📧 How to use the New Microsoft Outlook:Beginner's Class

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hi there welcome to teachers Tech my name is  Jamie and it's great to have you here this is a   beginner's class on how to use the new Microsoft  Outlook so maybe you're using your old one you   toggle this on and you notice the experience  changed with Microsoft Outlook or maybe you're   brand new to this and you just want to learn how  to use Microsoft Outlook to manage your email so   this is a beginner class on the new Microsoft  Outlook where I'm going to go over the basics   of setting up your email uh how to organize  your email and I'll continue on with separate   videos to help you even learn more to get more  efficient with using all the different parts   of Microsoft Outlook so let's get started on this  new Microsoft Outlook experience today on teachers tech let's start with opening the new Microsoft  Outlook because you might have a couple different   versions on your computer I'll show you what  I mean I'm going to go just to the search down   here I'm on Windows 11 and notice that there is  an outlook here this is actually the old one if   I go and just type Outlook in here notice I  get a couple different ones so I'm going to   finish typing I have the Outlook app and then  I have the Outlook new you can still access   the Outlook new from the old one and I'm going  to do that first so maybe you've opened up your   Outlook app here uh you're going to notice that  right at the beginning I had a toggle and I had   already toggled it on if I took a look at the top  right hand corner I can just toggle this on and   it's going to ask me to make the switch if your  windows 11 is updated you probably already have   it installed on your computer and you can just hit  switch and you're going to see it just jump right   over and the same account that I have installed on  it just gets pulled over with it and the emails as   well now I do want to point out if I go and back  to search and type store so I'm just going to go   to the Microsoft store if you don't have it on  your computer that way you can access it through   here so if you just do a search for uh for it  you're going to notice that Outlook is the app   that you can install I already have it installed  on my computer but if you click on it uh you'll   notice that if it isn't installed this way it will  ask you into install so a couple different ways   you can make sure you're going to be in the new  Microsoft Outlook that I'm going to show you today   how to use if this is your first time logging in  to the new Microsoft Outlook you're going to have   to log in with an account and you have a variety  of different options that you can use you could   use an Outlook account if you have one a Gmail  account yahooo uh it could be an iCloud account   so you have lots of different options maybe you  have a school or work account then you can use   that as well if you don't have an account at all  just click down here and create an Outlook account   and then you're going to be able to follow along  with the tutorial today for myself I'm logging   in with a Microsoft 365 demo account that I have  so I have it already written into here and then   I'm just going to go ahead and hit continue and  it's going to ask me to put the password at the   next step so I just have to place my password in  and sign in at this point now that I'm logged in   you're going to notice on the left hand side over  here the email that I signed into right here I can   go ahead and hit the little expansion Arrow to see  the different contents below it whether it be in   the inbox the drafts the scent items all of these  right here here are my inbox so these are all the   emails that have been sent to this email address I  do want to point out if I go ahead and close this   up if you want to add more accounts to it you  just have to go through the same process just   click here hit account now do you want to add a  Gmail account you can have a mixture of different   accounts so go ahead and try that if you want to  have two three or more on this so I just wanted to   point that out to know that you're not limited to  that one account now let's do a little walk around   if you're used to Microsoft products like Excel or  word up at the top you're going to have your menu   so home view help these are our menu below we have  a ribbon now with this new Microsoft Outlook it's   condensed what I mean it's not showing everything  like the old one might but if I go over on the   side right here the ribbon display options and  drop down I can go back to the classic ribbon here   so if I click it it expands it so if you want  to see be able to see all the different items   where it's uh maybe just easier to read for you  go ahead to switch to that view and if you click   down here notice it that that's under the layout  here of the classic Ribbon or simplified ribbon if   you want to switch back the other things I want  to point out before we start sending composing   any email is down over here on the left hand side  uh at any time to get back to your mail you need   to click this top so if all of a sudden you're in  the calendar here and you're not seeing your email   just go back up to mail here and it will bring  you back to this page now I'm going to continue   on just to point out some of these things and  I'll have a different video going over uh this   because working with a calendar in your email is a  very important thing and just that can make things   more and more efficient especially if you're part  of uh all the Microsoft products this is where you   can add your events uh making sure that you stay  on top of everything and connecting things to your   email as well we have people so this is going to  be our contact list I don't have any contacts with   this email but we can create and I'll go over that  a bit later also as well we have groups so groups   here uh if I'm working in different projects  together it's I'm using a Microsoft account   at 365 with multiple people so then uh we can be  working together easier you might not see some of   these um items if you're logged in with a Gmail  