How To Start A Clothing Brand With Print On Demand And TikTok Shop (Step X Step Tutorial)

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what's going on guys in this video we're going to be showing you how to establish a Tik Tok shop account so whether you're deciding on making the products and fulfilling them yourself or working with a print on demand platform such as printful who made this video possible or perhaps Drop Shipping products that you find on the internet by the end of this video you'll know methods that allow you to start with close to 0 and more importantly navigate the Tik Tok shop infrastructure they have a lot of different tools and resources we're going to show you how to maximize them in order to create the best products that'll better help you sell the designs and the services that you're looking to offer so I think it's important for us to start off with what the Tik Tok shop is and really understand that ecosystem cuz it could be a little confusing now when it comes to Tik Tok shop you need to realize that they're essentially their own platform now historically when it came to selling on demand or drop shipping it was associated with Shopify Shopify made it easy for you to drop ship products well now Tik Tok is essentially coming in the market and taking over that Shopify place this means that this is a platform that helps you sell as well as collect and manage your logistics for everything that you're going to be selling on your shop so it's not necessarily tied to Shopify you could tie it in if you wanted to but you just want to start up a store without managing anything on Shopify you can do it as a standalone with Tik Tock shop now what does this mean for you as a brand owner well this means that you're going to need to register for Tik Tok shop and be approved now in order to be approved you need to be selling in a country that's Tik Tock shop approved and not every country currently has this so you need to keep these things in mind now the most popular Marketplace is obviously in the US you got one of the biggest e-commerce demands in the world so if you're watching this video and you're currently in the US you're in luck because you have a better chance to be approved if you're coming out of the country and looking to sell in the US you're going to need a register a US entity now we're going to link some links in the description down below that'll help you do some International crossborder registration again all of these are just information and resources so make sure you do your research before you guys decide on establishing your business here in the US now when it comes to selling on Tik Tok shop another important thing that you need to know is that a lot of the products that are being sold here are very cheap and we're talking about like lower than manufacturing cost cheap and you may be wondering why that is manufacturers in China are able to sell directly to the US market this gives them an incredible opportunity to really bring products into a new sales channel so keep these things in mind when you're Drop Shipping or selling products you're potentially competing with manufacturers who are now selling direct to the consumers in the US which means that they can lower their price and essentially make money on volume so throughout this video we're going to be showing you guys ways to differentiate yourself from all the many ufacturers that are now Drop Shipping direct to the US this means we're diving into some case studies that brands are doing and we're also going to be showing you the tools that you need to know to do your own research and formulate your own game plan all right so now with all of that out of the way I think it's important for us to jump into how to establish your Tik Tok shop account all right so let's head on over to do that right now we're actually going to link all of the resources that you need in the description down below so just head on over there check that out if you have any questions now once you click on that link it'll take you to a Tik Tock seller registration page now what's important to note about this guys is is that you will need some information such as your IDs driver's license or potentially social security number in order to verify that you're a legitimate US citizen that's able to sell in the US now once you get that all out the way if you do have any questions we're actually going to link a full length video that we did on just registering for Tik talk shop as well as some of the resources that they have in there check out that video there if you have any questions so once you sign in and you register and once you verify your documents you'll see a homepage that looks just like this and this is a Tik Tok Seller Central account like I'm mentioned this is all like a Shopify dashboard they literally allow you to do everything that you need to do to manage your orders your fulfillment settings which we're going to jump into here because when it comes to selling with print on demand you need to have all these things set up your shipping templates the products that you're going to be selling this is where you can list everything and actually start making some money now you also have the marketing tab over here we're going to be diving into some of these things and how this plays in especially live video this is going to be really cool uh really cool things for you guys to see here so we're going to be diving into all of these things as well as some additional tools but just realize that it could be a little overwhelming guys this Seller Central is essentially a new platform I really think they're trying to compete with Shopify and word on the street is that they're actually opening up their own fulfillment centers to get products faster to customers so this means they're going to be opening up their own warehouses to Warehouse the products that you're selling it's going to be a crazy thing that they're actually coming hitto head with Shopify so we'll see how this plays out but in the meantime there's an Arbitrage here for you guys because there's a big F focus on Tik Tok to sell more products through Tik Tok shop Tik Tok is putting in a lot of resources in order to sell products on their platform so if