Amazon Affiliate Marketing DO's and DONT's for Beginner Bloggers

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let's talk about the amazon affiliate program they're a great opportunity if you know how to use it but have a few caveats that get bloggers kicked out so often if you don't know how to follow the rules or you don't know the rules that they set out for their affiliates and partners in the first place not to mention that there are so many content creators and bloggers out there who get started with them and only make a couple of cents while other bloggers make thousands of dollars per month amazon affiliate commissions so what's their secret in this video i'm sharing some do's and don'ts that will keep you on amazon's good side and help you increase your amazon affiliate earnings at the same time and hopefully you'll go away from this video with a couple of new tips that you can implement on your blog social media platforms or even youtube channel starting with number one do make sure you make at least three sales in the first 180 days of joining to complete your affiliate process sign up the way that the amazon affiliate program works is that anybody can join and create an account and start promoting amazon products immediately but your account isn't activated and fully approved until you make your first three qualifying sales you do get 180 days from joining to make those sales and if you don't you will get kicked out not to worry you can reapply at any time but don't join the program until you can start implementing links on your blog website or so on the last thing you want to do is join the amazon affiliate program now while your blog isn't going to be launched for another couple of months and by the time you launch you'll only have a couple of days or a couple of weeks to make those sales so give yourself plenty of time and make sure to focus on making at least three qualifying sales in the first six months of joining what you do not want to do is to forget to replace your links if you do get kicked out so if you wrote a bunch of content and you have a lot of links on your blog website youtube anywhere that's kind of evergreen and you didn't get kicked out and then you had to reapply they create a brand new account for you with a brand new affiliate id that means although your previous links might still lead people to amazon you won't actually be awarded commissions of them and they won't count as sales so you'll run into the same circle again so you want to make sure to go back to all your older amazon affiliate links and replace them with the new links that they generate with a new affiliate id simply go through the process of grabbing the new link from the new account the second thing that you do want to do is to make sure you use the amazon required affiliate disclosure most affiliate programs are happy with you to follow the rules and place a general affiliate disclosure on the blog posts pages or content that you post online amazon however is a little different they require you to specifically mention that you're an amazon partner and that you earn from qualifying sales i will leave the actual affiliate language that they want you to use on the screen or you can check out my blog post on how to disclose affiliate links for amazon and any other affiliate program and copy paste the disclosure from there the second thing that you do not want to do is you do not want to incentivize people to use your links because disclosures can be quite a personal thing and you can add your creative spin to it as long as it sticks to the rules of letting people know what affiliate links are and that you're using them a lot of people get creative and try to add a personal spin to it i understand why they do it but amazon is against this when it incentivizes people to use your links so for example if you're like this blog contains affiliate links by purchasing it i get awarded a small commission to help me feed my dog more treats or any language that implies that people buying through your links it's helpful to you although that's quite obvious is actually against amazon's rules of service amazon does not like it and they're people who got in trouble for it or banned from their affiliate program so while you can lead people to use your amazon links or say something like buy this off amazon here you can't add language around it that obviously incentivizes people to use it so anything like by buying this you're supporting me and my dream or feeding my cat or anything like that is forbidden and stay away from it especially if you're using it in blog posts or content where you where you feature amazon affiliate links the third thing that you want to do is that you want to promote useful and relevant amazon products to your audience so just because amazon sells everything that doesn't mean you should place links or images on your blog for every single random amazon product out there instead focus on picking products and offers that are relevant to your content and specifically relevant to your audience and the problem that you're helping them solve so don't just promote things that are very expensive thinking you're going to get a cut from it especially if your content is about living on a budget third thing that you do not want to do is to ask your family and friends to use your amazon affiliate links when they make their amazon purchases this is once again against amazon's rules of service and it could get you kicked out and they usually won't even count towards the sales amazon knows don't ask me how but they always know if somebody you're related to or had contact with is buying through your links even if you send them to your blog first and then they find the amazon affiliate links you run the risk of getting caught and although this is not always something that gets you kicked out immediately if it's a repeated defense it could it happened to me before where i clicked on my own amazon affiliate links to check if they're working to check the product and so on and then ended up being like oh i need this and buying it off amazon amazon counted the sale in my back end but the commission was zero so they know when you're using your own affiliate links or asking family and friends to do so so just in case you're really trying to get to that three qualifying sales at the very beginning and you just think i'll just ask a couple of friends or members of my family to buy through my link so i can be qualified amazon knows and it simply won't count towards your total what you can do instead is join support groups so for example if you join my free facebook group you can post it in there that you need some help getting your first qualifying sales and other bloggers who are members of the group who usually shop on amazon for their personal needs would be more than happy to jump on the bandwagon and use your link so you can get closer to your goal another thing that you do want to do is to promote their bounties and special offers besides just promoting the actual amazon products that different sellers have listed on the platform you can also promote specific amazon services or accounts for example if you lead people to amazon and then they create an amazon prime account or amazon business account you get