How To Make Money on TikTok

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you can make money on Tick Tock without being Tick Tock famous so if you've ever thought hmm I should be using Tick Tock to start making some money you definitely should and can this is Enrico fresa his skincare business made 15 000 sales in one day because of tick tock this is Sean he's 26 and makes 10 000 a month as a tick tock consultant so whether you want to be a tick tock influencer or maybe you want to use tick tock for your business today you're going to learn how you can make money on Tick Tock also make sure to subscribe to learn with Shopify so that you get the knowledge that you need to start grow and run your online business but without further Ado let's get started before we get into it I want to introduce myself my name is Michelle Bally I'm a creative strategist and social media is my strong suit I have worked with a lot of businesses in helping them grow and monetize their accounts and create content so in today's video you're going to be in good hands and I'm going to give you the scoop [Music] so today I'm going to be answering the seven most asked questions first one is how many followers do you actually need to start making money on tick tock secondly how much influencers actually make on Tick Tock we're going to unpack all of that how much money can you expect to make on Tick Tock and also what are the different ways that you can use tick tock to start making money how do you grow on Tick Tock I know a lot of you guys are probably interested in that so make sure that you're sticking around till the end for answers to that question we're also going to be talking about how you can start working with brands on Tick Tock and then finally we're going to be looking at some marketing tips for creating content so lots of good stuff to unpack in this video so let's get to question number one question number one how many followers do you actually need to make money on Tick Tock so let's take a look at some ballpark figures Nano influencers are going to make five to twenty five dollars per post micro influencers can make 25 to 125 dollars per post mid-tier influencers they're gonna make 125 to 12.50 per post are macro influencers they're going to be 1250 to 2500 per post and then our biggest Mega influencers are going to make 2500 plus per post and all this data is according to getting followers on Tick Tock has opened up many doors for me um reality TV show opportunities brand partnership opportunities my most recent Partnerships on Tick Tock have actually earned me up to two thousand dollars for a 60 second video there are tons of things you can do by building a following on Tick Tock and it can also transform into other platforms and monetize that way as well question number two how much do influencers and Brands actually make on Tick Tock there's no hard and fast rule to this like any profession salaries are going to vary but let's start with a couple of examples so let's say you're a small business and you make one video a day and maybe that brings you two sales a day maybe each of those sales are worth fifty dollars so that's making a hundred dollars a day and if you look at that from a year perspective you're making thirty six thousand dollars a year so that's not bad for a side Hustle but let's look at the higher end Charlie demilio she makes forty to sixty thousand dollars per post guys when I heard this I literally died is this depressing is it motivating probably a little bit of both to be honest but I truly fell off my chair when I heard that question number three how much money can you actually make on Tick Tock so I guess you want to know a realistic number of what you can actually expect to make on tick tock well if you're using the creators fund you can make about two to four cents per thousand views so if you get half a million views on a video which by the way would be a pretty Successful video then you're only making about 20 bucks but I mean this will add up over time some of the biggest influencers are making a hundred thousand to two hundred thousand dollars a year with Creator fund but if you're wondering what is the tick tock Creator fund well Tick Tock has stated that the Creator fund is in its early stages but as of now Tick Tock has 200 million available and they have promised to reach 1 billion in the next three years so that creators can actually earn money while they make content it's not a grant it's not money made from ad Revenue but more so money you will earn depending on how well your videos are performing Tick Tock announced the fund was made to encourage those who dream of using their voices and creativity to spark inspirational careers so if you get a lot of real viewers watching and engaging with your videos then you can actually earn money in order to be a part of The Tick Tock Creator fund you need to meet some eligibility requirements first of all you must be based either in the UK Germany Italy France or Spain you must be 18 years or older and you have to have 10 000 followers have over a hundred thousand video views in the past 30 days and lastly the content that you post has to be original so that more or less sums up The Tick Tock Creator fund but it's going to be difficult to make a living just by using Creator fund alone and a lot of us don't have 10 000 followers yet so let's dive into some other ways that you can actually start making money using tick tock question number four what are some ways that you can start making money using Tick Tock so one way is businesses can sell products and services so whether you're making jewelry or you're selling tarot reading Services you can use tick tock to promote your business no matter what it is you also don't have to have any pre-existing audience to make your business blow up on Tick Tock so for example unexpected they are a clothing brand that was originally started as a high school project and then they blew up on Tick Tock they've now grown and they've relocated to Los Angeles so I mean it's definitely realistic to actually use tick tock as a tool to start your business and make it blow up and make it go viral Tick Tock has really helped grow our brand awareness the fact that we were able to post a tick tock video and it lead to conversions on our website is really amazing within the first two weeks we made twenty thousand dollars and we basically sold out of our product so I definitely think that you can build your business on tick tock another way that you can use tick tock to start making money is if