you're a print on demand seller or a clothing brand or any brand owner that's looking to start this is a great opportunity for you to break into a whole new market in a whole new audience and once you got your account established and all set up the next thing you need to do is start adding products now if you're fulfilling your own products then you're going to take a similar approach but if you're Drop Shipping or doing print on Demand with a platform such as printful you're also going to need to know these settings all right so you're going to go on over to the top account here you're going to head on over to my account and account settings now through this you're going to see something called Warehouse settings and Warehouse settings is essentially where the products are going to be shipping from so you need to update these according to the supplier that's fulfilling the products so if we come on over here you can establish your own Warehouse or you can enter in the information of the warehouse that you're working with now when it comes to selling products on Tik Tok it's important to note that if you work with suppliers who have a direct integration to the Tik talk platform it makes your job a lot easier now one of those Integrations that we highly encourage you to check out is printful which we Link in the description down below and by signing up to that account you get a very special offer in a few minutes we'll be diving into the nitty-gritty details of connecting printful to Tik Tok but feel free to scrub to that section now if you're ready to get started but if you're watching this video and you're wondering what product should you sell well we're going to start by showing you some tools that Tik Tok shop has in order to verify your direction right now what's important to note is that since you are competing a lot on price with a lot of these generic products you you need to enter the market with something that's very unique in previous videos on our Channel we talk about the importance of niching down what does this mean this means that finding a market that you could be passionate about and really creating designs that aren't available in the market right now this means you got to get creative you got to work with designers or you got to be a designer if you're going to be successful with print on demand but it doesn't mean you have to create crazy outlandish designs it just means you have to be thoughtful about what you're designing and really relate to somebody now we're going to be diving into some of these examples right now just to get you some ideas and then later in this video we're going to be doing a deep dive on case studies now what's really cool about Tik Tok is that they give you a lot of data around what's trending and what's working in the market so once you find a niche or once you decide on something you can use these tools to really ramp up your design and your direction now if you're not really sure where to start this is also a pretty good beginning now let's head on over to Tik Tok and what you're going to find is from the homepage account you're going to go to live and video now in this live and video you can actually it actually gives you a lot of different ideas hit on over to get inspired and you can filter it through top sales now this means these are the top selling products currently on Tik Tok shop now you can scrub through this if you're not really sure which products you're going to buy this is a great place to look through some ideas but what's important to note is that by looking at this trending category you start to get ideas for what niches you might be interested in in actually targeting and then from that you should start designing products around that the beauty about print on demand is that it doesn't cost you anything until after a product is sold so in this example example here you can see that it's literally a print on demand product they order a sample and now they're revealing it in a very unique way so the trending feed within Tik Tok shop is one place to look at for you to start to get inspired into what products you want to sell on demand through Tik Tok shop or even what products you should consider potentially selling on your store in general now the next tool you should look into is a Tik Tok creative center now everything here is connected to the account that you created for Tik Tok shop so all you got to do is sign in once you sign in here what you're going to find is you're going to find a couple of different Inspirations some Trends happening within the platform um as well as some top ads they literally are giving you the data to to show you hey this is what's working you should try to replicate it make it your own then you click on inspiration and you click on top products what you're going to find here is some of the growth in terms of these categories so you can filter within 30 days you can see the popularity change if there's a significant Spike it'll tell you here you can keep track of things that you might want to consider consider selling in the market and and of course a lot of things are seasonal guys we have a seasonal shopping even though it's e-commerce products go up and down right now let's click on t-shirts here to learn a little bit more about this info and how you can apply it to your brand now the creative Insight gives you the performance and popularity clickthrough rates the CPA is a cost per action is how much it cost you on average for somebody to to actually convert on your store now once you log into the creative insight you're going to see data around t-shirts in general now you could also see related videos so some of these related videos are trending products and if and if they land on this page they're potentially already blew up and it might be a little too late it might be a little saturated for you to enter but again it's all about keeping these ideas in mind testing them out moving them forward and then seeing how they're doing in the market and Tik Tok is telling you how much you're potentially going to spend if you decide to do advertising with them so you can click around this is a really good tool to find some some operation as well as things that were working either historically or within