T-Spline Surface Modelling Tutorial - The Fusion 360 Logo Using Autodesk Inventor

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ladies and gentlemen welcome ITF icon tips we're on today's show I'm gonna be plagiarizing someone else's work I'm not really I'll be given full credit and that guy is Tanner Reed from the Autodesk fusion 360 team he's done this this really quite clever tutorial on fusion 360 modeling up the fusion logo now Donna he's done a really good job he's one of these sort of millennial yuppie hipster kind of guys who uses words like leverage and workflow and productivity in geometry far too often but I'll tell you what he's done a really good job in this tutorial I can finally fusion 360 YouTube channel so he's modeled at the new fusion logo which is one of these abstract art type affairs and all of the products have actually had a new revised logo so using T spline services what he's done is he's patched up the the regions you can see here just let the video render and then using all the servicing creases them all together and then converse that it was solid so it raises a couple of the regions up and then converstaion was solid and then creates a final render towards the end looking a little something like that so it's not a really good job it's a very good tutorial so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna stop watching all the fusion 360 guys waving their penises and dicks in the air givin it all look how great Fusion is isn't it like so futuristic and amazing and I'm gonna be like well just put your penises back in your pants just calm down because inventor can do all this as well so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna show you this exact tutorial almost step the step in in vendor so if you use an inventor and you've seen all this noise coming out with a fusion team and you're like I'm missing out man that looks really good well you can do it as well you can do almost everything you look at all the tutorials that are coming out fan blades and trainers and flipping screwdrivers and all this kind of stuff and bitty wood cabinets not bookshelves hey that's what invent is for don't don't give in to the hype I don't believe the high fusions a great product but inventor is king of the castle this shit's Justin Bieber where Frank Sinatra so let's get cracking now what I'm gonna do I'm not gonna after honestly I'm not even joking here this is probably the 30th I'm no exaggeration the 30th time I've tried to do this tutorial and I've start again you can probably tell by my voice and I'm making a completely different approach to it this time I'm not gonna make this like a training tutorial where I'm explaining what it is that I'm doing as I'm going because it took 45 minutes on one attempt and that's just far too long and it's very difficult to explain what I'm doing so instead what I'm gonna do I'm gonna just do it from scratch you can watch me doing it and you can follow me but I'm not gonna sort of stop and explain what I'm doing because it just it's so fiddly this one because I'm copying someone else's work and full credit on it for that like I said it all credit to what I'm doing here is gonna go at Anna I don't really want to explain it like it's my work so that's the reason why it's gonna be a little different to all the other tutorials that I've done in the past so what I've started by doing is going to Google image isn't getting this just did a Google image search for fusion 360 logo and I've grabbed I think this is actually tannaz thumbnail from ease of YouTube video and I've cropped it off and saved it as an image so I'm gonna bring that into inventor as a sort of a background converse with artists do and also when you bring in images and never link your images that you're in for a bad time if you do that I Sarah wouldn't explain things as I go along I might do I might do it's my it's my gig didn't explain if I want but I'm probably not going I'm gonna stop there right so yeah never link your images always always embed them and we're going to drop that in and place on you so yeah that's what all these graphical artists do the bring in sort canvases and use images as blueprints in the background and that's I guess that's fair enough we're but infinitely does luck on that side of things inventors got some shortcomings when it comes to working with images so one of the things that Fusion does that inventor come on pick it up there you go one of the things that fusion does which it does it better than in vendor is working with images fusion can make your background images here like this one here it can make it transparent so you can see through it and it doesn't get in the way with invent you just can't do that it's just really annoying but it is what it is some work for the inventor team to do there but you know what can you do you just got to work with what with what we've got to work with so because we can't see through the image and it's gonna get in the way if we put our services on that image I'm going to offset this plane by 10 mil and because it's the plain that I'm gonna use throughout the rest of the tutorial I'm gonna rename it in line with this millennial type of speak do you even t-spline bra and that's what we're going to use for the rest of the tutorial so let's get cracking so I'm going to be using the free form tools throughout this the free form tools