How To Sell On TikTok Shop | Full Step-By-Step Tutorial

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today's video is going to focus on one opportunity that you cannot let go bu you need to start selling on Tik Tok shop whether you're printing t-shirts or you have your own crafting business where you make some unique items you absolutely need to be selling on Tik Tok Shop I actually know somebody whose video went viral back in December and they told me that simply between New Year's Eve to New Year's Day they sold over 500 shirts not only that they actually have other people promoting their products as Affiliates now I don't know exactly how much they've made but I can safely say that they've made a minimum of about $20,000 can you imagine making 20 grand in 2 to 3 months that's absolutely insane and Tik Tok shop is the place to do it so in today's video I'm going to show you exactly how you can get setup with Tik Tok shop and how you can start making products and marketing them now quick disclaimer not everything is going to go viral immediately there's times that it's going to take days it's going to take weeks it can take months to make one video go viral but you need to keep at it because at the end of the day you're not wasting any money all you're doing is spending a little bit of extra time to just make a couple of videos to promote your product nothing else the best thing is is that those videos don't even have to be you talking about your product you're doing anything you can simply just make a video of you making the product you don't even have to show your face just show the product being made if you catch onto a trend early if you upload your video at the right time just in time for somebody to see it and share it with one of their friends then that can start chain reaction and that video can just go absolutely Bonkers and you can start making some pretty good money so the first thing you need to do is simply go to the seller censor over at Tik to the easiest way to do this is simply Google it or check out the description down below now the first thing we need to do is register our account we can do this either directly with our Tik Tok account or we can sign up with an email personally I prefer to just sign up with an email because it just makes it that much easier you know maybe sometimes you're on a different browser and you don't want to sign up to your Tik Tok account on a different computer or something like that so to me it's just easier to sign up using your email then we're going to have to select the business business type now for the most part you're probably going to be individual you can get away with individual you can also be a s proprietorship or a corporation or partnership but most people out there are going to be under individual so that's what I'm going to go under now the next thing we need to do is verify our information so Tik Tok needs to know that you're a verified user and that you're a real person so for this you're going to have to upload either your driver's license or your passport so after you verify your information with your license then you're going to get asked for your shop information so this is where you're going to put in your shop name now for this I'm going to use the same as my email so I'm just going to go with my lovely crafty shop and then you need to choose your primary product so are you going to be selling things like home supplies kitchen wear appliances now I'm going to be selling T-shirts and a few other things that I like to craft but there's really no option for other or just simply t-shirts so I'm just going to go with men's Weare and underwear then you have to verify your phone number and now let's just go ahead and submit confirm your information now you just have to wait to get approved so your documents are going to be under review and every once in a while there is going to be an issue where they get denied now don't worry about that this happens all the time just reapply and then if you get denied again reapply again reapply as many times as you need to until you get accepted it's going to end up happening they're going to end up accepting you eventually now if you keep getting denied then just check your documents as well maybe the picture could be a little bit blurry or maybe something's not legible so try taking another picture or try rescanning your document and re-uploading it another thing to keep in mind is that I think right now Tik Tok shop is limited to the US only so now that we're waiting to get everything verified we can continue on with some of these other steps that we have to get done so as you can see register your business that's pending now let's go ahead and add our tax information here it's going to ask you some very basic information about yourself so it's going to ask you your name what you're doing business as if you're doing business under another name your email address your physical address and what business type are you as for the federal tax classification it's either individual so proprietary or single member or trust so individual and then for me it's going to ask me for my Social Security number so then you just have to put in your there and submit the information so that's done next thing we need to do is set up our shipping now this can get a little bit complicated so you need to listen up right now and make sure you pay attention because I didn't know about this so the first thing you need to do is set your shipping information which is really just going to be your information or where your items you're going to be shipping from and then it's going to take you to this page to go ahead and get started adding a product now I want to get away from here really quick and I actually want to explain to you everything about the shipping cuz this is very