5 Power Automate Tricks for Outlook

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hi I am Liz with Collective and today I'm going to show you five great power automate tips for Outlook power automate is part of the Microsoft Power Platform and it allows you to automate any repetitive task you might have and one place where there are a lot of repetitive tasks is in Outlook today I'm excited to show you five of my favorite Power automate flows to help automate these repetitive Outlook tasks the first trick I'm going to show is automatically saving an attachment to a SharePoint folder in here you'll see I have my Trigger action and in power automate this is what will start your flow running so mine is going to be when an email arrives and it's going to come to my inbox uh right now I'm just saying it's from me but this could be from anyone I'm going to say yes it has to include attachments and now down here we have an apply to each which means power automate will apply this same function to any attachment on the email so it's getting uh the body of the attachment from the previous step and I just put in my SharePoint site here the site address and the folder the file name is going to be the same name as the attachment and the content is going to be the contents of that attachment so now we can go to test and see this in action alright so our flow ran successfully and here is the file that was created from our power automate flow next I'm going to show how to get an automated email when a file on your SharePoint site is deleted so this is great if you want to know if someone's deleting files that maybe they shouldn't be or if you just want to know when files are removed from your site here the Trigger action is a little different instead of starting with Outlook we're going to start with SharePoint so this one is saying when a file is deleted and we put in our demo SharePoint site and the documents uh library and you can put subfolders if you need to we're going to say send an email and I'm going to send this to myself just saying a file was deleted and you can put the body of the email along with the file name directly from SharePoint and who the file was deleted by from SharePoint and here in Outlook you can see I got an email much like we just saw in power automate it's got the same subject and body and then down here it says which document was deleted and who it was deleted by we're going to generate an email when a form response is submitted and that email is going to contain the responses from that form so this one you can see has a little extra step in it so our Trigger action is when a new response is submitted so when we get a new response to our form and you can see there's a git response details in this step and this one is going to say not only is that submitted but go and grab what was inside the form so get the responses to the various questions and I'm going to have it send me another email so it's once again going to me I set the subject to a new response to our test form and then down here in the body of the email I have name which is named from the form email from the form and then favorite color as the example question also from the form so I'm going to fill out our sample form really quick my favorite color is green an R power automate flow ran successfully and here is the email that was generated did so you can see I have the subject that we told power automate to use and the form response here my name my email and my favorite color so let's pretend every morning you get an email like this one that tells you uh the status maybe 20 out of 25 of your machines are working as of 8 AM this morning and we want to get this 20 value and track it in an Excel spreadsheet so first we'll start by receiving this email so in power automate we're going to start our flow with a when an email arrives trigger and this time I put as a subject filter morning status report so that way power automate knows which emails to apply this flow to next we're going to convert the entire body of the email to HTML and then use variables to extract the numbers after our status report I also want to get a value for today's date so I also included a variable that'll pull in that date's date and then we're going to add both today's date and the output of the variables to an Excel file so let's see this flow in action so I sent this email to myself that shows that 22 out of 25 of our machines are working this morning and here you can see it looks like our our flow ran successfully so let's go look at it in SharePoint this is the test Excel file that I have saved to our SharePoint site and you can see Power automate added a new row to my table it includes today's date and also the value from the body of our email so this next flow will automatically send employees a happy birthday email on their birthday so you can see I am starting from a SharePoint list that has our employee name in the title field and under birthday I put today and for this flow it will not matter what year is at the end so if you don't know someone's birth year that's totally fine you can just put the current year and also the employee's email this power automate flow is a little different than the others in that it will run on a recurrence instead of on an email trigger so this one is going to run every one day so every day and the first thing it's going to do is get all the items from our birthday SharePoint list and it's going to apply a few conditions to them so the first thing is we'll need to grab the birthday value from that SharePoint list and then we're going to have this condition here that will compare whether the value in the birthday column in month month and day day format only so just the month and day is equal to the month and day from today and if it is we're gonna have it send out an email to the email listed in SharePoint so the employee's email and it's just going to say happy birthday good morning title which if you remember is the employee's name and happy birthday this can get as fancy as you want but we're just going to leave it that simple for now and here's the email that was generated thanks for watching Remember to like And subscribe you can ask any questions in the comments and visit gocollective.com for more great power automate tips
Channel: Collectiv
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Id: aBZWuOoQbWk
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Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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