you'd normally with free form in an event even more enormous talks start off with like a primitive a box or a sphere or a cylinder because it's it's a product design isn't it you want to start off with a solid most people that use inventor are used to solid modeling so you tend want to start off with a solid but we're not going to be using any solid primitives in this example we're always going to be using the face command and whenever we've got the face command you're always going to be clicking this word plane as well because you want to restrict all the points on your faces to this plane you want to make sure that everything is in terms of 2d restricted to that face so it doesn't it's not above or it's not below and that's where I'm coming from there so we're gonna go for a multi-sided face and we're gonna start with this region here so there's gonna be I'm just gonna have to essentially fill in time as I'm going if it even lets me click no it's not like that work me I didn't take the weapon that's why right so I start that again gonna complete and I tell you what like if I make mistakes in this I am NOT starting this again you have you can't even begin to understand how sick I am already of the site of this video I've been going on it for about three days and I'm like I'm over it I'm just gonna do it if I make a mistake I'm just gonna cancel it and just keep on going so I'm gonna make sure I did click that work plane and we're gonna go for a multi-sided face and then we're gonna start with this region here so this is the point where you're gonna lose sight of my cursor which is really annoying I don't know if that's in vendor or my screen capture software I think it might be in vendor because it seems to be fine in all other examples but yeah and one of the videos probably attempt 26 I was I was stuck talking for about five minutes pointing at things with the mouse cursor and he's rendered it back actually rendered the final cut of the video and I just couldn't see the mouse cursor as me going oh I was born or and over here and over here and down there and it's couldn't see what I was doing I was pointing at nothing flip sake anyway right we're gonna subdivide this into maybe maybe half ways like that and that gives us a center point to work with here so this is what I'm saying about I'm not gonna explain what it is that I'm doing and the methodology behind everything cuz it just took so long so you can follow me as I go and I mean this is essentially what I did with Lana's video I just followed him as he went and you can you can kind of understand what's happening as you're following you don't necessarily need somebody to tell you sort of like an idiots guide to what is going on I'm sure most people that are watching this I've got a brain in the heads you know you can figure out what is actually happening pretty well without it being explained to you word for word so that's the first section of faces done you can see what if someone's pulled them off the edge so I actually did snap these points to that semicircle but it's pulled them off as its rounded off the faces which is fine which is fine one can use edit form we can do a point vertices selection we can just grab those up and then just sort of pull them around this is what they do in the few this is what they do on the fusion videos and it makes them look all or modern and Millennials like look at me I'm just conceptually dragging things and just capturing the design intent and my work force I'm leveraging the the technology to capture my design intent Ahriman come on give it a rest right and then we're gonna work on this section of services up at the top so these are all flat as well so we're gonna go for another face restrict it to that word plain multi-sided faces and then we're gonna start on this region here so working with t-spline services it's not exact at all that's it's all in the name isn't it's offer it's free for me freestyling so you can't snup to the images you can't constrain any of these points to the images so in a good you know in a way that's actually good because it kind of takes some pressure off so you're not because you know you can't be precise at this point you kind of not as worried about making mistakes and it not being perfect because you can't be perfect there is no way to make any of these faces absolutely smack bang on the image so you can just it's just like I said it takes the pressure off and you just feel more at ease when you're doing it and also at any point you can just cancel what you're doing and then go to edit form and then pull the points around and correct it move them around and tidy them up so it's I love free fun I mean free form was an absolute revelation personally I don't think this bloody modules been given enough credit if I'm honest I don't think there's been enough singing and dancing about this the fusion lot have been singing and dancing about images look at the Billie tutorials you've got going on on YouTube but invent it's just sort of quietly adopted it and it's been like yeah you can do freeform now yet it's being tweaked a little bit in this version and it's like mmm I think you should be singing and dancing a little bit louder and a little bit more funkier than we have been but um I can't guarantee as well I was just thinking there about versions of inventing I can't guarantee that everything I'm doing here will