How to GROW your DISCORD SERVER to become HUGE!

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hey what's up everyone it is custom here and I am back with a new video and today I am starting a new discord miniseries which is all about helping you so today on my first video for this series I'm going to tell you how to grow your discord server now I've had so many questions asked from this recently that I really really just want to help you guys out so I'm gonna outline five main tips which can help you grow your discord server and then there's going to be some further clips which I have compiled together for a few of my friends who own massive discord servers some of them up to over a hundred and fifty thousand people to give you the best advice you can to grow your discord server so I'm gonna make this into a series and the next next video is decided by you as well so go down and comment questions for the next episode down below in the comment section and also subscribe for a shout-out at the end of a video because I'm going to be giving one lucky person a shout-out at the end of each of these videos which is going to be once a week a shout out to their discord server and the only way to be entered into that is go down and subscribe so go do that now and yeah enjoy the video right guys so the first thing that you need to do to be able to grow your discord server as big as possible up to over 53,000 people just like my server which I have had for almost three years now and is also discord partners to be able to do this you have to do these five main tips to be you know in the chance of even growing it so the first thing that I think you need to do is you need to be able to share your server with friends as soon as you make it so people aren't going to want to join your server unless you can show that you actually already have people on there so the best way of doing that is to actually get your friends on your server if your friends on your server it's going to show you that there are members on your server and there's a chance that people might want to join too and people join that means you got more people that can be active in turn they can fight their friends and it can grow even bigger so what is there not to lose by just inviting your friends to your discord server and potentially allowing it to grow massively so that's the first thing you need to do but just make sure you don't send it to someone who doesn't want it and make sure you follow your discord trust and safety as well so you know just be careful with it okay guys then that's the first way that you can potentially grow your discord server right guys so the second way which you can potentially even grow your discord server and the one thing I suggest out of anything is being able to put your server on many discord server lists now you may be asking what our server lists well server lists are a website which is able to compile a bunch of servers together is a bit like the server discovery you have on discord but for any server now server discoveries are only for partners and verified people whereas these server lists you can put your server on even if you aren't in those two programs now there's four ones which I suggest you put your server on and do that because they can grow your server massively now the first one is top GG slash servers yes that is top GG slash service as you can see here now they do it so you can have your top servers listed here but they're so good that they can put them into categories this is run by some people that I know and it's a great website so you've got current popular tags and ones are trending basically you've got all tags and then people can click on whatever they want to draw in let's say they want to join our moat server well they can click on the emotes oh and they go down slightly and continue to scroll until they find the right one you know like something for everyone which you should go and join now because that is my server and it's awesome and you know the other thing which is also good about this they give you a way of being able to describe your server and put on free tags as well so it is a great great website you can use to potentially get yourself out there too thousands and thousands of people and you've got a chance of growing ups over massively the next one which I suggest you pick a server on is discord menow discord on me has got a similar thing where they've got different tags and as you can see here you've got all of these tags which are great for putting your server in and accessing those members those really good members which can help grow your server now you want to target people which specifically want to go for the server that you have so if you got a community server now you're going to want to put it in the community tab as you can see here because people who are playing you know gmod they're not going to want to join a community server they're going to want to join something specific to them so you know for this make sure that you put as much detail as you can so you can drag and attract those members in so as you can see here something for everyone this is my server again you can bunk the server every six hours or so I believe and you can't pay for premium and to potentially get an awesome banner around it too so I suggest you go and put your server on disk or top me the link is also in the description this board is also a really really good server now this has a twist it does have categories as you can see here and it does have tags which are popular and it is very highly used but again you can bump your server but then your servers can also be reviewed as you can see here now having a good reviewed server looks good when people wanting to join your server if you've got you know a five star rating and fifty reviews now people are going to want to join that on day because you've got a massive massive audience which loves your server so put it on this board and