Synology DS1520+ Unboxing and Setup

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welcome to crosstalk solutions my name is chris and in this video we're going to be taking a look at the brand new synology ds1520 plus and this thing is a beast all right so if you're looking for like a mid-range nas that's going to be able to run applications super super fast this is one of the ones that you want to take a look at it's got plenty of storage space with five full bays that can handle either 3.5 inch sata 2.5 inch sata or 2.5 inch ssds it also has two m.2 nvme caching drives that you can put into this thing so that's pretty awesome so let's go ahead and talk about this device as i get it unboxed i have a synology nas right now it's the ds218 and it's only two drives i'm running out of space on it so i felt it was time for an upgrade the one that i have also does not have the ability to have the m.2 caching so it's going to be interesting to see you know how much performance that adds to the nas now if you're going to be just using a nas for backing up files then you probably don't need the versions that come with the m.2 nvme capability just the regular hard drive nas are going to be fine in that case but if you're looking to run applications right docker or virtual machines or you know plex or whatever having the m.2 cache caching drives is a huge benefit in terms of speed of your applications because anything that you're accessing you know frequently is going to be cached on those caching hard drives and then the slower storage of the sata drives is just for storage all right we don't need this box all right so inside the box besides the nas itself we've got uh looks like they threw in a cat oh they threw in two uh cat5 cables now this has four gigabit ethernet ports that can be link aggregated so we're going to set up the link aggregation i don't know if i'll do that in this video or in a separate video but we're definitely going to set up link aggregation with my unify switch it looks like you get a couple of keys to lock the thing up screws for the hard drives a power brick and then a standard power cable now i will say that synology did send me this unit for free so the ds 1520 is actually about 650 i'll have a link down below to all of the stuff that i'm using in this video if you guys want to check it out so while they did send this to me for free oh my gosh so beautiful look at that uh i actually bought all the drives so i ended up spending way more in hard drives than the cost of the synology nas the drives that i'm going to use here i have three of the eight terabyte seagate iron wolf drives where's my knife and then i have two drives in my old nas already so what i'm gonna do since this is a five base system i'm gonna start with three drives and then once i migrated uh migrate over to it i'm going to pull the drives out of the old synology nas and then add them and expand the storage in this one here as far as the nvme goes i went with the samsung 970 evo nvme m.2 so the hard drives that i purchased the 8 terabyte iron wolf's are 215 i got three of those and then we have the samsung 970 evo at 90 and the cost of the synology nas itself is 650 so for this setup that i'm initially setting up with just three drives and just one of the caching drives you can do two but i'm just doing one to start that total setup is 1384. to get going with this particular solution if you wanted to fully deck it out with eight terabyte drives and two of the nvmes you're going to add about 530 dollars to that price so you're getting up to about two grand to fully deck this thing out oh look it so cute look at that nvme all right so before we install the drives let's take a look around the synology chassis it has your five drive bays up front and you might look at synology's lineup and say gosh i don't even know which one of these to buy we're going to actually cover that in this video i'm going to look at all of the different models for sort of home users and it enthusiasts and i will basically explain some of the differences between the different synology models so you've got your hot swappable drives up front these are five of these drives or five of the hot swappable drive bays and these can each have a 3.5 inch sata drive like these iron wolves a 2.5 inch state of drive or a 2.5 inch ssd it will take any of those we also have a usb 3.0 port on the front as well as the power button on the back we have a kensington lock we have a reset hole to refactor reset the device we have another usb 3. we have two e sata drives and then we have our four gigabit switches so if you want the 10 gigabit version you're gonna have to upgrade like the next one up has also a pcie slot that you can put a 10 gig card into again we'll cover that a little bit later in this video so here's your 4 gigabit ports i'm going to link aggregate these ports and see how well that works that should be plenty of speed for what i need to do with this device all right so not much to it let's go ahead and get our drives installed oh also on the bottom this is where you put in your uh nvmes you got your two nvme slots right here on the bottom all right so here we see our two nvme slots we got one labeled one and one labeled two we're gonna use the slot one here so let's go ahead and take our nvme and pop it right in and then it clicks into place just like that for the drive bays themselves basically your hard drives just pop right in like so and you're good to go you can just install them just like this there we go and that's installed and so they're labeled down here one two three four five all right drives are in power's