work on earlier versions of inventor I'm using 2017 which is the current one as of to date but if you're working on an earlier version maybe 2015 I can't guarantee that everything is going to work in the exact same way the only thing I can really do I mean I've got time to look at everything on every version of inventor obviously I mean nobody's got time for that but you just have to just give it a shot and see if you got stuck anyway and if you do get stuck anywhere on an earlier version of inventor then it's a good opportunity to then try and figure out and work on some workarounds so right now we're not gonna do this gradient face here so if you look at the ADF so we've got this flat face this flat face they're on the same elevation as each other and then this face those gradients down to a point or to the edge running down there so to do that we're gonna have to work up here and I'm gonna start by creating C this is again where you learn from experience I know because I've done this 30 times previously but if I try and create a polygon up here first invent is gonna refuse and it's gonna block me watch this so I'm going to try and create this polygon here and in fact this a is no-can-do doesn't let me do it it must be something to do with how it needs to blend this surface in with the rest of them and I think I think it might be because if we look at the the way I'm bollocks missed the endpoint if we look at the way I'm making this surface let's go from lully sided polygon start from there coming across there this new polygon is attached to the rest of the faces by one point so it's having trouble blending those two together which is fair enough which is fair enough so what I'm going to do instead is I'm going to start down here so I'm going to create a polygon around here which is attached to an edge so this polygon here is adjoining this section to the right-hand side via an edge rather than just one point and that should be fine it should be alright with that and then we can work up from that point so let's come I say around about here I think there's a if I made a five-sided surface I think I have doesn't matter I think we're fine I think what might be fine this one's gonna be a three-sided polygon just to close that region they're all good right let's crack on so we're gonna come down and it's just I mean that's why I'm kind of I'm saying I don't really want to explain what it is that I'm doing because a lot of it's just repetitive clicking points and making a sort of repeat polygons so I'm not too worried about that so if you are following along don't worry about it don't worry about what you're doing being absolutely identical to what I'm doing it doesn't matter if you've got more faces if you've got less faces it doesn't matter if anything it's probably gonna be a good thing if you don't do it absolutely identical to me because then you'll start to see with your own eyes what differences you'll get if you've got less faces or more faces because the more faces you've got every one of these intersections here so you put a point there you can't see my cursor can you bollocks but if you look at the lines you see where you've got lines meeting and then crossing over each other it looks like a spider's web well each one of those points and edges is a point where you can actually edit the polygons and pull them around and move them around so the more faces you've got the more scope you've got to to fine-tune the surface later on so it's not necessarily a bad thing to do it a little bit differently you will learn from whatever it is that you do so this is going to be the last section we're just going to come to this point and then what you're gonna find is when I finish off this polygon it's going to round off the corner and that's not a good thing that's not what we're going for it's kept the hard point up here but down here it's sort of curved it off and I'm not happy with that so what we've got to do is create a crease line running through a crease line is you telling in vendor I want you to maintain a single well it's like a bend line if you like it's where it's a bend line running through the surfaces and I want this line here to be a Bend line so to do that what you can do is if you double-click an edge with the left mouse button invent Chane select the edges as best as it can so you can see that I've double-checked that edge and it's selected by chain all of the adjoining edges and then I'm gonna go to the modify area and we're gonna select crease edges and that creates its Bend line running all the way down through there and then it retains that corner point and that's now gonna be a crease line so happy with that I'm happy with that right the next thing I'm gonna do is define this sort of middle region here where we've got it almost like a canyon we've got like a concave region where you've got a dip running through the center of where two faces meet so if you look at this flat region you've got this face here running off and then that sort of gradients down and then here gradients down and it meets where that sort you can see the curved reflective light so to help us with that what I'm going to do is finish this and I'm gonna save the part because it can be as buggy as a bag of mosquitoes at times so I'm just gonna call this the fusion logo make sure it's saved and I'm going to create a 2d sketch on our on our kind of