How to Set Up Collab.Land Bot on Discord for NFTs and DAOs

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all right so here we are on the collab land website it's just collab dot land uh when you go there you should see something like this they talk about how they are serving tokenized communities which is exactly what we're looking for here with nfts and erc20 tokens and all this other stuff so what you're going to do is just click on start building and you should be able to see depending on which community type of community you want to add your bot to whether it's discord or telegram you can pick that walkthrough and i'm just going to walk you through the walkthrough but show you in video form so that you have a visual that you can follow so if i click on this walkthrough uh the first thing you want to do is link the collab lan bot to your server and notice that earlier i had clicked on the discord bot walkthrough so that's the one we're going through i'm going to click here and it should pop up automatically this discord pop-up and if you aren't already logged in on your browser it's going to ask you to log in to your discord account on the browser so i am administrator in a couple of different servers uh the alchemy server my chibi shinobi's community and the crypto leos community so i've already set this up with crypto leos and i'll show you what it looks like afterwards but we're going to set it up right now for chibi shinobi's so i select that and hit continue and i confirm that i want to give this spot the administrator role and this is important because in order for the collab land bot to assign and take away roles of your users your members it needs to be an administrator so we're going to give it administrator and authorize that this is the absolute worst part of the entire process these images for the capture are actually so hard to do so i'm going to do motor bus like bus this one's not too bad i hope i've messed this up so many times before and i've had to like click through so many those are marvelous these two are trains all right there we go got it on the first try i swear to god i'm not a robot all right so that is authorized and we can now close this tab and actually if i open up my discord you can see i'm in my chibi shinobi server and please excuse all of these other servers i'm a part of this is something if you haven't been in discord a lot you'll see after a while you're people just in so many different servers so collab land has appeared and also um in our bot section there should be a collab land config channel so i'm actually going to drag this all the way down um let's drag it all the way down here oh i realized i should have just done this okay cool so we got our channel there and i'm going to hop in here and this is where collab land bot is going to be communicating with you as your as the administrator so if you just type in uh exclamation mark help you'll be able to see a whole menu of all the different commands you can use with collab land but um i heard that so it is taking collaboration bought a second sometimes it just takes a while i'm going to cancel that there we go sometimes it'll freeze like that because maybe it's under a lot of load but i've typed exclamation mark help or bang help and it popped up this command menu the main thing that we want to set up is a role so what it's what this is is a token based role if people have a token then they get that role automatically so before we go into the setup you actually have to create that role in your discord so i'm going to go into my server settings roles and then i'm going to create a role so for me i'm going to create a role in this server and this is just for fun so i'm going to call this sushi master and it'll be let's call it green and i'll save changes here okay and so uh you can set whatever permissions you want in that role for the purposes of this video i just created a simple role and what i want to do here is set up a role so i'm just going to type setup role now that should pop up a prompt that asks you to select which network your token is on and this is uh immediately it gets a little bit technical but this is really important to get right because if your token is on the polygon chain then you should be selecting that if it's on a test network like rink b then you should select that and for me what i'm gonna want to do is i want to go to my wallet and i'm just gonna pick a token that i already have to build support for so i called it sushi master so let's click this sushi token and we're going to have to find a bunch of information about this token but let's walk through it here so you do have to be aware that it takes after a couple of seconds if you don't do anything it'll timeout so let's just set up that again and then this time i'm going to click main net because this sushi token that i purchased is on ethereum mainnet so we'll click on mainnet one and then that should pop up another prompt that now says what type of a token do you have is it an erc20 is it an erc721 is it any of these other things and so this one i believe is open c standard so i'm going to try to click o and then it's going to ask me for the collection name the number of tokens the maximum number of tokens minimum number maximum number and then which role i want to give so this one is called sushiro and so i'll put that here sushiro and then we'll do a minimum number of tokens as one token maximum number is -1 for no limit and then we're going to give sushi master for people who have that so once i click that then it shall have it should have set up that role correctly and this is how we're going to test it i'll go into the lounge here or actually we have a bot channel so let me go into the bots channel and you can see here that right now i do not have the sushi master tag i do have a bunch of other things including cat cow such a shame uh but in the bot channel i should be able to say join exclamation mark join that's the command and then collab landbot is going to ask me to check my dms so i'm going to go to my dm with collab bot and then it's gonna send me a link to connect to my browser in order to connect my wallet so i'll go here and connect my wallet and you can use all these different options for me it's meta mask is the easiest so i'm just going to connect via metamask and then it says wallet has been connected please close this message and check for a message from the collab latin bot so we'll go back to the discord and it says wallet is connected please check assigned roles and it may take up to two minutes so now we go back here and i checked my assigned roles you can see at the very bottom here i have sushi master so the cool thing is with this role you can actually set up in the discord only certain roles such as the sushi master role gets access to channels such as a sushi channel and i won't step you through all the steps there if you have questions you can let me know but in crypto leo's i have this set up and this is just a proof of concept we haven't actually done too much with it yet but there you can see here there's a private channel called leo nsfw and in this channel only uh people who have leos crypto legos are allowed to come in so the way leotards the leotards and uh so on and so forth but none of the people who are just visiting this or can see this channel and the way i've done this is in that channel you can see permissions here uh only these roles are allowed to see this channel so if you're setting token based rules and private channels for your server this is where you would want to configure those roles so that's pretty much it and uh if you want to delete roles you can go back here i'll go down here and open up that menu again you can see the roles exclamation mark roles and these are all the roles that have been set up so far you can click on the emojis to to do what you want to do with them and yeah there's a whole bunch of other things you can explore but that is the basic functionality that many discords might need so yeah hopefully that was helpful let me know if it was and uh i'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: thatguyintech
Views: 4,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7KTYmpZlHqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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