in i've only plugged in one of the network ports at this point i will set up the link aggregation later these keys by the way are for the front of these drive bays if you want to lock them in so we're open right now but you could turn the key and now the drive bays are locked for me personally i will leave these unlocked because i know myself and i will probably lose these keys and we don't want to do that okay so let's go ahead and fire it up for the first time and then let's go through the initial setup of this synology nas synology nas is installed plugged in up and running i'm actually using this red cable you see right here to connect to it over uh from my unifi switch and if we look at my desktop we can see that uh if you go to it has successfully found my nas so let's go ahead and say connect agree to the license agreement continue on the privacy statement and here we go so welcome set up your synology ds1520 now we're going to click setup install disk station manager yes we want to go ahead and do that install all data on your hard disk will be removed yes that's fine they are brand new drives of course if you're not using brand new drives and you want to save the data make sure you back everything up first before you run through this step and it says your synology nas will be ready in approximately 10 minutes please do not turn off the power so we're going to let this run and then come back once it has successfully installed the disk station software operating system is installed it's now time to go through the initial setup wizard so for our server name we're just going to call this uh bignaz and then we got to give ourselves a username and password next we want to set up quick connect this is in case you want to connect to your synology nas from the outside world in my case i'm just going to go ahead and skip this step i'm only going to be accessing it on my local lan and that's it now we're going to take a guided tour of the disk station manager all right so smart update for now on once a new dsm update is ready your synology nas will automatically check if the update patch address any if the update patch addresses any issues in your current dsm configuration and services in use and accordingly determine whether to notify you of such update okay that's interesting got it device analytics analogy needs your help no thanks all right tip one access all built-in and installed packages from the main menu got it discover more applications of the package center more settings are available at the control panel and there we go we are up and running now i'm not going to go over the full synology setup if you guys are interested in seeing that go check out my getting started with synology video i will also put a link to that on the screen here right now and uh yeah that will walk you through the entire sort of best practice setup of a synology nas the initial setup of your nas all right i have covered a lot of ground and done a lot of configuration on this synology ds1520 plus since yesterday let's take a look at what i've done the first real simple change that i make to any synology nas is i have the storage widget on the desktop so we have system health and resource monitor by default if you want to add additional widgets including storage which i think is important considering that it's a nas you just have to hit the plus button up here and you can see all of these different widget choices basically just check the box for storage and then you can sort of drag and drop to rearrange everything now let's take a look at our hard drive configuration i'm going to go to the storage manager and here we can see volume 1 is healthy i have about 14 terabytes of available space of which so far i've only used 1.3 terabytes i had started a backup job but i just killed it right before this video so that i could record the video and not have it actually backing up while i was recording i will restart that backup job once this video is done we can see down here at the bottom that i have three used drives and two available slots again i'm going to migrate the hard drives from my old naz into this one as the fourth and fifth slot after this video is recorded and if we click on volume we can see here that we have a healthy volume everything is looking good one interesting thing that i ran into that i was not aware of when i purchased all the drives for this this new synology nas you can see here that i have my cache device right and it is healthy now if i click on ssd cache down here we can see that the cash drive is installed and the cash drive is working however you remember there were two spots for m.2 and vme drives in the synology nas well as it turns out if you only put one nvme in that's going to be a read cache only right so read cache only if you put two nvmes in you get one is a read cache and the second one is a right cache okay so i didn't know that that's how it worked i thought that maybe they were just gonna be you know raid one mirrored or perhaps it was just to expand the total amount of space in like a raid zero type of configuration between the two nvmes no that actually is not how it works uh it is one of them the first one that you put in by default is read cache only and then if you add a second one you get a read cache and a write cache so keep that in mind if you're going to be i mean really a lot of it depends on what you're running on the nas and whether you're doing a lot of writing or whether you're doing a lot of reading but if you want to fully deck this thing out make sure you put two of the m.2 nvme drives into the synology nas so one of the next things i