common work plane here that do you even t-spline we're plane and I'm going to create an interpolation spline which is gonna be starting from EC right if you look at this F we've got a hard edge here and then it could it starts to curve around here so I'm gonna start the spline it around this point and this spline is basically just a guideline it's gonna be a guideline help me to find the surfaces and freeform and then I would say is this is blending around here it's gonna stop probably about them there I think okay write that curve that spline doesn't look very natural so we need to use these handles just to just slightly alter the spline to put it where I want it to be so I'm gonna activate all the handles on the splines are just going to click these points right click and activate the handles and that's gonna give me some grip points to just to pull the spline around and put it into the position where I want it to go so grab the end points and you can just sort of Bend the spline around the if you pull the handles little kind of stretch and all of the curvature of the spline and it's not it's not an exact science out at all this is it's just purely conceptual I'm just playing around with it until I can get it looking something like how I think it should look so that's that point sorted then this point down here we need to grab this grip point and kind of maybe pull it up slightly constraints in the way so let's grab this point do and then finally this point here I would say maybe needs to come up slightly get it the way get out of the way right it's difficult to select it but oh don't right-click that's all right now I would say okay I think that'll do I mean it doesn't it's not the most natural spline that I've ever made in my life but I would say it's it's about right and maybe needs just to come down slightly that'll do that'll do so what we can't do if we go back to when we go back into the freeform area we can't create services which attach themselves to the spline it's there's no link there's no there's no relationships between free form services and 2d sketches unfortunately so this is here purely just for guide purposes and also and also I don't know if the fusion guys have this problem but because I've created this spline after I've made the freeform feature if you look at the historical browser we've got the form and then we've got a 2d sketch if I edit the form you can't see the spline because it happens afterwards so why off that was making this that sketch didn't exist so invalid just can't see it so all I've got to do is just hold the left mouse button left mouse button down on sketch two and just drag it above form one and then now when we edit form one we can see this plane so like I said I can't attach any faces to the spline and I made it purely as a guide so I can create additional services that follow the the light path if you can see what I mean so let's do some more faces on the work plane we're going to go from multi-sided faces and then we're gonna create a number of regions above and below this parting line here so again we can't create curved splines sorry curved faces so everything's just done with hard edges which is fine it's absolutely fine really it doesn't actually matter but what does matter is where I'm gonna finish this I would say I'm sorry I'm just thinking out loud as I go will that do I think that should do and let's come down here this is quite difficult region to actually get down because you've got this all curved line running up here and it's difficult to get the the straight edges to follow that line but I think that should be fine for what we're doing so it's good practice though it really is good practice if you can if you can get your head around what's actually being done in this example you're on your way to being able to model almost anything you want in free form you really are cuz it's it's such a good tutorial a ton has done I mean if I wasn't like being very careful taking things I'd give the guy a round of applause cuts off the time if I creating a wonderful tutorial so let's come down to about here and Oh goosed that one up I have I goose that one up no let's go to there and let's finish that one off I'm not happy with that one BOTS but it shouldn't matter I shouldn't matter let's just let's just make this a three-sided surface you know I'll do and let's finish this region off coming across here and then the three sided surface along there there we go right so I'll hum it I need to finish it up up here right one two three four and then there and then one final triangle sort of coming up here I can edit all of these later on it for one two as well right so when I click done what its gonna do it's it's gonna blend all these together and round them off and it's gonna again we're gonna lose our hard corner here on the on the the middle of the F it's not a problem we can just double click that line hold down control motely select these lines here and we're going to do what we did on the other side of the F and we're going to crease those we're going to create another Bend line running around here and that's going to give us a hard corners back and there we go okay because it's pulled some of these surfaces off the off the blend line or the spline that the guideline I suppose is where I should call it I can use edit for to pull these points back into where I intended them to be but