account you might not see groups or to-do so if   I go to to-do here this is going to open up on the  web page to-do is a great way to um you know just   keep your task and everything in order I have a  different video on that I'll put a link to that   and if I just uh close down here or minimize that  I can also connect to my one drive one drive if   you have your uh account Microsoft account this  is where you're going to be working saving your   items to the cloud so if I look I have my files  I have shared files uh everything's connected   through one drive I have a different video on  that as well that I'll explain more to you on   how everything works and then we can also connect  to more apps so if I go to here more apps if you   want to launch an Excel a word I can click  on it and it just gives you that easy access   right now it is opening it online but remember if  you're working in in the Microsoft system whether   you're using the app and you're logging into the  same account everything's connected so that was   a little walk around of just uh looking at the  new Microsoft Outlook and remember just go back   up here to mail because this is where we're going  to continue from before I show you how to send an   email I just want to make sure that you have the  customization to get the look and feeli that you   want inside the new Microsoft Outlook in the menu  go over to view here and I just want to point out   some ways that you can change things um if you  could do the quick drop downs on any of these so   if I was looking at ribbon and I already showed  you the difference between the simplified or   classic we have our folder pane if I go hide you  can see how it changes so you can make these quick   adjust adjustments do you want to show on right  or show at the bottom so now the messages would   be below so you can quickly make those changes I  prefer on the right but everybody's going to be   different we have some different density so if I  go compact you can see how it just kind of gives   you shows you a lot more to it so find what  you know works best for you the other thing I   want to point out is under these view settings I  know with uh different people they might like uh   you know here we go from focused inbox to our text  I'm not going to change everything I just want to   point out these uh some of these would could have  been quickly done in the drop- down uh before but   show email as individual messages newest on top  newest on the bottom show each message separately   so these are some things that you might want to  think about how to change uh the other thing if   I go to General uh if we look at the appearance  do you like light or dark mode so if I go to dark   mode you can see uh if I close out of it you can  get that look of the contrast between the white   in the black I'm going to just use light for this  but set it how you'd want we also have some themes   in here as well so if I click on any of these uh  around the bar everything change changes there so   go make some adjustments to get uh I'm just going  to discard so I'm not going to save anything for   this and get it set up the way you want before  we create our first email here let me show you   how to compose a new email in Microsoft Outlook  I'm going to go up to here and I'm just going to   hover for a moment when I hover it also shows  you the shortcut control+ n if I click on this   it opens it up in this over here contrl plus  n would do the same right away I just want to   show you uh these over here these features if I  don't want this embedded into this I can pop it   out in a new window so if I go open out of a new  window it opens this up now I can move this around   separately this is where I'm going to compose my  email I can stretch it set it up the way I want   all these features are still the same whether  it's submitted or not if I hit close it deletes   the message so if I go back to it again notice  it opens it back up in there this is also the   discard if I started writing email I don't need  it I could discard it from here and I can also   change if I want it sizing differently uh to make  it more comfortable to read now the other thing I   want to point out right away when I'm composing a  new email if I look at up the top I have all these   brand new menu items here and then underneath I  have all these options on my ribbon it defaults   to go under message here and under message I get  everything in here so what I mean here's message   and take a look at here we can insert pictures  I can insert emojis a table if I go to insert   here's picture emoji table I'm getting the same  Options under message I can kind of see everything   but if you want to kind of just think about it  as oh if I'm inserting something into to here   I go to insert and this is where I can attach my  files I can link things all those but I can also   get a for message if I wanted to format my text I  get all these options to format my text but under   message it's also here as well so I just wanted  to point out how the menu uh and the ribbon was   working here so let's go ahead and just start uh  thinking about who we we we' send this message   to now since this email I'm using as part of an  organization it can pick up other emails in that   organization you can see they all have uh the same  uh the same at leveraging digital.com at the end   I can go ahead and choose one of these people  to email so if I was going to go with Kathy it   places an email in here right away now you might  not have that pop open if you're not using part   of a uh you know a corporate or school account  there but uh you can just type in an email as   well so if I was going to go uh at this one if I  was typing in a email like this so let's say at   teachers. Tech a different email one I have and  then I just put a comma after I can also do it   like this so I have two different ones I was going  to send this one's outside of the organization uh   it's not in that leveraging digital one this if  I went and clicked here I could go directly to   my contacts so if I hit two if I had contacts in  this one I could search a list so it's really good   to start building