Setting up the Ultimate Plex Media Server on the Synology DS1019+

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years ago I spent hours and hours converting all of my home movies and DVDs onto the computer so that I could place them on these drives well they've been sitting there for years because they didn't have a dedicated computer to be able to access those files to play on my TV in today's video I'm going to show you how I transferred all of those files to my new Synology DS 1019 plus and set this up as a Plex server so now I can watch those videos on my TV my smartphone or other streaming devices let's get started hey everybody welcome to tech with Brett where I help tech work for you now I've had many of you reach out in the past and ask how can I take a video file that's on my phone and easily stream it to my chromecast without any lag or any interruptions because your screen mirroring and you see notifications pop up well in today's video I'm going to be using a Nash storage device this is the Synology DS 10 19 plus this has 24 gigabytes of storage built into it so I can have all of my files over here and access them anytime from any of my other mobile devices through the Plex server so in today's video I'm going to show you how you can install a Plex server onto the DS 1019 plus and the great thing about this is you don't need a computer that's always on to do this as long as the Nats device is on it will be able to access those files at any time so I can quickly stream those videos to my chromecast to my Smart TV or even to my mobile device the first step is to actually transfer all the files that we have over here on the drive to our nest storage device now this is very easy to do all you need to do is take your storage unit whatever you have there are two USB ports on these technology so I can just plug those in and then I'm ready to transfer everything over to here once those are transferred I can just keep these as backups I don't really need to use them anymore once I have logged into my Synology DiskStation server I then just need to open up file station and then navigate to where I want to add these files to so I'm just going to create a new folder here called plex media server and then I'm going to open up a second window and down here you can see the print file drives that I have plugged in to the NASS so I'm going to go through this drive and then I'm going to open up the files that I want to transfer over to that plex media server file and now we just need to wait for them to copy over I do have about 600 gigabytes so it is going to take some time so we'll be right back okay now that we have all of our files here under this plex media server folder the next thing I'm going to do is download the plex media server so we're gonna do that by going into the package center up here at the top left we're going to open this up and just search for plex and Here I am going to install now this isn't the latest version of the plex media server I'll show you how to manually install that in just a bit once it is installed head over to your control panels and then we're going to make sure that the plex media server file that it created is shares so we're gonna go into our shared folder and then here you can see that there is this new Plex folder now this was created once I installed the Plex application so I'm gonna select on plex and then I'm going to go to edit and up here you could adjust the name and here it's going to show what volume it's going to use and then we can add the recycle bin if we wanted to here but then I can actually go over to the advanced features and here we can set a limit for how much data we want to have in this plex shared folder so right now my plex server has about 600 gigabytes of data so I'm actually going to turn this on and choose one terabyte so I can add a bunch of more data but not a ton of data so it's not using up all of my Nass storage that's available so once we have that set then we're going to go over here into the permissions tab and we're going to make sure that we give permissions to my other users so right now I'm signed in to an admin account but if I sign in to my user without the admin permissions I still want to be able to access this so I'm going to give myself the read and write permissions there and then under here there's nothing you need to change for advanced features or the NFS permission so we're going to select okay right there and then it has made the adjustments to that folder and now the next step is we are going to make sure that we transfer all of our files that we want to access through plex to the plex app so once we share that now I have access to this Plex folder so I'm going to click these dropdowns open Plex and then we see a library and I'm going to take all the files that I store it in that plex media server and I'm actually just going to drag them and drop them right here into the library folder and then I'm gonna say move and overwrite so once I do that it's going to move all of my files right into the library folder alright once it has finished we can just double check to make sure everything's in the right place so here under Plex under the library folder then we have all of our different media files and you can organize these however you want so here are some of the things I've done we like to separate the Christmas movies the Halloween movies here I have a kids movie folder so only movies I want the kids to watch here we have our movies so all the other movies and then here you have TV shows now within these so let's go into the movies folder here I just have all my movies down here I have them all separated individually so it just depends on kind of how you have your movies rip to your computer but I want to show you that if I have a movie here so if I go into Captain America here I have the movie file but then I have this other file called dot SRT so if you want to have subtitles for that video you actually need to go and find this dot SRT file and then put them both in one folder and then Plex will be able to find those so you can actually turn on subtitles which is pretty cool so now we can close that and we can open up the plex media server now if this is your first time going into Plex you will need to create an account I already do have an account so I'm going to sign in now the first time you sign up for Plex it will ask if you want to set up a plex pass subscription so you can sign up for it monthly yearly or buy a lifetime subscription so that you always have access to all of these features now none of this is required to use Plex but let me show you some of the best features that it has so right here you can see the these are all the features you get with the free and the premium version so you get 4k support any format available anywhere just tons of different things that you get with either version but some of the specific things you get with a Plex pass is the ability to automatically upload photos directly from your camera early access to apps you can record live TV you can have lyrics show up you can sync your videos to your mobile device so you can use them offline you can set up multiple users parental controls photo