Carbide blade testing round 3, finally got it cutting great again!

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hey everybody thomas here and i'm just now finishing up here mr robert everything we went through and sharpened the carbide blade for the third time so we run this blade a few times the last time we were cutting on this blade see if i can show the teeth on this you can see them down there in the distance by the white tag we got all the face we got the entire face of the tooth sharpened all the way down there you go we get the the entire face sharpened all the way down and the interesting thing is again there's a a tooth that's got a tip on it and a tooth that's flat so i'm having a hard time focusing this but we got it sharpened up this is gonna be our third time running this blade first time the sharpening did not go that well the second time it went better because we switched to this stone right here and this stone is okay it's not the best and we're still trying to look for another stone that'll work but we put this on the cook's cat claw sharpener and as you can see we have actually kind of formed it to what like a normal blade or stone would look like so this is the face right here that was actually hitting the the tooth this is the back right here that was actually taking um the top part of the gullet down and we actually had to cut quite a bit there used to be a little hump on the back of this but we really needed to get the top of these teeth done up like we had to get a nice sharp edge across the top um we've got sharp edges on the sides but that that top part really is hard to get so we we had to run this one around three times but we got it working we do have one tooth on here and i don't see it right now one tooth on here we did hit a rock and we shattered away about a third of the carbide tip and it wasn't that bad but after i hit that rock it did cause like a weird shutter in the blade and everything but we're working on it so now for the knitting gradient or the down down to the the meat of the situation so if you're looking for a carbide blade timber king did order number of these blades they ordered for their sawmill sizes so for the timber king sizes both old and new as well as wood mizer they have wood mizer standard sizes so i think like 173 is what lt40 wide or 171 something like that anyways they have multiple sizes for timber king sawmill blades as well as for wooden mizer solo blades they did a small batch order because they're just trying to test it out and everything the problem was it took four months for the blades to come in supply chain issues were kind of an issue um the price on these blades there's an individual price and there's a price per box of blades and i'm i can't exactly remember the exact thing it's something like the blades are 150 individually but if you buy a box of blades like the 120 to 130 range something like that are they worth it yes if you can sharpen them and like i said the first blade that we ran like this it did run for quite a while it we we cut we cut up around what sixteen hundred or so board foot uh four by six posts and hardwood we were cutting hickory we were cutting oak and stuff like that so and soft wood these will probably last for a very very long time um and since then i've i've cut a couple other things we've cut ash or something in fact uh ash we cut ash actually the other log of that right there we got in the middle these are some logs left over from our sawmill show that nasty log there's actually cherry but it's gonna make some beautiful stuff but anyways yeah these blades are worth it if you have the ability to sharpen yourselves and i'm still trying to find a better sharpening situation hopefully wind's not too bad this stone here will work but this stone here is difficult uh to actually get it to the correct size and to get that full gullet sweep we had to really really use a deep cam everybody thomas here today we're up in tennessee i i've been doing a lot of moving of stuff from our mississippi place to our tennessee farm and right now i've taken a little break come over here to my dad's sawmill and we are cutting a lot of white oak into six by six posts as well as into some flooring for a good friend of ours so it's been a long time coming i've been wanting to show this and everything but first things first see that face right there i mean that is a ridiculously smooth face and this face was just cut with our carbide blade it's a carbide blade that we've been running since last what october or september october maybe whatever see that we've got the carbide blade back on the mill and everything and i want to talk about a few things so my buddy mr robert and i we had tried to sharpen this blade i think we've sharpened it now three times the first attempt at sharpening was kind of a fail um we tried one type of you know diamond sharpening stone that he had and it just wasn't that great the second time i got a new diamond wheel that worked out really well and everything but we did not get the entire face of the tooth and by not getting the entire face of the tooth there was a just i'm talking a little bit well like maybe a 30 second or so of the bottom of the tooth that was not being sharpened and when i ran that blade that part that wasn't sharp and everything left a lot of just garbage unfortunately across the wood and it just didn't sound good this is after our third sharpening we used a diamond wheel and everything and we sharpened all the way down the face we had to get a cam that was a really really deep reaching cam so all the way across the face but unfortunately since we came down some low then it came back and hit the top of the tooth which i didn't really think would hurt too bad as long as we didn't throw off a tooth and we didn't so it worked out well so we've run this blade quite a bit and i'm you know this is our first time since the first time we're running the blade and everything to get cut quality like this trying to show how good that looks i mean since you are sharpening the top of the tooth all the way down it also cuts those sides and everything but this i mean this is i can run my nail across that that is that is like pretty dang smooth i'm very happy with that cut quality see if i can show here you do see a little bit of let's see if i get that focus and i can't get it to focus right now anyways you do see there's a i mean ever so slightly there's a little bit of uh like a stair step there but i can't even feel it i can see it and that's probably due to something while we're sharpening everything just some slight imperfections there of the the tooth or you know just in the way that we sharpen it but overall very happy i'm going to show you something else we've done this on here a second very happy with this these carbide teeth cut and during the last cutting of this i actually hit a rock and i did shatter one of these teeth so yeah carbide cutting through rock is very difficult see if you can see that right there so you've got one tooth that kind of has like a a sharp point then it's a flat flat flat but it's it's hard to tell let's see that that one's got a shirt i'm sorry that one's that one's got like kind of a a point to the top of it that one's flat that one's got a point that one's flat and that one's got a