because it's difficult to see the image what I like to do is look at the rear of the image just select the back of the cube and then when you hover your cursor over over the services you can see the the white edges and how they relate to where there should be so for example this point here should be on the edge there so you can use that form to pick up these points and then you can pull them back to where they should be and yeah I'm not I'm not actually too worried about it right now for the purposes of the tutorial I'm not too worried about it being a little bit inaccurate as long as it's there and there abouts that'll do for me and I can't see must fly again because the image isn't transparent I can't actually see my spline through here so I'd have to do that from this side but I do want I do want it to follow the path of the spline because that was kind of the whole point in doing this blind so I don't want to dismiss its purpose too much so let's pull these back under the spline line yes I'm happy with all of that I'm happy with that okay right what I should do as well as just pull this point down just ever so slightly maybe to around here okay right so that's that section done I'm done with the spline so the spline I can right click on it in the browser and turn its visibility off and then proceed with finishing off this this section of face is running through here so let's just rinse and repeat so we're going to do a face on that work plane and we're going to create another series of T splines around here so if you wonder what T splines are funnyman that's a ended badly let's just make sure and get this surface right yeah that's done so yeah if you wouldn't know what T splines are if you're not too sure what the terminology is for T splines t-spline isn't really anything that you would have saw got taught at school and you forgot t spline is is actually proprietary technology which was designed by a guy called Tom Saylor Berg from I think it's Brigham Young University I don't know where that is actually but it was designed by him and a team of I think seven people in a university back in 2002 and it has bought their company or that's just thought hey this stuff looks absolutely fantastic Tom and his team called it t-spline and I think it was in the back end of 2011 or a desk came along and said look we we want you company with Tom and his team thought they were just wanting to license it but no orders were like no we want to buy it we want we want your company and so back in 2009 it was December 2011 or that's bought the t-spline technology and the first early iteration of t-spline servicing was in a product called fusion I think was inventive fusion I think was its first name it was a plug-in for inventor but cold fusion that's how fusion 360 started and who was absolutely horrendous there was a button on the ribbon bar at the top where it was like launch fusion and you were just looking at and go what is the point of this right you would launch it it would start a separate program altogether and you'd it be like in a completely separate environment doing all this t-spline stuff and you'd be thinking yourself right this looks ok it looks good I mean this is stuff that invent it just can't do it looks nice I like it a lot but what's the point what's the point because there was not you couldn't do anything with it once it made all he saw a freestyle organic-looking surfaces he brought them back into inventor and you just couldn't do anything with them so it was a very strange introduction to t-splines and then over the years I think fusion 360 adopted t-splines before invented it and that's kind of how it started yeah so that's where ik that's where the whole technology came from this guy called Tom sailor Berg over in a university and I'm assuming he's now can more considerably richer than pretty much everybody who's watching this and combined after his company was bought out bollocks I've just missed that point damn it so I have to start that one again but yeah I'm assuming I've got no really hard information on this but I'm assuming that Autodesk have developed a technology recently since they've bought it and adapted it to the products that have put it in so am oh dear right we've got a problem the bottom here so I'm having trouble trying to get this final surface put down I if now forgot which I forgot which one's worked and which ones didn't but sometimes invent it does have problems putting down the surfaces and you just have to try and approach it from different angles so I know it's right okay that one's fine so yeah if you do have problems creating a face all you've got to do is just make it in a different way or start and get an adjoining surface and see if that helps and normally it does in in this case it doesn't I've no idea why it doesn't like this one if if it doesn't let you create a face and you've literally got no other options like I actually don't really have any other options here I don't know what I'm gonna do okay okay oh my god I have no idea what's happened there it just didn't let me do it but then I click three points and different orders in there let me do it okay whatever I mean right so there we go so what we need to do now is create another couple of crease lines so this line running down here should be a crease line I want that to be a bend line so I can double-click and it hasn't picked them all