Elgato HD60s+ PS4 Setup 2021 (EASY TUTORIAL) Party Chat Audio FIX!

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all right welcome guys so today's video is going to be about my experience with elgato hd 60s plus and uh the thing is that there wasn't a lot of videos online about explaining how to set the s plus as much there's loads of stuff about that 60 hd60 s um so hopefully this video explains how to set it up what software to download um and how to actually get your party chat and your game recorded in elgato while you still hear it through your headset uh and this was something i struggled finding on youtube and stuff so hopefully this helps everyone out uh if you have any questions feel free to put it in the description of the comments below and i'll try and answer as many as i can okay so let's get started first of all by downloading the software that you actually need okay so i'd say do this first and then do all the cabling so we start off with going on to the elgato and i just typed in elgato download or something and then it comes up with a screen over here so select your product so you want to go to the 60s plus okay um click on that and this is a new software i think that they release it's the 4k capture utility so they want you to use the utility tool so you can access the 4k resolution i think with the normal software that they had before it didn't allow for that so the one before that was the one you probably see on youtube quite a lot which is this one here the game capture one um so yeah uh they've released this new software i think and the thing with the s plus is that it can't run on the previous software it's not compatible with it the only one it can run in is the 4k capture utility so click on that it will download it uh in the bottom uh left hand section of the screen run through the the remaining processes of that wait for it to be installed and once it's installed i'll show you exactly what it looks like okay so before you actually set up the elgato make sure you do this uh it's very important otherwise you actually won't get a connection or anything else so go into settings into your playstation um go into system yep system and then make sure you have this ticked off enable hdcp so this is for stuff like uh netflix and things like that so they don't copyright it uh or like uh record that show whatever it is um make sure you take that this off and then plug in everything else because if you leave this on you won't get a connection okay so just do make sure you do that before so then let's get into the actual um 4k capture utility software itself and i'll show you how to set it up and how to get audios and stuff working so this should i'm gonna show you two different setups one to just capture the gameplay and the sound and one when you have your head set in uh and how that would work okay so we'll start with the first one which is just um the normal setup of the gameplay um and like the video from the hd60 s plus okay uh and that's the only two things that you should hear when you record and you can do your own voiceover uh in like your post processing afterwards okay in the actual editing software it's very simple actually compared to the old one uh you have your record button down here okay you have your pause button um you have your screenshot over here you can take a screenshot off whatever you're playing um like your thumbnails and so on then uh you have your uh your own mic recording so say for instance when you're playing you can plug your own mic uh if you have a blue yeti or something into the back your pc and that could actually be your own voiceover to that gameplay yeah does that make sense so that should be quite easy to do uh to like figure that stuff out there then uh you can have the game volume would come through here okay so when you're playing and if there's no volume coming through here then there's something wrong um and we can try and fix that along the way okay um then you have this is your capture screen and if you click to the side side over here you have your all the captures that you've taken so far okay so let's go back now this is important part here which is your settings tab okay so open that up and you have your general tab over here there's not really much over here that we can change so far but this is the important one so you have your device tool um so the thing you want to change is these two so your audio input is either a html or a html audio or an analog audio so if you want to just record your game play right and your like your your the sound from your game play in the video you want to click on the htm hdmi audio the problem however with this is that when you go on your playstation um you need to make sure that the volume your output is coming through your tv or your monitor right so it's coming through your hdmi the problem i'm sure with most people what they have is the fact that it comes through their headphones and there's no way for the ht60s plus to actually record that because it's coming from your controller to your headset um so you need to make sure and i'll show you i'll probably put a clip in the middle um from the playstation of how you go about and change those settings okay so click on html audio for this first setup and the rest you leave the same over here okay there's nothing else that you change good pictures there's nothing really if you want to change the the coloring and stuff uh do that there recording uh where to save it to um and yeah there's nothing else you can change the quality and things like that and the last part here is your mic so say for instance um you can have you have your blue yeti connected and that will record um your your voice while you're playing um so say for instance rather than you having your headset and stuff you can connect a usb mic into um your pc and it can record it straight through the software itself okay so you pick that there and um you should get the input there and that's it so there's nothing else that uh you really need to change so hit okay and i'm going gonna show you um what it would look like on the playstation now i've changed over to the playstation and i'm actually recording through the elgato itself um as i said over here uh you can see that the volume is actually working over here so that's the volume that you can hear coming through the tv okay so how you do that is you go to your settings tab um you go all the way down to devices you come down to audio devices and as you can see over here my output is coming through my tv okay um and that's the only way you can actually um see that so if i change that say for instance let me put my headset in and i'll show you so if i connect my um headset in now you can see that it's straight away detected that it's in a headset but look at the volume it's shut off all right and that's obviously like all my uh output is coming through that so yes i could change only my party audio uh coming through my headset okay but the actual game audio comes through my tv so that's the only problem i see over here there is a way to so to solve this