How to Start a Podcast in 2022 - Beginner Podcasting Tutorial

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so you want to start a podcast but you're not quite sure how to do it well by the end of this video you'll know everything you need to know to start a podcast and get it up and running quickly and all without breaking the bank you don't have to spend a lot to get your voice out in the world build an audience gain fans and potentially even turn this into a business too in part one we're gonna cover the basic equipment that you need to sound great and again my goal is to make this simple for you so no we're not gonna be technical we're not gonna need a bunch of cables and boxes and other things that are expensive just exactly what you need to get started and sound great in part two i'm gonna quickly recommend the software that you're gonna need to record your voice and craft your podcast episodes and again what's cool is these things you don't have to pay for there are free opportunities out there i'm gonna show them to you in part three we're gonna talk about your show you probably have questions like well how long should my episodes be should i be publishing an episode every single week every other week every day what am i even gonna talk about when i get behind the microphone i'll answer those questions and also cover some strategies to help you stand out from the crowd too i know you're gonna put some time into this and i want to make it worth your time in part four i'm going to cover a bunch of recording tips just little things i've picked up along the way since i've been doing this for over a decade now and things that i can just share with you so you don't make the same mistakes i did and in part five i'm going to show you how to take your podcast episodes and put them on to places like apple podcast google podcast spotify and other places and it's almost as simple as clicking a single button and a big shout out to buzz sprout the hosting company that i recommend that does all this and makes it so easy they're the sponsor of this video and more on them coming up later feel free to watch this video all the way through and then you can come back to it and pause and make decisions along the way with me again i'm here to help my name is pat flynn and i've been podcasting since 2010 and i remember what it was like starting out i was very scared very nervous i wasn't sure if it was going to be worth my time but now with multiple podcasts 1700 episodes recorded and over 70 million downloads total i can confidently say that yeah it was definitely worth it i've become a better communicator i've connected and have built relationships with some amazing people as a result of the podcast because of the podcast i've been able to speak on different stages all over the world and the podcast has been the number one way that people have found out about me and my brands and my businesses i've personally been helping people start podcasts since 2012 in workshops and in online courses i've even helped some people privately including people like tim ferriss and then here on youtube millions of people have watched my previous video tutorials about starting the podcast and this is the newest one because i wanted to make sure it was fresh and updated for you as you begin your podcast journey so if you're ready let's get into it part one the only equipment you need to start a podcast the most important piece of equipment you need is a microphone of course because this is audio and you're recording your voice there are thousands of different microphones you could choose from i've tested hundreds of them over the years um and this one right here is the one that i recommend for you why because it is very very inexpensive relatively speaking it plugs in just via usb what's also good about this is it could upgrade as you upgrade there's some other connections besides usb to get into more professional devices over the years but hey you want to start off simple with little friction this is the mic right here the samsung q2u all right so i plugged in via usb to my computer let's switch to the samsung qtu audio hey everybody mike test mic test checking one two three thanks for listening to pat flynn's podcast now you might notice something here really quick pat flynn's podcast what are you hearing maybe some air well we should have an accessory to get rid of that so let me show you those right now you have two options to solve this problem you have these little foam uh windscreens that you could put on top of the microphone or something like this a pop filter pop filters usually work a little bit better but a windscreen will do the job as well each of them solve the problem of the plosives or the air getting into the microphone and just not being great for your audio testing 123 pat flynn's podcast podcast it's also helpful when you're beat boxing too watch now shock mount as you'll see has these little rubber bands and you put your microphone inside here what this does is it suspends the microphone essentially in midair if you will it takes the contact off of the microphone this is important because if you have this connected to your desk using a stand or a boom arm which i'll show you next it reduces the vibrations from your desk maybe your computer's fans are going or just any sort of room noise gets removed and absorbed by these little bands so uh you'll want to set it up with a shock mount like that all right the last thing here is a boom arm and this is uh one from newer there's a whole bunch of different kinds and links to all these things that i'm mentioning are in the description below but what this is is an arm that allows you to connect your mic to your desk so you don't have it just right in front of you and you can kind of move it around kind of like what i do here usually they all come