How To Sell T-Shirts On Tiktok

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yo you having a hard time selling T-shirts on social media let me try to help you out Batman scool clook the clan what's up y'all this is Fatman and school and right now you watching the Sensei the number one the king my dude big Brando he taught me personally me fat man school all you got to do is keep your mouth closed and your ears open listen to the man talk that's knowledge personified right there and I wouldn't trust nobody else but my dude big Brando and I said it Batman School Big Brand let's go s everybody boy big Brando and today I'm going to help you guys use social media to sell your t-shirts more importantly we're going to be talking about using Instagram and Tik Tok to help sell your t-shirts now a lot of people been hitting me up saying how do I use social media to sell my t-shirts a lot of them are just posting product photos of their t-shirts and waiting for the sales to come in one that's a good practice but at the same exact time you not really utilizing social media to the best of your ability when I say that I'm talking about using Instagram reels and Tik Tok as a driving force to sell your products so for the sake of this video we're going to be talking about my Westside t-shirt this one right here says four fingers up two Twisted in the middle that's the back of the T-shirt here is the front of the T-shirt with that West Side hit now the reason why we're going to be using this t-shirt is because 100% of the sales from this t-shirt has come from Instagram reals and Tik Tok I've never officially launched this t-shirt I've been selling it for a few months now but I've never put up a product photo of it I've never put it on a Model I sold 100% of these t-shirts right here using Tik Tok and Instagram reels and just to let you know how many I've been selling I just reup again on more transfers for this same t-shirt and I never once had to put up a product photo so let's get into the strategy now I've been telling a lot of people to jump on Tik Tok to utilize your Instagram reels and the biggest benefit to using these is it has a far reach when you just post stuff onto your timeline you just post like a product photo or something like that your following is the only one that's going to see it when you use an Instagram real it's hitting a bigger audience when you use Tik Tok it's hitting a way bigger audience and the beauty of it is you don't even have to have a big following so let's get that out of your head that you need to have a million followers for a million people to see it wrong you could have two followers and that video will land on hundreds of thousands of people and this is the beauty in using Instagram reals and Tik Tok but just posting a real or posting a Tik Tok doesn't mean that you're gonna get a bunch of sales let's talk a little bit about why it's working for myself and you can do the same exact thing for yourself so first thing that I'm doing is I'm utilizing Tik Tok as a teaching platform so what I do is I show myself pressing up this t-shirt right here and explain everything that I'm doing the heat press I'm using the transfers I'm using the blank t-shirts I'm using this put you in a different category within that algorithm of actually showing somebody something like a tutorial kind of like a tips and tricks you're helping the people it's not just a static video of this t-shirt on the floor and it's going to go viral what I'm doing is I'm adding a little bit of substance to the video so I'm actually telling people how I'm making the shirt what I'm using to make the shirt and I'm showing the whole process so this put you in a category that they call infotainment where it's informative but it's still entertaining it's not a standard like PowerPoint presentation of how to do something you're just kind of walking people through the steps so showing people your process on how you're doing stuff golden even if you're not trying to be a content creator that talks about t-shirts like myself even though that's not the goal this is what's going to help you be seen so even if a viewer has no intention of actually making the shirt they're still getting a chance to see the shirt that you're making as you're walking them through the steps and the beauty with reals and Tik toks and stuff like that is it doesn't have to be long format it could be 30 seconds to a minute you don't even have to use your voice now they have all these AI voice generated things you don't even have to show your face face on camera you could just be showing your heat press you could be showing you weeding up vinyl and you could utilize captions so there's a lot of people out there that are afraid to be in front of the camera and I get that but there's a lot of things that you can do where you don't even have to be on camera so that's the first thing that I'm doing is I'm creating content around me making the shirt this is landing on a lot of people's pages one because it's informative I'm showing somebody how to do something we've all learned something from Tik Tok we've all learned something from Instagram reals and these are the videos that we like to share hey did you know this look at this and you send it off to somebody outside of just the funny videos but if you learn something cool on Tik Tok a lot of times we're sending it off if you learn about a new Food Spot you're sending that to somebody else so being able to share these small videos is a big win for you also now that's just one video that I'm making for Instagram and Tik Tok the other video I'm doing is me wearing the shirt but pressing up different shirts for other people right maybe I'm fulfilling different orders and I'm just in there using my heat press maybe I'm wrapping up orders folding up T-shirts whatever the case is but I'm wearing the shirt so now this is reaching a whole different audience now but it's not me making this actual t-shirt it's me wearing the T-shirt now so now they get to see what it looks like on the body so instead of just