How to model bends in Fusion 360

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hey everyone this is catching and I want to walk you through a quick workflow video on how to create a bend in your models and have it follow a certain curve and this is actually talking to a question that one of our users classmate in our forum and he was basically asking fusions able to do that but starting with a flat model and then have it follow a curve and have it Bend along that curve today fusion isn't able to do that but we are working on some sheet metal and fabric functionality that allow you to fold and unfold mob models and bodies but what I want to show is a different workflow but that will also allow you to achieve the same result if not with more flexibility so let's dive right into it go to fusion and the first thing I'm going to do is start off with a spline sketch and I'm actually going to create the bend right away the first thing we want is the bend itself so going to the front plane I'm going to sketch out the spline so just a four or five vertices here would do so let's just do that click on the check mark and stop sketch and now we have our spline curve let's go back to the front view and I'm just going to adjust these vertices a bit so it's not as aggressive because I don't know think that we want that the temple to be that much Bend so you could have you know you could have started off in doing exactly what you want but sometimes I just like to lay it out and and then adjust my vertices from there now that I have my vertices adjusted I'm going to go to the patch workspace and I'm going to actually extrude the the edge here the sketch curve so under create I selected construed and in the direction I'm going to do symmetric and I'ma pull this out give it a nice general covered nice general area and click OK and now we have a surface patch now the next thing we're going to do is create the temple sketch profile so I'm going to go to the top view and go to a line command select the top view and now let's sketch out the temple file so I'm going to click there stop there and the switch to spline so I get some nice nice curves here and just again roughly sketch out what I think the temporal profile will look like giving it enough enough vertices and say ok and let's go back to the line command and connect the profile so that it's closed alright now the next thing I can do is notice how this spline doesn't exactly line up with the edge so I'm going to make sure they're tangent going into the sketch palette I'm going to click on tangent as the constraint make sure that the spline curve and the line is tangent and now they should be tangent on a stop sketch I'm gonna hide the patch body and I'm now tweaked I'm going to go and tweak this this this profile a bit more just so that it's it's a bit more realistic to what I want it to be so pull this down pull this in maybe make that little thinner alright that looks about right ok so I'm going to turn the patch back on and now I'm going to rotate and select that entire sketch profile right click and choose the model extrude and now I'm going to extrude this profile all the way through the patch and instead of the operation being new body I'm going to actually select intersect what this will do after I click OK is replace that existing patch with this new patch with the sketch profile and now you get this nice bent to glass temple now we want to add some thickness so you can go to the create drop-down and and and select thicken right there that's the command select the the patch and then drag it downward five millimeters fine and say ok now we have our temple model let's go back to model add some fill it's so under modify I'm select rule fill it like on the top surface give this a fill it of two millimeters say okay do the same thing on the on the bottom so right click repeat give this two millimeters say okay and now we have our temple now the cool thing about this is that if I go to sketch and I turn on my two sketches I can adjust these sketches in the model update in real time so going back to the front view this is my this is now my Bend curve right if I adjust the vertex there adjust it here notice now my model updates right away and this is really nice if you want to make changes to your Bend so I'm just now tweaking these vertices and they they update in real time same thing goes to this the the the temple profile itself say I didn't I really like the shape of this and I wanted to change it a little more drastically I can do that here as well so changing these vertices will change the model because this model is derived from these sketches and it's tied to these sketches so hopefully this was useful for you guys this is a little more this different more different than what you would think of how to create a bend you don't start with us with a flat model you actually create that Bend first so if you guys liked this video give it a thumbs up if you have questions just post in the comments section or post in our forum and we will be glad to help and help you guys help you guys figure it out alright thanks
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 153,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk, design, engineering, mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, CAD, CAD software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, Rendering, 3D software, Autodesk fusion 360, cloud based CAD, CAD in the cloud, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, free CAD program, 3D CAD solution
Id: hicToIPxYJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2015
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