes it like that and it ends up actually burning the blade before it sharpens I wish it didn't because it's so much nicer and you don't get that you know every time you put in the blade which kind of you can't help but think that's not good for it but it actually is so what that means is that in these pink ones okay and I'll show you diameters here in a second these pink ones are coarse and so they don't heat that tip um the lighter you can do it and you know you'll get your Technique down the further you know you progress if you're actually even going to try this here's another one contoured wouldn't recommend to find I did sharpen one blade with it and it was just a couple cuts it got dull which one did I put in the temper on it I didn't think I did but I did so Food For Thought five and a half inches roughly 7 8 Harbor and I wonder if there's a diamond blade out there to try it you know I don't think you would need water or anything because it's so quick but I just wonder how about the longevity of the diamond blade is versus cost my son got me these microphones uh they're gonna saramonic this one is curious if there's a difference sound division thank you Devin love you mean it
Channel: Cobble Creek Cabins
Views: 9,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sawmill, Mill, Blade sharpener, bandsaw mill, band sawmill, sharpener, woodmizer, lt40, lt-40, bms 250, bsm 250, chainsaw sharpener, chainsawsharpening, blade tooth angle, sharpening jig, diy blade sharpening, bandsaw, blades, bandsaw blade, repair bandsaw blades, bandsaw maintenance, blade tooth rake, professional blade sharpening, tooth filing, sawmill blade sharpening, Blade, sharpen, sharp, how to, diy, woodworking, wood working, handmade, custom build, setup, how-to, homemade, home made
Id: ni4KNgOrlyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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