How to Setup the Elgato HD60S+ with Facecam on PS4 (Complete Recording and Editing Guide)

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[Music] [Applause] welcome back to the channel guys at you boy midnight man did I get you the Ginza I'm just messing around a little bit anyways today I'm gonna be showing you guys how to set up the old ATO HD 60s plus with your PlayStation 4 and you can follow this method even if you only hu 60s it's pretty similar maybe with some slight differences but you can go ahead and follow this tutorial as well we're gonna be going over the recording aspects editing live streaming with a face cam in this video so hope you guys are ready it's gonna be a quite detailed one because I want to slow it down so you guys get the information that you're supposed to so up on the screen you'll have all the timestamps you can move around in the video however how you please also put the stamps in the description so that way if you guys ever come back to this video you can find exactly what spot in the video that you need so to jump right into this guys let me cover what you're going to need in order to set all this equipment up correctly the first thing you're gonna need is the elgato hd60 s plus or the S if you want to follow along with that capture card in the box with that capture card you should have gotten a USB C 2 USB 3.0 cable so that will be used to connect the capture card to the computer if you're using a Mac OS I would highly recommend getting a USB C to USBC cable so that way you don't have to use any sort of dongles in between your capture card in the computer I'll link one that I recommend in description below you should also have two HDMI cables one came with your PlayStation 4 the other one came with the capture card and you're gonna need a high-definition TV like the one that's next to me right here some other things that I would recommend you have but are not mandatory you can pick up the a little chat link cable right here this is for the people who have headsets and want to hear their game play audio and chat audio through the same channel and have that be recorded at the same time I actually used to use the chat link cable but not anymore after upgrading to the HD 60s plus I listen to my audio all through my computer headphones which allows my controller to be completely free of wires and it's just it's much nicer in my opinion using the HD 60s for this method may not work as well because that audio if you're listening through the computer will be slightly delayed and it just won't be as real-time like you're playing the game and listening to the audio directly from the controller or the PlayStation itself and I've gotten a lot of diems of people not being able to record their party chat audio even with this cable guys you got to make sure in your settings that your audio are all going to the same location so that means if you're using the chat link cable make sure that your party chat audio is going through the controller to your headphones and that your gameplay audio is going through the controller through your headphones so that way you'll be able to get all the audio recorded all at once there should be no issues not recording party chat audio I'll even throw up my audio settings on my playstation 4 right now this is what I run with and I've been able to have no problems recording gameplay audio and my party chat audio and the last bit I would add to this if you're having trouble hearing your party chat members just make sure you raise the volume and your settings even in the game sometimes in the game chat you it might be soft you want to go into your your audio settings within the game and you raise the volume so you can hear everybody some other pieces of equipment out recommend is using a nice USB microphone over the built-in microphone that might be on your computer and then lastly having your face cam set up so whether that be a DSLR camera that I have right in front of me if I want to just do some post editing face cam gameplay later you can also do that with a cell phone see I have a Joby tripod right here with the phone and mount clipped on there and I can record my face cam that way even a USB webcam which is usually best if you're live streaming but if you want to use something like a DSLR while you're live-streaming you need to get this thing called the cam link 4k by El Gato and if you're trying to use your phone as a device to livestream I would check out the application called epoch cam I'm actually gonna do a whole tutorial on that soon it'll be in the car to whenever it's done so you want to make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss that video and the final piece of equipment that you will need this one isn't a recommendation it's a computer you need a computer to run the al gato HD 60s plus or the S with the elgato software or stream labs OBS OBS you need a computer this cannot be computer less al gato has their recommendations for how powerful your computer should be on their website but I would bump these specs up even further of course it needs to be a quad core processor it cannot be dual-core just understand that when you're looking at laptops of purchase and I would go with something with 8 gigabytes of RAM as well as a dedicated graphics card of some sort I would avoid integrated if you want to avoid lag as as possible I'll put some laptop recommendations in the description below so go check those out so if you happen to be all good to go in the equipment Department that you need then you're good to