Saving Scenes and Channels Plus Adding FX on the X32 Rack

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hey hey hey good morning guys and gals hey look uh this uh video right here we're going to go over how to assign some fx to each individual channel as well as how to save those channels and save your scene okay now up here on the pastor's mic i got a sn57 i've actually got it labeled as a sure 7b only because i'm too lazy to go up there and switch it but it's the same process it's real simple okay so here we are i'm going to highlight this channel and now we're going to look at it here and as you can see i've got the gate set you can see it coming down right there when i'm when i'm silent i've got my input my gain set over here i want it around that negative 18. okay this is the best signal-to-noise ratio you can get this has nothing to do with how much the volume is going to come out of your speakers or how you're going to blend it in that is going to be done by these faders right down here okay if you notice if i lower it the output signal is going to lower if i raise it up then the output signal is going to raise up as well okay so the only thing that we want to do with the gain is to set our input signal now the reason for this is because of recording purposes as well as live sound enforcement okay so let's take a look in reaper okay guys as you can see now as i've got this set up this is my uh x32 template uh let me see here project templates as you can see down here x32 i am using the azio file i've got 32 channels coming in i've got 32 channels going out all it's doing is making a loop from the x32 rack and the reason i have this the 32 channels guys is because i'm using the s16 okay so i've got it arm to record and there's my input signal as you can see i'm just about dead on that negative 18. okay so let's go ahead and uh go back over to the x32 edit okay so here we are back in the edit so as you can see i've got my noise gate set i've got the eq set uh which is the low cut off i've got my compressor set as you can see it coming down here if i start to get a little too loud you can see it coming down uh on vocals guys you never want to compress more than six db's okay it's just it's it is what it is uh up here uh to the main out i've got it going to the main out so that would be coming through my front of house now how do we apply fx to this particular channel well it's right here okay if i turn this on and then i come over to my fx you can see where it says insert channel one i've got all these choices okay but i'm going to say uh insert channel one and then i would bring this up and this is where i would adjust okay this particular fx that's that's all there is to it that's how you set an fx on individual channels okay and that's all there is to it now if i want to save channel one i like the way that it is okay i like the way my gate is my eq my compressor i've got it going to the uh left and right out i can assign it to a dca group here i can design it or assign it to a mute group okay regardless of what i do with this if i want to save all of this i'm going to come to the right and i'm going to hit select all save as preset okay now as you can see the extension on this is chn and as you can see i've got it set right here as pastor but i can come up here and change it to whatever i want to i'm simply going to say video now this is saving it to my laptop computer okay so i'm going to hit save so now let's say that i come up and i've got a totally different gig okay and i've got something else that i want to use on that channel then i would sit here and say load preset and i can come up over here and i can totally just zero this out as you can see now everything on channel one has been put like it was a factory reset okay so again if you want to come in here and say you know what uh i changed my mind let's go ahead and go with that sure 7b uh we're going to select all because we want it to put everything back and we go load and right there we are guys it's just that simple okay so now that we have everything set up now when we want to save it we want to save everything and now we're going to save it as a scene okay now you can see the extension down here dot scn i'm simply going to go video okay now it's going to save it so now if i come up here and say you know what i'm going to load a scene now and i can come over here and go zero boom all the way across my board guys okay as you can see now nothing comes in everything this is basically just like doing a factory reset except you're not doing a factory reset when you do a factory reset on the x32 mixers you're going to delete everything your saved scenes your snippets your libraries libraries that you have made up it will still put in the libraries that came with that particular firmware okay but anything that you've done custom you're going to lose okay so we simply say load scene and here as you can see i've got the pastor scene we're going to put this in and now everything comes right back up how we left it okay now how do we apply fx to a bus well on and the reason let me explain this scene to you right here this was for a church they're doing a zoom where they're putting this out on facebook and they also are putting this outside in their parking lot okay so if you wanted to add an fx to bus number three you would come up here to fx as you can see bus zero two and here i've got the limiter set on bus number three that's all i did okay now because this is a stereo link i think i've got a stereo link uh and if not it doesn't matter it's still going out to this same thing you would bring it up here you would make your adjustments now the reason that i want to show you this is because you say okay that's bus number three well it's also output number three if you come up here and look at the way i've got it routed and you come over here to the xlr outs okay out one through sixteen i'm sorry uh yes out through 116 you'll see bus number three outside so you literally just take a xlr cable plug it into output number three you run it outside you hook it to a powered speaker and now everything that's going through that bus is going to come out of channel three or output three okay so you can sit here and just stack these up on top of each other all day long okay uh and that's it i i went through this kind of fast i apologize but it really is simple guys okay you want to put a fx on channel one you simply come over here to uh fx ends you come over to your fx you come over here to where it says insert and i want to make sure that we're going there and there it is right there okay you can see it's coming in here on one channel and it's leaving out on one channel now the reason it's leaving out a little bit hotter and it's coming in is because i have the output gain raised up as you can see output gain right here and i do this because if you're going to stream live audio you need to have a little bit stronger signal but that's another video okay same thing you want to do it to your boss come down to your boss come up to your fx grab the bus you you want to apply it to and same thing if you wanted to put this limiter on your your main okay or your your middle channel then you would click this all right and that's it guys i hope this helps take care god bless and we are out of here
Channel: Dana Tucker
Views: 1,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Podcasting with Reaper, Reaper DAW, Podcasting, Free Podcasting Course, Audio Books, ACX Training, ACX, Home Studio, Home Recording, Remote Recording
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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