How to Use Power Automate to Send Emails from Excel with PERSONAL Attachments

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In today's tutorial, I'll show you how you  can do a mail merge with attachments. So,   we're going to be sending personalized emails  to multiple people with their own attachments,   and we're going to do this from Excel. We're  not going to be using any VBA or macros   or any external add-ins. Guess  what we're using? Did you guess it? Power Automate. Okay, so let  me take you through what we're going to be doing   here. I have an Excel file called "FilesMaster".  In this file, I have a table with each person's   first name, last name, email, and the file name  that I want to send them. So, in this case,   it's just the name, not the address of the file.  Now notice each person needs to get their own   customized PDF document. These PDFs happen to be  in the same folder where I have my Excel file,   but they don't have to be. They can be on  SharePoint. They can be in another folder on   your OneDrive. So notice all of these, in my case,  are saved in my OneDrive for Business for now.   Let me show you how the PDFs look. The contract  for Kim West has her name and her address. The one   for Lucas has his name and his address. If you're  curious how you can create multiple PDF files   from Word, I also have a separate video on that,  check it out if you're interested. In this case,   what we want to do is to go to Excel to select  the rows for the people to which we want to send   our file to and then run our flow. What's going  to happen is that our flow is going to send each   person a customized email message together  with their own attachments. All we have to   do is select and click. Now let's set this up  together. First step is to log into,   sign in to your account, and then scroll down  and go to Power Automate. Now, in this case,   I want to create a flow from scratch, so I'm  going to click on the create button on the side.   Now I have to decide what type of flow do  I want to create? What's the trigger? Well,   because my trigger is from an Excel file,  and it's based on the rows that I select.   That falls under an instant cloud flow because if  I scroll down here, notice I have 'For a selected   row" as an option. That's the one I want. Now  before I click on Create, let's give this flow   a name and click on Create. Now comes the easy  part. I just have to select the location of my   Excel file. Mine is in OneDrive for Business,  document library is OneDrive, the file itself,   just click on the folder icon and click on these  arrows until you find it. Mine is right here.   Now comes the table. Well, the moment I click on  the drop-down, I get the list of all tables in my   Excel file. I just have one table, so I'm going to select that. Now just to show this to you, let's   bring up Excel. That's my data, it's formatted as  an Excel table, that's called "TableFiles". Okay,   so, so far, so good. Now comes the part that we  need to think about the next step. So, how do we   set this up? What I need to happen is somehow to  loop through all the files that exist in a folder,   check the name of the files, and see if they're  equal to the file name that I have specified here.   If they are the same, it should grab that  file and send it as an attachment. So this   means, I need the ability to loop through files in  a folder that's an action that's OneDrive related.   So let's click on "New step", search for  "OneDrive" (it's "OneDrive for Business"),   and take a look at the different actions we  have. One action is "List files in a folder",   that's the one we need. This is going to give us  an array with information about the files that we   have in the folder. All I have to do is select the  folder. So, this is the folder where my PDF files,   in this case, are sitting in; they're sitting  in the "Contracts" folder. OK, so, so far, so good.   Now is the time where we can loop through each  of the files in the folder and check whether   they match the name of the file that we have  in our Excel row. This time, I need a control.   That control is applied to each because I want  a loop. I need an output from my previous step,   that's basically the array that I get here.  So if I scroll down under "Dynamic Content",   I can see "Value", that's going to do the job,  so let's select that. Next is another control,   this time, it's Condition. Why Condition? Because  I need to cross-check the name with the name that   I have in my Excel file. So this time, I need to  pick this column here, which is called "File Name".   In Power Automate, this is "Dynamic Content". If I  scroll down here, I can see the "Dynamic Content"   connected to my Excel file and I see "File Name"  right here. So let's go with that. Next, "Is Equal   To" is fine, but you have different options in  case you need them. What is it equal to? Well,   it's a "Dynamic Content" based on this array  here and of course, I have to make sure that I'm   checking the same type of file name, so I can't pick  "ID" or "Name" or "Name without extension". I'm   going to go with "Display Name" because that way, it's  identical to the way I've written it in Excel. OK,   so, so far, so good. That's my condition. Next, what do  I want to happen if that condition is met? Well,   I want to send an email, but before I send an  email with my attachment, I need to actually   grab that file content that was matched. So,  as my action, I'm going to get the file content   and this one is OneDrive related as well. So, let's  just restrict this to the actions we have here.   