with a desk clamp like this and you just kind of screw it into your desk and you want to find a good position for it sort of to your left or to your right depending on what hand you are then you can pop the arm in like this screw it in to make it a little tighter great and as you can see it moves around a little bit now we need to connect the microphone now it usually comes with one that is not a shock mount but where you can sort of insert your microphone and this has the ability to sort of screw in now your shock mount if you use the one that i suggested is going to have a larger hole in the bottom for this this is not going to work very well but there's an adapter in here that you have to unscrew with the coin so just a little tip because sometimes you might not know that this little thing is inside here you remove it from the one that it comes with put it into your shock mount like this then you can put your shock mount and screw it on with that adapter in and you're good to go now of course you'll also have a cord connected to this your usb that then runs down into your computer so you can make it look a little nicer i'm not going to do it here but you plug it in here and you kind of wrap it around and kind of have it go down and away yeah you know what to do all right so that's the equipment you need but you also need some software to record in so let's move on to that part next part two recording software now of course you're gonna need some software on your computer to record into and there's a lot of different choices i wanna make it easy for you now i'm not gonna go over a full demonstration of how to use each of these things here i do have full tutorials on each of these different things i'm about to mention you can check out the card here or the links in the description below but let me just show you what i suggest to make it easy so first up if you are on a mac computer i would highly suggest using garageband i actually use garageband for the first seven years of my podcast it allows you to edit and cut and slice and dice your show you can import and export and drag and drop things in there like voiceovers and your interviews and all that kind of stuff very simple to work with you can export it as an mp3 and it's ready to go if you're on a windows computer or pc then i would suggest using something like audacity another free tool that you can use that allows you to do essentially the same exact things a little bit different and again the full tutorials on how to use those once you get into that are down below in the description there are other tools that you can use there's things like adobe audition which maybe you could level up to but honestly you don't need those right at the beginning i just want you to get your episodes out there into the world now you might be wondering well okay pat that's cool if i'm recording solo episodes but what if i'm recording interviews what if i want to chat with somebody on the other side of the world and capture that and then put them into garageband or audacity or whatever now to start off simple maybe you might want to use something like zoom you can totally record using zoom if you're in a meeting with somebody you can record the audio you can take that audio out drag and drop it into your editor and then you can work with it from there i've also used skype for the same exact kind of thing connect with somebody you record the audio skype has its own built-in audio recorder and you can use those mp3s from there to edit your show now those two things are easy to get access to skype is free zoom depending on what plan you're on can be free as well up to 40 minutes however the audio quality isn't going to be the best it will record it you'll be able to use it it's going to work but if you want to upgrade your audio for interviews there's a couple things you can do now sticking with remote i would actually suggest using a tool like squadcast is a tool that allows you to connect and it actually records locally on each side and then you get to download both and you get the highest quality waveforms and mp3s that you could use for your show and yet you can actually record video with squadcast as well full disclosure i am an affiliate for squadcast and also an advisor to the company as well links in the description below and then finally maybe you're in a situation where you want to record with somebody in person you're an event or maybe somebody's coming over your house or something and you just want to record that interview well there's many different ways to do that i'll also link to another video that you can use to determine how you might want to best do that but i would recommend getting maybe an external device like this that allows you to record a couple microphones into you can actually plug in your samsung qtu into these as well which is really cool or you can use a mobile setup like with a rode smartlav mic into your android or iphone again lots of resources i'll put it under part two below so you'll have the best options for your situation part three your podcast details now here i'm gonna answer a number of questions that you might have about well just your podcast in general this is the point where you're gonna eventually have to make some decisions before you move forward because in order to put your podcast onto places you have to know what for example the name of your show is and the description of your show and all these other things that we're about to talk about so make sure you pay attention question number one what's your show even going to be about it's important to pick a topic and even more so important is to pick a target audience or market that you want to kind of connect with it's important to do so because as i often say the riches are in the niches and i know it's pronounced niches but it rhymes better actually let