up your contact list because it  will make things a lot easier and then you be and   I I'll come back to creating your contacts but  that's how you would easily access your contacts   from right here and anytime I click on any of  these the contacts will come up so we have CC   here so I could also be wanting maybe to add a  person in here so maybe also send this uh email   to someone else now if I do that like this what's  going to happen is it will uh send to these these   two people up here and then also to this person  but I still can whoever gets these emails can see   who it's sent to so you need to be careful when  you send an email that you're not just sharing   other people's emails uh by uh just putting a  long list of emails here because people can see   who else you sent that email to to avoid this do  this go to BCC the blind carbon copy if I put a   list of people here and now everybody will get  the email but they won't know who else got the   email so they won't be able to see the whole list  of people uh that you sent the email to so this is   an important thing to know how to use these ones  correctly whether it be CCC or BCC and you're   going to place these in the Same by just putting  the emails in or getting to the contacts like this   now as I keep moving down we have our subject so  maybe I want somebody to sign something so if I   say please sign I can uh go ahead and put in the  uh just the subject area like this and make it how   I want as we're writing emails sometimes we don't  always finish but it is always getting saved as a   draft and you can always go back and access it  so what I mean by this is notice it says draft   saved at 2:13 p.m. if I look up top in the ribbon  up here I also have save draft if I was I can go   ahead and if I go over to the left hand side here  I just expand this to open it we have inbox which   this is but if I go to drafts here this is the  email that I haven't sent yet so if I go ahead and   click on it here it opens it back up so I actually  double clicked on it here too so if I just click   on it once again and it opens up just like this  and now I can continue writing it so even if you   don't finish you can always go to your drafts uh  if you didn't discard it it will be there that you   can continue it and you have all the same options  so what's the next thing that you might do in an   email well you'll probably write something so if  I go and just write a quick message here and I   say please uh please sign and notice right away  it it's kind of guessing to uh what I might want   to say and and return if I hit the tab it goes and  finishes that off now I can go and just keep this   I could write a paragraph I'm not going to write  a lot in this it just works like using Microsoft   Word I can format this so as mentioned in the  message up here if I look at this I could change   it to a different font I could change it to a  different color so another way I could get to   the formatting if I go and just click in here so  if I double click notice it highlights return if   I triple click it highlights everything and when  I do this it allows the the formatting to come   up right here this formatting is the same as this  formatting here so if I wanted to change my font I   can go through the list that uh that they have in  here and make a change and you can see how the uh   the font will change so you can pick a different  one that one's more noticeable I could change the   size I could change the color to this uh if I  wanted it to be let's say a purple you can see   it works just like Microsoft uh M like Microsoft  Word or many of the other Microsoft products I can   actually put a link in here so if you wanted to  link this to somewhere I could say this is what   gets displayed and I could copy paste maybe a web  address uh website in there I wanted to share so   that's how I would go and insert the link now as  you go down you can just go ahead and I can hit   enter and work like this so very simply you write  your email after that but you might want to add a   few more things to this so maybe I should add an  attachment since I'm saying please sign something   if I look up and I'm under the message menu and  I have attach file and I mentioned before I could   go to insert and attach file as well if I look at  this I can drop down from this where do I want to   attach it from is it a link upload and share one  drive I'm just going to sa for my computer I'm   going to browse and what do I want to attach well  maybe on my desktop I have these signatures here   and it's going to be this one right here this PDF  I could put in and it places it right here you can   see that it's uploading if I drop down on this  Arrow I have some options I could preview it I   could upload it to one drive I could download it  or I could remove it from here so something else   that you might want to uh to add to this is maybe  a picture and if I go back up to here I could add   my pictures I could go grab something uh from  so this is just an example if I grab a picture   from my computer I'll just do a screenshot here  so maybe I take a screenshot and I want to show   somebody a new product and it places it in I can  go through and size this I can even curve this so   change the angle look at how I can drag this so  it gives me a lot of flexibility inside Microsoft   Outlook to do this so I've gone through on this  one so far I've showed you where the apps are   if you're not done how to add the emails how to  or how to add who you're sending it to CC talked   about the BCC you have a subject line we've done  attachments we put in some text and we put in an   image now you can still add more I'm not going  to go through any of the all these but you can   play with these if you wanted the Emojis you can  click on those to add if you needed a table you   could quickly add a table to this and you can  make your uh make your emails very clean to   help organize everything when you're all done  this email and you're ready to send just go   ahead and hit send notice that you have an option  so I could hit send right away but let's say if I   didn't want to send right away I could schedule a  send so