the last few days now if you click on over here and you go to audience insights you're going to find that in this niche of men's underwear and men's t-shirts and garments um you're going to find a lot of different examples related to this and you're also going to see other potential products or categories so for instance anime is something that's trending so all of these are ideas if you're thinking about finding a niche what product should you design you can kind of you can essentially solidify that concept or Direction by seeing what Tik Tok is giving you now when it comes to related interest you could also see those interests and you can see the anime is hot watches Sports action adventure and then the age range of that demographic so primarily 18 to 24 is the people that are buying or taking action within those niches identify your Niche solidify it through the tools that we just shared you right here now another tip is once you're doing the research is to compile the notes that you're getting take some simple screenshots throw it up on a Google Slides so you can start to create design directions for your new brand or for your new Collections and once you have that mood board you may be wondering okay how do I design it I'm not really skilled in design well there's a couple of different options for you guys the very first one is to Outsource now Outsourcing is working with other graphic designers there's platforms such as upwork that allow you to work with different creatives that may be in the niche that you're exactly looking for another one of those platforms is Fiverr which you can start to job out and see which person might be the good fit but if you want to take it all in-house and really start to improve your creative ability because On Demand is really predicated on design then other platforms such as KD allow you to essentially create designs really easily and also find graphic design templates that are going to allow you to actually print on demand now the beauty about KD is that it gives you vector graphics these vector graphics mean that you're going to get the highest resolution in printing because one of the main concerns with print on demand is the print quality and often times the reason why prints come out pretty bad is the print resolution and the print graphic itself wasn't good to begin with there's only so much that a print divider can do for you to upscale and fix your art it's a manual and tedious task so you need to make sure that you're submitting the highest resolution Graphics in order to get the highest resolution results so I'm going to show you really quickly what this means and then we're actually going to import it into printful and then we're going to be diving into the shipping settings so we can start selling on Tik Tok all right so we're going to head on over to KD and we're going to start designing for a product that we have in mind now the cool part about KD is that you don't need to be a graphic designer now you could start by essentially just looking at some of the templates they have now in in our example here we're actually doing some merch For an upcoming show so we're going to be diving into some mechanic style of uh of of of designs because that's what this collection that we're kind of building is uh is around so even if we didn't have a graphic designer that knew about mechanics you look up mechanics and what you're going to find is a lot of different templates you can literally do this for any any Market guys input your Market into here and it starts giving you some designs and you could follow along as well so once you pull it up what's really cool is that you can literally edit every single object within it so if you want to change up the text you want to change up the imagery um you can do that really easy by just dragging away and uh and just customizing as you go so in this example we're going to put you know made from home or maybe speed and power or control so we're just going to play around with some of the options that we have and what's really cool is that you could even use AI to generate some objects that you may be looking into that you couldn't find in any template so in this example I'm going to I'm going to ask it to create a hand that looks like it's designing something so this hand here actually went really well with the original design that I that I thought of so now what's cool about kiddo is that they allow you to Design Within it and it also gives you the mockups you may need to start envisioning how that line will look across all your other designs so you can start literally creating Collections and start finding that aesthetic that you that that you really resonate with and later on in this video we'll talk about the importance of that so make sure you guys keep these things in mind your mockups and your mood boards that you create here will actually help you kind of fine-tune your idea and see if it's something that your Market's going to like so we're going to place it on some test here some of the back of the sweaters I'm like okay cool that might work so that's the cool part about using programs like this guys that make it really easy and simple for anybody to design and once you have your designs completed and finalized the next step is moving it into printful so let's show you how to do that now now once you sign up to the links down below you'll have access to getting a discount as long as you purchase within a certain time period so make sure you check out those details below to adhere to it so you get your 50% off now when it comes to the product catalog like we mentioned they have a variety of products we're going to start with apparel and uh in the t-shirts options you got all these different prices so we're going to go with one that is a pretty straightforward and it's a great starter if you're just going to be selling merch and print on demand products on Tik Tok store and that's with the Bell Canabis 3001 now what you're going to want to do whenever you're designing products on printful is you want to create product templates and the reason for this is because it allows you to reuse those templates and put them into different stores you'll see what that means in just a second so don't just