move forward in this video and I'm about to show you how you set this stuff up let's go to get into this guys the first thing you want to do even before you put together the equipment is to go over to your settings then you're gonna want to go down to system and right here in able HDCP you must have this unchecked because check out what happens if you have it checked your screens gonna be black you're gonna see exactly what I'm seeing nothing blackness so please make sure that's unchecked before you even start putting anything together next you can head over to Al Gatos website and go to the downloads section and on this page you want to download the corresponding game capture software for your operating system that's compatible with the HD 60s plus I'm running a macbook pro so in my case I'm gonna download the game capture for Mac and if I go to the plus icon down there I can see that is compatible with the HD 60s plus on the windows side if you try to download the game capture software you see that it's not compatible with the HD 60s plus so you'll need to scroll down just a little bit and download the 4k capture utility for Windows and you'll see down here in compatibility that it is good with the HD 60s plus now that you have the corresponding game capture software installed we're gonna need to put this equipment together so to make things easy for you guys I found this graphical image from El Gato that shows the general layout of how you want your cables to connect to this capture card and just in case this diagram is a little bit confusing to you how about I show you step-by-step how you put this together so now if we go ahead and pick up our HD 60s plus capture card and we grab one of the HDMI cables right here we're gonna just plug that into the HDMI IN slot right there and the rest of this cable will go into your PlayStation now let's grab that second HDMI cable I told you guys about you're gonna want to plug this HDMI cable into the HDMI out slot with the other end of this going into your television so far so good HDMI n into the PlayStation HDMI out into your TV now let's grab that USB cable now most of you are probably just using the one that came in the box a USB 3.0 to the USBC cable but since I have a Mac I also have an additional cable where it's USB C to USB C so that don't have to use any dongles in between my laptop and the capture card here so whichever cable you're using you're gonna want to take one of the USB C ends and plug that into the capture card it'll be right next to the HDMI in slot the other end of that cable you're gonna want to plug into your computer or your laptop now let's say you're one of those PlayStation 4 users that like to hear their game play and chat audio through their controller well the extra cable you can pick up is the Oh godoh chat link cable right here you'll plug in the far end without all the other things attached right next to the HDMI in slot like that the other end of that cable will go into your PlayStation 4 controller just like so and then you'll have the other connector right here that will be for your headphones so now you'll be able to hear your game play audio coming through as well as it being recorded through the capture card but anyways you guys should have something looking like this at the end of this initial cable setup maybe - the chat link cable if you'd rather just hear your audio through your computer speakers which is how I prefer to listen to my gameplay audio as I can listen to music and other things through my computer if all your cables are set up correctly with your capture card you will see the gameplay up here in your capture card software whether that be the Elgato Game Capture software which I'm running right here in the Mac or the 4k utility tools some of you might discover during your setup processes that you can't get a signal black screen guys I've had the issue - as you can see it happens to the best of us you know it's technology doesn't always work right my suggestion to you guys to fix this problem is to verify that your cables are all connected properly if they are go ahead and close out the program even give your computer a fresh restart if you have to disconnect the USB from your computer then put it all together and see if you get your signal back and nine times out of ten you usually do you got a signal awesome let me show you around the Elgato Game Capture software as well as the 4k utility tool now since I'm on my Mac right now I'll give you guys a quick tour of the Elgato Game Capture software so starting off with the capture tab and the device section here you will have your elgato hd60 s plus capture card selected right here and if it's not you should select it so you can see your game plays screen already right above that to the right here would be your settings so this is where you can enable flashback recording you can have the stream command enable which is down here you can adjust your sharing settings and also the software updates if you want to check for those automatically if you're not gonna be using flashback recording or the stream command features you can disable some of these because it'll just speed up your computer a little bit below that you have the settings for the capture card itself so this is where you can select the input device it all kind of defaults here to other even if I have PlayStation 4 selected I can even pick the Xbox one and it's still gonna work so I mean it really doesn't matter which one you pick here as long as you're getting your picture that's what's