How to Mail Merge in Word, Excel & Outlook

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Hi everyone, my name is Kevin,   and today I'm going to show you how to do  mail merge using Word, Excel, and Outlook. So, first off, what is mail merge? Well, think of it as when the electric  company sends you a bill every month. They customize your bill with your  name, your address information. I'm going to show you how to  do something similar to that. Let's say you want to send out envelopes. Let's say you want to send out a letter or  maybe you want to send out an e-mail and each   individual one has custom information  that you want to include on there. That's what we can do with mail  merge, so let's jump right on into. And as we're getting started here, just  as full disclosure, I work at Microsoft. OK, so what I'm going to do first is  I'm going to open up Microsoft Word. So, we're going to pop up Word here, and then  I'm going to open up a new blank document. So here I am in my new blank document,   and what we're going to do is  we're going to click on mailings. Now one thing to say is this. What I'm  using right now this is Office 365.   Chances are it'll also work  on 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010. I don't think mail merge functionality has  changed that much, but just as a caveat,   this is using the latest version  of Office. This is Office 365. So, I'm going to click on mailings and the first   thing I'm going to do is there's a little  button there that says start mail merge. I'm going to go ahead and click on that and today  what we're going to do is we're going to create an   e-mail message that I'm going to use to  customize the user information in there. You could also create things  like letters, envelopes, labels,   directory information, but we're going to do  an e-mail today. The process that you follow,   and all these other ones is very  similar to doing an e-mail message. So, I'm going to click on that and like I  said before, I'm going to be sending out   a billing notification, so I get  to collect money from people, so   we're going to say hello and I want to  customize this. So what I want to do is   I need to select information. Now let me  pull my Word document over and here on   my desktop I have a sheet called customer  information, so I'm going to pull that up. This is a spreadsheet that I created ahead of  time, and it has four different columns. It has   the first name of people, it also  has the plan name that someone is on,   it has the due date for the bill,  and it also has the e-mail address. I just use the same e-mail address  on each one and so I want to use   this information from this list  in the mail merge that I'm doing. So, we're going to start out here by saying hello  and what I'm going to do now is I want to connect   this spreadsheet to this Word document, so  I'm going to click on select recipients. I could create a new list, I can  choose from Outlook contacts,   but I have this spreadsheet, so I'm  going to click on use an existing list. And now what I can do is it opens up the file  picker and I'm going to click on my desktop   because that's where I have this file stored  titled Customer information. I'm going to click   on that and now what it's asking me to do is it  wants me to select a table, and so you'll see   in my Excel sheet I have a table, or  a sheet called customer information. So, I'm going to go with that,   and then you see this checkbox that says the  first row of data contains column headers. At the very top of my sheet, you'll see that  I have my column header here with first name,   plan due date, so I'm going to leave that  checked, and we're going to click on OK. And so now what it's done is  it's connected this spreadsheet   with this Word document that I'm creating. So here I'm going to say hello and now what  I could do is there's another option here   that says insert merge field. I'm going to click on that and when I click on  the drop down, you'll notice that I have these   different columns, and these columns  line up with the Excel spreadsheet. So, I have first name which lines up with  first name, plan, due date, and e-mail. So, I'll say hello and I want  to say hello to the first name. So, I'll click on first name and then  you'll see this little you'll see   the text there that's the first thing,  and that's a placeholder for the name,   so I'm going to put in a comma and  I'm going to say your, let's say your,   and I'm going to put the plan name in, so we’ll  say your so it'll say starter or platinum. Your starter package is due on, and  then we want to insert the due date. So, I'm going to insert another field  and I'm going to insert due date,   and so you notice it puts another placeholder  in, it says your let's say starter package is   due on such and such a date, and then  I'll say, please submit your payments   to 123 Main St. and we're going to say this is  in Seattle, WA and I'll put down the ZIP code. Thank you. Let's say thank you and then we're  going to call this the billing company. OK, so what I've done now is let's  test this out and see how this works. So, they have this option here  that says preview results. So, I'm going to click on that,   and so now you'll see it's inserted  the first row from my spreadsheet. So, I have this, John. He's on the starter plan  and it's due on 3/15. So here it says hello John,   your starter package is due on 3/15/2019.   Please submit your payment to this  address. Thank you, the billing company.   Now what I can do is I can click through this  little arrow and that goes to the next record. So here it'll jump to Kerry  and then it jumps to Kevin. That's me, so I'm charging myself, and  here you'll see that the package changes,   the date modifies, so here, Kevin, that  lines up with this row here. So, Kevin,   on the starter package, here you see starter,  and that's due on 3/18, and you see 3/18. OK, so now I've set it up so  that the message is customized. It's using information from my list in the sheet. Now that we've done that, now I want  to go ahead and send an e-mail out. So how do we do that? Well, I'm going to get rid of the preview  here, so it goes back to the template   and then there's a button  that says finish and merge.   What I'm going to click on here is you could  print documents or I can send e-mail messages. Today I want to send an e-mail, so I'm  going to click on send e-mail messages,   so it says to e-mail, and so what this  is doing is it's using the column e-mail. You can choose any one of the columns,   but it automatically detected that this is  an e-mail address, so it chooses that column,   and I'm going to say for this subject, I'll  say your bill is due, and then what you could   do is it says send to all records, current  record, or I could set specific rows that I   want to send it to. So, let's say that I only  want to send bills, say, a month in advance. I could choose, hey, I just want to do, you know,   let's say row five and six, and  I just wanted to send it to them. But in this case, I'll send it to, I'll  send it to everyone and then I click OK. So now what's happening is it's going  ahead and it's generating emails. So now what I'm going to do is  I'm going to open up Outlook. So, I'm in Outlook here and you'll see   I have my outbox and it says your bill is due,  your bill is due, and each one is customized   to the person that I had in the list, and  then what I could do is I'm just going to   make sure I click on send and receive, and now  it's going to send each one of those emails. So, there you have it. It's sent out a bill to  these five different people,   and hopefully they submit their payment on time,  but that's really that's as easy as mail merge is. You can take a list, you have a Word document,  you could insert information from that list. You could define who you want to send it out to,   and then you could send out a bulk number  of whether it's emails or whether it's,   let's say a letter and envelopes, and  customize the information on there. So hopefully this information was helpful. Hopefully you found this  tutorial, tutorial valuable,   and hopefully that'll take  care of your mail merge needs. If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe. That way you'll see future videos like this, and  if you enjoyed it, please give it a thumbs up. That way it helps boost my confidence  that people are taking these videos and   using them for something good. OK. Well,  thanks a lot everyone. See you next time.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 1,861,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mail merge, word, excel, outlook, microsoft, office, microsoft office, office 365, how to, tutorial, mail merge in word, mail merge letter, letter, envelope, email, excel mail merge, mail merge example, example, sample, icon, field, column, spreadsheet, workbook, o365, office 2019, office 2016, office 2013, office 2010, office 2007, format, labels, wizard, steps, snail, cover letter, custom, process, guide, expert
Id: _Efb_oMgxEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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