me give you an example to better display what i'm talking about here let's pretend you're starting a podcast in the realm of fitness cool that's great you could help a lot of people by having them listen to stories and advice about how you might help them have better health in their life but a general podcast about all things fitness is not going to work very well and here's why it's just too wide a topic maybe some episodes are going to be about losing weight right trying to shed those pounds post new year and all that kind of stuff and then other episodes maybe in the realm of fitness might be about gaining weight and putting on strength and muscle then maybe there's episodes about certain kinds of diets and then maybe there's another episode specifically about you know writing a marathon and then another episode about meal prep the problem is let's say somebody's listening and they really enjoy the episodes about weight loss but then they start to hear these episodes about weight gain and marathon running that just don't interest them they might move on to somebody else you want to imagine a listener who cannot wait to listen to your next episode and this is why rich's in the niches is so key because although it sounds counterintuitive you're leaving other people out right by targeting this smaller group you're reducing the competition you're able to speak their language more clearly and you're able to become their go-to resource person brand etc much more quickly now it doesn't mean you pigeonhole yourself there forever it just means that's where you start and you start to gain this specialty that you become known for and people can start talking about you for choose something that interests you that you know that you would still get up and go and try to find information about or share information about even on those days that perhaps you just don't want to do it question number two how long should my episodes be well here's the real answer to that question your episode should be as long as they need to be to provide the value that you want to give there are podcasts that are very successful that literally have episodes that are less than 10 minutes each quick and dirty tips series for example and then you have podcasts that are hours long per episode like joe rogan or hardcore history those are successful as well you don't have to hit a very specific time frame it's not like television where you only have a certain amount of time to work with with the amount of airspace that you have it's your show you can do whatever you want and maybe you adjust it over time because you realize you want to go deeper in these conversations with people or maybe you just don't have that much to say but you have some really quality stuff that hits really quick again it's really up to you i will say however that once you land on a specific sort of time frame try to stay within a certain period of time you know within 15 minutes one way or another just to kind of be able to have people have a rhythm and cadence for listening to you when they start listening to your show question number three should i be publishing every single week every single day every other day how often should i be publishing my podcast very similarly it is really up to you when i started my podcast it was every other week because that's all i could handle once i started to see the results from it though i actually stopped blogging and started podcasting more because i started to see it had a bigger impact on my audience so i went from bi-weekly to weekly then i added more podcasts and then i'm 1700 episodes deep now i've kind of gotten addicted to it if you had to choose something i would suggest maybe starting weekly that way you can get a good cadence and try to get into that motion if i had to choose sort of a rhythm to go to it would be weekly to start out with and you can kind of adjust from there it's okay if you adjust things over time but if you keep mixing it up too often it's going to be hard for your audience and for you to sort of get in a regular cadence and rhythm with the production and the listening question number four should it be just you on the podcast should you always have guests on what's the deal again maybe i'm a broken record here but this is the cool thing about a podcast it's your show you can do whatever you want there are many podcasts that are literally solo episodes it's just one person they never have a guest on and there's other shows where they have guests every single episode and that's cool too with my podcast a smart passive income podcast i mix it up wherever my energy is i go there sometimes it's solo episodes sometimes it's with a guest again as long as it's providing value and it's helping people who are listening then it's good question number five what about naming my show and branding it there's all kinds of podcast names there are names of the person right it's a personal brand sort of podcast like the tim ferris show for example then there's podcasts that are maybe a little bit more obscure in the name and you don't necessarily know what it means until you start digging in for example 99 invisible with roman mars then there are podcasts where the title is exactly what it's about and it's very obvious who it's for and what you're gonna get for example amy porterfield's online marketing made easy podcast you can be creative if you want but if you had to start i would start with something related to what the topic is so people when they come across it in apple podcast google spotify etc they can already have an idea of what this is going to be and how it's going to help them perhaps even before digging in and yes you can always change the name later which is pretty cool so in addition to choosing a name the other important thing before we move on is to figure out what the artwork for