a set fee which is called a bounty although this can vary from like three to ten to twenty dollars it adds up and is such a great way to increase your amazon earnings did you know that you also get paid if your customers don't even purchase anything so for example if you lead people to create a baby registry or wedding registry on amazon you get three to five dollars i believe make sure you often check their bounty pages and grab the links from there to promote those specific services especially if they are relevant to your audience so if you're a book blogger promote audible but what you do not want to do is to promote any of these banners or affiliate links in offline places anything starting with private conversations in messenger or whatsapp or facebook anything like that pdfs emails anywhere where amazon can track the specific location of the link they need to be able to track it and see where the traffic is coming from specifically so you're not allowed to use amazon links anywhere but public pages even sharing amazon links in a private facebook group where they might see that it generated from the group but not the actual thread because that's obviously private you can get in trouble for it this is probably one of the most common mistakes that amazon affiliates make that get them kicked out so be very careful where you share these links if you want to share it with your email audience instead of sending them to an amazon link send them to a page on your blog that's public and embed the affiliate links in there instead you can get creative with this so what i've done is i've created specific landing pages even for my amazon planner if i want to share it with my email list i'll send them to the landing page and then they click over to get to amazon another thing that you do want to do is to share products that you personally love and share how it helped you and it also feels less spammy like you're trying to sell them something and just like you're trying to share a product that you really love with a friend what you do not want to do is to share the price alongside with that so amazon has a very specific rule against their affiliates embedding the price of a product when you're promoting it so for example if you were making a table comparison post and by the way i have a video on how to do that if you want to compare different amazon products for your audience you can't add the price in the table unless you can update it every 24 hours obviously as bloggers we have so much to do it's not really worth your time manually updating the price but amazon wants to avoid any confusion that you can cause your audience because sellers and amazon often have sales prices go up and down they don't want you to send people to a product saying it's 12 dollars they get to the page is 29 but if the price of the product is something that you do want to be able to share there are ways around it and that is to use a tool or a plugin that automatically updates the price for you two of the plugins that do that and they're actually great at displaying the whole amazon product on your blog are lasso which is my favorite affiliate plugin of all time they share not only amazon products but products from any other affiliate program as well but they're specifically perfect for amazon and they make stunning display boxes that make people pay attention to the products that you're promoting or you can get an amazon affiliate plugin specifically if you're primarily going to be promoting affiliate products from amazon anyways and they also update the price automatically for you and have a lot of other great features that work in line with amazon's rules and regulations i will leave a link in the description for both of these tools that you can try for free another do is to create comparison tables of your favorite amazon products i already mentioned that i have an entire video on how to create that but if you're creating content helping people pick a product for example the best dog harnesses or the best office chairs and you want to review a few of the features because you can't assume that everyone in your audience is looking for the same thing or even the same style of chair or harness or whatever the product is then you can create amazon product comparison tables this helps you compare a couple of the features pull up the most essential information about each product what you do not want to do however is to display spammy amazon banners at your blog randomly and hope for sales amazon doesn't actually care so this is not one of those rules that will get you in trouble with them they provide banners for you and you can copy them and display them in various places in your blog such as your blog post sidebar and so on however they do not work your audience doesn't like them they don't pay attention to them very few click and it can hurt your relationships with your readers overall the last thing that you do want to do is to add the amazon affiliate links in different formats so add the link to anchor text where people click on a specific phrase or the name of the product to get to the product add photos add banners and make sure you're optimizing the link placement if you want to learn more about how to optimize the link placement increase your clicks and conversions with the traffic that you already have meaning making more affiliate sales even if you're a small or new blogger then check out my affiliate search challenge this is a 14 day challenge that will help you assess your affiliate performance improve it and boost your affiliate earnings but before you hop off to check that out make sure you do not do this one last thing that amazon absolutely hates do not use shortened or redirection links when placing your amazon affiliate links so i've spoken before about a plugin that i use called pretty links that will transform pretty ugly and bulky affiliate links into super simple links that you can share online and they don't like the fact that you're using any cloaking software to cloak amazon affiliate links this will absolutely get you kicked out so make sure you're not using bit or any other short link softwares instead just use their short link version when you grab your affiliate links you can use the short version or the long version it doesn't really make a difference and of course don't cloak or try to hide or mask or do any spammy stuff with your amazon links just grab them as they are place them on your blog and you're good to go and that is it that is my list of do's and don'ts when it comes to being an amazon affiliate if you learned something new in this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe for more videos just like this if you are looking to outsource a few of your affiliate efforts make sure to check out the link in the description and grab your free list of 99 plus high paying affiliate programs for bloggers that are accepting new bloggers right now as always thanks for watching and good luck making amazon happy [Music] you
Channel: Ana - The She Approach
Views: 274,867
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Id: GZaidci40xY
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Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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