important so let's run over to the orders Tab and let's click on that it's going to take you to the manager orders but what we're going to do now is we're going to switch over to shipping options and here you're going to have two different options by default you're going to be using Tik Tok shipping so what this means is that Tik Tok is going to give you the shipping label you don't have to worry about purchasing the label you can get it directly from Tik Tok shop and you can print it from there now you can also select seller shipping seller shipping means that you're going to provide the tracking number now in terms of shipping costs this is where can get a bit complicated from my understanding recently Tik Tok just made a change up until now they've been paying for shipping so so whenever you see free shipping the seller doesn't have to pay for that shipping that's actually Tik Tok covering the cost of shipping but then they started saying that at the start of 20124 they were going to get rid of that so you should be including your shipping costs into your product cost now I highly suggest that you do that regardless of whether or not Tik Tok is covering for the shipping so should you choose Tik Tok shipping or should you choose seller shipping that at the end of the day really is going to be up to you I honestly I use Tik Tok shipping it just makes things a lot easier for me the only thing about Tik Tok shipping is that they do require you to ship the items out within 3 days so that item needs to be in the hands of USPS within three business days just make sure you remember that late packages will incur a penalty and that penalty can either be points added to your account bringing down your overall health score which by the way I forgot to mention Tik Tok works on a health score so your health is going to be good all the way to bad if you're a good seller you're UNG good if you're a bad seller you have late packages you don't send out items you have a lot of cancellations then you're going to be in the bad section so if you ship out your items late then you can get points added to your account bringing down your overall health score but I'll show you a little bit more about that in a little bit so let's go back to home and let's see what else we need to do okay so the next thing it's telling us to do is to add our first product and then connect our shop to our Tik Tok account all right so before we add our first product let's go through some of the tabs on the side so first we have our orders tab on here it's pretty self-explanatory this is where you're going to see all of the orders that come in then you have your manage returns your fulfillment settings which has your order handling time so do you need any extra time to prepare the order cancellations and auto approvals refunds without returning an item and a bit more information then we have our shipping options which is the ones that I just showed you and then we have our products tab now under the products tab here you're going to see all of the products that you have this is going to be all of your products whether they're active inactive they're being reviewed then you have all of the other tabs that I just mentioned separately if you want to add a new product you can go ahead and add it through here so let's go ahead and do that now I'm going to click add new product now for this I'm just going to add a simple t-shirt so I'm going to do my catw Wars t-shirt as far as a category that should be filled automatically but if it's not you can simply just look for it through here then you have all of the product attributes I never include any of this this is just a lot of extra information that I don't feel like putting in now we have to upload our first images so I'm going to upload two of them it's going to ask us to optimize or edit our image they're good the way they are so let's click on done so I uploaded two variations the black and the white then it gives you the option to add a sizing chart which is extremely helpful I highly suggest you do that then you have your product description here I highly suggest that you start putting keywords keywords that are relevant to your product and just describe your product overall everything that you want your customers to know so what kind of material is it what kind of shirt is it do you have a funny story about it or just whatever you want to put in here just make sure you use proper keywords now if you continue now if you continue scrolling down like you saw I had two variations the black and the white but we also have a bunch of different sizes small through extra extra large at least that's what I offer so what we want to do is we want to enable variations now the first thing we're going to do is choose a variation by the variation name so this one's going to be color you can add an image to each of these I like to do it cuz it makes it easier for the customer so I'll just hover over upload image image select main image let's use the black one then we're going to do it again choose the white all right next up we're going to choose our sizes so for this we're going to do small medium large extra large and extra extra large now here you have to price all of your items separately so you're going to have to go down 25 25 25 25 if that's what you're selling or you can make things quicker and just batch at it so I'm going to put everything at $23 with a quantity of 10 that's really all you have to do then apply and if you charge more for your extra extra large then you can change the price here individually now scroll down how much do each of these shirts weigh after they're packaged typically I want to say about about 0 20 of a pound as far as the dimensions I always just go 10 X 10 X two or 10 x 10 x 1 and you can see that the shipping fee is going to be $753 you