Blender sculpting, Cartoon, Stylized, Disney style head

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hello and welcome back today we'll be sculpting a cartoon style character head so if you're ready so let's start first i will select my cube and go into modifiers and add a subdivision modifier add like five levels to it and apply now i want to hide other things so what you can do is have your now sphere selected and press shift h and everything just the sphere will not be hidden now let's go into the sculpting mode on the left side at the bottom you can see what i'm pressing so let's go into the front view with number pad one or using these arrows and let's turn on the symmetry symmetry is in here so now we can see i only have one dot and one bubble if i turn on the symmetry i have two dots and i can work on two sides okay if your toolbar looks different if you just closely scroll through here you can see that you can change how your tools are looking so i put on where i can see all of them now the grab tool selected shortcut g i start forming my head so usually cartooning heads are not that tall and quite egg shaped like so you can say i created an egg with the seven on number pad i go into the top view and i just make my head a bit taller and wider at the back you can see we were working on the back and number bed three for the side view to fix the side of the head now take your time and perfect the head shape because it's very important we can always change it but having a good base is going to make it easier or had to be sculpted okay so i like to get my neck very early in the sculpting process because it helps with the look and it's very nice landmarks to follow so i'll use m to get a mask tool and mask the bottom go to the side view press a and hold my a to get the masking menu and there's an invert mask button now i'm going to select the move and just move it down [Music] you can see you have it a bit on the side but we will still draw on it i will clear the mask again with the a shortcut for a mask editor and at this point i feel like i need to use a bit of remesh shift r for remesh resolution don't forget to turn on your statistics on viewport overlay so we can see how many vertices you have so don't look at what number i'm getting in here look at how many vertices i have on my mesh and try to follow that oh at this point i look for like 30 000 and i want to work a bit more on the neck i like to add a bit more at the bottom so i mask this part and invert the mask and now i press a and release it so i i'm not holding a and move to smooth mask quickly and if you do it quickly the menu will disappear and you will still get the operation so if i clear the mask see it disappears so press release and drag quickly just when you press release drag [Music] and if you do it like this you can quickly do a lot of smoothing operations and now i'm gonna use the scale brush i have shortcut to move my pivot point into unmasked and you can find it here on the scope set pivot and pivot to unmask as you can see i have a shortcut you can set up the shortcut right click change shortcut so what i going to do now is at any point you don't have to use these just drag [Music] and now i have a form of the torso it seems like it's not scaling correctly let's try doing it again let's again change the pivot okay so the pivot is the problem let's try scaling a bit on the red it seems it's not working so let's not use the pivot point and just scale it like this at this point we can use a move tool and move our torso in the position the grab tool adjust and now quickly with some of the mistakes errors but now you'll know how to power through those errors if something is happening okay so i'll make it smaller because we're making a good head of girls i'll create a mask and smooth more for this slightly i will remesh again with ctrl r now we're at the 50 000 but it's only because we have more mesh that's why it shows that we have more vertices okay so when i was scaling this side now our head is not looking too much like an egg so i will try to make it look like somewhat of an egg again [Music] and now we can start forming our head i'll use clay strips and i always like to highlight the jawline and even draw a bit on the face from this perspective now for cartoony style your jaws has to be quite smooth shape so when annotations let me add an annotation red one and let me just add more pixels to the brush so usually when you're drawing a jaws they're going to be having this sharp angle but when you're going for a cartoonish style for females you'll have this nice straight not straight but a small curved line to just show the smoothness and that's usually how it works okay let me hide the annotations and select back my clay strips and just look around and see what's happening okay so i think it's time for the eyes and for the eyes let's get back the annotation we can actually let's duplicate oh i guess this is a new one and what i look for sorry the blue is not visible so i look at the head stop and i had bottom and somewhere in the middle i'll draw the line and this is the place where i'm going to try position my eyes at some point i might still use the grab brush tool so let's form the eyes eye sockets and now let's draw this i see a lot of people confused why we're drawing this line but this is more as a skull and when you have this craving ends in your mesh it's much easier to draw the nose side because if you don't have it your bump will your these bubbles will be very high and they usually go in the face as well as when you're going to draw your muscles it's much easier from this position and i even carve in more of the side now what i do i have the sharp line and for stylized characters i want to get rid of it and i again with