did was i set up the link aggregation well i set up a static ip address first and then i set up link aggregation so we come over here to the control panel we see network right here so let's click on network and if we click on network interface we can see lan one there are all four connected right now but i actually had link aggregation set up and then i disabled it so that i could redo it and show you guys how it's done lan 1 here is set to use dhcp node so if you click edit right you can basically set do you want it to be dhcp or do you want to use a manual configuration a static ip address in which case i had set up a static ip address of 182 168 200.11. so we're going to say ok but let's go ahead and set up link aggregation so in order to do that we need to do create bond right here so we're doing a bond across the four interfaces you can actually choose how many interfaces you want to bond in my case i'm going to go ahead and do all four right so i want to choose next ieee 802.3 ad dynamic link aggregation because the switch that i'm using which is a gen 2 unifi 24 port switch does support 802.3 ad link aggregation on the other side okay so we're going to set that up in one second so we're going to say next then we're going to select all four of the lan interfaces and click next once again here's where we can again set a static ip address or choose to set it up with dhcp i'm going to keep the same static ip address of 192 168 200.11 and in fact i'm going to run a command prompt here and i'm going to ping that address so that we can watch as the link aggregation takes place so we're going to go ahead and first click apply and yes and now we can see in the background here it says applying network settings now that's going to take a little while notice also that my ping had a little bit of a blip there right but it should actually still be okay even once all of the network settings are applied so let's wait for this to go all the way through keeping in mind that i have not done anything on the switch yet right i have only done this on the nas side of the link aggregated set of four bonded interfaces all right so the screen refreshed notice that the ping is still running just fine let's go ahead and click on our network interface now and what we have is instead of four separate lan interfaces showing up under network interface we have a single bonded network interface and the the nas is still working just fine i'm still getting replies from the ping but look down here failed to establish ieee 802.3ad connection and why is that that's because we haven't set up the switch side link aggregation yet so let's do that next i'm going to pop over to unify and in unify i'm going to click on devices and then we're going to click on my switch over here on the switch we're going to click on ports and then i'm going to scroll down and i'm going to do the link aggregation across ports 17 18 19 and 20. you can see there are already plugged in because i do have all four cables connected across to the synology nas but we're just going to edit port 17 which is the first network enter the first interface on the switch in the sort of set of four bonded uh interfaces we're gonna come down here to profile overrides and then we're going to set this to aggregate and then the aggregate ports it still has my setting from when i had it set up previously 17 through 20. so ports 17 18 19 and 20. we're going to click apply and now this switch will go into provisioning status and then once it comes back from provisioning status let's go back into the synology nas and see if we have an update there we go connected let's go back to the synology nas and give it just a second there we go so it just switched over so network status went from one gigabit to four gigabits and so it says 4 000 megabits per second full duplex link aggregation is now working and when i was running backups from my computer here at my desk over to the synology nas boy it was it was flying i mean it was pushing you know very close to one gigabit which is the network interface of my pc right so when i was backing like you know my my documents for instance of over to the synology nas i was getting basically like full wire speed because there is no bottleneck at the synology nas itself and again they do have versions of synology nas with you know 10 gig or at least with 10 gig capability through a pcie card this is not that one i don't need 10 gig in my own home network maybe someday i will right now i don't but if you do need 10 gig we're gonna go over some of the other models of synology nas a little bit later in this video all right moving on let's take a look at some of the other things that i initially set up one of the very cool things that i set up is active backup for g suite so essentially i went through i set up i connected using you know apis and going into the google admin developer section basically you have to set up a bunch of stuff they have a nice little tutorial on how to do it where you can connect your g suite over to the synology nas over to active backup for g suite they have the same thing for office 365. but essentially if we look at my task list here we can see backup is successful that means that i now have a full backup of my email my g suite email drive so all of my shared documents and whatnot as well as you know calendar and other g suite applications all backed up into the synology nas so if for some reason the google cloud is not available or if i'm offline or who knows what i still have a good copy of all of my sort of shared in the cloud google docs uh documents as well as emails so i'm not going to say that