How To Sculpt A Stylized Character Head In Blender Full Process | Blender Sculpting Tutorial

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hi guys how's it going in this tutorial you're going to learn how to sculpt this stylized character and i'm going to explain the full process for you so don't worry about that you just need to practice step by step with me but before starting if you like my tutorials please don't forget to subscribe my channel and hit the like button so let's start okay guys let's start sculpting the head first shift day and add a sphere then go to the sculpt mode then from remesh option uh try to change voxel size to 0.05 and if you want you can check smooth normals and then click remesh or you can click ctrl r to remesh then choose smooth brush and try to smooth the whole sphere and before that try to turn on x mirror from the top then after that you can choose elastic brush or move brush to move the sphere and reshape it okay i'm gonna use elastic brush to do this and by using elastic brush i try to reshape it like this then i go to side view and try to move the front of the sphere like this you should have a smooth shape on the front of the sphere like this i mean for the front of the head and also for the back of the head you should move it like this i think it's good you can go to the top view and move it like this and remember this point that back of the head should be a little bit wider than the front of the head okay i think that's enough for now and remember that guys um it's up to you and your style of character and you can form your favorite head and also it's up to your style as well it can be realistic or even stylized and as you know in this course i'm just gonna create a stylus character also you can use smooth brush whenever you need and go to front view and reshape it again just like this okay let's move to the eyes for the eyes i choose draw brush and first by using this brush i'm just going to create a line here for the eyes and then try to sculpt the eyes like this you can do it from front view or side view as well and then sculpt under the eyes a little bit and then smooth it just for the first time you should do it step by step with me and then you can do it by yourself and this is very important you should go to the side view and choose elastic brush and try to put the orbit of the eyes to the back just like this and then try to pull the mouth to the front and push the nose area just like this you know guys if you look at stylized characters like this and look at them from side view you can see this shape remember it's not realistic it's a stylized character and the forehead is a little bit bigger because of this stylized style okay uh that's enough for now choose draw brush again and try to draw a nose for this stylized character just like this then go to side view and try to reshape the nose just like this with a grab brush or elastic brush you can choose whatever you want and then use smooth brush and smooth it uh you know a smooth brush and elastic brush or grab brush they're just like lifesaver brushes and you can use them whenever you want and correct your mistakes okay after that go to object view and shift a and add a sphere for the eyes put it in the right place click s to scale and move it then go to edit mode choose these faces here and from side view click s to scale it and click e to extrude them you just want to make an eyeball here then again click s to scale also you can add some lines by clicking ctrl r and then go to object mode right click and click smooth then add a mirror modifier and mirror it we did it because we just want to have a place for the eyes so that we can sculpt nose mouth and other things easier then by using crease brush i'm just gonna draw along below the nose and then draw a new line for the mouth and then draw some lines for the lips because we just want to define an area for them and then try to um use a move brush or elastic brush and then a draw brush to define lips just like this and you should do it from side view and the front view then one important tip is that for the mouth you should go to side view and by using grab brush try to push the sides of the mouth to the back side just like this then you can use clay brush or even sculpt roll and add some volume to the cheeks also you can use grab brush for adding volume just like this from this view and then smooth it i'm just gonna use grab brush to reshape the lips again and also reshape the cheeks after that go to the front view and by using elastic brush try to move the orbit of the eyes and guys it depends on your character then choose draw brush and try to add volume around the eyes and also add volume to the forehead and then try to smooth it and don't forget to check it from all angles then choose a crease brush and try to define this line here and then add volume again you can use draw sharp brush for adding volume to the eyelids then choose crease brush for defining these lines around the eyes and you can use a crease brush for the eyelids again guys you should just play with the brushes you know first you should practice and get used to them and then for every part of the sculpting you can use any brushes you like then use draw brush again and add volume to the eyebrows and the forehead and then smooth them then start checking the eyelids from all angles and then by using grab brush or elastic brush try to move them just like this and remember this is very important you should check it from all angles one more tip the shape of the eyes and the eyelids are totally up to your character you should look at your reference images and and reshape them just like that then you can again choose draw brush and add volume to the cheeks from all angles okay then i'm using elastic brush right now and i'm just gonna check the eyelids again from all angles and then i go to the front view and with elastic brush try to check the nose lips eyelids and the cheeks and the whole shape of the head just like this i'm just gonna use a crease brush again and draw this line around the nose and then i'm just gonna separate the nose from the cheeks you can also use grab brush and check the nose from the bottom view and reshape it you know the shape of the nose should be like a triangle shape and then i choose draw sharp brush and try to carve these holes inside the nose just like this and then draw this line again just to make it clear and one important tip