your show is going to be i would explore apple podcasts and spotify just to kind of look at podcast artwork to see what style best fits you which one best represents who your audience is and what you might be doing for them there are lots of people who do this for you for very cheap on places like you can also design something yourself temporarily or permanently on for example and there's of course a whole load of people who are really good at this stuff who you could commission for a little bit more you're gonna need your artwork you're gonna need the title of your podcast and a description of it before you are able to publish now outside of all that the one tip i have for you that's going to help you ensure that you stand out from everybody else is just to approach this with understanding that you're going to be yourself it's very easy to try to create something that somebody else has or do something that they did because they are successful with it or whatnot you be you you are 100 original nobody is like you and you want to use that to your advantage so just be you part four podcast recording tips over the last decade i've made a ton of mistakes podcasting it's almost like a rite of passage to have mistakes under your belt as a podcaster but i don't want you to have as many as i did so make sure you pay attention i got some tips for you just a brain dump of everything i can think of to help you out tip number one involves this microphone right here it's the distance from your mouth to the microphone that we're talking about with microphones like the samsung qtu and any of these usb ones and many most podcast mics you want to be really really close in fact if i was recording with this microphone right here and this is the benefit of having a boom arm i can move it to where i want to i would be talking to it almost touching i mean i could feel my mustache on the phone i i'm so sorry but that's this is how close i would be it's very common to just because you have a microphone to like put it out here and expect that it's going to sound the same but you want it really really close to you and um yeah and so you can adjust the boom arm in the way that you want maybe you're recording on video as well so you want to have it more down but pointed up like this there you go tip number two green is good red is bad and what i mean is while you're recording no matter what software you're using you're going to see a little meter as far as your audio levels it's a spectrum between green and red in your software while you're recording you'll be able to see just the loudness or softness of your voice if you get into the red you're in the danger zone because if you clip which means you get to the top or to all the way red the audio is going to be distorted and there's no coming back from that or at least it's very difficult to come back from that if you're more in the yellow that's actually a great spot to be green is okay too because you can turn it up in post-production but you can't come back from red so green is good red is bad tip number three always test record right even before an interview or you're doing a solo show just test record just make sure your mic is plugged in properly it's the right mic that's picking it up sometimes when you plug in like a webcam or something the input mic changes from this microphone to your webcam and you didn't know you recorded the full episode on the webcam microphone which is terrible ugh this has happened to me before test test test then you're good to go tip number four one of the scariest things to do is get your microphone ready you hit record and then you're like oh i have no idea what i'm going to talk about it can be very very easy to fall into that content hamster wheel that a lot of content creators fall into you publish an episode and all of a sudden you freak out because you're like oh my gosh i need to create another episode next week and then you have all this pressure on you and you're trying to get there by the deadline and you're editing and it's like midnight we don't want that to happen the best thing to do to combat that is to plan ahead create a spreadsheet or create some sort of list of different episode topics that you can do you can even start putting them in the calendar so you can get ahead on them for example if you're going to schedule an interview with somebody you do want to do that ahead of time so that there's some space and maybe there's a reschedule of some kind and you're not worried because you have to fill in that spot before the the deadline again plan ahead do yourself a favor and uh get ahead on your content schedule like that tip number five you want to create a really good hook at the beginning of your episodes this is really important because when a person is sitting there listening you know they're about to likely go on a car ride go on a run or go to the gym or something right that's where we listen to podcasts a person is going to listen to the beginning of a podcast to go okay is this worth my time or not and if it's not they're going to likely move on especially if it's somebody who doesn't know who you are and they're listening to you for the first time you really want to capture their attention in the first maybe minute or so you can just dive right into a story that's compelling or go into okay here are the five things you're going to learn from this episode for example you want to have a good hook don't add fluff don't start talking about hey guys it's good to see you again uh so for breakfast this morning i had pancakes and eggs and bait like i mean unless your pancake eggs and bacon podcast then that's probably not gonna matter tip number six and this is for you if you are recording an episode by yourself it'd be very weird to record an episode by yourself in your office or your home or wherever and you're