the clay strips draw on that line from a bit of the side view to make it smoother now i'll smooth everything and i like to add a lot of resolution early but i see that my eyes climb up very high so i will drag them a bit down and now i feel like i can go a bit higher with my resolution if you're not comfortable and your meshes are usually becoming very wobbly at this stage don't hurry up with adding more resolution it's just how usually i like to do it but it can be much harder to work this way okay so i'll go back to the object move mode and in the mesh settings i will add the sphere now don't move the sphere so it's in center and go into the mirror mode now enter the edit mode and use g shortcut for moving the object and press r now x to rotate it on x-axis only and write 90 to rotate it 90 degrees i'm going to scale them scale the eyeball going to the top view with 7 on numpad now three for the side view and try to position my eyes or how big the eyes should be it really depends for what style you're trying to go some of the cartoons eyes even overlap how big they are but i like to have a bit of the distance so when i'm looking at the ice i'm kind of looking that this is almost the same as here and let's go into the solid move [Music] i think our eyes are quite big well in case i won't like it at some point it's not really hard to change how big they should be let's press back on our mesh and let's go into the sculpting mode at this point i just like to look around and form our nose bridge so our nose bridge a bit on the higher point will have a small dent and a smooth fall off to the noise pointy part [Music] i'll use the grab tool to make the line closer and with the clay strips i will start adding some mesh now there's a lot of variations you can try adding your mesh but i think having the smooth lines and then bubbles we'll add a bubble in here as well we're not really trying to form it perfectly for now just i have a nice representation for for it what i do next is try to form something of the eyes so i see that this is too close to my eye so i'll use a grab tool and a bit drag it out not too much don't be too drastic with it and at the side i will drag this one a bit further in the head when it's really big eyeball this part goes very far back okay so now with the draw sharp this brush i form a corner and i think that maybe our eyes are actually too big at this point so if you have a new blender you can press d and it should switch through the object of sculpting mode but i will just press this small dot and now i'm in this sculpting mode and i will just press s to scale it and use the move tool to move it now when you have a mirror it's going to mirror the movement but if you apply the mirror modifier just use a symmetry and i will try to move them into position check from the side and check on the wireframe and see how it looks like i think it's fine let's go back off into sculpting mode of the head and with the draw sharp i'll just get rid of these parts okay quite big eyes a lot to see now i like to add ears very early and always use mask for ears because this is probably the easiest another easiest would be adding ears as a separate object but this is the second easiest way so i kind of get the ear shape in my mask press a invert mask and with the grab tool i try to get my dot at this edge so i can have quite sharp drag [Music] i'm increasing my brush size of the grab tool so the transitions are smoother and ship something like this try to perfect the shape and on cartoons the airs are quite visible we can have it like this don't be afraid it's not going to look like a monkey it's going to look fine now with an a i'm going to invert the mask again and on the side view i'm going to drag the mesh down and you can see i'm forming this sharp transition from the ear to the head i'll drag a bit closer to itself invert the mask and drag this one a bit out so our ear is not stuck to the head and i will invert mask again from this view i will try to get the air close hit position like this as you can see it's very easy to form this way and we don't have to keep re-masking the object now when you've been dragging a lot let's just create a new annotation i will show you now when we've been dragging a lot of head for the ear you can see that we have this weird shape in here probably should draw on the surface so we can rotate in the viewports and see what's happening better sorry so let's do it again quickly so as you can see i have this weird shape because i've been dragging a lot and it's not okay but we still have our ear mask so we can just use a grip brush and drag this one out again and smooth and our head is fixed and we have a quite looking looking ears already in place so what i do i usually don't like my cheeks to be bigger than the head and actually the cheeks can be a bit bigger than the head but if you want it can make them smaller like this let's keep it a bigger for now and let's see how everything unfolds so what i do next in the disney especially some of the noses are quite positioned down so let's position it closer like this now with the crease brush shift c for shortcut let's crease up the sides and the bottom of the nose can't smooth [Music] and let's try positioning our mouth i'll probably have to still be using a lot of crap tool because i feel like my nose is too up high as usually from the bottom of the jaw and the middle of the ice i think the nose should be in the middle now it feels a bit too high for this character but it's okay we're gonna check it later and see if it still looks not right so with the jaw sharp i will start drawing the shape of the lips the shape is quite important but as well we can use a lot of grab brush tool to fix the shape if we don't like it later but try to