I have this email ready when do I want to   send this so if I know it's not a good time do I  want to send it tomorrow or Sunday I could pick a   time by going custom time so that's an important  option to know uh when to when to send if you're   if you want to adjust it and you don't have to  worry about it once you send it sent it so I can   go ahead and hit send now and this will send it  automatically now another thing is that you might   want to check is what did I send if I look over  in my email over here and I've showed you so this   is our inbox here we have our drafts that we'd  be working on that if we if don't finish here's   our sent items so this is the email email I just  sent here and I can always go back and see the   different emails that I sent if I wanted to make  sure I wrote something correctly who I sent it to   I can check it again in there so that's sending an  email in the new Microsoft Outlook to add people   quickly to your contact list just go to people  here now you could go one at a time if you go   add contact here and just fill in the information  here so put the names last name email and just go   through and do this you can even add a photo by  selecting here when you're done hit save I'm just   cancelling uh for this demo here but we could also  import your contact so maybe you have a large list   from a different email service that you've been  using and you exported those as a CSV file so if   I go import contacts then I could go and have that  file and browse to it and import those all at once   and that can save you a lot of time so you don't  have to enter them in one at a time so just some c   couple different quick ways to enter your contact  information so when you're sending emails you can   just click that two button so you can see I just  got a new email in and let's go ahead and check it   I'm just going to go click on it so someone sent  me this email and right away I can see who uh it   was sent to right here so I can see Ashton Jamie  Keat and demo so this is what meant by that when   I sent that I didn't use the BCC I can see the  complete list of who was ever on this email I   can see who sent it to me right up at the top now  uh what I can do right away if I wanted to reply   to this I could go ahead and click reply if I  just do reply it's just going to send it back   to this one right here this teachers Tech demo  so if I hit reply it goes ahead and opens up a   new email that's only going to be sent to this  one I'm just going to hit delete I'm going to   hit okay and it doesn't delete this message just  where I was about to respond to it we have reply   all when we do this now it's going to be yes to  the Jamie Keat at teachers Tech demo one but it's   also to others if I just select this you'll notice  that it shows me everybody that's going to be that   the email is going to be sent to so the person and  that sent it and plus the two others I'm going to   hit delete on this one as well discard this and I  have the other option of forwarding this so uh if   I go ahead and forward this it's not going to be  to the same it's not going to respond to the same   people that sent the email I could send this to  somebody completely different so if I wanted to   if someone sent me this email and I wanted to  forward this to maybe a boss or someone or and   say hey take a look at this email that somebody  sent me could you help help me with this and then   the other ones aren't notified of it so I just  wanted to point out those different options to   responding to the email we also have the options  right up here of reply reply all and forward we   have a few different options here that we can do  I'm not going to get through I point out all these   in this one uh but I just want you know that these  options are here as well so let's look at some   other options we can do with this received email  now if we hover over it we can get some options   right away notice if I move my mouse over top I  could delete if you want to get rid of it just   simply hit delete but maybe you make the mistake  and say ah I didn't want to delete that take a   look at this if I go back under the email here and  look into the deleted item so if I select it here   it is right here this is just what I just deleted  I could remove it from deleted items permanently   right here but I could select this one and if I  hit restore notice it's out of here but if I go   back to my inbox here it is right here so if you  delete it don't worry you can bring it back as   well let's look at some of the other options the  other thing on these ones notice how my names it   bolded well that's because it's unread if I click  on it and after I've uh read it then it will go   off of it so just like that I've selected you can  turn it back uh the red back and forth so Mark is   unread if I select this one notice it goes back to  bold so maybe you want to bring attention to it uh   still and then you can bring it back like that or  I could make sure that it goes back to normal to   know that I have read it now let's look at the  next tab this is flagged message this goes into   your task when you flag it so if there's something  you want to follow up about this email on and you   don't want to forget it so sometimes I get lots  of different emails and I I need to flag them so   then I kind of have a list so if I flag it like  this now I'm just going to bring over my other   window that has uh the Microsoft task on it that I  mentioned earlier it goes into the task right here   and when I'm done it I can click that I'm done  it from this point so that's a handy feature to   bring it in over there the uh task was here and  it just popped open on a different window when I   did it before and we also have oh I'll point out  if I rightclick on this one uh we can go today   tomorrow set the time when the task would be done  and we can also Market as complete or clear the   flag there now we can pin this if you want to  make sure that your message is at the top all   the time if I pin it it will stay at the top so if  it's an important message or has some information   on it you can pin it to the top and it's always  going to be there