you are an influencer you can start selling merch to your fans so for example you can print one of your classic catchphrases onto a hoodie and honestly I think this is just a really smart move because a you're making money and B your merch will help you spread the word about your brand another way that you can start making money on Tick Tock is you can go live and you can collect virtual gifts so live gifting is one of the most useful features if you are looking to make money on Tick Tock most social networks do have a live streaming feature but Tick Tock is unique because your audience can actually send you some of these virtual gifts during your live stream just you know if they just want to show their appreciation so what you do is you take these virtual gifts and then you would cash them in for diamonds and then diamonds they later get turned into actual dollars diamonds are going to be worth half of what your users bought them for so just to give you a bit of perspective if you have 200 diamonds you're going to get one dollar you can kill it on live and start making money with some of these tips so first tip is make sure that you are picking a time when most of your followers are going online if you're not sure you can find out this information in your audience insights secondly even though it might feel a little bit weird especially the first time that we are going on live try staying on live longer because the longer that you're on the more chances you will have of catching people but how do you actually get people to send gifts you might want to try reminding them and definitely do it in your own style too like if you're more comfortable saying like hey guys don't forget to drop me a gift it really helps you know say something like that or if that feels a little bit weird for you maybe you can like make a game out of it maybe you could do like a virtual auction in exchange for gifts for example so do whatever feels good to you all right the next way that you can start making money with Tick Tock is you can create in-feed ads with the tick tock ads manager so if you are willing to spend a little bit to get your content in front of more people you might want to consider creating your own ads so if you're not familiar Tick Tock ads are going to appear in users for you feed and they're just going to auto play like any other Tick Tock video it's also really nice that Tick Tock ads can seamlessly integrate with Shopify so that means you can create Tick Tock ads select a target audience and track your ads performance from your Shopify store so if you are selling things Tick Tock can help you make even more money if you're excited about the idea of using Tick Tock to sell products I want you to check out our free course to set up your eCommerce business for Success it's designed to offer Founders everything that they need to launch a business to set up an online store and to sell products online super quickly and super affordably and if you are on a budget or maybe you're feeling like a complete beginner then this course will definitely be for you when you sign up you're going to instantly get access to 25 video lessons over two dozen templates and worksheets to make launching your business truly as straightforward as possible so if this sounds like something you might be interested definitely click the link in the description box and you can sign up now so question number five how can you grow on Tick Tock so this is important because obviously the more followers you have the more effective all of these methods will be so here is how to grow on Tick Tock now before I get into it I just want to let you know that we actually have a whole video on how to make your uh business go viral on Tick Tock so I will link that for you guys right up here if you do want to watch it but in this video I'll just give you a quick summary so here are the three tips that I discovered when growing my Tick Tock account to 28 000 followers in just a few months so tip number one create content that continually hooks people a great way to do this is to start your videos off with a question and then you'll take the rest of the video to answer it and every five seconds you want to create an element of suspense or a pattern Interruption to Spur interest this will keep viewers watching all the way until the end tip number two if you want to grow you need to stick with it even if you do see your engagement start to drop or maybe you run out of ideas don't lose hope because sticking with your posting schedule gives you more opportunities to get in front of a new audience and to grow your account tip number three rinse and repeat once you find your secret sauce as far as what content works for you then there's no need to recreate the wheel just create more videos exactly like that but different variations and that will ensure that each video is a success the more viral videos you make the quicker you'll grow your account anyone can really have the opportunity to go viral as long as your content is relatable and is sort of engaging you just have to really think of three things when you're creating a tick tock whether it's educational inspirational or entertaining you want to make sure that you are kind of showcasing your product and also just being like a person that they can relate to so you can just be your authentic self and keep the video quite unpolished I think you can really grow your business from there question number six how do you find Brands to work with on Tick Tock and how do you work with Brands so instead of just waiting around for Brands to knock on your door here are four very active ways that you can take control so these tips are going to apply whether you are an influencer that's looking to work with a brand or whether you're a brand that's looking to work with an influencer so first tip is focus on growing if you focus your attention on growing your own accounts Brands and influencers will naturally want to work with you as your audience grows you'll start to notice more and more emails coming through and more and more DMS of people wanting to collab and work with you so for example Brands might want to launch products together and influencers might want to create content with you so this is your first order of attack if you do want to start collaborating tip number two is start reaching out reach out to Brands letting them know that you're actually interested in working together so first you're going to want to collect emails of brands that you would like to work with you could do this by hitting the