create a design and not create a template always try to create a template if it's something that you think you're going to be selling on Tik Tok store now what you're going to want to do is you're going to upload your design that you got from KD again you need a PNG in high quality so right over at the as you're scaling this you'll see what the DPI is and it'll give you any errors if you have any errors within it so make sure you adhere to these guidelines to get the the best print quality now once you got the design in there what you're going to essentially do is you have an option to also design some stuff in the back um you have some options to do it on the sleeves but for this design we're just going to design something for the front so now that we got the first one let's click around and start looking at some of the other products you can design now what's really cool is that you can literally add these products with a click of a button now it is important to note that you want to make sure you format your art for the product or else it may give you some errors so if you format it for a certain Dimension and it's not that di menion you're going to get an error so that's why it's important that you know some graphic design or at least be able to communicate your graphic design needs according to the products that you're making so let's come on over here and start looking at some of the home and Living Products now mugs are one of the products that can ship pretty quickly they actually are pretty fast at doing this because there's no prep work what's really cool about printful is that they got the mugs in Black now this is really cool because if you're only printing on white mugs then you can't necessarily do too much full C coverage but since I had a black design I'm able to put it on a black mug and it looks incredible so as you start to design it again you could you could change up the placement here so if you slide it over to the left slide it over to the right that's the position where it'll be on the mug itself so we're going to go ahead and select a placement for a right-handed person to be drinking out of it and I think that's that's pretty cool now print on demand is great for cell phone cases now especially when a new product like an iPhone 15 or the new iPhone 16 or 17 comes out people are always looking for a case to protect it and if you got something that's trending or something that's good your your customers are going to want to buy it so you can meet the demand with the products now what's really cool about printful cases is that they're actually super heavy duty I actually have them on my own iPhone um but you need to be aware of just formatting the design for the case in this example this design is too big for the case we're going to have to design something a little bit more simple and we also have to keep in mind that this is a transparent case and it can't print on the sides it can only print on the back so make sure you design it accordingly a design for this phone case may be something more like a simple logo versus a full print on the back but again you can get as creative as you want you can do repeat patterns whatever it is sky the limit I'm just not very happy with this and I don't think I necessarily want to list this but I wanted to show you guys this for reference and once you have all of your templates here what's really cool is that you can create mockups with them and the mockups you can list on social media you could put onto your own storefront and you could also transfer them over to Tik Tok shop so if we head on over to custom mockup maker so in this example here I'm going to show you guys what that means by customizing so let's say we are happy with this design now what we can do is we can actually select and continue and what it's going to allow you to do is actually move that house plant or change the size of the clock it's pretty cool I mean allows you to customize those mockups and download them and use them for promotions so that's the power of doing print on demand especially with with a platform such as printful is that they do assist you with selling through marketing so you can save the mockups as a scene in your products or you can download them to your computer now you can see there that's how it came out it looks pretty good I mean it's a pretty good quality promotion um again get creative with what you're doing and what your Brand's about so now that we got our products uploaded to printful it's time to communicate it with Tik Tok shop now before we dive into that screen recording to show you the step by step I want to go ahead and mention that there's three key things you need to keep in mind when doing business with Tik Tok shop they include the processing time as well as has the refund requests you're going to get refunds and then the third one is actually the payment window since Tik Tok shop is managing all this they really have control here and you need to be aware of what's to come in order for you to have success with the platform so the very first thing we need to talk about is the processing time now Tik Tok gives you 3 days in order to fulfill orders and when it comes to doing business with print on demand the reality is it could take anywhere between two to 5 days for printful to ship out a product now products such as mugs and other little accessories ship out a lot faster faster but when it comes to apparel guys there's a harder process to print and make your garments so it can take up to 5 days before it's released to your customer so these are processing times you need to keep in mind and we're going to show you how to bypass some of these things to help you continue selling and remain in good standing now the next one is refunds now Tik Tok shop makes you as a seller respond to refund requests within 48 hours this means that you need to be able to process those refunds timely and the customers have a wide variety of reasons to actually request a refund we're going to link to some of the the refund requests that are most common right now on the screen recording but keep this thing in mind guys the customer can essentially return a product because it didn't fit they didn't like it they changed their mind or any of the