which is the second method i'm going to show you but as i said you have to pay a bit more with cables and extra mic and so on but i'll show you that regardless okay now say for instance i want to record my mic now so what i would do is i would go into here and say for instance change my mic to uh a blue yeti or something so when i'm speaking it's coming through the actual software itself and you can hear me now right and you can also see that the mic is moving so that's realistically a normal setup and i'm going to show you the cabling in just a second okay first you want to start off by putting the hdmi cable that comes in the box into this in port over here on this side then you want to get the usbc cable that comes also comes in the box and put it into this inside here so this hdmi cable that you get goes into the back of your playstation okay so there's a hdmi port at the back over there so connect that first of all then uh you want to take this uh usbc cable and you want to put that into the back of your pc i forgot to actually mention this when i was making the video but uh one of the ends that goes into the hd 60s plus is the usb c part but the other side is a usb 3.0 which goes into the pc okay so make sure you actually put the put that usb 3.0 into a usb 3.0 uh port in the pc don't make don't put it in a 2.0 okay you'll notice a 3.0 when it's got a blue slit on it okay so make sure you do that put that back into the motherboard over there then you have your hdmi cable that you connect straight to your monitor okay so that's the initial setup and that's all the cables well you actually don't get given a hdmi cable um you only get given one so you don't get the other one other one they expect you to have one because you initially would plug it into the back of the playstation so um that's the initial setup start off with the cabling actually for the second setup which was to hear your party chat and your game audio at the same time okay so what you want to start off with is a dual um hit like a audio and mic cable to a female end okay so what you want to do is make sure that your headphone end plugs into the elgato okay so there's a little audio jack there so make sure that you connect that in so i'm gonna do that okay so that's connected okay now what you wanna do is you wanna take your mail to mail end right and connect that into uh one of the ends into your female end over here okay so i'm going to connect that okay once you've done that um you want to come over here to your female jewel audio okay female geo order here okay to male connector okay and you want to connect one of these female ends into your male audio jump so we've got those two now you want to take the other end of that and plug it into your headset okay i'm gonna quickly do that done and the last end which is your mainland goes into your controller okay so once you have that set up um that should be that to record your um party chat and your um gameplay itself output is coming gamepl your headphones okay and when you go into the elgato software make sure make sure right you have that the audio input is coming through as an analog audio okay and that's the only other bit you need to really change i'm going to quickly show you how i record my um my audio like me speaking to my friends and i do that with a blue yeti so the way i do it is i connect my blue yeti usb cable okay which goes all the way here and goes to the bottom of here and so um i use that to record my voice when i'm speaking to my friends uh go into settings devices uh audio devices and then this is where you need to change it so in order for your input to come through your blue yeti for your friends to hear and your output to come through your headset make that change on the output device there okay as you can see over here so input is the blue s8 and output is the headphones okay one more really important thing i actually forgot to mention is the fact that in here i see that the usb connections that the ps4 is going to record in the software it's not um you actually need to buy a cheap um microphone for your for your ps4 so that your friends can hear um but when you connect that into your ps4 that's not actually going to be recorded in that i'll get elgato software what you need to do is you need to get a good headset a microphone like a blue yeti or something and plug that into the back of your pc and so that it can show up in that bottom right hand side side where the microphone is um to record your own voice i know it's confusing but that's the only way to do that and sounding very clear while you're doing it you can now see that when i go through these menus see how that uh volume goes up a tiny bit i can increase that volume and that's what i was saying to you before uh you can increase that through this toggle over here so if i was to bump that up right and now if i go through the menus that should be a lot louder see that okay so that's how you control your audio over there the only thing is when you're using your headset obviously that's very that comes out very loud through your headset so to be honest it's you need to in your post processing in your editing software you might have to just bump up the sound from your game play and obviously that is mainly due to the fact that you're using so many splitter cables and the audio is um kind of loading as you go through all these different connections uh so you're not getting the pure volume that you're getting through your headset um and this is that was one of the points that i didn't really like with this whole setup is that you're paying so much money and there's so many complexities around this well i hope you guys enjoyed that um i gave you two different methods over there one just to record the um gameplay and the second one is to record the party chat and the gameplay as well if you guys do have any questions feel free to ask them in the comment section below um drop a like it means a lot it tells me that um you guys kind of want these videos again um i tend to make these videos mainly based on the fact that i can't really find much online to help me out so when i do find a solution myself i try to make a video on it and try and compile as much information as i can so that you don't have to chase about videos from here to here that you get the whole spectrum of um setting this up and get it working in that one video so hopefully that helps it would really appreciate if you could leave a like and just subscribe to the channel
Channel: Cledster Gaming
Views: 11,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elgato hd60s, elgato, hd60s, elgato hd60 s, elgato gaming, capture card, elgato hd60, elgato hd60s setup ps4, elgato hd60s+, elgato hd60s test, elgato hd60s gameplay, elgato hd60 vs elgato hd60s, elgato hd60s review, elgato hd60s obs, elgato game capture hd60 s, elgato hd60 pro, elgato capture card, how to stream, game capture, how to record, hd60s+, best capture card, how to record gameplay, hd60 vs hd60s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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