How to Send Recurring Emails in Outlook

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Hi, everyone. Kevin here. Today, we're going to  learn how to send recurring emails in Microsoft   Outlook. For example, say you want to remind  your team to submit their expense reports   every single month, or maybe you want to send a  birthday note to your mom every single year. I'm   sure she would really appreciate that. This  is completely free, it requires no add-ins,   and also no macros. Let's find out how to do  this. To set up a recurring email, log into   the website You have to set this up  on the web, but you can send your email anywhere.  In the top left-hand corner, let's click on  the waffle icon. See, it kind of looks like   a waffle. This is also known as the app launcher,  and this shows you all of your different Microsoft   365 apps. At the very bottom, let's click on the  text that says All Apps, and this shows you all   the different apps that you get with Microsoft  365. If we scroll down just a little bit,   you'll see an option titled Power Automate, and  this helps us automate all sorts of different   flows. This will help us set up that recurring  email. Let's click on this option. This drops us   on the Power Automate home page, and you can use  Power Automate whether you have a work or school   Microsoft account, or even if you have a personal  Microsoft account. Right here in the center of   the page, you'll see a button that says Create.  Let's click on this. This now drops us on a page   where we can set up our flow. If you've never used  Power Automate before, you can automate all sorts   of different processes. If we scroll down the page  just a little bit, you'll see all sorts of sample   templates that show you some of the different  ways that you can use Power Automate. You can   automate all sorts of different apps and services  and tie them together. It's extremely powerful.   If we go back up the page, to set up a recurring  email, we want to set up a scheduled cloud flow.   The reason why is we're going to define when  and how often our email should go out. So,   let's click on this option right here. This  now opens up a prompt, and at the very top,   you can give your flow a name. Here, I'll  call it Brainstorm New Cookies Reminder. At   the Kevin Cookie Company, we want employees always  brainstorming new cookie ideas. That's how we stay   on top of the cookie industry. Down below, you  can indicate when you want this flow to become   active. I want it to be active immediately, so  I'll leave it set to the current date. Down below,   you can also indicate how often you want it to  recur. Now, if I click on this dropdown list,   here I have all these different options. I want  to send out a weekly email. So here, I'll select   Week, and it's currently set to one week. And  down below, I can indicate the day of the week   that I want this email to go out on. I think every  Friday would be good, so let me deselect all these   other days and just leave Friday active. I  think this all looks good, so down below,   I'll click on Create. On this next screen, we  can start building out the flow. At the very top,   we can see the recurrence that we set up on the  previous screen. Here, I can click on that, and   here, I can confirm that it runs on Friday every  single week. That's exactly what I want. Up above,   I could also modify that if, let's say, I want a  different frequency for this email. Down below,   you can also click on Show Advanced Options. And  here, you could configure a few other settings.   For instance, you could set the time zone. Over  here, you could also set the hour for when this   email should go out. Now, I find that 8 a.m. tends  to work the best. That's when people get to work,   and they check their inbox. And this way,  this email will show up at the top of their   inbox. That's exactly what I want. And here,  you could also define the minute. Otherwise,   all these settings look good, so here,  I'll collapse this category. Now that we   have the recurrence all set up, now, we need to  configure it to send out an email. Down below,   let's click on the button that says New Step.  And here, we can now choose an operation. Here,   we can see all the different apps and services  that we can automate. I’ll click on this icon,   and this expands the list of all the different  connectors I can use. Just as an example,   let's say instead of sending an email, you want  to send out a Teams message every week. Here,   you could choose Microsoft Teams, and you have  all these different apps and services that you   can use as well. So, so many different options. Of  course, we want to send out a recurring email. So,   up above, let's type in Outlook, and this will  filter the group just down to Outlook. Over here,   you have Office 365 Outlook. So, if you have a  paid account, you can use this option. Over here,   we have, and if you have a free or  paid account, you could use this. So, in this   instance, I'm going to click on This  now opens up a list of actions that I can automate   within Outlook, and here too, you have many, many  different options. Of course, we want to send   out an email, and here's an action for sending an  email. Let's click on this option. On this screen,   I can now enter in the details of my repeating  email. Up above, I can specify who I want to send   this email to. Well, I want this to go out to the  marketing team at the Kevin Cookie Company. So,   I'll type in their email address. Over here, I  can enter in a subject. So, hey, please submit   new cookie ideas. And down below, I could also  enter in the body of my message. So, here,   I'll enter in my message. At the very bottom, you  can also expose advanced options, and when I click   on this, here you can copy people on your email.  You could also BCC someone, and you could even   add attachments. So, a few different options that  you can look at. I'll hide the advanced options. I   think this email is now all ready to go. So, down  below, I'll click on save. And look at that. Up on   top, it now tells me that the flow is ready to go.  That means that this flow is now active, and it'll   start sending out the email every single Friday at  8 a.m. They also recommend testing it. In the top   right-hand corner, you'll see this icon that says  test. If I click on that, that opens up a pane,   and here, I can manually test out this flow. And  here, let's click on test. On this next screen,   let's click on run flow. And look at that. It  looks like it successfully sent out the email.   I'll click on done. Right up on top, here, it  lets me know that the flow ran successfully. So,   that means that everyone on the marketing team  has now received this email. Over on the left-hand   side, let's now click into my flows. On the my  flows screen, over here, I see a list of all   of my different flows, or in this case, the one  repeating email that I've set up. When I hover   over it, here, I can manually just run the flow.  Here, I could also go back and edit it. Let's say   that I want it to run every two weeks instead of  every week. And here, if we click on the ellipsis,   I have a few more options. Down here, if I no  longer want to send out this repeating email, over   here, I could turn it off. Back on this main list,  let's click into the flow to see what additional   details we get. On this next screen, I can see all  the details of this flow. And if I go down to the   very bottom, here, I can even see a run history.  And look at that. There's my test that I just sent   out a moment ago. All right. Well, hopefully,  this helps you save a lot of time with all of   those repetitive emails that you have to send out.  But please don't use this for your mom's birthday.   She carried you for nine months. The least she  deserves is a phone call. To watch more videos   like this one, please consider subscribing,  and I hope to see you in the next video.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
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Keywords: kevin stratvert
Id: vm29DZRO7Bc
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Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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