other reasons and you as a seller need to be prepared in order to put that into your expense column when it comes to budgeting and building a business around Tik Tok shop now when it comes to refunds on printful side they give you up to 30 days to submit any refund request and printful is essentially going to refund you for anything that's on their fault so whether it's a misprinted item it's defective item you can also see their policy for refund requests there but just know that when it comes to refund requests and when it comes to eCommerce now you want to shoot for less than a 5% return rate but it can be as high as 10% when it comes to selling products especially apparel people can literally change their mind based on a color a fit there's so many different reasons guys so you just need to be aware of this now I'm not saying this to turn you away from it I'm just telling you that you need to be prepared because sometimes we jump into something and we don't realize what we're getting into so I want to make sure you guys are good the next thing you need to know is about payments now when it comes to payments Tik Tok shop builts an incredible platform that allows you to sell to billions of people but at the same time they also control when you get paid now right now as the time of this recording it's up to 15 days after you deliver that product to your customer which means that it could take a few weeks for you to actually collect on any sales so you need to keep the things in mind because when it comes to doing print on Demand with Tik Tok shop this is where it can get a little complicated because you need to be able to pay for the products as the customer is ordering them so in this example if somebody orders a t-shirt from our store we need to pay printful to make the product and ship it to our customer now that charge that we get up front is something that we need to put on a credit card or some other business debit card in order for us to fund that production and ship it to the customer now it could take up to 15 days to get the funds to our bank account to pay for that transaction so you could see how this can kind of get a little tricky here if you don't have a good credit card or if you don't have a good funding amount inside of your inside of your business debit card or whatever you're using to fund the production runs so keep all of these things in mind guys because every single one of these three can drastically affect the way that you're going to do on Tik Tok shop and again I'm not saying this to turn you guys away I'm just saying it in order to better prepare because I think sometimes people put out videos and it makes it seem like it's so easy and it can make you good money it can make you a lot of money if you do it extremely well but you also need to plan for what the realities of things are and that's in managing your financing and managing your business so now that we got the these things out of the way let's dive into the computer here and show you how to connect Tik Tock shop to your printf dashboard so you're able to connect and communicate to your customers easily now this can be a little complicated and confusing so we're going to try to make it as simple but not leave out any of the important steps for you guys now when you come over to your dashboard and you go to Integrations what you're going to find is the marketplace here to learn more now it could be a little confusing here especially when you're connecting now and it gives you these examples these are the step by steps of what you need to do it looks a little crazy it looks a a little heavy so we're going to break it down for you guys in this tutorial real quick what's important is that you need to have a business account with Tik Tok guys that's going to be key to begin with is you need to have your business registered on Tik Tok as a business not as a as anything else registered as a business you're going to need to update some settings within Tik Tok to point to printful facility in North Carolina if you're selling in the US uh they give you a step-by-step walk through we're going to link that page directly to the description that way you guys can also copy and paste some of those addresses and makes your life a lot easier once you do that head on over to your Tik Tok account go to Warehouse settings and in the warehouse settings you're going to add Warehouse address now on this you can name it whatever you wanted to name it uh we're going to do something just like a code name here for us to internally know that the products are coming from printful so make sure you fill out that information and point those addresses to printful and once you got it set up you're going to see that it's going to cover all those States and the location is now open once you got that warehouse set up next thing is you need to create a shipping template on Tik Tok shop now follow me here guys this can be a little complicated now there is a step-by-step instruction that printful also has on their site which is very helpful and actually help me set it up the right way because this is something that people don't show on their Tik Tok shop tutorial so I want to go ahead and show it to you guys in real time here now to find where you're going to change that you're going to go to orders and then through orders you're going to go into shipping templates now this is how you create a template to be able to assign assign it to a warehouse so let's create a new template hit okay and then we're going to create a template that's a quantity based location you're going to select the shipping location so we're going to do pod printful location now you can also reference this help document that printful has which is very helpful and it actually gives you a lot of the information when it comes to the prices that you're going to need to set shipping rates for so that's also linked in there so this is a very helpful page that I recommend you guys check out in case I miss anything or something something changes within the Tik Tok platform once you come over here we're going to name the template standard shipping we're going to have our rate model as a quantity based now you could do weight based or quantity based we're going to keep it more