up so we're gonna hold down control and we're gonna select this chain of edges running through here and then that's gonna be creased into a single edge crease edges there you go that's looking pretty groovy and then one final one is going to be the middle of the canyon we want that to be a creased edge I'm not too sure this one's gonna work we'll give it a shot and see what happens nope doesn't like that one I'm fine with that it doesn't matter this one doesn't need to be creased so I'm not too worried about that it would have been nice if it was but mmm doesn't matter doesn't matter I think as I raise these surfaces a bit should it should fold still in that region if it doesn't if it don't I might have to I might have to play around with that wonder if it's because this point sort of curves around let's just see what happens if we bring this point hard don't crush don't crush thank you let's just see what happens if we bring this point up slightly hmm don't think it's gonna like that I think the crease might be failing because this edge sort of comes around and it starts it starts to dip down before it hits this face here this edge here I don't know but we'll see what happens let's crease again you do get pretty poor feedback with with t splines when it says something's failed it's just you know it's not that it's not the best perhaps though okay okay maybe that is where it's failing down there okay why though why why for you don't like it I mean if you look at these edges as well like the the edge of the of their faces they you've got these sort of squiggly adjoining lines here that makes no sense I think that's just a graphical bug with in vendor the faces themselves are actually perfect they all meet at a single point they don't behave like this so that's not really in any indication of it being our fault but I don't know what I can do with this point here tip to kind of make it any better I'm gonna try and just tweak it slightly just pull it around a little bit maybe maybe raise it up mm-hm I don't know this is gonna be the last attempt at creasing it if this one fails I'm just going to leave it nope there's my good okay we'll just leave that one but that's the that's the main bulk of the services complete so I'm finish the freeform and then just turn off some of the stuff now that I don't need to see and I'm gonna save it as well so I turn off that we can turn off the image and yeah that's pretty much the finished F so we'll go back in a form let's let's change select these edges or what basically what I want to do is raise this series of faces there and this series of faces in here so there's a couple of techniques you can use here that ton of shows in his fusion 360 tutorial which work and in vendor if you go to edit form click an edge or click a face hold down shift and then double click the face next to it it changed selects all those edges which is really nice it's really really nice - love that and then we're gonna pick up all these and we're gonna look we're gonna look side on and we're gonna pull up by let's say 20 mil I'd want to put it up too much because it will start to look a bit bit out of proportion there you go so yeah that crease in that line there didn't really matter it's still left a kind of a blend line and there you can see that's dipped there's a canyon in there which is how I was intending it to be so we've got a gradient run down from this face with a gradient running down from that face and then we've got this off hard section of faces falling off from that flat region the flat raised region there so there's a couple of things you can do from this point you can if you want to convert this into a solid at the moment it's still a thin t-spline set of services there's a couple of things you can do you can't thicken them so you can say thicken that bunch of faces and then give it a thickness which I guess that just depends on what you do would mean that there is no right or wrong answer at this point it doesn't exist so it's all conceptual but if I was to say five mil it'll just offset each one of the faces by five mil and convert into a solid which I'll look a little something like this when it finishes thinking about it and I suppose is that five more such is not gonna work but it thickens the face is kind of normal to each face so each thicken is perpendicular to the respective faces so another opportunity to do is thicken it down an axis so you can just say thicken it down that way and you'll get a different result completely you can see now it sort of falls off down the z axis rather than perpendicular to each face so that's one option but that's not going to give you a filled solid which is what we're often so we're going to finish the freeform and what we're gonna do is we're going to use some sort of non freeform techniques now we're going to do a 2d sketch on our bottom face not the XY plane it's going to be on the face that all the services were generated from so that's essentially the floor so a new 2d sketch on that surface and we're going to project geometry we want to project all the edges of the F down onto this work plane now us this is where fusion can do something that inventor can't do fusion you can use project geometry and you can project the entire body down onto the sketch that was nice I loved when I saw that I was like yeah it's good with inventor you can't do that what you've got