know what it was actually 1 inch my bad $462 that's a lot better all right so from there all we have to do is submit for review sorry about that we didn't choose a brand so we need to choose a brand if you don't have a brand just make yours Neco prints so you can either put no brand or you can actually type it in here Neco prints and add your own brand then we can submit for review submit typically products will be reviewed within a minute or so so you'll find out whether or not it's approved fairly quickly and for the most part it is going to be approved but you do need to make sure that you select the right category because I was uploading gift boxes in a separate shop and it kept getting denied and then I realized the reason is because it was under the wrong category I actually never found the right category for it because it's a gift box with a bunch of different things and every single one that I tried kept getting denied so I just said forget it and I uploaded a different product now even though it might not come up right away if we re if we refresh the page you're going to see that currently it's suspended because it's being reviewed so you can see that it's under reviewing status now let's keep looking through a different tabs so we have our product ratings that's where we're going to see the different ratings for our products if people give us one two three or four stars you have your product Optimizer this helps you optimize your listings you can manage your stock and you have a media centor now on the media center I think all this really is is where you just upload a bunch of your different assets so you can upload a bunch of pictures where you can quickly access them so then we have marketing now this is an important one because we're not going to be you oh it's not verified okay so I had to switch over to one of the other shops that I have that is verified to be able to show you the marketing so let's go back to marketing and here you have shop ads when it comes to marketing your products you don't need to run ads because Tik Tok actually gives you a nice little organic boost if you include products in your videos now quick disclaimer about products in your videos so I'm pretty sure by now you've seen it but there's a lot of people that include products in your videos you're going to have the little product Link at the bottom of the video If you're not referencing that product at all or if you don't have that product in your video whatsoever that product is going to get get taken off of that video so you won't be able to sell it on that video on top of that you're going to get assigned points that will bring down your overall health Tik Tok does not want people to be spammy with Tik Tok shop they're investing heavily into it and right now is the time to really get into it because they're still building so you want to get in early but with all of the rules that they have in place right now specifically to ensure quality you can tell that they really want to push this you can tell that they really want to grow it so when you upload any videos and you attach your Prof s make sure you're referencing those products make sure those videos have something to do with that product so those are your shop ads shop ads honestly are a whole other monster I don't mess with them I've never messed with them then you have your promotions where you can go ahead and create a promotion or you can manage your different promotions you have campaigns where you have everything that you have running and this is the one that I really want to focus on so Tik Tok funded promotions these are the money makers so what these are are promotions that Tik Tok offers that they cover so every now and then they have promotions that are running that's save your customers money but don't come out of your pocket they come out of Tik tok's pocket so one of those is the free shipping fee discount one of those is a shipping fee discount which goes back to what I was talking about earlier regarding shipping you also have things like coupons so sometimes Tik Tok will offer a 20 or 30% coupon that you're not going to be paying for Tik Tok is paying for it even though when the customer places an order it looks like you're the one paying for it Tik Tok is supposed to reimburse you for that discount then you also have the product incentives and the buy more save more now let's talk about Affiliates these are where you really want to Market so Tik Tok makes it super easy to work with Affiliates and Affiliates are where the money's at these are people that are going to be promoting your products people that already have an audience so the easiest way to go about this is to reach out to a few different influencers on Tik Tok let them know about your product send them a free product and then set them up through here so all you have to do is get started add different Affiliates to your network and from there Tik Tok does everything else so they're going to get the sales for you those sales are going to go into your store you're going to get paid Tik Tok is going to pay them their affiliate fee and everyone's happy everyone's making more money if you have a product that's starting to blow up or it already blew up and you want to focus your time on a different product then you can work with Affiliates have them Market your product while you take your time and focus on coming up with more products that's a great and easy way to start scaling then we have our live and video so this is the shoppable videos I'm pretty sure you've seen people on Tik Tok just on their lives talking about their products with a link in the bottom where the viewers can make a purchase that's what this is that's how you can get started doing that you have the growth which is like rewards and missions and stuff to grow on Tik Tok it's not