be patient and control z few times until you like the shape that looks a bit weird but that's fine and with the draw sharp i'm going to draw a chin shape smooth don't forget to use the crease brush to grease up the lips as well i will smooth the side i think at this point we can start somewhat positioning how our eyes should be so what i do i choose as clip clay strips and draw this small very small eyelid and this is only to see the position of eyelid when i'm done with the position i will go here and hide my eyeball and now i can easier and with the bigger brush keep drawing my eyelid now don't draw a corner like this add it up and let's draw quite a lot of it at this point i actually feel like i need more topology so i'll go to five hundred thousand six hundred thousand the harder is for you to control the mesh the lower i think you should go i feel quite confident so i will go for six hundred thousand and i'll just slowly add and more and more resolution if your computer buy is quite slow it can be a very heavy operation 520 i think we can try 520 and see how it works so i'll smooth the mesh and unhide my eyeball now with the draw sharp while holding a control so the brush is working other way and not carving in as it usually does let's carve out the sharp eyelid and we can do with the same low shape the bottom the eyelid now a lot of disney eyes usually have the corner a bit down and a bottom lifted as well as the distance between the eyelids here here and here should be different same in here so i see that the distance is very big in in here so i will use the grab brush tool and get this closer to the eye let's hide so it is not blocking the view now if you see it very wobbly we can remesh it again and don't forget to save your files always save it and with the crease brush tool now we can crease this and get more correct shape as well as using as very slight strokes of smoothing brush [Music] it is hard for you to getting this straight very nice straight lines you can go into the options of the brushes and in the stroke options there is a stabilized stroke option and the radius depends on how hard is for you to draw a straight line if you feel like it's very hard go to like 125 but if you're still quite comfortable 90 75 is enough you can see this line and this line will help you draw a weight straighter line i'll turn it off and on the corner i just add in inside so i i'm not using ctrl for draw sharp i just carve in and i have this sharp line now with the ctrl and shift both selected i just click and get this lasso masking tool i mask this and smooth few times now i'll use the grab this tool and get this closer to the corner as well as when i look at the side view i always look at how my eyelids are looking let's use the eraser a bit okay so what i'm looking is for a night straight line and in here you can see is a line a bit of wobbliness and the line continuous so we'll have to fix this small bump [Music] it's currently masked so let's clear the mask and try to get a nice clean shape don't get your eyelid too close to the eye there should be some separation between them and we have quite nice eyes let's move a bit of the head because we were adding more topology to it so now we have more mesh and i will use crease brush again increase the lips again with the crease brush but holding ctrl i will draw in the lip shape and same with the bottom lip the crease brush i will also crease the chin and you can see our face became very bubbly now if you're going for that that's fine but in this games i'm not trying to make it very bubbly but first i'll fix the lip shape i think how it should be you can have a lot of tries and see which slip shape you like the most and on the side i'll move my lips a bit closer now from the bottom i'll drag out the lips a bit up ahead [Music] and form like a horse shoe shape as well we can use a lasso mask as well ctrl shift to mask this with the simple mask brush we can fill out the areas let's move it and we can drag out the bottom lip a bit more i mean the top lip sorry clear the mask and with the draw sharp i can still see how my shape is going so i actually think her face is too bubbly for my liking so what i do is firstly i'll check the areas okay so first i see my cheeks are way bigger than my head itself so i will try to make it less and as well i checked this area this area is very tricky let me draw on on which area this area is very tricky because on a slimmer face it can actually be this way and you can see this weird line how much it changes the pace and it's a lot about how you prefer as well as the chin i want to have it a bit spikier chin and that changes a lot as well as this part making her very bubbly at two and now i think it's the part where we're going to fix the nose position so what i'm going to do is use the mask brush and mask whole nose you can mask a bit of the side of the nose and invert the mask and smooth the mask now why do you may ask why do i not smooth mask here and why do i invert this move so what the smooth brush what the smooth mask do is actually shrink or grow the mask so it depends if it depends if your mask is like this or inverted if i smooth now the mask will shrink but if i invert and smooth my ask the mask you see is becoming a bit bigger and when i invert i'll have a smoother transitions with my grab brush tool so i'll grab and move i can make it a bit point here and move the side back of the nose you can have it a bit bigger as well let's clear the mask and i like to use a draw sharp even here and draw in my shape of the nose [Music] when i like my shape of the nose i will use a simple scope draw brush and sculpt in a bigger hole so at this point i usually like to add a bit more resolution but we can keep here and just save the file and