straightforward and just go quantity based now you can set the settings for different uh standards of shipping whether it's Express economy or standard shipping we're going to go to standard shipping and we're going to start selecting the the ranges here what that means is the count range between zero and one is going for a t-shirt is going to be um you can find the price that printful is going to charge you in the United States shirts take 4 to 12 days to get to your customer and it costs $4.69 and for every additional product it's $220 we're just going to round it up to $4.75 it makes it a little easier for the customer to uh to realize that they're paying under $5 for shipping once you go so we're going to go 0 to 1 1 to 2 and then 2 to three now you can do this for as many product categories as you want and you could even go like over 10 and set a flat rate if that makes it easier for you so let's just for this example I'm just going to enter in a couple here 0 to 1 1 to two and 2 to three but you can continue on and just essentially update your shipping template for printful prices so once you do that what you're essentially going to find is you're going to hit submit make sure that you select the country right so you're going to get some errors if you don't select the country so make sure you select the the regions which you'll find right in the ship to edit at address select all make sure you select Alaska and Hawaii as well now once those products are officially adjusted and you have your standard shipping so this is how ours looks remember adjust it to however you want make sure you go up to as many product quantities as you can and now you got 0 to 1 1 to two 2 to three and the price ranges vary they go up by 220 on each category for each product now again there's different shipping rates for different categories you can get all the shipping rates that are live on their page so you can update those into your Tik Tok shop and not lose any money once you got the shipping template set up this is a standard shipping the next thing you want to do is change your shipping options now by default it's going to go to uh Tik toks but you need to actually change it to do seller shipping this allows your products to be shipped by printful if not if you if you keep it on the standard what's going to happen is Tik tok's going to process it and then you got to manually accept all of the shipping uh details so if you change it to seller shipping it allows printful to upload the products directly to your Tik Tok store and it allows them to fulfill it automatically once you have your shipping options set up to reflect that it should be shipped by the seller the next thing you got to do is actually click on the button here step four says authorize the printful app click on that button and then it'll authorize the printful app to the US or the UK which is where they're currently operating so we're going to click on authorize us not authorize us but authorize a us and then it's going to ask you where do you want to authorize a service so now Tik Tok is asking you hey where do you want to authorize it do you want to give printful all of these permissions it's going to walk you through a little tutorial here a little disclaimer so it's going to go to apps and services you're going to hit continue and then you're going to hit install now in this process it's going to ask you for the duration that they have access to now you could always update it put a year you could put forever but essentially it's giving them permission now you're going to want to enter in your email put in your put in your information afterwards you're going to authorize the install and then once you hit done voila it's going to take you over to your printful account now you're going to hit continue now you got your Tik Tok store connected to your printful dashboard now under stores is going to ask you hey connect add your first product to your store now for us we got the street crafter as a Tik Tok so we're going to hit add product now remember when I was talking to you guys about the templates and I was saying hey it's important that you guys make templates because if you just make designs it's not going to save so make sure you head on over over to the the top and you can actually hit my product templates right here now at this page this is where you can select all of the designs that you made as a template now you can actually click on them select the select the ounces that you want to sell you can proceed to mockups and what's essentially happening in this process is that you're getting your product ready to list on Tik Tok store so whatever you select here for backgrounds for the mockups all of that's going to go live onto Tik Tok store once you select your mock-ups the next thing you're going to want to do is select the product title so you're want to give it a title you want to you want to type in your description and now you're going to submit it to the store now at this point is when you decide what margins you want to sell with now if this cost $88.95 to to make then you're going to want to at least sell it for double of that all right so in this example we're just going to sell it for 15 I think a $115 mug is is pretty uh is pretty standard I think it's something people would want to more easily pick up than a $30 mug so we're just going to go with double close to double and with that it's actually going to be publishing it to the store so once it's there you're going to see hey it's synced Street crafter mug is synced and now you can download mockups again if you want to choose new mockups whatever you want to do here is up to you it is now on Tik Tock store which is really cool and we're going to do the same thing with the T-shirt so we're going to head on over to the t-shirt and we're going to select some of the sizes colors if you want to have multiple colors if you just want to keep it simple choose the sizes from small to double XL to even bigger than that and once you fill in those those settings like the description you now set your prices and again this is a cost between $150 to 1350 to make with printful so you can update all of your prices here and as you can see there's some pretty good markups on this 3001 