so that's just a little bit   about managing those as those emails come in so  you don't lose anything and you can keep track of   everything the other thing I want to point out is  sorting and searching in here uh we can clean out   our inbox if you want very quickly we don't have  to do this one at a time notice if I go ahead and   hit select I get all these boxes and then I can  select the top one so everything in my inbox is   now selected I could go and empty the folders  get empty this folder this inbox folder and   get rid of it I could flag it Mark as red so if I  there were some if I want them Mark as all red if   I select it and then I unselect now everything's  done at once so you don't have to go through and   do it one at a time uh the other thing I want  to point out are the filters as you get lots   of different emails and you're searching I don't  delete a lot of my emails I might put them into   folders I'll show you that in a moment but we can  filter what do we want to filter we could filter   by unread we could look for flagged so if you do  have different ones flagged uh if I go ahead and   flag this and I filter maybe I'll fil I'll flag  two here I'll just put a couple flags on here and   then I'll go ahead and filter the flag those two  come up so it's an easy way to sort through your   different ones um so I'll click on it again take  off that filter and anything that mentions me has   files and even sort so I could be looking at it by  date from size so I could be looking through all   these different things to find a certain email  because you can get thousands of thousands of   them on there do you you want the oldest on top or  the newest on top I like the newest just to keep   everything flowing uh just the way my mind works  I think most people would do it that way too so   that's just a little bit about organization with  the emails one by one or trying to sort your inbox   to find something now I want to show you a couple  new ways that you can keep everything organized   in the new Microsoft Outlook and one of them is  categorize so let's go back to this email here   and I want to point out so under the home menu and  inside here uh we can look at we have categorize   so if I uh have this message selected and I can  drop down I can pick a category so if I was like   green notice it added this categorize category to  this so if I click the message here and um if I   click off a different one it's not there but if I  click on this one it has this here now if I click   on just this green category I'm going to give a  couple this one I'm going to give a different way   I can give that category category so if I right  click I have categorize here so I could go green   as well if I go ahead and just click on that green  it brings me to everything in the green category   so if I click back to my inbox I get back to these  ones they're simple to remove you can just hit the   X here I can also do a search so notice up in the  search and the search is a powerful thing to get   used to if I just start typing green category  and hit green category it will find everything   that I've tagged with that green category so just  a different way to think about how to organize   things and if you like the color method to be able  to quickly see also how it's categorized if I go   back to this I just want to mention with these  with the categorize here you can manage so these   are by default here we can create new categories  clear categories or even manage the categories so   if I hit click manage if I didn't want this to be  screen I could delete this star this I could go   ahead and edit this differently so you can name it  what you want to just quickly be able to see all   your different groups that you're putting together  and colors a good way to do that the other way you   can uh kind of keep everything neat is to create  folders so we can do this in a couple different   ways as well I can do it from any email so if I  rightclick on this one notice I can go through   and see see all the different things that I can do  just like with categorize if I say move well where   do I want to move this to uh well I could put  it in a folder so if I go ahead and say add new   folder I'll just click on this new folder name  and this is just a demo today so I'm going to   click demo here and hit save on the left hand side  over here I have a folder that just got created   called demo so now if I click on it I can see the  email that I have is inside of here I can also if   I didn't want it to be in here anymore I could  take it and actually drag it back into my inbox   that way as well or I could drag it into demo so  I could grab a bunch of them I could go back to   the selection tool and select multiple ones and  then drag them in to there so it's very easy to   keep things organized as I go to this one now you  see the three that I just put in there but simply   rightclick and move it to where you want you could  put it back into your inbox or just simply drag so   try categorizing your emails or putting them  in folders I hope this beginner's class video   in the new Microsoft Outlook has been helpful  for you I'm going to follow this up with more   of an intermediate one just go over uh some of  the other topics that can even help you get more   efficient with using Microsoft Outlook and also  I'll do another one on the calendar as well thanks   for watching this time on teachers Tech I'll see  you next time with more Tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 155,176
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Keywords: Microsoft Outlook, Outlook tutorial, Outlook 2023, Outlook for beginners, Outlook interface, composing emails, Outlook customization, email scheduling, Microsoft Outlook guide, Outlook email, Outlook calendar, Outlook contacts, Outlook new features, Outlook productivity, Outlook tips, Outlook tricks, Outlook how-to, Outlook basics, Microsoft email, How to use the New Microsoft Outlook, teachers tech, microsoft outlook tutorial, outlook, microsoft outlook tips and tricks
Id: olLCI8zXewc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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