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cause i'm the type of dude that you know it's dangerous [Music] what's going on guys welcome back to another video and in today's video i'm gonna be showing you guys how to add and set up the me six discord bot in your own discord server or a discord server that you're an admin in so first and foremost obviously you must be an admin or the owner of the server to add the bot and set it up you can't just be a normal member so just keep that in mind right now so the first thing you guys want to do is go to the server that you want to add the bot to you want to make sure you have it in a separate tab or open on your discord app you want to go ahead and go to your web browser whatever that may be for me it's going to be google and what you guys want to search up is if you don't already have the me 6 bot this is how you add it to the server right here so go to me 6 dot x y z right there you want to click the first one that shows up or just hit search it'll bring you to the me six official website first thing you guys want to do is add to discord you guys want to select one of the servers that you are an admin or an owner in they should all show up right here so for today i'm using this server so we're going to set up music in this server go ahead and make sure that the drop down has the correct server selected right here hit continue make sure all these are checked off authorized and then you got to do the captcha as well make sure you're not a bot then you guys should have heard my discord notification in the background you guys can see me six join the server automatically you'll see a little bot tag next to it as well next thing you guys want to do go back to that other tab here now the thing about me 6 is there is a premium version that you can buy where you get more features i personally have that feature so it's going to be kind of hard for me to do this tutorial which is why i've been holding off on it for a little while because it's hard to do a tutorial on something that you know you have a lot more features than most people do so i'm trying to hold back on the features that are for the premium version that i'm used to so i have to kind of like erase my mind for all the premium stuff you're gonna see the me six um dashboard right here your server name should be right up here to make sure you're on the right server first thing you guys are gonna see you're gonna see like a welcome category custom commands all this you scroll down you'll get all this there's gonna be a sidebar as well so let's just start up at the top here we'll go down the list first things first we have um dashboards going to show you everything leaderboard this is just for levels uh mesix is also a leveling bot so the more people type in your chat the more they're going to level up this is automatic so if you guys want to view the leaderboard of your server who has the highest level who's like you know top most active people in your server this is where you would see that at you can view the leaderboard to the left to the right up here top right and uh this server is brand new there's nobody in here so obviously you're just gonna see nothing but the more members you get you know you're gonna see uh people here on the leaderboard so custom bot that's a premium uh feature settings you're not gonna have to worry about that for right now uh you can change your language your time zone to be more specific whatever it's gonna be um and then that's really all there is to you can change your command prefix here as well so okay well that's a premium feature like like i said guys it's um hard for me to distinguish which is premium which is not because i've always had premium on this so i apologize for that the welcome section if you guys want to go ahead and go to your discord server what you can do is you can make a welcome channel cannot spell create the welcome channel do your permissions however you want whatever your permissions are for your server and go back to the website send the message when the user joins the server if you want to do this you can this whole part is optional pretty much this whole bot is optional just to the parts that you want i'm gonna enable it just to show you guys what it looks like select the channel you want welcome and then hey user welcome to the server you can embed the message if you want you can send a welcome card that looks like this for everybody who joins the server and there are options to customize the welcome card with premium as well send a private message to users if you want the bot to dm the user something maybe like a link or something you can do that as well you'd enable it you would put the link in this chat box or whatever you want to say to the user and you can even sell the welcome card to the user in dms i don't personally do that but you can if you'd like to give a role to new users so for example i'm gonna go back to my server since this is a brand new server we're just gonna have to do it along with you guys real quick but i'm sure you guys have roles if you follow my other tutorials already uh so let's just create a role called member and i can't spell still alright so this is just a normal member role you can make it whatever color you want doesn't really matter and this is the default role that everybody gets when they join the server go back to your mesix website give a role to new users enable that roles to give member and then everybody who joins your service automatically going to have that role you can change that obviously however you want to but that's the way you do that if you need to you can delay it as well if you have a server that has rules that you have to accept before you get in there that's more of like a community feature you can enable this and it will not give them the default role until they accept your server rules so they basically just have no permissions until they accept the rules and then they can view the channels so you can enable that if you'd like personally i'd recommend it if your server is a community so if your server is not a community and i described all what community means and all that in my other videos so check that one out as well i'll have it linked in the description for you guys and then send a message when the user joins the server i wouldn't recommend this i mean you can have it in your audit log maybe and it will automatically show up in the audit log anyway so you can just leave that for now custom commands say you have a youtube channel or something you want to just do a command or even just like a text command you can do that as well you have a maximum of three commands if you are not a premium user so three commands that you guys can do so for example what a command would be is you're going to do a text command because that's all you have permissions for uh the auto the auto roll is going to be if you type in a command say exclamation point uh memes then you'll receive the memes role from the server and advanced is just a more advanced version of that uh we can't do that because i'm not going to go over anything with premium because i know most of you guys don't have premium who are watching this video so command will do youtube and then what we're going to do is the bot's going to respond with my youtube