point so there is some variation of the types of teeth that are on there but i'm just very happy that this is uh is cutting clean again because we have a lot of six by sixes we gotta get cut up also if you see here in the middle we've got a a couple new additions one of which is this green laser and i've looked at a couple different things it's really hard to find an area of the mill that won't get knocked off or anything we're out of alignment this has been working pretty well for my dad and we only use this really for the first two cuts or so and i don't even have it on right now but um that green laser has been working out well our buddy brad has come up with a couple couple different ways to mount this as you can see we've got it where if you don't first succeed try try again we got it into the door there uh it holds very well it's accuracy within about an eighth or so of an inch maybe up to a quarter but we want to make a bracket that would not move around and that's that's done pretty well for us so far so that's been working out well also we have the solenoid right here that goes onto our water so as soon as we turn on the clutch that solenoid opens up and then our water starts flowing that's been really really really handy so the good thing is my and oh i can't i cannot forget about this also we have the one foot extension since we do have we did get a job one time for 25 foot material we added a one foot extension so it gave us i think the maximum we can cut is like 25 3 25 4 so in that range but that one foot extension is worth it and does not affect our turn radius or anything else like that so it's been pretty good so without further ado so so so all right so let me expect quality i've cut this other one at half an inch and i want to see kind of what the cut quality looks like and see if there's anything i mean this feels awesome that's very true i didn't see any kind of deviation in there let me get the camera on here so you can see this too okay so let's see nice clean cut and everything really no deviation therein the cut quality still remains very very well every once while i'm getting like a little stray one like that but it's really not bad i mean that's that's a a very fine cut quality both sides i'm gonna start speeding this up because again i'm still in test mode around this one knot right here you can see i can't see it really and but i can see like on the camera there's a little bit of wave pattern right there barely feel it and that was right by a knot so really nothing too crazy there there's one right here right for this knot too so i guess where it uh starts to hit a knot section you do get a little bit of vibration in there but i'm in right here too but i'm liking the way this is cutting i know i can cut a lot faster with it but all right let's go in a time lapse now and we're gonna go ahead and continue cutting this up into a six by six i'm at eight by ten right now i was gonna give myself some two-inch material off here as well and some one-inch material [Music] okay so there you have it very happy uh just nice center cut six by six out of white oak and again very happy with the cut quality nice crisp edges the face of this is like like i said when you start running a carbide blade it's it's like you're planting the wood as you cut it it's it's very impressive so overall very happy the way that this all cut up and go over here you can see our little laser now see the green line on there pretty awesome so that works out pretty well but yeah this carbide blade she cuts like a champ very happy that we finally figured out how to properly sharpen this blade and we're gonna continue to use this blade for the next couple days here while i'm here so i'll do a little a little more to the video at the end here um let me show what we cut up with this uh at the very end and go from there stay tuned all right so there you go you can see that laser down the length of the log now there is some vibration because it is a diesel it does vibrate but uh yeah laser upgrade works very well accuracy probably within about a uh eighth or so this is funny we're gonna use our sawmills a very expensive chainsaw cut off the branch it should have been cut off from the get-go so this is an unusual sight my dad's actually cutting and i get to sit down and relax but again with this carbide blade i think this vlog number six for today of this white oak cut through it no problem and the cuts remain clean could not be happier now that we know how to sharpen it yeah i'm just beyond you know pleased with the performance of this blade it's really nice to be on the other side but as you can see that green laser you can see it down the length of the log that blade just flies right through there i will say the sawdust removal with the carbide blade it's very nice i do like how it does remove all the sawdust it leaves a very clean face or anything and it's large sawdust pieces too but yeah awesome one thing i'll say about a car by blade though is if you ever did hit your stops your logs dog your turner or something like that it might be pretty devastating i've seen some people hit them pretty hard and everything but that might be pretty devastating uh with carbide i don't know how much it would slow down i mean those teeth will cut through it but yeah you can see that green laser and it gives you an idea so he should come out just below that bark section right there i am liking that laser i wasn't sure how how helpful it would be but the first cut i oftentimes screw up the first cut let's see should be just below and it is off by about an eighth of an inch but we'll see just below that bark and that's just below the bark so it works pretty well not too shabby it stayed pretty true since they put it on there so i've been very happy with that thus far [Music] so i do believe we're done cutting for today or at least for the moment everything again i'm also cutting a lot of flooring for a buddy of mine these are four and six inch wide boards at an inch and an eighth in white oak he's gonna later turn back uh you know get all this dried up and everything run it through a planer mold or all that type of stuff and make this into flooring and this some good quality stuff i really like the way that live oak looks or anything not live excuse me water oak ah this is white oak white oak i like how it looks uh long story short we're gonna go now up to the barn we're gonna show you how we are going to ship this back down to southern mississippi so our buddy brad has made a banding table for us so we're going to go ahead and try it out so we've got to band up some red oak and white oak and i think the banding that we're using is not metallic i think it's a out to go look so we'll see what it is but this is this should be pretty fun because it's the first time we've been able to use our vending machine and i'm very much looking forward to that because it'll make transporting these boards much easier and safer [Music] you
Channel: TC Sawmills
Views: 12,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberking, Sawmill, testing, Carbide blade, how to, diy, timberking 2220, diesel, machine, machinery, heavy equipment, heavy duty, bandsaw, test
Id: 7nP1BM08nLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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