15 Ways To Make Money With Canva That ACTUALLY Work

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- Can I show you 15 different ways to make money with Canva that actually work and along the way teach you something new about Canva's features that you didn't know? Well, that's the challenge I've set myself today, so let's jump straight into it. 1, generate quiz videos. Yes, let me show you something. If you come to Canva and do a search for quiz videos, you'll find lots of different video templates that you can use to quickly generate your own quiz video, which you can then use to make money from affiliate commissions. For example, take a look at this quiz video TikTok account. This account is very new. It was only created two months ago, but it is already had over a hundred thousand followers. And their only videos are simple niche quiz videos aimed at people that are learning and practicing English. Then, in their bio, they have a link to a page with a list of affiliate links to English learning courses and eBooks that people can go buy. It's an amazing strategy, and creating the quiz videos with Canva is simple. Just take one of their prebuilt templates and swap out the graphics and the niche questions, which if you aren't sure what they should be, you can generate using ChatGPT. The free version of ChatGPT is honestly amazing at coming up with great quiz questions. 2, create and sell brand identity kits. Seriously, I think that this is a massively overlooked niche for freelance graphic designers. Yes, most freelancers that come to Fiverr just try to sell the most popular gigs such as standalone logos, which drives the gig prices all the way down to just $10 a logo. So instead, why not come and sell a niche package aimed at a high income customer, like a business, and brand identity kits are a great example. Standard packages on average sell for at least a hundred US dollars, and as part of it, you choose their brand font, brand color palette, and you create a logo. And Canva is an amazing tool to quickly create these with because if you search for brand identity kits, you'll see that there are lots of templates to choose from that you can open up and start customizing for clients. And you can also use a little known feature that Canva has, which is their AI generated color palettes. Yes, you can just ask a client to give you a picture, or a photo that matches an aesthetic that they want their brand to replicate and upload it to Canva. Canva's AI will then automatically generate a color palette for you from the picture. 3, create list pins for Pinterest. So, list pins are one of the most effective way to earn money on Pinterest from affiliate commissions. And I'll show you an example. If you come and do a search on Pinterest for the phrase, growing vegetables at home, you'll see that there are several different list pins ranking highly in the results, such as this pin here promoting a list of 10 vertical vegetables that love to climb. List pins like this can get really good results on Pinterest because they're both visually engaging and they spark curiosity in the reader. And well, if you click on the link for this pin, it'll take you to a blog page. And surprise, surprise, inside of this blog page are affiliate links to products that you can go and buy. And this method can make a surprising amount of money. Take for example, this affiliate marketer, who scaled her income to over $11,000 a month from Pinterest. As she shared in this video, she uses Canva to create her list pins. She's created one template and now she just swaps in new text and new photos and graphics from Canva's library to scale this and create more. 4, start a clothing store. So, as my longtime subscribers know, I love using Canva to create clothing designs because of the fact that the millions of graphics and visual elements that have been pre-installed in Canva massively simplifies the design process. For example, if you come to Canva and do a search for T-shirt templates, you'll find that there are lots of templates to pick from that you can then use to quickly create your own designs to print and sell onto clothing by swapping out the built-in graphics and text elements. And then, you can come to a print-on-demand app like Printify, which has a ton of blank clothing in it that you can customize. You then just upload your own design onto it, and then you can list it for sale for a market price in your own online store, or you can instead sell it in an online marketplace like eBay or Etsy, or sell it on a print-on-demand marketplace like Redbubble or on Zazzle. I love this business and I personally use it to earn passive income online. And if you'd like to learn how, I recommend checking out my most recent Canva tutorial video, I'll have a link to this video in the description below. 5, generate quote videos. So, quote videos are a very effective way to quickly make money on TikTok right now. Take for example, this TikTok account here created just two months ago. They have lots of popular videos like this one here that was posted just two weeks ago and has over 900,000 views. This video discusses a scene from the Spider-Man movie, "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse". Well, what this TikTok account did was it came to the social media website, Tumblr, and it searched for popular posts that we're discussing, trending movies, like this post here did for "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse". Then, they quoted this post and they turned it into a mobile video with an AI voiceover. And then they went and made a ton of money from the TikTok Creativity Ad Program. Only videos one minute or longer are eligible for their