like talking to people but nobody's there it's a very strange thing you just kind of have to get used to that it's always going to be like that obviously but something to help you is to think about the other person on the other end who is actually listening to your show imagine that person if you are approaching an episode about a particular topic imagine a person who you know is in that target market or avatar so that you actually can visualize or at least imagine talking to somebody on the other end just makes it a little bit easier tip number seven as you're recording a solo show hit record and just just go make mistakes leave them in there you can use the power of editing later to remove those mistakes and squish all those good things together i made the mistake in the beginning of thinking that like i had to be perfect so i'd record for a minute i'd mess up and i go back to the beginning again i would get like two minutes in there great job pat okay great oh i made a mistake okay i gotta start over all over again you don't do that it's just so much easier you're going to save a lot of time in production by just hitting record recording your episode all the way through all throughout the mistakes and all that kind of stuff and then you can use editing to remove those bits later one little side tip is when i make a mistake and i'm recording a solo episode sometimes i'll do a click if i make a mistake or if i make a mistake i just go and what happens is in the audio form you'll see a large line right it actually does clip there and that's good because that tells me when i'm editing okay that was a mistake i just made so i can just move forward past that take those parts out squish everything together and you're good to go saves a little bit of time tip number eight to help you while you're recording whether it's a solo show or an interview show i usually have some bullet points i usually have for example like post-it notes just kind of chilling with different topics in mind and the order that i want to talk to them about you don't want to go into it blind but you also don't want to go into it with a script i once scripted all of my solo podcast episodes and it took way too long and sounded very robotic as if i was reading and people were probably falling asleep while i was talking you don't want that to happen right so you could have a fairly detailed sort of bullet point list or even the not so detailed one you know tell the story about that here or next talk about this point and then you just kind of have to trust yourself and trust me it's going to be hard at first you're going to want to script everything because you're going to want everything to be perfect you can't have that approach because if you want everything to be perfect you're never going to get your podcast up and running tip number nine don't over edit you're gonna make a ton of mistakes you're gonna have breaths you're gonna say um a lot in the beginning if you just kind of rely on editing to get rid of those things number one you're never going to improve and number two it also just sounds unnatural when it's almost too perfect of a show right if there's no breaths there's no ums or or or filler words or anything like that then it's just going to sound kind of really not natural you kind of want to be you so unless there are some major pains inside of your episodes that you want to remove keep everything there trust me it's going to be so so much easier over time when you force yourself to just kind of get through those mistakes yes of course editing is powerful use it to remove some of those bigger problems but keep those other things in there because you can waste a ton of time and you're never going to improve and tip number 10 let's have fun podcasting is actually really really fun and yes you can get a bit nervous when somebody's on the other line you're like asking them questions and you're thinking about oh my gosh like is this even going well what's the next question going to be honestly the best thing i have for you is to just have fun and be curious especially if you're doing an interview be genuinely curious let that guide what your follow-up questions are going to be and where you want to go right just have fun it's a process you learn as you go and it's just one of the most amazing things that allows you to connect with so many people it allows you to build a business and actually have your voice be heard just you got this part five publishing your podcast now you're lucky because it's so much easier to start a podcast now than it was when i started now if you were like me when i started i thought podcast episodes worked kind of like how youtube works where you record an episode and you upload it onto a platform like apple and then you have to also take that and upload it onto google and you have to also take that same file and upload it into stitcher and spotify and all those different places and then people find it well that's actually not how podcasting works podcasting works like this you have to take your mp3 files from your episodes and you upload them to a podcast host that's the only place you have to upload them because what your host will do is it will send out your episode as soon as you publish to apple to google to spotify to stitcher all those different places the cool thing is you only have to connect it once and all you have to do is worry about creating content and uploading them to your host your host does all the work for you that's where you upload your episodes that's where you name your episodes that's where you put a description of your episodes all that information in that one spot gets distributed out to all those different places for you just makes life so much easier now there's many different options you have for hosting there are some free options which i'm not necessarily