is that you should go to the side view and push the sides of the nose to the back side just like this with grab brush or elastic brush and then you can make the nose bigger or smaller it's totally up to your style of character okay let's move to the mouth choose draw sharp brush and try to make a hole here and then draw this line between the leaves and then by using this draw sharp try to define the lips i mean try to draw these lines here and then with smooth brush smooth them then with draw brush add some volume to the sides of the lips here and then carve this area and then carve the area below the lips just to define the chain okay it's time to go to the remesh option and change the voxel size to 0.01 and then ctrl r to remesh okay first start smoothing the whole shape of the head by using shift then you can choose elastic brush and reform the eyes in front of you or the side view and then i'm just gonna use a smooth brush for smoothing this area because i want to remove some volume here and then you can use grab brush and form the forehead again then in this part i'm just gonna use the crease brush to define the eyelids and the lines of the eyelids again and make it cleaner than before you can play with this crease brush and make your whole shape cleaner and better than before especially for stylized character you can use it a lot because this stylized characters are not similar to realistic ones you know they're just like boxy shape you should make them boxy and you can use crease brush for this goal you can see that i'm just gonna use crease brush again for defining this line here because i want to define the eyelids more than before and as i said before the form of the eyelids are totally up to your stylist character you should look at your reference images and try to define them also you can use crease brush and draw a line below the eyes just like this then we can move to the pinch brush and use it for cleaning the lines as you see i'm using pinch brush for cleaning all the lines for example around the eyes just like this and you can see that this brush makes them so clear then again you can use crease brush to draw this line here over the nose and the eyebrows just to separate them and make them clear and after that smooth them then again use crease brush to draw these lines over the nose and then use draw brush for this line around the nose and then smooth them you can again use draw sharp brush to carve these holes inside the nose and smooth them also you can draw this line here withdraw sharp and smooth them then go to the side view and with grab brush try to move the shape of the nose and reshape it and smooth it again i should say that the form of the nose should be just like your reference images and and it's totally up to you okay now i'm just gonna try to clean the nose and play with the brushes and the lines to make it better then use crease brush and draw this line here to separate the lips and the cheeks then again i use elastic brush to make the nose a little bit smaller than before after that i use draw sharp brush to make this line clear you know you should separate the upper lip and lower lip then i try to draw a line here with draw sharp brush because i just want to open her mouth then i draw a line on the upper lip just like this and with draw brush try to carve this area again and smooth then try to use draw brush and add volume to the upper lip and also add volume to this side of the lip and then smooth again and again you can use draw sharp to add this line here at the bottom of the lower lip because we want to separate the chain from the lips then draw this line and smooth try to do this a few times and then clean it and then withdraw brush add volume to the lower lip then go to the side view choose grab brush and push the lower lip and the chin to the back side then by using crease brush try to separate the lips and also use pinch brush to make the lines of the lips cleaner then you can again add some volume to the lips and make some changes with pinch brush draw brush and crease brush then with crease brush clean this line here and then use draw brush and add volume to the cheeks again and then smooth them um you can go to the front view and use grab or elastic brush and try to reform the head and it really depends on your reference image but currently i don't have any reference image i just i'm just sculpting of the top of my head without any reference images and things like that then after all of this you can go to site view front view and the top view and by using a few brushes especially like um crease brush or smooth brush try to clean the shape and guys i always use a crisp brush and pinch brush for cleaning the shape and the lines and anything like that and as you can see that i'm making this head cleaner with these brushes i recommend you use them then as you can see by using elastic brush in the front view you can you can make some changes okay after that go to the side view and by using crease brush try to make this line at the center of the head because we want to sculpt an ear and also we want to separate the jaw then smooth here you can also choose scape brush and smooth ear then use crease brush and carve this area and remove some volume from here then click m and mask the shape of the ear here and then click ctrl i to invert the mask and from this view try to use grab brush and grab the ear to the outside you can check it from all angles and move it just like this again i can tell you that it is totally up to you you can make your favorite ear for your stylized character then let's make a neck go to object mode and shift a and add a cylinder click s to scale it put it in the right place and then go to the sculpt mode and in remesh option change the wax cell size to 0.05 and click ctrl r to remesh then start smoothing the neck and then with grab brush try to move it just like this then go to the object mode and click shift a and add a sphere go to the scalp mod and in remesh option again put it on 0.05 the voxel size i mean and then click ctrl r to remesh and then start smoothing the shape i don't want to create a body for this stylus character i just want to create upper body without any arms and anything like that i'm doing this just for having a better look so i try to use grab brush and play with this shape so after that you can choose all of the objects and click ctrl j to join them and go to the scope mode and in remesh option