new ad program, but the ad payouts are ridiculously high. On average, TikTok is paying out 50 cents to $1 per thousand views. So, that means then that this basic quote video, which got over 900,000 views on average made about 450 US dollars to 900 US dollars. That is insane. And it's surprisingly easy to create quote videos in Canva because there are lots of prebuilt video templates to pick from if you do a search. Choose one that matches your aesthetic and you can then swap out the text and stock video in the background. And rather than doing what that person did and finding quotes online, you can instead use ChatGPT to generate new, fresh, interesting stories or theories that you can then post. 6, create and sell printable wall art. So, on Etsy, one of the most popular types of products that customers love to buy are digital posters that they can then print off at home and make into their own DIY wall art. Take for example, the set of funny downloadable posters, the Etsy research app Alura estimates that they've made over $50,000. And inside of Canva, posters are one of the products that have the most pre-made templates available that you can pick from to help you design and create your own. Plus, there is a handy feature inside a Canva for exporting printable designs like posters, so that when you print them, they will print in high quality and look really nice and vibrant. Just click Share and then click Download. And then, under File Type, select the PDF for printing option. 7, create and sell pitch deck presentations. So, another overlooked customer on freelance websites like Fiverr, are business startups. Yes, because startups need a lot of services and these services help them win over investors that pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars in investing, such as pitch deck presentations. A standard package with about 10 to 15 slides sells for over a hundred US dollars. And that may seem like a lot of slides, but Canva can drastically speed up the process of creating these. As if you do a search for pitch deck presentations, you'll see that there are a lot of pre-made templates that you can choose from to quickly create slides. Plus, there is a handy feature that a lot of people don't realize is included in Canva, and that is that Canva has a built-in graph maker and chart generator. As pitch deck presentations tend to share a lot of data, this feature can help you showcase it in visually fun and interesting ways. 8, create and sell candles. So, on Printify, one of the bestselling print-on-demand products that people often overlook is there a large selection of candles. This here is a sample of a Printify candle that I purchased as a test. And as you can see, it's pretty cute. And they're really simple to create. To customize a candle, all you need to do is upload a label design and that's it. You don't need to customize the actual candle, just the label. And because they're really cute, they're actually really popular on Etsy as gifs, especially if the label is a funny one. For example, nine people bought this candle today. And take this candle here, it's had seven sales today. And I apologize if you find this candle a bit rude, but 15 people have bought this candle today. If you go and do a search on Canva for candle labels, you'll see that there are lots of templates that you can use to help you create your own candle labels. And as this is a typography based product, it's also very easy to design with Canva as Canva has a ton of different pre-installed fonts that you can use that individually would be very expensive if you had to buy the licenses for them yourself. And by the way, if you'd like to learn how I come up with top selling designs for print-on-demand products, you should be sure to download a copy of my free print-on-demand ebook, which I'll have a link to in the video description below. 9, generate this or that video. So, a type of mobile video that is super popular and gets tons of views on both YouTube and on TikTok is this or that videos, with one example being, choose your gift videos. It's essentially a form of a visual game. People mentally pick a gift while watching and then see what supposed gift they win. These simple little videos can get hundreds of thousands to millions of views. And no, before anyone asks, you do not have to be an established creator to get views on these videos. Take this TikTok account, they have just posted a few videos and look, their choose your gift videos were an instant hit. There is just such a huge demand for these videos and not enough of them being made that new creators pop off all the time. And so, you think about it, right? With the TikTok Creativity Ad Program that is paying out huge ad rates for creators, like 50 cents to a dollar per thousand views, this simple little video that got over 145,000 views could easily pull in over a hundred dollars. And well, thanks to the fact that Canva has a bunch of built-in photos and graphics in its element library, including a bunch of different graphics of gift boxes and photos to use for the gifts, you can make these little videos very quickly inside a Canvas video editor like I did here. 10, create and sell mugs. So, if you come to Canva and do a search for mug templates, you'll see that there are a lot of different designs that you can use to help you quickly make your own mug to sell. And there are lots of places that you can sell your mug where they are super popular. For example, you can sell them on an online marketplace like Etsy or on eBay. Take this print-on-demand mug on eBay. Since being re-listed, it's already had over 250 sales and selling mugs on eBay and Etsy is easy, thanks to print-on-demand apps like Printify. It has an integration, both with eBay and an integration with Etsy. Plus, you can also list them for sale on print-on-demand marketplaces, like Redbubble and on Zazzle. Mugs are also a super popular niche on Pinterest as a very pinnable. So, you can combine this with making Pinterest pins in Canva to promote your mugs and to make more money. 