putting it on a Model posting that static picture now I am the model now I'm wearing the T-shirt but in the video I'm showing me doing something else it's me cutting transfers it's me weeding up vinyl it's me folding the t-shirts so now my t-shirt is being seen by a lot of other people now now the last part of this is consistency is key you can't just post up one video and just wait for the magic to happen strength and numbers the more you post the more you'll be seen the videos that I've seen go really crazy for myself on these platforms is when I'm talking something through step by step this is what I'm doing this is how I'm doing it when I just post like a time lapse of some stuff and put up a popular song it doesn't get that much traction it still moves but it doesn't move like the other videos where I'm actually explaining what I'm doing or how I'm doing something so this is where I started to see all right the informative videos are the ones that are going crazy the informative videos are the ones that a lot of people are seeing so in my head the more people see the T-shirt the more people see these reals the more inclined they are to buy this t-shirt right here is very geographical based if you're not on the west side of nothing this t-shirt means nothing to you but the good thing is you don't just have to be from Los Angeles to wear this shirt you could be anywhere on the west coast from San Diego up to Seattle Oregon all of that stuff and everywhere in between you could be on the west side of Wahu you could be on the west side of anything and this t-shirt will ring bells to you being that this t-shirt is geographically based in the videos where I'm showing the T-shirt a lot of times I'll hash Westside I'll # West Coast I'll # Los Angeles location wise I'm hoping it gets to the people that it needs to get to these are just the small things that I'm doing to help the video go along and once again these are short form videos so I could record it on my phone edit it down in the app use uh apps like cap cut and stuff like that try to use popular songs do anything you can to help the video get along but this is how I've been selling this t-shirt and the crazy thing is this yellow t-shirt I've never promoted I've only worn it I've never said I'm selling it I mainly promote the white shirt black shirt with the white text this t-shirt just lives on my website with no promotion when people see that I have the black and white shirt then they also see the black and yellow shirt and they just naturally add it to cart majority of the time I'm wearing this shirt I'm not showing me pressing the shirt this is the one I'm wearing the white one is the one that I'm actually pressing but as you can see I had to reup on both transfers cuz both of them are selling like crazy so if you are struggling to sell your products if you're struggling to figure out how to use social media this is one of the ways you can do it take advantage of Tik Tok take advantage of Instagram reels because they have a wide reach you don't need a lot of followers to Boom off of Tik Tok you don't need a lot of followers to Boom off of Instagram reels you could have very minimal followers but your videos will reach a wider eye audience and this is where I've seen my successes where I'm showing people what I'm doing I'm using that video to promote the T-shirt without having to promote the T-shirt I'm not going hey buy my t-shirt if the link is in the bio hey do this I'm just showing me pressing the shirt I'm showing me making the shirt showing me folding the shirt that's it the video is capturing the actual shirt the video is capturing the design so it doesn't need me to narrate the video and say hey buy my t-shirts the Design's doing all the selling for me the design is being seen on the video the viewer is seeing the design even if they have no interest in making the T-shirt they're looking at me create the T-shirt they're like man that's a cool design that's the guy that's making it let me click the link in his bio let me see how I can buy this let me see how much this t-shirt costs it's all it is there's no secret to what I'm doing that's why I'm sharing this with you guys this is just what I found lucking when it comes to Tik Tok and Instagram reals this short form content has such a crazy reach so if you were struggling with trying to sell some t-shirt shirts on social media try this tactic out see if it works for you you guys can look at all my videos on Tik Tok Instagram reals I don't put any fancy Graphics I try to use a popular song If not a popular song a song that relates to Something in the video I try to explain what my press settings are I'm using supercolor transfers I'm using heat press Nation press I'm using a Shaka or as color blank t-shirt press is set up to 320 I'm pressing for 15 seconds got to do a hot peel all of this stuff is information for the video you're trying to help somebody create T-shirts from home without trying to be a t-shirt content creator but what you're also doing behind the scenes is promoting the t-shirts that you're selling try it out see if it works for you let me know in the comments if you've already been doing this if you've had success doing this or if it hasn't work for you feel free to check me out on Instagram big Brando TV you can see how I've been doing it I even think you could see uh when you click on the reals you could kind of see how many plays each one gets sometimes it might be 100,000 sometimes it might be a th000 views but like I said consistency is key the more you post the better chance you have of one going and taking off all right hopefully this information helped you guys out catch you guys on the next one man yeah
Channel: Big Brandoh
Views: 42,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok shop, how to sell t shirts, clothing brand, t shirt business, how to start a clothing brand, how to use social media, instagram reels, tiktok, youtube shorts
Id: zX8S82cAY5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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