important here input I have it in HDMI there's nothing else I would have it in because I'm connecting things using HDMI cables and if I were to check this off with analog this is gonna pull audio from the chat link cable I'm not using the chat link cable I'm listening to the audio through my computer so I'll keep that unchecked HDMI color range I have mine at standard profile 1080 and I'm allowing 60fps to get that better quality I don't have a crop and I've left these other options unchecked as I just haven't had a need for them in the picture section here this is where you can color correct your game play analog audio gain is useful if you're using the chat link cable and you need to boost the audio volume as normally the chat link audio comes in a little bit soft and here I can set some profiles if I want to have a variety of different capture card settings in this next section I can control how loud the game audio is so adjust that to your liking within the live stream section you can actually sign in to one of your YouTube or twitch accounts and you'll be able to live stream straight to it you can set a stream title and then next to where you make your title you can have your advanced stream option so whether or not you want your video to be public the the resolution all that can be set than here some people get a little bit confused for where they need to set this dial so before you set that dial I recommend going to and on this site you can see how good or bad your internet speed is and what you want to pay attention to is your upload speed for example if I have a 10 megabit per second upload speed and there's not a ton of devices or users on my network then I would be comfortable setting my bitrate with an elgato capture software anywhere between 5 megabits per second all the way up to maybe even 7 megabits per second because I still have that little bit of leeway in case my internet dips for any reason you wouldn't want to set your bitrate to match your upload speed as you never know it could dip and your stream will get choppy it just won't be able to be stable and with that being said I'd highly recommend having an Ethernet cable directly connected to your laptop or computer so that you can get the fastest and most reliable internet speed while you're streaming in the live commentary section I can select a mic that I have either built in or that I plugged in via USB I can also select to automatically reduce the game sound and guys this is like a super annoying feature to have honestly because your game audio will just keep going up and down every single time you talk I don't see many videos of people using this the video title is what el gato will use to categorize your gameplay and if I go back up here to the seconds real quick you can see this is my directory path so this is where those videos are going to save under that title so in the Game Capture HD library right here all the other information like game description and tags get pushed in addition to your stream title if you're streaming but if you're just saving a regular video game play then the title will will be most important here if we keep going over to the left here this is the commentary button you can see that it's lit up in blue which means that it is active if I disable it then I won't be getting any commentary audio through my USB microphone my built-in microphone into my game play next to that is the live stream icon so this is how you start and stop your live stream to YouTube twitch whichever platform you're using over to the left of that is this mute toggle so I'll here my game play and my voice out loud if I unmute the see how you can hear me like this yeah it's annoying honestly that's another setback with the el gato software sometimes I would just want to hear my gameplay audio and not my voice audio which I don't have a problem with if I'm using something like OBS because within OBS I can set which audio tracks I want to hear or not hear while it's being recorded at the same time below that mute button is the disabled preview so you won't see my preview anymore if I so like that everything else to the left here shows me information on how long my flashback recording has been running for so it's been going for about 26 minutes and I can use this icon to go back in time to record stuff that hey I might have missed and then I can press this record icon if I want to start recording my gameplay the last thing I want to show you guys within the Elgato Game Capture software is the stream command and this is where you can set some different scenes and sources that you might want to have set when you do your live streams so let's take scene 3 for example and I want to get my face cam here and I have a USB camera plugged in I also have my built-in webcam that I can use so all I have to do is select the edit scenes button over here to the far right so I'm just going to exit that and we're gonna over to this plus button down here to add an overlay and now I can select a different webcam that I may want to use so let's go with my 1080p Pro stream webcam and there I am I can set my face cam just like that and when I'm done editing just select and editing and there you go it'll be set on your capture software over in the Edit tab is where we can modify different Clips maybe make some splits in a couple different places and then delete certain parts of the video altogether and then once you're finished and satisfied with your edit you can go ahead and save it using the share option over here on the bottom right the regular