remesh it [Music] okay when we're done with the remesher let's crease the side the ellipse again because remesh always makes this weird topology that's why a lot of people like to use dyeing topper okay so we still should keep working on the nose shape so now kind of prefer what what nose shape you prefer that's what you're trying to do but in a lot of disney noses i see that this bridge is thicker and the top here up the nose is thicker as well now when you draw sharp and draw the lines this part becomes way too sharp so with the clay strips i try to add a bit more to the sides to make it softer transition and gently smooth now we get this weird bubble what you have to do is try to form that there's no this big back bulge and it kind of follows your nose in their nose what i will do i will use the crease brush tool i will just draw a sharp maybe first and draw in a better shape of my nose and use a crease brush and draw it again i'll move it a bit back just a little bit and move very gently for from from far apart i'll make this a bit bigger as well and have a nice triangle shaped nose a lot of a lot of cartoony noses have this with the flattening brush lighten up shape like this at the bottom of the nose so if this that what you prefer you can do and smooth it's a nice cute nose a lot of them can be even thicker and closer and be a bit more flat with the face i can even have this closer because this is a cartoon now we can see we have a big bubbly cheeks so we have to fix the shape a little bit what first thing i see is that i kind of have an ali alien shaped head i will drag it just a bit down because i feel like i have to it's getting too close to the top of the head and we have quite a few weird lines which we shouldn't have so first line is this dropout weird line and this is quite weird and this part is weird this this and this i will show how to fix them all what we can do is use a clay strips or even a flat and flattening brush is a bit easier and flattened this side of the head of course we're working on on both sides and we will have this nice float so this is kind of a school forming and with some of the clay strips i just add a bit on like this it's a bit hard to explain but it's all about the head shape as well as i feel like the corners is too far back because we can see them from not rotating too much so i'll move it a bit back and now it feels a bit more natural and we need to add on cheeks because now we don't have chicks we have just the strain deadline down so in cartoon characters the chicks are quite big [Music] and just try to follow in with the ship what i am doing sometimes the orientation of on how you use a brush is important as well now we can fill in this and we have a quite nice complicated shape i always like to redraw some in the shapes and this is not bad but if you still think that you don't want this bubble thing you can just draw it back in a few times and eventually you will get rid of it your head might look be different because you have a full column of 50. i like to change it to 75 or 85 you can go even higher than that i don't like this bubbliness so i'll use a lot of smooth brush and smooth that's fine with the cartoon style it's maybe i'll make the chin a bit bigger [Music] it's a lot about playing at this point but i think like we have a quite quite nice base now every time i i try to draw a stylized head they usually look different and i think this one turned out pretty well okay so let's quickly finish up with the ears what i do i i always use draw sharp and start with this part of the ear [Music] so i carve in the shape like this and move a little bit now with the simple scope draw i draw end like this i think our ear got a bit pushed back so we can easily move it with the grab brush tool and let's form something like this and this is actually quite enough for the ears if you don't like them doing more but we can do a bit more work let's use a clay strips i drawn and wait too low so i'll drag this one a bit higher with the grab brush tool i will shape something like this and again with the draw sharp i like to work with more topology but this is enough topology clay strips i'm adding this one big this part because it felt like there was missing it had a dent and and i don't like then i will move this closer to the head let's move our head as well s are quite huge you can actually grab and drag this one down and even eyes can go into the eyes it's all about now adjusting on how you like it but i'm just showing what did i do so maybe something you will pick up and say oh i like that too and you will do it as well you don't have to but with the crease brush you can show the jaw shape and how it's separated from the neck [Music] see it doesn't have a difference you can add again some more shape like this it's a lot about testing as i said [Music] that's why when you're starting to scope you're not really sure how the ship should be and when you're a bit more experienced you're kind of go with what shape you actually like and when you're just the beginning is your eyes are still not ready to do these complicated choices [Music] actually like smaller ears for cartoony style and i'll show you the next line so what i'm looking at let me just create a new one what i'm looking at now is some of the lines so the nose with the ear is on the same line usually they say the air should finish in here but it's a cartoonish so you can make it much lower and smaller so as i said middle of the eyes the bottom of the chin is somewhere your nose is the middle maybe this part is the middle and in between in between this line and the chin our lips and we got a pretty nice cartoonish now if you want to present it better i will still crease a bit of the eyelid and make it thicker here because