albums plex DVR plex pass perks timeline and trailers and extras and I'll show you a few of those things near to the end of this video so if you want to try out these plex pass features for free Plex gave me a code so that you can sign up and try out plex pass for 30 days for completely free so make sure you guys check out that link in the description below and the code to sign up will be tech with Brett 30 thanks Plex for helping me out with that today so now headed back here let me talk to you about how to ex works so here we have plex media server that runs on the computer to keep your media so in our case we're running this on our nest server now you could run Plex on a computer but most of the time I don't have a computer that stays on all the time so my Synology device is the perfect solution for that then it's going to scan our media so it's going to find our movies our pictures and any music we have that we put in the file and then I can access that from my computer my mobile device tablet or my smart TV so let's go ahead and continue and here it says we found the server so here I can actually create a friendly name for the server and then here I get the option to allow access outside of the home so it's great to stream your media at home but if I ever leave and I want to access that from a friend's house or whatever I want to make sure that this is selected to be able to do that so the next step is we're going to add our media into the plex server so all the different media files that we just transferred we're going to allow plex to access that and organize it all automatically so here we're going to add media to our library and so first I'm going to add movies and I'm just going to call it movies and then the next step is to add our folder so under volume one and then Plex and then library here you can see all of my different folders that I moved and I'm gonna select movies and I'm gonna select add and then add to library so now it's going to go through and search all of those movies that I have find album art and everything so let's go ahead and add a few more library so I'm actually gonna add movies and I'm gonna call this one kids movies so there we got kids so then we're going to add Christmas movies then we're gonna add Halloween movies and then lastly we're going to add TV show so you do have these other categories TV shows music photos and other videos but we're just going to do TV shows today and then browse through the categories library and then here I have my TV shows and select add add to library and now I'm done adding all the media I want to add now and at any time I can go back and add more different libraries I'll show you how to do that in a second so then make sure you go and download the Plex application on your mobile device on your TV whatever other smart device you have in your home so that you can access all your information so now we're going to finish the setup here on screen by selecting done so what's happening now is Plex is currently searching through all of the media that we have added so over here on the left side of the screen you could have multiple servers if you wanted to or you can actually share your server with others so I can access those right here here I can see my different libraries that I have added so we can see that it's currently searching through the movies library and then down here you have some other online content that you could view if you wanted to so then right now you can see that it found some of the movie titles but there is no album art popping up so as you wait a little bit it will match your video to the content it finds so that it can load up all the appropriate information the year related movies actors that are in it and all kinds of stuff and down here at the bottom you can see that it is currently searching for and matching metadata to the video and if you have any problems with the matches I'll show you how you can fix that as well so I'm going to give this just a few minutes get everything updated and then show you the next step so after about an hour it has now scanned through and found all of my media and matched all of the different information so let's just go through and look at a few things so if I go over to my movies tab over here on the left side we can see all of our movies and it's pulled in all of the movie art and everything so I'm going through here everything looks really good if for some reason something doesn't add up if you hover over a picture you can actually click the edit button and you could change information into here you can change the movie poster if you like something different you can also change the background that shows up but if it matched the completely wrong movie you can actually click the three menu right here and then you could select fix match or unmatch and if an entire area didn't work you could click the menu over here and you could select refresh all metadata so that would just rego through everything if something happened and it wasn't matching correctly so I noticed that I have arthritis this is supposed to be the arthur kids TV show so is what i want to do is remove the data from this match so I'm just going to select the menu right here and then I'm going to select unmatch and there it has removed whatever title that it found and everything and it will show me a screenshot from the video so I can see what it is and I'll just have to go back and edit that later and there you can see it's showing part of the video so you can go through may take some time to get everything looking perfect but right now the movies look great I can go in the TV shows that I have Seinfeld up here I have kids movies this first time loading it so it's going to take a second and there you can see all that information loads up quickly here I have Halloween movies and then I have some Christmas movies so everything is looking really good now before we head over to the TV and try this out and try this on our mobile device let me update the plex server and show you a few other settings you may want to check so if I come up here and click the settings and then I go over here to the server so right here it says there is an update that is available and please install manually so if I click that down here you'll notice that it is downloading that new version that we can install so once it has downloaded to my device we need to go back to our Synology DiskStation server here and in the package center I have the manual install option so I'm gonna select manual install and then I'm going to go to the Browse and I'm going to look for the download so it's going to browse on my computer we're gonna look in the downloads folder and there i have the new plex media server file i'm going to open that select next and then it says this is from an unknown publisher yes I do want to continue I know it's from Plex I'm going to apply the update and now that update has been applied so I'm actually going to close Plex right here and then I'm going to select open plex media server now there are a few different UI changes in this new update but we're going to head back over here into the settings and then go down here to the general tab and right now it shows