that was super easy to set up but i will say that they did have a full list of instructions that was just you know following those instructions and even though it was kind of complicated i don't understand exactly everything that i'm doing in those instructions it was just step by step and it worked perfectly fine first try i also went in here to the file station and i created a new folder for backups so i have a backup for you know from my desktop from my laptop those will back up into a backups directory and i just use um scripts for that i don't use like windows backup or anything like that i just use scripts it's actually robocopy scripts and that's pretty old school you could use windows backup if you wanted to in fact my getting started with synology nas video i used the windows backup the built-in windows backup to do those copies in my case though i just want to copy all the files right i just want to have everything copied and i want to have it set as a scheduled task that runs every single night and that's what i've set up here it hasn't completed yet but so far if we look at my storage capacity i have 1.26 terabytes i think i have just under four terabytes of total data that will eventually make it over to this nas all right the next thing that i did was i installed surveillance station and while i don't actually use surveillance station i did install it because i had additional licenses on my old synology nas so i had like you know surveillance station comes with licenses for two cameras by default and then you can purchase additional licenses for additional cameras i had a four license pack in addition to the two included licenses on my old synology nas so i wanted to transfer that over to this one and that was pretty easy i just had to log into the old synology nas you come in here to license and so here we can see the default license with two license for two cameras and then i have this other license which is for four cameras you can just basically do show license key copy the license then you can just delete it out of the old one and then just re-add it to the new one and that's it you're done so i was successfully able to migrate my license even though i don't actually use synology station i'd like to do some testing with it and i want to make sure that i grab that license off the old synology nas before i decommission it okay and the last thing that i did here was i installed docker and then i i set up a pie hole container i actually will probably end up redoing this though let me show you what i did here so if we come in here to pie hole details we can see my container but i originally set it up as bridge mode so when you set it up in bridge mode essentially what you're doing is you're saying we're going to create a separate network within the synology nas itself right so sort of on the back side of the synology nas the network that it sets up by default is a 172.17 subnet and so it set that up originally i really should have instead though just put the pi hole on my main lan instead i mean you can argue either way right it's a little bit easier just to put it on your main lan that way it gets an ip address from dhcp just like any other server would since it's in bridge mode i had to put a specific static route in my pfsense firewall in fact let me show that to you okay so in pfsense i went to system and then routing and then i had to set up a gateway first so i set up the interface of the synology nas as a separate gateway and then i came over here to static routes and i added a new static route that basically just says anything that is 172.17 send it through that gateway so this way traffic knows if on my lan there's something that's searching for 172.17.x.x right dot anything go through the ip interface of the synology nas to get to that network and so once i set up that static route the pi hole started working just fine but when it comes to ease of network administration it's probably better just to have the pi hole right on my standard lan so i will probably actually delete that docker container and then recreate it but i'll pull up the interface here and you can see that it is working just fine at 17.0.2 and this part right here is where i had changed to a you see there's no um queries in between this like two-hour section here because i had changed the ip address of the synology nas and i forgot to re-update the gateway uh for the static route in pf sense and so it was kind of like down for a couple hours until i realized oh i forgot i have to update that gateway and then i went through and did that and then it started working fine once again so docker on the synology nas is really easy uh it's really simple to set up and use i absolutely love it i only have pi hole on here now but you could do unify you could do database servers you could do grafana you could do i mean literally anything that you want you can find a docker container for and yeah docker works great so uh the only other thing that i'll probably do on this synology nas is install plex i like to use it as a plex server for you know backed up movies and stuff like that and that's about it last step is going to be basically to rewire the synology nas down here below my printer where my current synology nas is and then of course take the two drives out of my old synology nas and pop them into the new one and then we can basically call this project complete so last thing in this video let's take a look at the synology nas lineup and help you guys choose which would be the right synology nas for you all right so here i am at i went to products and then i chose it enthusiast and that shows a