a big fan of because you lose a little bit of control and some other things so i'm going to give you my number one recommendation i use this host i highly recommend it they love new podcasters they will take care of you and it's the easiest to use it's called buzz sprout all right so let me take you into the computer we're going to log into busbrow and i'm going to show you just how simple this is to use using an example podcast so you can follow literally step by step alright welcome to buzz sprout this is where we put our mp3 files for our podcast to distribute to the world great company they're really helpful and they're awesome people i've partnered with them actually and if you go to buzz sprout that is my affiliate link and if you go there you'll see this little pop-up that says yes we've partnered with pat flynn we'll track it automatically you get 33 more time on whatever plan you choose so yeah let's check it out and i'm actually going to start an account from scratch so you'll see exactly how this works and how simple it is for you to get started so let's add my name pat flynn email pat pat i'm not a robot cool create my podcast you'll have to put a password in there but i'm not going to tell you what it is if you're a new podcaster hit that now you're going to add your podcast details if you don't have your title and description already you can always come back to this later put a placeholder in you can change it at any time but we'll do a pat flynn's sample podcast podcast description next let's hit done let's start podcasting and the first thing you want to do is go to podcast settings which is where we want to change things like the artwork and whatnot if i scroll down you want to go to podcast artwork you want it to be 3000 by 3000 pixels a square yes you can design it on canva i've got a little sample one there that i just made in canva really really quickly i'm gonna scroll down choose my category let's call it business and entrepreneurship again you can always change these things later artist that's the host name that's you contact email explicit information or material nope not me and we're good to go i'm gonna hit save podcast that should update this artwork right here there we go let's take a closer look at that just so you can see yeah that's not a great piece of artwork i just wanted to create something uh really quickly for you here now let's go back to episodes because this is what happens you want to first upload your episodes before you distribute it to different platforms apple and google and spotify and others won't accept your podcast if there is no material or episodes uploaded i'd recommend choosing a launch date maybe uploading one to three episodes three ideally so there's more to listen to and then you make a big deal out of it you launch it and i have some other information on youtube about how to get found a little bit more which i'll link to in the description below all right let's upload a new episode so to do that i'm going to click here under episodes upload a new episode i'm going to choose a file to upload and i've already recorded a test episode for you so that's going to take a quick second because it's very short but what we want to do is for every individual episode we want to title it and you want the title to be compelling again this is one of the first things and if not the only thing people see when they're scrolling through looking for episodes to listen to this one is just a sample episode so that's exactly what i'm going to call it sample episode for youtube viewers that's you and then your episode description you want that to be somewhat unique for each one something compelling about what the episode is about you can also have links and resources and things that your guests mention you can have it be up to 4 000 characters and i would recommend using it because people do look at it it does show up on people's devices when they are checking out that individual episode so let me write a quick one here all right i've added a description and i've even included a link those links are clickable or tappable on a person's device next you can actually update every individual episode's artwork by default it's just going to use your normal just sort of general show artwork but you can select different files to create unique artwork for every episode that will show up on a person's device most podcasters choose to use the same as their show some podcasters like johnny dumas from entrepreneurs on fire will choose a different one for every episode depending on the guest which is pretty cool too but it does take a little bit more time you can choose to have different seasons so i could make this season one episode one for example you don't have to have seasons and you don't need to take breaks in between i do recommend trying to remain consistent as possible but seasons can be nice because you can drop a few episodes take a break drop another set of episodes etc i'm just going to call this episode one and we'll leave it at that so what i'm going to do is you can if you're not ready you can leave this unpublished let's say you or your team want to add more information you could publish immediately if you'd like which means it goes live now if you aren't connected on any directories going live doesn't really mean anything nobody sees it yet and you're going to have to do that initially and then schedule for future this is what we do because we plan ahead we schedule these ahead of time so we don't have to worry about when they're published but for this one we're going to publish immediately i'm going to save episode details and yay first episode was published it's live we have it in our rss feed i'll show you that in just a minute and typically it'll take maybe up to 24 hours to be available on apple or spotify or google but that's not possible