once you submit it to the store it's syncing printful has that direct integration to Tik Tok which means it's going to be published to the Tik Tock store that you connected to printful and this is pretty cool guys I want to show you guys right now in a quick recording on my phone how it looks live to the public now we've officially listed our first product I want to congratulate you for doing the same please leave a comment down below with the store name that you got or send me a DM ask any questions there I want to see what products you guys are looking I want to see what you guys are working on and assist you as best as I can so as you can see this is a listing here on your Seller Central and if you look at the app version looks pretty clean guys I can go to your profile and people can now start shopping for your products made On Demand with printful so earlier in this video we talked about the importance of finding a niche and designing products for that market that they're willing to buy because as you can see it's very hard to compete on price when it comes to print on demand now what I want to do right now is dive into some content strategies of Brands and businesses that I found on Tik Tok shop that are absolutely crushing it we're going to be pointing out what they're doing right so you can emulate and be able to start creating your own game plan now when it comes to Tik Tok shop you got to think about it as a Marketplace it's not just a place where people are browsing they're actually actively looking to buy something so you as a seller need to put your mind frame in the state of mind of that buyer meaning what are they searching for to look for products that you may be selling so if we're browsing here as you can see he does a simple pull out he does some some sounds Here original sounds um he literally just gives you what you want he's also creating some of these like memes around it so he's really good with actually creating a strategy around his intended target market now if we're if we're if we're diving into this I can see it's it's somebody that's uh that's probably either a married in a relationship mid to late 30s um and like this one for example tummy ACH Survivor so my girlfriend has IBS so I got her this sweatshirt pretty bad to have but he makes a good fun of it and as you can see in the comment section here uh people are are saying hey I get you I know somebody that has this I'll probably give this to them right so when you're creating content this is what you have to be looking at now again he dives into you know some some designs that are very original something that he created he's creating a movement he's got a good following and he's literally just creating designs to a market that he identified he really understands that market so if you're looking from the outside in you may be just you may just be thinking hey this is a funny shirt let me list it and then you won't have success with it because he really went in on the products now if we're looking over at his product photography now this is where where the mockups come into place you should be using mockups for your product photography but you should be ordering samples for your videography all right so those are two things to keep in mind you don't have to buy every single product that you create but you should buy the products that you could take really good videos around that you think that your audience will really enjoy now let's continue down here if we're if we're coming over and searching for Dad life in this example um we're finding a lot of trademark stuff guys this is something that you need to be aware of if you're selling something that's trademark Disney is going to come after you all right so you might have a little bit of success you might be able to bank a little bit but they're going to come after you pretty hard so stay away from any trademark Goods it's not worth the hassle uh just be original be creative there's so many tools out now that you can literally recreate your own characters your own your own brand Your Own Story you don't need to copy something that's already in the market now again in this example we just went through the funny and through the dad memes but you can also sort through other niches or other topics that you might be interested in and selling into so in this example we're going to dive into some streetware Brands now some of these streetware brands are pretty interesting like let's if I look up streetware Brands bar stool Sports came up which this is something that's that's that's pretty interesting because I wouldn't necessarily classify them as streetware but they're there they're trending they're somewhere somehow they got classified in that in that placement so when you come to bar stool Sports and what you can see is that they've tapped into their audience demographic and they've created merch around Sports it's a page that has to do with sports they created interesting designs around Sports it's not like your Nike or your Under Armour or or any of that is literally something that resonates with their target audience so in this example we see some bears here that are golfing and uh we also see some tigers here that are golfing so this is an example of a brand that brought together a community and then is now serving products to them in a way that really resonates with that core audience cuz they literally have tens of thousands of sales on their product lines just through Tik Tok shop alone now they're also creating a brand while they're doing this meaning that it's something that could live in retail stores it can live on its own e-commerce site it can build its own following outside of social media and they're really tapping into some of the trending things such as golf such as pickle ball they're going for sports that are up and coming that are things that are growing in the market so they started by creating a community of people that are interested in a topic and this example it was Sports and now they're injecting products into it it so you as a brand owner need to think about in those similar lines is how can you create a product how can you create a community around a topic and then start to gather people there that think it's funny that think it's