Elgato Game Capture software it's alright but you can tell it's a little bit data and could definitely use a revamp as it hasn't gotten a whole UI update in some time alrighty now we've moved on to the window side of things to give you a little bit of a showcase of what the 4k capture utility tool has feature wise so with that being said you can tell that this capture software is a bit more streamlined cleaner looking and just stuff all over the place compared to the original capture card tool from El Gato you'll be doing most of your configuring in the 4k utility tool and your preferences which is in the top right hand corner this gear icon select that and let's start off with the general section here first thing that they have here is the enable stream link which is really just a record game play off of your iPad iPhone that kind of thing below that is a software version information so you can see what version you're on and whether or not you need to get updates the next tab is the device so for me I have the elgato hd60 S + selected right now my audio input is HDMI because I usually like hearing my audio through my computer if I wanted to use Chaplin cable I would select analog audio you can also mess with your color range and edid mode but for me I've just left these by default in the picture settings this is where you can just adjust the color correction in the recording section this is where you'll set your directory path for where you want your videos to save and where you want screenshots to save video encoders so I'm using my graphics card right now the Radeon pro 560 under that you can enable HDR recording which brings out your lights and darks moorage it just looks really pretty but you will need a compatible TV or monitor that can pass through HDR 10 below that the format section will determine how high of quality you want to record in and with the HD 60 S Plus you can do it up the 2160p at 60 frames per second which if you didn't know is 4k quality but if you take a look at this yellow icon here it says that my input format is going to be 1080p at 60 frames per second so you can't output a quality that you can't input so I'll have to only stick to 1080p at 60fps but I'm glad at least you have these options on Mac OS using the original gato game capture software you can't go this high at all setting your bitrate you can make the quality even better output will clearly tell you what your recording quality is gonna be under that you can reduce the preview frame rate during recording so that will lessen the load on your computer that goes for flashback recording as well as that can take a lot of load on your computer because you're constantly recording so you can take that off if you don't need it and something else that's nice here is you can set the duration of that flashback recording the last tap here is the microphone so my audio input is the blue Yeti but I also have these other options that are like built-in to my computer I can set that input gain so if I want it to be even louder I can do that or if I need it to be a little software but usually you want your voice to kind of go over the gameplay audio and now take a look at this feature here the monitor audio if I select this select apply with this selected I can actually hear myself right now luckily my volume is low enough on my computer you can't hear the feedback decided to turn that back off because when I'm listening to my game played through my computer I don't like hearing my own voice at the same time slightly delayed it's just pretty annoying so I have the monitor audio off for my microphone and I just hear my game play audio which is just beautiful and you can't do that in the original Elgato Game Capture software which is another complaint like if we exit out of this and comparable with the other Elgato Game Capture software by muting this I won't hear my voice anymore but then my audio commentary is gonna be gone from my videos so I'd want to have this but on the other software I'll still hear the feedback from my voice without having the option to not monitor it with that being said I can see my gameplay audio coming through here on the right side and I can mute that if I want it to for the recording and then on the left side of that I have the commentary audio this camera icon I can take a screenshot this is the record icon you can pause your flashback recording or go back to where it's live which is nice above that this is where the flashback recording feature is so I can go back far in time if I wanted to like two minutes behind three minutes which is really nice over to the left of that is the information for how I want my gameplay to be saved above that I can go to my library and this is where all my recordings will be sorted so yeah this software in my opinion is better than the original capture card software it just has the features people actually use like you can tell that this one didn't have the editing modules because who the heck's editing in the auto capture card tool we have our own good editors the thing missing here is that you can't dream using this application give your customers and amazing streaming recording software that we can use to record in the highest quality no matter what our operating system is and be able to stream make different windows see our chat something along the lines of stream Labs OBS but even better so that takes care of the recording aspect of using the elgato hd60 s+ but how can we edit this gameplay now here we go guys I am in the primary editing software that I use