If I scroll down, I see "Get file content". I need  the unique identifier of the file. So if I click   inside here, under "Dynamic Content", I can see  the "ID" is the unique identifier of the file. So   that's the one I need to go with. Next step, now  we can send an email. This one is Outlook related,   Outlook 365, and we have "Send an email". Here,  I can specify to whom I want to send this email.   This of course is "Dynamic Content" and it's  something I have in my Excel file, "Email".   Click on "Add Dynamic Content", scroll down  until we get to "Email". Now for subject,   this is something you can make "Dynamic Content"  as well. So if I had a separate column in my   Excel file that was different for each person,  I can use "Dynamic Content" here. In this case,   I don't, so I'm just going to put "Your Contract".  Now, you can type in whatever you need in the body.   I'm going to go with "Hi," and add dynamic content  because I have the name of the person in my Excel   file, so let's go with first name, and then let's  just add some text, "Please find attached your file,"   and we can add dynamic content. This time, the  dynamic content comes from OneDrive. Let's go   with "Name Without Extension," and then "Best  Regards, Leila." Now we have the email, we have   the content, but we don't have the attachment.  We're going to find that under 'Advanced Options'   for 'Attachment Name.' Well, that's simple. If  you scroll down, you're going to see "Name" here   to select that. "Attachment Content," that's dynamic  content as well, it's "File Content." You can   add more attachments in case you need to. In this  case, I don't. You can also update the 'Reply To'   email. You can add yourself on CC if you want or  other people. You can also update the 'From' email   address, in case you need to. Okay, so all of this  part is set up. In case there isn't a match between   the file names, so basically, between the file  that I have in the folder and the file name I have   in my Excel file, nothing is going to happen because  I didn't put anything here. Okay, so, so far, so good.   Let's save this. Okay, so now, we're ready to  test this. Let's go to OneDrive online and open   our Excel file online. Let me just quickly close  the offline version, so we're not two people   working in the same file. I closed that off, now I  just have it open online. Okay, so to run my flow,   I'm going to go to the 'Data' tab and click on  'Flow.' In case you don't see 'Flow' here,   you need to add it in. Just go to the 'Insert'  tab here, go to 'Office Add-ins,' search for   'Flow' and add it. It's a Microsoft add-in and  takes two seconds to get this. Once you add it,   you're going to find it in the 'Data' tab. So, in  my case, I've already added it. Once I select it,   I see the pane on the side here, and it's going  to pick up any flows that are connected to this   Excel file. This is my flow. I'm going to click on  'Run.' If it's the first time you're running this,   you have to be logged in, you have to have  permissions. I'm just going to click on 'Continue'   and run the flow. But, what would it run? Well,  because I just have one cell selected in my table,   it's only going to run for this row. If you want  it to run for multiple rows, you can select them   like this or just select them like this. In  my case, I want to run it for everything,   so I'm going to select these and click on 'Run  Flow.' It tells me 'Your flow run successfully   started.' We can monitor it from the 'Flow Runs'  page. So, click on 'Done.' Now, before we check   our flow run, let's just make sure everything  worked. So, one of these emails is this one   and they should have received "Contract_KimWest.pdf." Okay, so I'm going to open up Outlook   and I can see your contract is here. "Hi Kim,  please find attach your file: Contract_KimWest.   Best regards, Leila." That's the contract.  When I open it, it's their own custom pdf.   Now, you can check your flow run either from  here or we can go back to Power Automate and   check our flow run here. So, I'm just going to go  back. I can see information about my flow up here   and I can see all my flow runs succeeded. Okay,  so that's a super easy way to send customized   attachments to different people directly from  your Excel file. You see, that's the power   of Power Automate. It allows us to do tasks that  we needed to use external add-ins for. Now, we can   create those add-ins ourselves as we need them.  That wraps up today's tutorial. I hope you found   it useful. Let me know in the comments if you're  using Power Automate or not. If you are using it,   give us some examples to encourage us to  give us ideas. And if you aren't using it,   can you see yourself using it? Are there tasks  or processes that you think you can use it for?   Please do share. Thank you for  watching. Do consider subscribing   in case you aren't subscribed already and  I'm going to see you in the next video.
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 272,370
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Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, Advanced Excel tricks, Excel online course, Excel tips and tricks, Excel for analysts, Microsoft Excel tutorials, Microsoft Excel, XelPlus, Microsoft 365, Excel 365, office 365, how to, mail merge, send email from excel, excel mail merge, mail merge example, power automate, bulk email, excel email automation, excel mail merge tutorial, mail merge with attachment, how to mail merge, mail merge with pdf attachment
Id: ku0NM9jhp-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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