11, create and sell self-care printable. So, one way that you can both make money and help others is by creating self-care printables, which are popular on Etsy. These are digital products that help people support and manage their mental health. A classic obvious example of this are planners and journals. Take for example, this planner here, which helps people manage ADHD. Over 8,000 people have purchased this worksheet bundle. And if you come over to Canva and do a search for different types of worksheets, you'll quickly find lots of templates that you can use as a base to create your own. But since admittedly, a lot of people are already selling planners and journals, why not get creative about the things that you sell? For example, take these creative flashcards that help people manage their anxiety Alura estimates that they have made over $30,000. 12, create and sell custom products. So, custom products are insanely popular and they only keep getting more and more popular every single year. Take for example, this custom print-on-demand T-shirt. It converts super well with Facebook ads, thus selling your custom T-shirts in their own Shopify store. So, this is one way that you can make money with them, but another way is to sell them on Etsy, as they are super popular on there. Take this custom mug, it's had 17 sales in the past 24 hours. And well, what you can do is you can create your own custom-based design for a product, such as a mug, inside a Canva. And then, you can come in Canva's export settings, you can save this as a template. Then, when you get an order from a customer, you can just open up your template and switch in their customization. This Canva feature makes generating custom designs very fast. 13, create and sell classroom lessons. So, this is admittedly a bit of a niche opportunity, but for the right person, it could be an amazing opportunity that very few people know about. You see, on Canva, if you do a search for school lesson slides, then you'll find a bunch of really great pre-made templates that you can customize to create school lessons. Canva's own internal creative team has actually created some very cute ones, like this one, that kids really love. Well, there is a little known website Teachers Pay Teachers, which is the biggest online marketplace for teachers to sell their classroom resources. So, if you're a teacher or an expert in a subject, you could use Canva to create engaging lessons and then sell them for a profit. 14, create and sell patterns. So, patterns sell super well when printed onto all over print products like phone cases where the design covers the whole product, not just a square section of a product like a T-shirt print. For example, take this pattern print-on-demand phone cases for sale on Etsy. Alura estimates that they've made over $110,000. And if we come to Redbubble and do a search for phone cases, Redbubble will show us the most popular trending phone case designs on this site right now. And of course, you can see a bunch of these are pattern designs. And there are two very cool features inside of Canva that you can use to greatly speed up the process in creating patterns. Firstly, when you're creating your pattern in Canva, use the Magic Recommendation feature when you choose a graphic. That way you can find images by the same creator in the same style, so that they'll match. And the second feature is one of Canva's most underrated, their grid feature. And here's what you wanna do. Save the design that you created as its own image, then create a new Canva project and use the grid feature in it to create two grids. Next, re-Upload the image that you just saved and place half of it in the first grid. Then, re-upload your image again and place the other half of the image into the second grid. By using grids, you can quickly and easily turn one square image into a seamless pattern. 15, create how-to pins. So, another way that people love to use Pinterest is to find how-to guides with it. For example, if we come and do a search for how to create a budget, you can see that a lot of how-to pins have been designed, specifically to grab the attention of people looking for this, such as this one here. And well, of course, when you click on the link in that pin, it will take you to a blog post where they have placed affiliate links in it for people to click on them, so that they can earn affiliate commissions from signups and purchases. By using this strategy, Pinterest creators are bringing in thousands of dollars a month in affiliate commissions. And if you come and do a search in Canva for templates for how-to pins, you'll find lots of different templates. You can then just pick an aesthetic that matches your target niche and then swap out the text and graphics to customize it. So then, if you'd like to learn more about how I earn money with Canva, be sure to watch my next video here on screen. I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Wholesale Ted
Views: 340,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva, make money with canva, earn money, make money online, canva templates, etsy, canva digital products, etsy digital products, print on demand, printify, fiverr, make money graphic design
Id: 0lr61BObhCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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