How To Setup A Sub Channel On The X32 Rack and Why I Don't Recommend It!

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[Music] hey hey hey what's going on guys and gals hey this video is going to be about setting up a auxiliary sub channel i've got a question from one of our members up on our facebook group x32 rack users and guys just right off the bat i'm not a real big fan of doing this i'm going to show you why uh here in a second but you know we talk about youtube and the platform and when i tell you that i try and get all my videos uh the the audio up around a little bit higher than that 14 lofts because that is what youtube is going to accept anything louder and they're going to squash it down okay they're going to compress it so i just wanted to show you what my output is here so you can see it i'm running on average a little bit over 14. my two peak is a negative 0.9 this is the aes specs audio engineering society if you look over here to the left you'll see this negative 23 that's the ebu that's the european broadcasting union and uh these guys kind of work hand in hand and uh you know to help solve some of these audio issues and to put out recommendations in certain standards okay so let's go ahead and jump into x32 edit and uh i'll show you what we got going on okay so here we go i've got uh eight tracks laid here i've got some jump tracks and then a base and with the x32 rack you know if you're up there watching these videos by drew and he's using the x32 desk uh this is this is the same procedure okay over here your panning mode as you can see we're going right into setup uh panty mode is left right plus mono uh the mc depends on main left and right now when you click this and once we get everything set up once you get your sub channel set which we're going to be using the mono channel it goes hand in hand that's what it's actually designed for okay and i'm going to show you that here in a second once you do this that's pretty well set and then you're simply going to come through and pick anything that you want to go to that mono or center channel you're simply going to click right here okay so you know if you had a set of keys uh you would want to have these up here as well i'm just running the drum tracks it's just easier for me to do right now okay again we want this on the mono or center channel all the way across if you look at our snare you'll see it's on the left main and right and then our hi-hat okay now i'm gonna go ahead and unmute the kick i want to show you something here and uh you know i talk about this all the time and we're going to come over here to our gates and first i'm going to set this over on the left and right okay that way we can hear it better and then we'll go back over here to the channel strip this is why it's important to go through and set these channel strips up properly guys okay i want you to listen to the bleed coming through this [Music] okay you hear all that bleed and all i did was simply gate that bleed out of it [Music] okay now i've done this all the way across so let's go ahead and take that kick and let's put it back on the center channel or the mono and at this point we're going to come down to all now guys you're going to find this left right and that mono center channel right here and i can add anything i want to back into this level okay i'm just doing this so i can get to it easy because you're going to have to come to this and this is where we're going to actually do our crossovers okay so if we go to the left and right here and we come up to our eq you can see and this is the same thing drew was talking about you know you come up here and uh you you put this on lr24 you know uh this is your high pass that allows everything past this frequency which is uh going to be around 100 hertz now for the member up there his crossover for his subs is the hundred hertz okay so when we come to the mono uh this is the uh low it's only gonna you know allow these low frequencies to come through and it's not gonna allow any of the higher frequencies to come through this okay so let's go ahead and go back and listen and let's just unmute this and uh we'll see what we got [Music] now i want you to hear the difference in that kick now okay now i can sit here and run this up on the mono channel okay or the center channel remember this is our base sub and the reason it's our base is because we have it right here the mono channel depends on the main left and right so when i raise this volume on the main up and down even though you won't see this fader move okay it will bring up that center channel with it so let's go ahead and listen to that [Music] [Music] okay now why am i not a big fan of this well guys unless you're playing in these stadiums and you've got just you know hanging arrays of of your your base powerful amps things of this nature in your church if you're doing this for your church okay or even a small room where you're practicing you're going to overpower it more than likely you're going to overpower it okay now if you're going to stream if you're going to go out to uh atm mini okay or you're going to come into another small mixer well the only thing you're going to get is your left and right channel you're not going to get any of this bass channel okay that's the center channel that's not what you're getting when you come over here to your bosses okay you can link them together you can do whatever you want to but you're only getting that left and right channel if you sit there and try and uh go into faders on demand just like we are here okay as you can see all these highlight up you can bring this in but what you cannot do is you cannot put this middle channel on post fader or i apologize uh on pre fader and i'm going to show you why if you and you'll listen to it for yourself okay right here so let's come back up here let's unmute everything [Music] actually i just need to unmute what we've got on the uh center channel now if we come up to routing and this is the thing this particular member he doesn't have any more bosses okay he's running a uh x-32 rack which he only has seven xlr outputs he's using the rest of these for in-ear monitors okay so what we're going to do is we're going to come out of the aux out this is aux out number one okay now if i change this to pre-fader plus mute okay no problem but now when we come over to the middle channel this right here will not regulate that audio okay it will not if you can see right here we're coming out of aux 1 watch what happens when i pull this fader down nothing okay as you can see when i move this fader nothing happens therefore the setup that we just used over here where mc depends on the master that has now been taken out of the equation it no longer works okay so let's go back up here and let's put this on a post fader and now watch what happens with this meter when i'm on the uh mono channel fader you see now it just totally came right out of this audio and that's the problem you're going to run into when you're streaming that's the problem when you're going to run into this is a lot more complicated way of setting this up okay and i'm not gonna go into that detail with it because like i said i don't i don't really like doing it this way so uh let's go ahead and go back to where we were i'm gonna uh now i'm going to come up here and take these and i'm going to put those back in to the main stereo instead of the mono channel listen to the difference [Music] okay can can you hear the difference in that i'm taking all these crossovers out i'm putting these back on the the you know the main left and right stereo and now when you come to your streaming or your recording or whatever else you want to do it's going to be a much simpler way of doing it okay and i'm not mocking you man if you want to set it up the other way you know this is your gig i am not there i cannot hear the room i'm simply giving my personal preference on why i do things the way that i do okay so let's go ahead and listen to this again and uh you know you you got to make your own choice on this guys okay and i'm gonna let it play uh running out of your main left and right and then i'm gonna go through and put this back on to actually run a sub channel [Music] and i apologize uh also and this is something i just figured out today when you have this on this main uh or the mono uh center depends on main left and right you cannot mute in between these two okay commute the mains but you can't mute the mono channel okay see now i can mute the mono channel [Music] all right guys so you know i hope this has helped i hope it's giving you some insight you can go up here you can tweak them remember when you do these channel strips when you're working on this stuff come in here set them properly figure it out you know watch watch the videos okay watch the videos i i can't tell you 45 years of experience how to come in here and operate these gates okay all of this matters uh let me just see if i can bring this up here real fast guys and i'm gonna show you what i'm talking about okay i'm gonna put this back on the main all of this [Music] you hear that snare come back in this is the db range this is what i'm taking out the the loudness of that background listen to it okay right about there is where i'm getting i'm not getting any noise now from that snare over here is on the next thing i'm going to work on the attack you always want it to attack very fast the release listen to what happens when i do this on the release [Music] now if if you notice i'm setting these to where it barely cuts out the noise in other words it's coming on very fast and i want it to release very fast if this was a vocal it would be a totally different setup okay well let's listen to it because i still got a little work to do on my release you can still hear that snare coming in and there we go okay now again guys i'm doing this with headphones on if you're sitting there listening to this through a laptop speaker or your uh you know walmart speakers you got plugged into your computer you're not going to hear these subtle differences okay if you're going to be a sound engineer you you've got to learn how to do this stuff and again here is the difference with a properly set gate on a kick drum [Music] okay now over here if you look at this and this is what it's showing you this this gain envelope it's coming on automatically and then it's just slowly coming down if i release that too quickly it's going to chop okay now here is the filter the key source is going to be the self that's what we're doing we're doing this this signal okay you can see where the two is that they they call this right here the slope uh a q okay watch that q move you see it getting wider and wider all of a sudden now you start getting into a different type of filter okay on these right here i found that the q the number two works real good for this the frequency as you can see i've got that set at 990.9 watch it move okay let's go ahead and listen to it and i'm going to move that frequency now if you've got your headphones on you'll hear other stuff bleeding through because i've got it so far over to the right okay so let's go ahead and all i'm doing guys is sweeping this is called sweeping i can't tell you what these numbers are nobody can you've got to come up here and you've got the play with these plugins and right there we are back to it alright so these are the things that you're going to have to pursue depending on on how good you want your audio to sound all right take care god bless and we are out of here
Channel: Dana Tucker
Views: 430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nt21RQPhV1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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