again change the voxel size to 0.01 and click ctrl r to remesh that then start smoothing the whole shape and you can see i'm smoothing the lines more than any other parts okay it's time to move to the ears choose crease brush and draw this line over the ears just to separate the ears from the head and then smooth then again by using crease rush draw this line at the back of the ears and after making the whole shape of the ear try to use draw sharp and draw these marks inside the ears and after drawing these lines with sculpt draw brush try to carve this area inside the ear and smooth it also you can use crease brush and use it for the lines and make it cleaner then after that use draw brush and try to draw a y shape inside the ears just like this and smooth them and then use grab brush and look at the ears from all angles and try to move them and as you can see the character is stylized and you can draw any ear that you like for it also you can use inflate brush and add volume to it then again use crease brush for the lines and by using crease brush again you can draw some line here and make it more stylized and as i said before for cleaning these lines here you can use pinch brush and all in all you can play with these shapes until you're satisfied with them and you can use skate brush for the back of the ear and also the crease brush for the jaw and again you can use scrape brush for smoothing i also use pinch brush for the lines of the nose eyes leaves and any other parts that i want to make them cleaner also using pinch brush for the eyelids is so useful okay let's go to the body i just want to make some landmarks here um to make it more stylized so i use draw brush and add some volume here to define these bones here and then add some volume to the neck just like this to define these muscles here and then smooth that also you can use draw brush and carve this area and smooth and at the back of the body you can use again draw brush and add volume here and also you can add volume here in this part and try to use crease brush and make the lines clearer and then smooth the whole shape then for the eyebrow shift a and add a plane click s to scale it put it in the right place turn on the snap mode from the top and click on face and make sure to turn on project individual and then go to the edit mode and try to choose these two points and every time you can use e to extrude them after that add a mirror modifier and then solidify modifier and increase the thickness of the eyebrows and then add a subdivision surface modifier then you can go to the edit mode and grab these points from the eyebrows and move them to make any shape you want okay after you're done with it uh go to the sculpt mode and go to the side view and check the shape of the head so after creating the eyebrows you can go to the object view and shift a and add a sphere for the hair yes we are making the hair shape and this is just the base of the hair that we are creating it so put it in this place click s to scale and go to the sculpt mode and in image option uh change the box and size to 0.05 and then click ctrl r to remesh and try to smooth the whole shape and choose grab brush and start changing this base here and it really depends on the shape that you want to create for the hair so you can look at your reference image and just trying to make a base hair i'm just going to use a grab brush and create the base mesh like this you can just use grab brush and move it i'm just gonna teach you a very easy and fast method for creating hair any hairstyle you like you can use this method for that so just focus and try to practice it step by step with me so after creating the base mesh for the hair uh you can go to the object mode and click shift a and add a circle and if you go to edit mode you can see that with these points here you can make change to this circle and make any shape that you want again shift a and add a path and as you can see the right side you can find object properties and from geometry in bevel option you can choose the circle as the object and then you can go to the edit mode and just play with these points on the circle and make any shape that you want for the hair for example as you can see i'm making it like this and then choose the path and then go to edit mode or first you can in object mode try to move the hair to the right place and after that you can go to the edit mode and play with these points and make the any shape of the hair that you like just remember this tip that if you choose one point you can click on alt s to make them smaller or bigger and if you want to rotate the point you can click on ctrl t to rotate it so here you can go to the scalp mode and we draw a brush draw this hair here but don't worry about it it's just like a base hair and after that we can sculpt it like a hair also you can add volume to it with draw brush and then you can again remesh it and smooth and by using elastic brush you can move the hair i mean the base hair and reshape it and as you can see you can choose this hair and go to edit mode and play with these points you know you can see them as handles and by using alt s and also ctrl t you can make any type of the hair that you want just like me then click shift d to duplicate it a few times and then choose one by one and go to edit mode and try to move these handles for making the new hair and actually guys for creating hair especially stylized hair um it may takes a long time to create this hair one by one and then um choose them one by one and go to edit mode and play with these handles and move it move them to the right place and just like you know doing this process it takes a long time but i think it definitely worth it and also i think it's interesting and entertaining because due to the fact that you can make any hairstyle and that you want by this method by this i mean by this easy method it's really fun and interesting uh also i should mention that i forgot to add a mirror modifier at first so in the middle of the process i should add a mirror modifier for every single part of the hair and mirror them but you can do it at first i mean make a single hair and add a mirror modifier to it and then again um try to try to shifty and duplicate and edit them after that uh choose one of this hair here and shift d to duplicate it and move it to the area here and go to edit mode and try to move these points here and one tip is that if you want to add more points