potentially get some of your members to send a review and make sure it is from them and not from you because that's not you know not the best way of doing yet but this board is a great place where you can access thousands of people to get onto your discord server the next one this called server list again this is an awesome awesome website as owned by two people which I know again you can browse by tax here and there's loads and loads and loads and tags and you've got different colors depending on you know the different ways of organizing where you are on this list now I recommend you also going puts your server on this and it's a personal record a recommendation from me because this is an up and coming to school server list and I think ours a lot of potential to become big so if you're going to put your server on it there's a chance which you also ever could take off in the flow when this website blows up so I recommend you go and do that too so the next way you guys can potentially grow your server is through partners and affiliates now my server I do a way of affiliating servers with us and you may be asking costume what is partnering we're affiliating have another server well the long and short story is you post an advertisement from them on your server and they post an advertisement of your server on this over basically accessing the different member pools and potentially getting some of their members to join your server and vice-versa now bigger service tend to do affiliates like mine my server has 53,000 people in it and is disco partnered but what you should really do is you should you know at the beginning and I don't recommend doing this the whole way through if you click on a server like chill zone down here you can see they have loads and loads and loads of partners and this has allowed this over to grow massively now I don't recommend overdoing it because it can look desperate but it isn't no it's a quite nice and easy way of getting members since your server fairly quickly and it can access and loads and loads of people you can put them in different categories to make it even better if you want and you can do what you want with it but the best way of doing it is you know doing a few partners if you are going to do partnering you have to stick within their disc or Terms of Service and make sure you go do them and make sure you stick with in the right side of both of those because if you don't then you could lose everything you can even get your account table all suspended so I really really recommend you stay within it right the next way that you can potentially grow your sofa is by using paid advertisements now this is only potentially available for those who have a bit of money that can you know spend on their sofa and unfortunately that isn't everyone but I do want to include this because it is a great way or potentially getting your server out there now if you do you earn a paid advertisement you can do on servers which are generally bigger than others so this server which I'm on at the moment called slippies dreamworld this has 250,000 people in it and is owned by my friend slippy he does some advertisements and they get massive amount of reactions as you can see here another server which does it is this a mote list as you can see here they do advertisements and again they can get masses and masses of responses as you can see here but by this reaction this potentially has a chance of getting your server out there to the masses and I really really recommend that you go and do it because it's awesome and it can get your server out again make sure you stick within the law and don't do anything that it's illegal but it can can potentially grow your server massively and I think it is very good that you go do that because from my experience of doing it once or twice for a server or two it can grow your server massively and it's something which people don't really know about so I recommend you go and do that and it can potentially grow your server by thousands and thousands of people the next way which I think you can grow your server now this isn't so much about advertisement this is about your server itself your server has to have a purpose what is it for who is it for if you don't really have a purpose for your server and you're going in blind if you're going in the blindfolded and people don't know what it's for people aren't going to want to stay or communicate you have to outline it properly I recommend that as soon as they join and serve with the top channel which they see is the channel which is information and it tells you you know what the server's about and the rules and it's a bit for trick because you know look we've got a massive and massive amount of reactions on this we've actually got about 18,000 reactions here but because the limit and reactions on desktop is 10,000 we can't see them all but it does allow a chance for them to engage age you know rats into a post or something it gives them a chance to be able to engage with a server and if you let people engage with the server at the end of the day we're gonna keep all people on there and your servers gonna stay bigger and grow and guys I know I said that was only gonna be five but I thought I'd throw in a little bit of a bonus for you because I have something which I have done on this server as you can see here and it's got 53,000 people in it members 53,500 it's something which you know just helps grow the server to some extent but it also keeps people almost enticed with it and I'm going to split this down into two ways the first way is YouTube and social media if you get your server onto YouTube and social media generally people can join your server because more people are going to see it potentially and what people are gonna want a react with it so I really really recommend that you're going you know try and reach out to some of your friends or you yourself go and do something related to your server on YouTube