channel you can add the link if you'd like or you could just type in the name of the channel which is what we're going to do for now because i don't want to waste too much time on this feature here band rolls you don't have to worry about that for this command specifically and then create the new command you should be all right there when we go back to the server if we do exclamation point youtube still can't spell man you're going to see my youtube channel name pop up right there now if you wanted to add the link instead of my name you could do that as well you can add links whatever it may be just put that in the text box instead of the name reaction rules you can enable that i'm not sure what the max is for default i'm thinking it's like 5 or something like that if you want to do a default we'll do this we might want to make a new channel called uh called roles maybe or self-assigned roles whatever you guys want to call it i'm gonna go back to here select roles and then uh say we want what kind of role would we want uh just a notification rule maybe so react to this message to receive your notification i can't spell either and stay and i guess just stay updated right and then that's pretty much it and you'd make the embed if you wanted to that's optional for you as well you can only have two so there's that so add reaction so we do i guess i like to do the bell for notification rolls so the little bell emoji and then that'll give you sorry i forgot to make the roll in the first place hopefully you guys are able to follow along with this i'm doing the best i can here so for example just create any random role that you guys need for this one it's going to be notification all right and we'll just make it orange for now uh so i made a notification roll you just add the role that you want to give when they react to the emoji and then once you hit save it will show up in your discord server under the channel that you selected so roles now has this message right here like we just typed in react to this message just to receive your role and stay updated you look at my name there's no rules here right now if i click this bell notification i will now have the notifications role and that's basically how reaction rolls work uh always keep in mind guys the roll uh the roll furthest to the top is the one that's going to show up as the color so if you don't want the color to show up that's really not what this tutorial is but make sure that the uh the higher up rolls are whatever color you want the person to appear as moderator you guys can check out the moderator section for yourself select your staff roles whatever those are going to be admin moderator you guys add those for yourself that's not something i need to go over logging channel you can select a channel where specific audits go in so there is a default audit log in all discord servers right here but if you want a more specific one you can use me six to actually get like more details like who did what when they did it and how they did it so what i would recommend if you guys have this music spot uh just make an audit log channel a separate one not the original one and once you have the audit log channel select the channel and you guys can have all of the audits oh did not mean to do that you have all the audits in one channel and it's a lot more specific than the default discord one so that is helpful if you guys want to see what's going on your server at all times and obviously check off all these boxes how you want i'm not going to go through all these for you but it's just basically like messages being deleted and stuff uh users creating things and deleting things joining channels you can select all those to your own uh discretion however you want to do it as well ignore channels uh you don't need to worry about that for the audit log bad words you can go to the little uh filter thing here i'm not sure what you'd call that you can do channels where the profanity is ignored so say i said the f word um i'd get muted sorry say i said the f word and it would i really gotta work on this better so for for each of these categories you have options for the punishment or what happens when the person does this so for bad words you can add delete the message where it just deletes the profanity you can have a warning automatically be given to the user delete the message and warn the user so both of them at the same time i like to do just delete message maybe one user depending on what the profanity is but uh what you would do is go to this thing on the top right here ignore channels so say like the staff are allowed to use profanity or there's a private chat for like 18 plus that you want to have whatever it may be you can just add that channel and have bad words be allowed in that channel specifically and not in any other channels roles that are allowed to use these uh offenses you can do that as well so you want your staff members to be able to use profanity that's fine and add obviously bad words that you don't want people to use you know i'm not gonna actually put the words in here for the sake of the video being uh pg so i'm just gonna put hello as a profanity and like it says it deletes the message so we're gonna go to the discord server let's type hello it's gonna work for me but you're gonna have to imagine that it wouldn't you type hello the user sends it and it'll automatically delete it since i'm the owner of the server i can say whatever i want but it would in turn delete it for anybody else repeated text so if somebody keeps spamming the same thing over and over just delete the message warn the user whatever it may be server invites for people self-promoting that's a premium thing external links is premium excessive caps where people are spamming caps you can do like delete message whatever it may be excessive emojis the same situation emoji spam excessive spoilers same situation excessive mentions i like to keep that disabled you know it is what it is because most of the time people are going to get spammed with uh notifications uh zalgo i'm not actually sure what this is to be hundred percent with you guys so i would just leave that disabled i haven't i've had it disabled in my server since it was started so whatever that may be it doesn't make a big difference i can tell you that um you can enable this so that the bots can use specific you know these things like bots can do invites and stuff you get the point um automated actions you can do an auto mod restricted channels so you don't really need that at all i'm gonna be real with you uh you can leave if if me six is gonna be your primary uh moderation bot for the server uh for all your moderation logs and all that and all your commands you can enable all these if you guys have a separate bot say like dyno i like to use or somebody else you could just disable these and use that bot as primary but save your changes make sure you always do that as well and that's really just a rundown of the moderator section embeds that's going to be embedded messages that the bot sends uh it's just normal messages that they send in the server but embedded so that's it i mean not much to explain search anything uh you have these commands that are default with the bot you don't have to set anything up it's just you know it'll search these up across