Final Cut Pro 10 that's what I use to edit all the videos current to date that I do on this YouTube channel and now I'm going to show you guys a little bit of my editing process for if I were to ever do facecam recording gameplays how I would sync that up and everything using this editing software the photo that I have up here right now contains the iPhone 11 base cam recording next to that would be the whole gameplay recording from the Elgato Game Capture so that means that this contains the game audio and the commentary as well as the gameplay picture next to that are the separate files that oh god it will also save in addition to the entire gameplay recording so that would be the game audio and the commentary audio by themselves so you can edit and change the levels all that kind of stuff in case you're not that happy with the full recording so I'm gonna drag all four of these clips into my project right here and these are some crazy big icons so I'm gonna make them a little bit smaller there and one of the amazing features I can use in Final Cut Pro 10 which you don't have and most of the cheaper or third-party editing software's is a synchronization feature so that I can line up all of these clips together when I have them all selected I can go to clip and then select synchronize clip and I'll just say master gameplay select okay it's saving boom we have one solid gameplay source here and now if I double click into this and we go over here we can see that everything is lined up together here I'll give you guys a little listen right now I'm gonna be hearing the audio from the game and the audio from myself and I don't necessarily like always hearing the audio from my own voice so you see how it's all lined up together if I didn't have this synchronization feature within this editing software I'd have to do that manually on my own whether that be lining it up by a reaction with the FaceCam in the gameplay or lining up the audio from the FaceCam audio with the gameplay audio that includes the commentary luckily i'm in fantastic shape here and I'm actually gonna move the FaceCam above the gameplay because we want to see my face we don't want my face hidden by the gameplay right a little bit messy here but this will make it a little bit easier to work with and then I can just disable that track if I'd like since I'll be using the commentary audio down here I won't need the audio from that iPhone 11 face cam file so I'm just gonna completely mute that and now I want this face cam to be smaller it's taking up the whole gameplay screen so I'm gonna go over here select transform and I'm just gonna take the corners zoom them in and I usually put my face cam over to the left side here so we're gonna put it right over here just like that and maybe we want this cropped in a little bit so we can just select the drop-down again I selected the crop option and we're just gonna pull it in just a little bit so this is looking much better already and if I wanted to I could even add a face cam on top of it so this is one of the PNG transparent image files that I've always used for my face cams like that you can see it doesn't line up if I wanted to I could line this up much better by going in the Photoshop and doing it that way but we can also mess with it this way as well see how we can just manipulate it just a little bit here I can even use the transform options on the right side of the screen of the editing software and just pull it in just the way I want it to be as for the audio goes right now I have this full gameplay clip with the materi and also the game audio in it at the same time but I don't need that I'm gonna mute it because below that I have the commentary track and the game audio track by themselves so I can manipulate the decibel level for each if I'd like so let's give this a listen and see how we want to adjust things need no headphones right now are we trying to do a little test run got a software okay so I could hear that my game audio was a little bit loud so I'm gonna select that I'm gonna go up to my volume setting and just turn that down a little bit just so my boys can be a little bit more heard in the gameplay I don't need no headphones right now we're trying to software okay that sounds much better everything's looking good I'm actually gonna go back using this arrow here to my main track and now I can just make my cuts and edit exactly however high one [Music] those are just some cuts I've made so far but I'll continue this throughout you know before the end of this video obviously when you guys see it but one other thing I want to mention to you guys is this is something important that I always put on all my videos is a nice color correction as you can see up here just a little bit gray and a little dull but over here I've made some presets for myself so this is one right here that I've made and it just looks a lot better like it look how much more colorful that is compared to what it was before with all that being said here's my quick edit example already guys just got a game a fortnight going I have my recording going in the algata software we're gonna hop out the bus see if we can do in this game and it suggests an example we're gonna just rock with it without any headphones right now but if you were to be using the elgato software for your primary source of reporting and editing definitely look to pick up the chat link cable if you're using the PlayStation 4 but you know me I don't need no headphones right now are we trying to do a little test run with the elgato software