yet because we haven't connected to those directories yet so i'm going to exit this if you ever wanted to change things in your episodes you can click here on the edit button this is where you can see stats for different episodes etc let me just hit edit just so you can see what this looks like there it is and in fact here's a player that you can pull and put on your website as well and hit play hey what's up this is pat flynn recording a test episode for everybody watching on youtube right now and if you can hear this you've made it this far in the video uh i appreciate you hit subscribe nice little meta there players is where you can select from a different range of looks of players and you can have them show all episodes just the five most recent et cetera i'm not going to worry too much about that you can customize a look here now where i want to show you now is the most important part which is here under directories this is where with almost a click of a button you can just literally get on all these different platforms you see amazon music overcast uh apple podcast spotify google et cetera before i move on the other thing i want you to know is that your episodes will at the free plan only be available for 90 days and then they get deleted i would definitely recommend you upgrade to save it does not cost much at all and it is highly beneficial to do it because these guys will take care of you and you have all these other things that you could do with your stuff as well including magic mastering which means if you upgrade you can have your sound levels all the same if you don't know how to edit that yourself when you export your files from your editor and dynamic content which means i can add some what's called pre-roll content or post role content which means let's say for example i have a product that i want to promote and i want that to play across all episodes uh that are coming out this week and also all the episodes i've ever published before i can have a sort of real-time thing inserted into previous episodes as a result both before the main episode content is played or after and that's called dynamic content which is really cool this is why i love buzz brow because it can grow with you which is really cool but again we want to go to directories okay this is where you will have the ability to get on all these different platforms the way this works is buzzsprout gives you a unique rss feed that's this link right here you don't know have to know you don't have to know what this means this is if you were to manually get on all these directories you'd need to know this and submit that and that's how those directories know that you have new episodes come out and again like i said earlier you don't need to publish individual episodes to those places you just publish your episodes here now in the directories area let's say for example i want to get listed on apple podcast i'm going to click get listed step one is your podcast already listed in apple podcast no it's not step two copy your rss feed which is already there and step three submit your rss feed to apple podcast which you just click this button follow the directions and then you go from there i'm not going to do that right now because i already have my other podcast linked to on this id and this is just a sample podcast but this literally shows you step by step how to do that and it doesn't take very long every one is different sometimes they change and bus brow will always be up to date with how things are done uh doing it on spotify will be like this submit your podcast to spotify literally one click of a button from there you set up a spotify account and you're ready to go uh what if we want to go to amazon music boom same thing you have to agree it's all done through buzz prop which is so so easy i'm just so jealous because this is so much easier than how it was when i started so have fun with it get in there and again check out buzz sprout through my affiliate link i'd really appreciate it i get a little kickback as a result of that because that's an affiliate link that is pat buzz sprout now with some final comments for you now there's a couple other things that might be on your mind at this point hopefully you're getting really excited about this and again you can rewatch this and pause and make decisions as you would like you might be wondering about video podcasting so turning on your video camera while podcasting popping it on to youtube and other places i'll pop a video here in a card and in the description to talk more about that because there's some things you need to know about you might not want to actually do that why well you can watch that video if you'd like and also you might be wondering well how do you make money from your podcast well i have a very popular video here on youtube about all the different ways that you could do that so i'll link that into the card in the description as well and on the end screen here too but i just want to say thank you for watching this video and i'm here to help you so make sure you subscribe if you haven't already and you can check out these other videos to help you on your podcasting journey too good luck you got this
Channel: Pat Flynn
Views: 6,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pat flynn, smart passive income, spi, how to start a podcast, how to start a podcast for beginners, podcasting tutorial, how to podcast, how to begin podcasting, how to start podcasting, podcasting for beginners, podcasting in 2022, how to start a podcast easy, easy podcast tutorial, podcast tutorial, pat flynn podcast, pat flynn podcast tutorial, pat flynn podcast hosting, pat flynn podcast equipment, podcasting equipment, podcast tips, tips for podcasting
Id: Q8pfZna6H6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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