to this hair you should choose two point and then right click and select subdivide so that you can have a new point between them so i'm just doing this and subdivide it to have more points and so that i can have more control on this single hair because i want to make it curly and as you can see i'm just using more points by subdividing them and then and then i'm moving the points one by one and then use ctrl t time after time to have a curly hair just like this and as you can see it's so easy to make it curly hair i just want to make this curly hair here because i had too many requests for making a tutorial on curly hair so so guys i thought that it could be a good idea to make curly hair in this tutorial for those of you who likes to learn it also if you want to make some parts of this hair bigger you can use alt s to make it bigger or smaller and also you can move the points as you can see to have a more natural hair and after that i shift d to duplicate another single hair and move it to this area but this time i keep it short and just move these points to the sides to have a simple hair here and for the back of the hair again choose again try to shift d and duplicate this hair and try to move the points one by one edit them and again shifty to duplicate them and do this process until you finish the hair completely um as i said before guys although it takes a long time to create this hair it's definitely worth it and the fact that you can create any stylized hair is a very good thing okay after you finish the hair you can again use grab brush and move the points and clean it then um i'm just gonna add some hair to the front so shifty and duplicate one of them and put it in the front side of the head and go to edit view and move the points and try to edit it just like this you can have a beautiful hair then again uh shift d to duplicate it go to edit mode and move the points and make some changes to it then again shifty and duplicate it and make a new one another important tip is that you can choose this object here shift d and duplicate it and make it smaller and make any new shape that you want and again shifty and duplicate for example for a few times you can see that i duplicated it for three times and then after that choose this hair and in object properties instead of the previous object choose this new object but before that you should click ctrl j and join these three objects together and then choose this object for the new hair and then after that you can make some changes and move these uh little objects here and you can see the updates on the hair as you see instead of one single hair we have three single hair here also you can do the same process for this hair here the front part first choose all of the hair here and go to object option and click convert to mesh and after that choose all the hair and click on ctrl j to join them because we're going to sculpt all of them in the sculpt mode then go to scalp mode and for example for this area you can choose inflate and add volume to it and then choose crease brush to make it cleaner and make the edges cleaner and by using crease brush try to draw some lines on the hair just like this to make it more stylized or interesting you should use crease brush and make the new lines one by one also you can use this brush to make the edges cleaner or even for adding volume you can use this just like this it takes time but it makes it more interesting and more stylized so as i said before you should do this one by one on all of the hair then you can use inflate brush and add volume to the whole hay and then choose grab brush and try to move every single hair to the right place then go to this object here and try to use clay strips brush and add some volume like hair on this shape and then by using crease brush i try to draw these new lines here and make hair uh in this part it's better to turn off mirror and start using crease brush to make these new lines here for creating new hair also you can use crease brush for cleaning these edges on this hair and as you can see we are creating this hair here and we are cleaning it also you can use crease brush on this curly hair and make it more stylized and interesting so in this part i'm just gonna use um a crease brush to make the parts of the face cleaner for example i draw a line here with crease brush and then try to use pinch brush for cleaning it and then add some volume here and then use pinch brush again to make the edges cleaner then you can use grab brush and move the hair to the right place just like this after that if you want to create eyelash you should go to object mode and shift a to add a plane scale it and move it to this place and don't forget to turn on the snap turn on the snap and then choose these two points and click e to extrude them and extrude one by one and after extruding you can move the points and make an eyelash just like this then add a mirror modifier and solidify modifier and increase the thickness of the eyelash and then add a subdivision surface modifier to smooth it move the points just like this and then for the eyelashes you should choose the upper points of the eyelashes and move them to the front just like this and then with grab brush try to move them okay guys our stylized character is ready and thanks for practicing with me step by step and thanks for watching my tutorials and also thanks for comments and likes if you like my tutorials don't forget to subscribe my channel and hit the like button also guys if you want to watch my other short tutorials you can visit my instagram account actually i've put the link in the description below so you can go there and see my other tutorials thanks for watching have a nice day bye bye
Channel: Aram Torkan
Views: 11,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender character modeling tutorial, blender character design, 3d modeling tutorial, 3d stylized character, character modeling, blender beginner tutorial, blender modeling tutorial, blender sculpting tutorial, blender beginner sculpting, sculpting tutorial, beginner sculpting tutorial, how to sculpt, Blender Beginner To Pro Head Sculpting Tutorial, head sculpting, face sculpting tutorial, blender beginner to pro tutorial, sculpting stylized character full process
Id: oATGDaicOV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 59sec (2759 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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