to do is just go around each liddy edge and you've got to click them all separately which is annoying as hell but um it's do you that's the thing with fusion cuz fusion is newer it's got a newer engine the the fusion guys they can design fusion based around some of the things that an event is actually luck in they're in fusion and invented there at the same market they're aiming for the same market different price points completely but it's the same market so a fusion can actually capitalize on a lot of the things that inventor can't do and it's it's actually doing that in some regions so there we go we've projected the F around and we've got the F in a 2d sketching what we're going to do now is extruder that new profile up but we're not going to do it as a solid because that would just completely swallow everything we've done in the free form we're going to use a surface and we're going to extrude make sure it just goes higher than the F higher than the top face on the F and okay or not and then finally the final thing to do is a sculpt so what scoped it up I've actually already done that utorid on scope scope works like pouring water into the surfaces it looks for watertight regions and wherever the water will fill up that's where it will create a resulting solid so if I scope this this and then the bottom freight the bottom plane you can see the water region that would fill up is this region here which is exactly what I was going for and there's your fusion F and all of its magnificence be blown away by the turbulence of my magnificence while ton is actually or credit Anna if might be thinking well it looks it looks absolutely gosh well yeah it is but that's where you just apply some visual style so you make it look realistic you can change the colour of it so you can apply a texture from the appearance library let's say I don't know nylon 6 you can edit that texture call it a nylon 6 edit that and then you can put in the fusion RGB values which ton has got in this video I can't remember off the top of my head what they are so I'm gonna guess at two four eight one three six 346 I don't know is that that's about Orange I'll do and then working ok I'm not and if you want to if you want mean if you want to just sort play around with other regions that were not necessarily looking at on this tutorial like highlights you can change that joint look metallic or nonmetallic do you want to put a bump map on it make it sort of dimpled you can play around with all that if you want to and my voice is going right so let's let's wrap this up so there we go we're almost done final things to do put the shadows on so you've got some ground shadows and some object shadows put the reflections on and change it to perspective mode for the or basically just building up to a raytrace render here so we're going to change it a grid light we're going to then edit grid light and then enable the scene image save that and then we're almost ready to hit the final go button which is ray tracing and that's us darn high quality this is where my screen capture software might sort of shitpants a little bit because the ray tracing uses 100% of all CPU caused in my screen captured my screen capture software needs a lot of that juice but I'm there you go that's the fusion F modeled in Inventor exactly how its modeled in fusion 360 full credit again goes to Tana Reed our lovely a millennial hipster from Autodesk 360 thank you very much Tana Ivan don't you ever will watch this if you did watch it let us know what you think and let us know what your thoughts are between inventor and fusion it's quite interesting to see what you guys think of inventor and why are you doing what you're doing what are you trying are you trying to steal our customers are you are you trying to move people from inventor over diffusion is that what you're trying to do all up now own up but yeah yeah there you go so it's a pretty good looking image I would have probably actually in hindsight chosen a different material because you can't really see any glossy reflections around here because it is a we've got like a metallic finish on it so never mind it doesn't matter you get the idea and that is the fusion logo modeled in inventive okey dokey that'll do right I'm gonna wrap it up now thanks very much if you like the video do slap a like on it remember I've got patreon campaign going links in the video description if you want to help support the channel if these videos genuinely do help you out feel free to to contribute on the patreon any donations are hugely welcome because these videos do take up a lot of time and I'd love to have more time to do them and do more of them in better ones in the future so patreon link in the description down below follow me on Twitter I've now got a Twitter account and which it's all I've got about 50 followers in the first week and then nothing since but yeah go and follow us on Twitter if if you're on Twitter and I'll see you guys in the next video I'm now gonna go and get a drink of water and cough my guts up sound like
Channel: Tech3D
Views: 13,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, 3D, Inventor, tips, training, guide, modelling, part, assembly, Solidworks, AutoCAD, 2016, 2017, T-Spline, Fusion 360, Surfacing tutorial
Id: rgzDBX5RtRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2016
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