that everything is up to date it shows my account and everything else next I want to go to the remote access so here it is showing that I do have access outside of my network and then here we can specify our internet upload speed so it knows how much information it can send at once so I know that my internet upload speed is actually at 50 but here I could limit how fast it is actually sending info so I could limit the stream to a 720p stream so that it's not using all my bandwidth so actually let's try out the 8 megabits per second stream right there and then we're gonna select Save Changes if we go back to the home we can watch videos right here so as long as we're logged in to our plex server on the computer I can just select play and then it will begin playing the movie right here and I have all the controls and I can skip through it and everything so you could play it here you could also come up here to the select player and you could cast it to other devices on your network but now that everything is working just fine on the PC let's head over to the phone and show you how to use it on there as well as cast to the TV now the first thing to do is download the Plex application you can get this on Android or iPhone devices but I'm using my note 9 today once we go into the app we just need to sign into our account now once we are assigned any will ask us which server we want to use so you can actually share your server with other people I have a few other servers here that are available but I'm just going to select on the server that I just set up so once I get into the application here we can see all the movies that I sell over on my computer down here at the bottom we have the option to go in and see our TV shows here I could choose movies and I can scroll down and see many of the different categories that I have or certain movies by certain actors up here I can choose a drop-down and choose some of the other categories so let's say I went into kids movies I could see all those movies right here now if I want to watch one of the movies here I just tap on it and here I have a few options I could add to a playlist of maybe Disney movies or something like that so here I do have the download option now that is only available to those with a Plex past subscription and then here I have the menu where I could add to queue or delete the movie if I wanted to so let's go ahead and play this and I'm going to select play from beginning so there you can see how quickly that loaded up on the phone it really was no problem so now I'm going to go ahead and play a movie on the chromecast but first I want to set up what is called a pre-roll video that is only available for Plex past subscribers so let's go ahead and get that set up real quick so I'm going to go ahead and add another library right from the plex server here so if we come over here to libraries I'm going to select plus and then I'm going to choose other videos for this and I'm going to go ahead and add a folder so it's in the same location as all of the other plex files and right here under library I have a new file called pre-roll so I'm going to select add and then add to library and it's going to go ahead and scan the files in that folder to add them here so now one of the cool things that you can do with the plex pass subscription is add pre-roll videos to anything that you watch so if we go over here into the settings and we go down here and choose extras I can choose to have cinema trailers added to the pre-roll and then I'm going to hit the advanced features and I'm going to do a movie pre-roll video so just like back in the day when you would see thx at the movie theater and you have those really cool intros you could actually add those right here into Plex so here it says enter the full path to the pre-roll video file so if I go back over here into my media and I'm going to go to other shows and so I have this thx intro right here I'm going to select menu get info and here you can see the file path I'm going to copy that and then I'm going to head back into the settings go to extras and then right here I'm going to paste that file path and select Save Changes so now that we have that setup I'm going to go into the app and select the chromecast icon and choose the chromecast ultra which is behind me and then all I need to do is select my favorite movie and once it loads up then I just need to select play and then as soon as it plays it's going to add that play role movie over here to the TV before it actually plays the video so here this is a terminator 2 thx sound test and it's really nice to have this at the beginning to get you in the movie watching mood now as soon as that's done playing its going to go ahead and go and play the movie so now that that's loaded up let's show you how quickly it's able to buffer as I scroll through the different parts of the video so here if I skip a little bit ahead it loads up very quickly let's go back a little bit and there you can see it loads as well so that's one of the great things about having the DS 1019 plus is you can store all your media on here there's plenty of storage available and I can add more if I need to it also has the ability to run the plex server without having to have a computer on at any time and then it's also able to run to 4k streams simultaneously so if we're watching movie up here and my kids are watching a movie on the other room on a smart TV it's able to play those in full quality which is just really awesome to be able to have within the home so if you're at all like me and you've spent hours and hours digitizing this content and on a storage device maybe movies or maybe your own family home videos I would definitely recommend checking out the DS 1019 plus now Synology did send out this device for me to check out but I can definitely recommend this as a way to store all your movie files or as a backup solution for your company or even here at home I have tons of different YouTube videos in 4k now that I want to store on here and this has been a really great option so if you guys are looking for a way to backup all that information definitely check out this device I'll leave a link to it in the description below as well as if you're interested in checking out plex I'll leave the 30-day free trial information in the description below as well if you guys have any further questions and let me know and if you want to check out my original setup video and other ways that I'm using these Synology device make sure you check out the video over here on the side thank you so much for watching we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Tech With Brett
Views: 359,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tech With Brett, Casting personal movies to the tv, Plex Media Server setup, Using a NAS as a PLEX server, casting plex to a Chromecast, setting up the plex media server, add library to plex server, should I get a plex pass, plex pass free trial, synology ds1019+ as plex media server, manual install plex media server update on synology, sorting movie storage, streaming media
Id: MAM-SIzuyVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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