you know that's alright live watches no scope of all the things that you can edit out the audio from your different cameras and bass cams and just use the audio from your good microphone that's integrated within the elgato software how did you guys feel about the gameplay at it they're not too bad it's good for a YouTube video but what if we want a live stream our gameplay I would definitely not recommend using the elgato software which would only work on Mac so we're gonna cover how you would livestream using the elgato hd60 s+ using stream labs OBS and OBS that the settings are literally the same guys you can follow the same steps using the elgato hd60 s+ with stream labs OBS OBS you're in good shape because those work natively with Mac OS as well as Windows now let's say you own the elgato hd60 s well if you're on Windows this next step I'm about to show you will work exactly the same for streamers OBS or OBS but if you're on Mac o West you'll have to download some additional software such as the OBS link and the NDI plugin in order to get the HD 60 s to work with OBS in stream libs OBS on your Mac it is a little bit extra for this video to go into how the HD 60 s works for Mac OS with OBS and streamers OBS so I have done a couple tutorials that I'll put in the card above as well as link description below go check those out and I go in detail to how you can configure your elgato hd60 s with OBS and stream labs OBS but for you guys that are not a part of that scenario within stream labs OBS or OBS steps are gonna be the same you want to first start off with the scene and within the sources section I'm going to select that plus button select video capture device and then select add source and we'll just name this add the source and then under the device we're gonna select the option of the game capture hd60 s plus we should see the game play window appear and for some reason you have to use the preset of 1280 by 720 because see if you uncheck it you can't get the resolution of 1920 by 1080 luckily the input source is going to be 1080p but as for the preset it has to stay in 1280 by 720 and then within the video section you want to make sure your base canvas is 1920 by 1080 that'll be the 1080p output it's like done then and transform I'm gonna fit the screen again and boom we're looking good oddly enough in OBS with this capture card I can deselect use preset scroll down the resolution select 1920 by 1080 framerate I can keep it where it is and then next to that I can select 60fps and then I have a picture here but in stream labs OBS I don't I will say I don't see a quality difference from using the preset to not using the preset I mean do you guys see anything major I honestly don't it's all about the resolution of your profile so as long as that's 1920 by 1080 you're good last piece of this is the audio so what you can do is add another source here audio input capture add the source game audio add source the device again would be the game capture hd60 s+ done and then you'll see down over here that it's added to my mixer in the case that you're not getting audio from your capture card you will need to launch the Elgato Game Capture software and that will get the audio into OBS or stream labs OBS for you here we go just launched it I can see my audio coming through and now if I go back over here you can see that my audio is coming through here as well I'll probably meet this aux audio right there but it as you can see it is working now if I want to hear my game play audio while I have my headphones plugged into the computer instead of using the chat link cable I can go over here to the mixer within Stream labs OBS click on this gear icon to see my advanced audio settings and then for the HD 60s plus game audio I want to select monitor and output and I'll hear my game audio as you can hear right now so there you guys have it I know this video is probably a long one I hope you guys could see the difference between the HD 60s and the HD 60s plus they're similar but you can see that that s+ has a little bit of an advantage expecially if you're on Mac OS as always if you guys have any questions about what I covered in this video feel free to leave a comment down below as well as DM me in my socials also linked below go check me out there and besides that guys thank you so much for watching the video like the video up subscribe to the channel if you're new around here with the post notifications on if I haven't said it already thank you so much for over 60,000 subscribers we're growing the channel so nicely and it's all thanks to you guys for supporting the videos and watching them liking them sharing them all those things out so thank you so much you guys have a wonderful day stay healthy stay safe I'll see you in my next video peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: MidnightMan
Views: 187,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midnightman, midnightman55, ps5, playstation, easy, tutorials, ps4, hd60s, hd60s+ setup, hd60s+, hd60s+ mac, macbook, elgato, elgato hd60s+, elgato obs setup, slobs, slobs obs elgato, complete tutorial, How to Setup the Elgato HD60S+ with Facecam on PS4 (Complete Recording and Editing Guide), facecam, elgato facecam, stream, how to stream with elgato, twitch, facebook, youtube, kid friendly, informational, educational, how to, how to setup elgato hd60s to ps4
Id: 7-U-b_XbUZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 54sec (1914 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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