contact button on their Instagram profile that's fine but one of my favorite ways to collect emails is with a tool called clearbit this tool is amazing it has been pivotal in my career and it's actually free so you can just type in the website of the brand that you're after into clearbit and it's going to give you a list of emails and names which is insane I would recommend that you try finding the titles of the decision makers in a company so that you're not wasting your time emailing people that would you know just not have jurisdiction over Partnerships anyways if that makes any sense but yeah once you've reached out you can can send them an influencer press kit and your press kit should include an about you section for sure you're going to want to include your social accounts with any stats and perhaps even a list of brands that you've already worked with and links to examples make sure that you have a page that is dedicated to the specific services that you offer and on this page some people choose to include pricing other people choose you know to leave this open but that's totally up to you and what you're comfortable with and then finally make sure that you do have a section with case studies that shows sales records from campaigns and other results this page is super important because Brands want to know that you're able to bring Roi and this will be especially important if you are a smaller account try creating a portfolio of work so if you haven't linked up with other brands yet you can start making non-sponsored Tick Tock videos about brands that you love and make this exactly as you would if it were sponsored content so that Brands can see what you're actually capable of Brands probably are not going to take a chance on a Creator who's never done a partnership before so this will give them a taste of what you can do work with an influencer agency there are agencies that specialize in connecting Brands and influencers so hashtag paid is a perfect example now if you're a brand and you do decide to go this route you will be paying a premium but at the very least you're getting connected with influencers that have a proven track record of getting brand results and if you're an influencer you can expect to get paid a little bit less than you would if you were going solo but at the very least this will help you get connected with Brands and maybe even brands that you've always wanted to work with so on Tick Tock I have probably worked with about I would say 40 different brands my most recent partnership tips on Tick Tock have actually earned me up to two thousand dollars for me how I get in touch with Brands to work with them and earn money or get free products is signing up for influencer platforms such as Aspire heartbeat obviously there's a ton of them I'm probably signed up to like 50 at least and they will post different brand campaigns that you can apply for and you can go ahead and set your rates or you can negotiate with the brands and you also can sign up for the Creator Marketplace if you get invited or once you hit 100 000 followers on tick tock final tip what are some Tick Tock marketing hacks for creating content that makes money if you want to make content that helps get you noticed and makes you money then here are two things to keep in mind first of all you're going to want to tell a story about your products or your brand this helps people understand who you are and what you sell make sure that it's not a blatant ad because Tick Tock is not really a place for that at least not yet thankfully so definitely put some soul into it you know a good story not only is going to keep viewers hooked but viewers are going to be invested in you and your brand and your narrative and they will be more likely to come back to you and to buy from you also on Tick Tock authenticity does come before Aesthetics so don't get too caught up on like how good your camera is or whether your background is too messy it's all good just you know be yourself be authentic people love that and the next tip is to stay up to date with Trends whether that is a tick tock Trend like a dance or a trending sound or something or current events like Paris Fashion Week for example you just want to make sure that you are staying up to date with Trends so that you can make timely content because that's going to help you make your videos go viral so if you can somehow tie the trends back into your brand and what you're selling or who you are as an influencer you can use the virality of your video to sell merchandise and make some money Tick Tock is a really great way to promote your online store you can start making Tick Tock content now and drive people to visit your online store and start making money so if you are interested in something like that there is a link to the Shopify free trial in the description box below you can give it a whirl see if you like it and you can just as easily start your business today and get set up right away and if you do do that make sure that you are returning back to this YouTube channel because we're going to give you all the help that you need every step of the way I'll learn with Shopify so make sure that you are subscribed so that is it those are all the tips that I have for you guys today thank you so much for joining me my name is Michelle Bally this channel is called learn with Shopify this is an official Shopify Channel where we help you start run and grow an online business and if you want more content just like this make sure that you're hitting subscribe ring the notification Bell so that you never miss another video and guys hit the like button because that really does help our Channel grow and it's going to help this video do better and yeah if you want to support us make sure you're doing all those things but thank you guys so much for watching I will see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Learn With Shopify
Views: 319,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn with shopify, ecommerce tutorials, shopify store, ecommerce business, online business, online business from home, ecommerce business explained, online business 2022, tutorial for beginners, how to make money on shopify, shopify tutorial, business tutorials, how to make money online, e commerce, business ideas 2022, business ideas, easy business to start, easy, online business ideas, make money, money online, Side Hustle, more money, tik tok, tiktok, money on tiktok
Id: RkRyMwwVXfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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