something that I've ever messed with and apps and services so these are different apps that can connect to your Tik Tok shop account to just make things easier there's a bunch of different services like the Shopify plugin so what this one does is it helps integrate Tik Tok into your Shopify account so when orders come into Tik Tok they'll go to your Shopify account and you can also synchronize products between your online store and your Tik Tok shop they also have applications like printful and printify so if you're doing print on demand rather than printing your own products you you can connect it that way as well and a bunch more the analytics so on here you have access to a lot of useful information you have access to an entire overview of your store your sales how your traffic is coming whether it's through live videos or people simply searching you up or searching up your products now the reason this is important is because this is going to tell you where your traffic is coming from what videos are promoting your product which ones are doing a better job and it can help you start to structure how you're going to Market your products going forward so pay attention to into your analytics tab it's going to be your best friend all right so now we have the shop Health this is what I was talking about earlier about how your Tik Tok shop works with a health score so this one is in good health this store is good I don't have any issues here you have your violation score which is where your points are signed so if you have videos that are taken down due to copyright that have a product attached to them you're going to get points added if you have videos that have irrelevant products in them you're going to get points added and that's all going to add up through here and as you can see it can go from excellent all the way down to poor now you don't want to be in poor you don't want to be in the the middle you want to stay in excellent you want to stay in the green because you do not want your Tik Tok shop to get shut down okay and finally we have finances this is where you're going to set up everything about how you can get paid and it also tells you all of your transfers and pretty much everything that has to do with your finances all right so the last thing that we're going to cover is going to be connecting our Tik Tok shop so the one thing that we need to do for our Tik Tok is if you have a personal account you're going to need to make it into a business account unfortunately that means that all of those fun sounds and all of those fun songs you're not going to be able to use anymore a lot of the times there's also original sounds that are pretty much copies of copyright sounds don't use those those are also going to get you signed points because of copyright violations it's happened to me I thought because it said original sound I could use it I used it I attached the product the video was muted the product was removed and I was assigned six violation points now in order to convert our account into a business account all we have to do is click on our profile click on the three little tabs on the top right go to settings and privacy click click on account and switch to business account then just go ahead and click next and your account will be converted now the last thing that we need to do is connect our Tik Tok account so we need to connect an official Tik Tok account that's going to be where people go to shop for your products so I logged out and I went back to the other account that we had just created now we're going to go ahead and scroll down to the bottom under home and click on get started from here we're going to go ahead and click on link official account then on our Tik Tok app we're going to go ahead and click on the three dots again go to my QR code and on the top right you have this little square with a dash in it and then we just need to scan that QR code then just authorize and we're all set now all that's left for you to do is get approved start uploading as many products as you can and start making videos for those products I cannot emphasize this enough do not sleep on Tik Tok shop there is so much potential to make money on there especially right now that it's still early take advantage now before everyone gets in it and starts oversaturating it it's eventually going to happen so it's best to get in there quick and establish L your name as a seller so what did you think of this video are you going to sign up for the Tik Tok shop are you going to start selling on there are you already selling on there have you seen people that have success stories let me know down in the comments below I would love to hear your thoughts on this me myself I'm uploading to three different accounts I have three different shops open and if you want to see the results of those shops in a few months then just make sure you subscribe I'm going to be letting you all know how it worked out for me in a few months so again if that's something you're interested in make sure you hit that subscribe button and ring that little bell notification so you don't miss out on any future videos now if you've made it this far then obviously you enjoyed this video so make sure you smash that like button as well huge thank you to everyone for watching especially if you made it all the way to the end as always my name is Mario with Neco Prince and I'll catch youall next time peace
Channel: Neko Prints
Views: 2,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok shop, how to sell on tiktok shop, tiktok shop seller center, how to make money on tiktok, how to use tiktok for business, sell shirts on tiktok shop, make money on tiktok, how to use tiktok for your business, neko prints
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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