like I am now because I'm telling you about so and the other bit of this secret tip is doing giveaways now it's gonna please your server it's going to keep people there and it's potentially going to trap them either on my server because I want to give out stuff to the community after they've given back to me being able to you know Owen and manage an awesome community community as I do now I really really think you should do some giveaways if you get the chance because it really does help captivate you all member member base and it can allow people to invite others who want to potentially get some you know awesome prizes from giveaways and it's quite interesting now I don't want to turn this into a way of getting activity on your server because I'm just telling you how to grow it but doing giveaways can allow word of mouth spread word of mouth spread and people can go and tell their friends oh look there's a giveaway here and there's a giveaway there if you do giveaways the chances are you're going to get your server out to more people and your server could grow and it could grow massive and I know so many servers have done that including mine and it has helped grow the server you know to become bigger at the end of the day if you're going to grow your server you have to keep on it because you will either stay a constant amount or you will fall in members so make sure you continue to do these Folie because you don't want to go back and you know have to do it all again at a later date from a lower start point so make sure you keep on top of it and now I'm going to go over to some amazing server owners and admins to tell you other awesome tips which you can do to make sure that your server grows as big as it can so let's go over to that hey everyone I'm Alex and I'm the owner of duck squad my tip for you is to focus on member engagement you can have thousands of members but this doesn't mean anything unless you can get those people to be active to do this you need to make an effort to go and reach out to your members while reaching out I need to find a way to get them hooked on your server the best way to do this is give them some sort of responsibility that keeps them coming back every day for me personally this is our helper team it's a team that is very easy to get on and has some special roles such permissions that normal members don't have well it doesn't have any mod permissions the people who get the role become very active and we have about a hundred helpers that are on every day doing a duties that their role consists of do this and you can get a thousand a hundred thousand messages a day in no time just like duck squad one important thing that you want to focus on when you're starting up a community is your activity and you as a server owner have to be involved in the beginning of that and be active with those members that you are bringing in and once they start being active that's going to attract more users and they're gonna start being active and it's going to create like a domino effect and it's gonna get to the point where there's activity in chat and you as an owner don't even have to be there and it'll just flourish and grow you got to make sure you have information for every person there so they know exactly what your servers about you know what roles you can obtain in the server so nobody is confused and that's really important you know so they don't ask your mods questions like all the time the same questions it's very annoying so just to make sure you have channels which has information on everything that's like commonly asked having active mods is a good idea especially ones that are familiar with your community or with the server that you're running because you can't always be awakened available at all times of the day so having the active mods to take care of different time zones especially if your user base is kind of spread across the globe my top tip would be typically engage with your community and make sure you have like a good verification system set up especially if you run like a really large server because of raids can happen span and run events and giveaways as well to keep your own community active and happy as well I would say that for one your presentation of your server is really important for user retention but also don't focus too much on like growing and member count you should focus way more on the community that has already decided to stick with you and make sure that they're actually having an enjoyable experience on your server and I think a lot of people can get caught up in like oh no my growth is smaller or oh man I'm not growing as much as I'd like to and I think especially for smaller people can be really discouraging so don't let that discourage you okay guys and that concludes today's video I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you took away some awesome tips to help you grow your discord server remember to go and enter the giveaway down below and make sure to go back over this video and try and find that nitro link if you haven't already remember to Like subscribe and comment and make sure to share with your friends too I'll be doing a video very soon and it should release in the beginning of next week so enjoy your weekend and peace out guys [Music]
Channel: CustomName
Views: 447,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Discord, Discord Partner, Discordapp, Discord Server, Discord Guild, Discord HypeSquad, SoundDrout, softwilly, Discord Servers, CustomName, How to grow a Discord Server, Discord Tutorial, Discord Memes, Discord Video, Gaming, Discord Tips, Discord Setup, Discord Nitro, Discord Help, Discord Trolling, Discord Fiver, isaacwhy, Discord Staff, Trending, Minecraft, Discord Emotes, Discord Event, Discord Rebranding, Memes, Discord Games, Discord Friends, Discord Talent Show, Mineplex
Id: TCTz6qcxlX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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