lot of the sort of higher end home user synology nas solutions this one here the ds220 plus is sort of the newer version of the one that i have i have the ds218 plus so that's a really good starter nas for if you just want backups okay so if you look through sort of the bullet points here you've got the first two here you've got the slim and then the ds-220 plus neither of these have the ability to do the m.2 nvme caching drives which means that they're mostly for if you're only using them to backup files right if you're not looking to run docker and plex and other applications you know surveillance station whatever on the devices itself then these are probably the ones that you want not to say that you can't run surveillance station or plex or docker on these devices you certainly can but the performance will be much better if you're going to be utilizing those applications heavily if you jump up to the synology nas solutions that have those m.2 nvme ssd cache support so the 420 plus has the ssd cache it also has four drives but it's basically not really expandable you have the two caching drives you have four drive bays for storage this is a really great like entry-level performance synology nas when i say performance i mean is that it just it has those caching drives what you don't get with this is the expandability right so let me pop back one so look at this one this one says scales up to seven drives uh the one that i have is this one here the 1520 scales up to 15 drives so that means that you can add on this expansion here so the dx 517 is a 5 bay expansion and what you can do with like the 720 is start off with the synology nas that has two drives and then add the five drive expansion later on if you need more space so it's kind of upgradable with an expandable chassis which i think is awesome this one you can only add one expandable chassis with five extra drives the 920 you can only add one additional expandable chassis the one that i have you can add two right so i have five drives i can add another five and then another five to get it up to a total of 15 drives hence the model number the ds 15 20 plus same thing with the ds16 it's basically exactly the same um it's it's a little bit of an older model six bays it can have two of the expanded um drive bays these dx517s and but it has a little bit of an older cpu so you see it's a quad core at 2.1 gigahertz the newer ones are the quad-core celeron at 2.7 gigahertz and then you start getting into the you know the very large bays you've got the 18 19 plus again older generation cpu but plenty of storage and still a really great nas solution same thing with the ds2419 plus so the way that i would break it down is like this if you just want a synology nas for backing up your data and you're not really going to take advantage of all of the other things that the synology nas provides for you then depending on your amount of data go for the 220 plus or this 620 slim or even you can bump up to the ds420 but don't actually put the the nvme drives into it you don't need the caching drives if you're just using it for storage of files if you're going to be storing files but also using this as some level of application server then you're going to want to jump up to one of these other models i would probably recommend you know the 420 plus as a good starter nas or the 720 plus again depends on your storage requirements and how much space you actually have to back up of course budget is also always a consideration but this one here the 5 bay unit with the 2 caching drive capability is a really really good mid-range home nas an it enthusiast nas and man you can do so much with it like said i'm just scratching the surface of what you can actually do if we come over here to the package center these this top section are all of just the synology packages that you can install you know an email server itunes server you know photo station etc etc etc all of these applications and then you scroll down even further and you get the third party applications this can be a git server it can be a web server uh you know a wiki you know it there's just so much that you can do with it and install right onto this device wordpress plex every everything right you can do so much with this really the sky's the limit when it comes to the synology nas i like the synology solutions a lot i've been running the small ds 218 plus for i think close to three years now i've never had a problem with it i've never had you know knock on wood i've never had a single problem with the synology nas and so i'm really happy with the solution but it was starting to get close to running out on space so now i've got this sort of mid-range big daddy nas here that i'm sure will last me for another three years or more all right that's it for this video on synology nas i hope you guys enjoyed it if you did enjoy it make sure you give me a thumbs up and if you'd like to see more videos like this please click subscribe my name is chris with crosstalk solutions and thank you so much for watching [Music] don't need this all right we don't need this box
Channel: Crosstalk Solutions
Views: 78,685
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Keywords: crosstalk, crosstalk solutions, synology, synology nas, synology ds1520+, ds1520+, synology nas setup, synology nas review, synology nas apps, synology nas surveillance station, synology link aggregation, link aggregation, nas server, synology nas drive, synology 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 49sec (1909 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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