interesting that like it that subscribe to it and now you're starting to eject a product line that they're going to resonate in purchase so again this is that pickle ball example I mentioned there's uh they sold about maybe 100 some other products they're selling about 30 100 30 300 you can see it kind of ranges but the beauty about what they're doing is I'm almost certain that they're doing it all with print on demand this is why it's no excuse for you guys you should be able to start with a simple mockup the mockup isn't going to be the difference between you selling something and not selling something the mockup only elevates what you're doing but if you want to start selling and proving things out use the tools already afforded to you such as on prl's website and if you're designing on KD they also got the mockup generator there don't over think it guys find a market create content for that market inject products into that market rinse and repeat now for those of you guys watching and wondering hey I'm getting some sales but I'm not able to get enough traffic I think I can make this profitable then you should be diving into ads now when it comes to Tik Tok ads they have a variety of different formats that you can place it in we have a video that we linked right up above in the cards where we actually dive into a step-by-step Tik Tok shop advertising game like we literally show you how to launch your ads and we also have a very limited exclusive discount from Tik Tok that allows you to essentially get dollar Ford dooll match on your ad spend I highly encourage you guys check that out but for now I just want to mention that when you're ready to start growing and selling you should consider taking ads and I would highly encourage that you guys check out the video that we Linked In the description down below as well as in the cards up above for you to get that Hands-On training to take those ads to the next level which will allow you to continue printing on demand profitably as I mentioned at the start of this video if you're considering to drop ship or sell generic products with print on demand you're in for a roote Awakening the reality is now that Tik Tok allows manufacturers to sell direct to a customer in your country which means they have the ability to undercut you and take those sales and even if you do create a design that really does well in the market with the tools that Tik Tok shop gives competitors there's going to be a flood of similar products and maybe even copycats of the exact same product that you're selling so how do you counteract that as a brand owner well you need to be ready to change and you need to have a deep understanding of the niche that you're going into in order to change successfully by spending hours of time understanding your audience understanding your Market you're able to innovate on this fly so you're not just have one successful product you can have many and you could really start to develop a brand that way because by creating a brand that's ultimately the only way that you're going to protect yourself from other Sellers from other people that are copying what you do because as consumers you're willing to pay a premium for a brand because that brand helps you portray your identity to the world so as an entrepreneur you need to think about how can you start to morph your product designs into a brand how do you create the right messaging the right marketing working with the right influencers all of this plays into the role here you're going to need to work on that as you start to develop some sales you're going to need to invest in it because that's the only thing that's going to protect you from everybody else flooding the space with your exact designs and again there's no such thing as getrich quick schemes if you watch this video thinking you're about to make a lot of money you have the potential to do so if you work in the right ways and if you have the right ideas and the right game plan but for 99 .9% of people it's going to be a grind and it's going to be something that you got to be ready to put some work into and the only way you're going to be willing to put that work in with no payment or no investment or return on on that time is by being passionate about what you're building and seeing how that business can make an impact on your life and in the life of others once you start doing that enough you're going to have success guys but it's not going to come overnight but again don't let any of this discourage you and don't be afraid because you already have everything you need all you got to do is take the next best step and if the next best step is in creating an account and opening up your Tik Tok shop but we linked all the resources that we discussed in the description down below and make sure to consider using printful who actually owns all of their facilities around the world this allows you to plug into a product library that spans from t-shirts to mugs to Canvas to almost anything you can imagine and they're able to do that because they produce everything in house and when you're ready to get started make sure you use the discount code to printful in the links down below it gets you 50% off your first sample and when you're ready to to start developing a brand and take it above just a print on demand product line I highly encourage that you check out this video here where we dive into the most common reasons why Brands fail and the ways that you can overcome it with your design marketing and messaging we'll see you in that one and if you enjoyed this one subscribe
Channel: John Santos
Views: 8,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print on demand for beginners, how to do print on demand, how to start a clothing brand with no money, print on demand, tiktok shop dropshipping, tiktok shop tutorial, how to sell on tiktok shop, how to dropship on tiktok shop, how to setup tiktok shop, tiktok shop print on demand, print on demand 2024, how to start a print on demand business, clothing brand, dropshipping, how to start a clothing brand, how to start a clothing brand with print on demand and tiktok shop
Id: u8W58p7GuDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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