the internet uh record you can use these commands to start recording voice files and if you need to you know maybe you're recording a podcast or a youtube video you do that as well help you're not going to need that timers say you want a reminder or something like that you can set it for a specific time period and then you select what okay you can select what channel you want that reminder to go into uh whatever you guys want to make the reminder uh statistics channel it's going to tell you some sticks statistics about um the server and about whatever else you're going to add statistics about it's going to show up as a channel so say we want total um humans all right we'll do a total so these are the options here it's going to tell you the number of these things in the server so the number of humans in the server the human count is going to be there just save that and then it should make the channel i think yeah there we go right at the top it says humans one i am the one human in here and you guys will have a little counter here for everybody to see it updates uh live honestly i don't use these in my servers but you guys are more than welcome to use it i just want to show you just in case temporary channels i think this is a premium yet as a premium feature i think is it uh i'm not sure i have one spot available i think so interesting i uh all right well temporary channels if you guys want to set this up uh essentially csc it is premium that's why i was confused because i wasn't sure if it was premium or not you don't have to worry about it it's just where people click on something and it makes their own private channel and has their own category and stuff but it's not important so don't worry about that for now uh level up so you can make a channel where leveling up is uh gonna send a notification like you leveled up to level five or something like that it'll say i like to leave it on current channel that's the best option for you really but you guys can do whatever you'd like to make a separate channel for level ups if you guys want to uh select a roll reward i'm not sure if you could do this without premium no you cannot the xp rate it stays at times one for uh everyone uh i think you can edit the server rank card no you cannot wow me six premium really not a lot of features without it i i've had me six premium v6 premium is definitely a lot more useful than having um as a server creator as a server owner having me six premium is a lot better than having discord nitro discord nitro is kind of a waste in my opinion i have both of them but i've really if i had to get rid of one i'd basically get rid of nitro because i find me six premium a lot more useful especially as a server owner myself um you know there's commands to uh see what your level is so prefix and then level it'll show you uh the leaderboard for the server sorry and then exclamation point whatever the prefix is rank um is going to show you what your rank is or if you do the prefix rank and then the users at it'll tell you what rank they are so exclamation point rank will show me uh what my personal rank is in the server how active i am and then exclamation point rank and then at another user it'll tell you what theirs stats are uh i keep saying exclamation point that's what mine prefix is in my server i think the default is slash now it used to be exclamation point they changed it so slash is the default prefix for this bot birthdays you can have it remember birthdays uh i'm not even gonna bother with this one uh you can you know figure that one out for yourself it's pretty straightforward pretty obvious so not much to really be explained here music you guys can do music bots um so slash join will make the join the channel leave leave the channel uh play so if you do play and then the song link or the song name it'll play a song in the voice channel but you have to be in the voice channel so i'll join a random voice channel for example i'll just do this right now uh i'll type it in general though but you know what i'm just gonna make a commands channel just so you guys aren't confused about it so i would recommend having a separate channel for commands as well uh what i'm going to do is join the channel if you want to make a music channel as well you can do that as a voice channel of course so you're going to see me in the music channel let's do um you can do youtube videos any link that really is available so we'll do uh slash i keep forgetting you just slash play what's a good song uh let me think i could do my intro song right here and it's gonna join the server it's gonna start playing music right here you guys can listen to music on discord so uh that's that you can add multiple different tracks have a cue for uh you know what songs are playing music quiz i've never used this before it's a premium feature anyway it looks like but uh i don't worry about that economy i would personally get a separate bot for economy but if you guys want me six does have an economy feature but i think it's premium so um you guys don't have to worry about it there's really not much i can go over with this bot it's pretty straightforward simple it's easy to use it's easy to figure out like i mentioned if you guys do have nitro you know honestly if you're a server owner and you really are serious about like growing your server me six premium is definitely a lot more useful than discord nitro in all honesty because all these features are pretty you know in-depth really good features um you know so maybe try the free trial or something this is not a promotion i'm not big enough to even get a sponsorship from any of these people but i do recommend me six premium for anybody you know serious about growing the server so uh there's that option for you guys and let's see i think that's really all there is to it for me six uh pretty straightforward discord bot i'll show you the other commands right now and they all show up right here as well which is really useful for you guys so say um you can automatically fill it in which i didn't even really notice i think this is a new feature of me six you can just fill in what you guys are trying to type slash rank it'll tell you what rank you on the server me six is thinking i'm level zero good job and then you know whatever else you're gonna do so maybe uh i mean i'm not sure what else you'd really need to do uh rank anime band you can use your um your moderation commands and stuff there are games apparently you know a lot of these are new features because this spot is actually updated a lot but yeah these are all the commands that you guys can use a lot of them very extensive and apparently goes on forever but yeah that's really all i have for you guys today i hope you guys did find this useful if you did make sure you guys do drop a like and subscribe because i'm going to be making a lot more discord tutorials in the future um that's really all there is so i hope you guys have a great day great night whatever your time it is for you and i'll see you guys in the next video peace out guys
Channel: ItsJamMan
Views: 7,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Discord, Mee6, Gaming, Tutorial, Comedy, Bots, Bot, Social Media
Id: nm72TfEz_yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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