i see the lines are not the same and okay so let's go back into the layout by the way i forgot that you can change the mat caps and use the one you like you can download 10 of the mad caps for free on my garma road okay let's try representing the head so a lot of things come out actually not from the head from but from the accessories so let's add any mesh it doesn't matter which one i'll add cube have it in the center this orange well it's green in my but it usually is the orange color this dot has to be in the center or your mirror will not work correctly so i will go into edit mode have everything selected you can select everything with shortcut a let me turn on the screencast keys in this view because it's in a sculpting view and i'll just press x and delete absolutely everything now i will go into the mirror option and just add the mirror i mean in the modifiers and with the snap tool which is here i'll choose the face and closer to the you i'll start adding the mesh now if you don't know how to add it it's holding ctrl and clicking with the right mouse click you will get a dot now if you have something selected and you will click it it will extrude but you usually much easier just to use e when you're extruding so i'll add a shape around here i'll add another one extruded a bit higher and this one i'll try to form my eyelash i will add one in here what how you can add this one is have these both selected they have to be connected you can connect them with f and what i'm going to do now is add one vertice up here you can use ctrl r to add one this is adding edge loops or you can use a subdivide option and it will have one more in here you can actually hide the head to see better and i'll just use e to extrude one more in the middle now selecting or i'll press f and get the face behind that so you can see better and now when i have one face i only need to select two and keep pressing f to fill in the faces you can test out if it works with this one but it doesn't work in my case so i'll select these ones and now we're here easy fill in what i do now is select the top go into the top view as well oh by the way how to select the edge loop is just holding alt and clicking on this line now if you'll click here it will select this line so pay attention where you are clicking what we can do is prepare a bit fancier rotating options but if you want you can just rotate it like this and what i look is this dot being closer to these and this one is going to be pushed out because the eyelashes go in front you can do the same with this one or deselect this one and with the vertices option selected and right click you can smooth vertices and repeat this operation and it should make a smooth transition you can select this one and shape it now you can use a solid solidifier but i just extrude and not worry about it when i extrude i left this a bit higher and use a subdivision surface add two of these and sheets move now we have a nice eyelashes and with the face selection or even line selection i press o or in here to get an a special moving option and now when i will move you will see a smart the circle we can change the circle size with the scroll wheel i'll turn on the snap and just move the eyelet closer to the eye the eyelashes there's a lot ways to form your eyelashes this is one of the ways you can also have some adjustments so if you don't like that this line is like this i will deselect the option and drag this one a bit higher [Music] so it's a lot about testing and that this one higher [Music] and form the eyelashes okay we should do the same to the bottom let's just hide our subdivision and control click don't forget to have a snap tool because your vertices will go no one knows where and now let's add the same way as we did on the top now we add the bottom of the eye actually let's make it different this time and just select everything let's drag this one out i like the form that this distance is shorter than here i just like the look of this and can use again to extrude you can extrude the way you want and shape it and don't forget to use shades move and i can maybe it's too big and too far ahead so let's use proportional editing again now we can all choose connected only if you will not have the choose connect only you will move the top as well but if we have to select it now the top is not moving and we can position our beautiful eyelashes closer to the eyes as well as this might be too big so i'll make this closer we can have the sharp edge by adding ctrl r one more loop and just getting it closer to the edge now as you can see it's sharp and we can do the same with the eyebrows what will i do i had one more let's turn off the proportional editing add any vertices in here and start forming my eyebrow i will show you what form i usually see in the eyebrows so this kind of goes a straight line and the way where your head shape or almost close to the corner of the eye finishes the eyesh eyebrow shape drops so let's add another face like this and with the each extrusion it's getting smaller and smaller and the width i'll add the face now and ctrl r to add the edge loop form the sides like triangles and l2 on and covering the object pressing l will select only the object and extrude shades move and now we have a quite surprised character what we can do is have everything selected and just adjust how high it should be maybe it's too big so we can use a bit of proportional editing let's have a bigger and it can turn off the snap so it doesn't do these weird things [Music] if it's too extreme you can lower the sharpness and now we have a nice head with the eyebrows and eyelashes so that's it for that cartoony style head thank you all for watching the tutorial and see you in the next one
Channel: Just Tis Arts
Views: 48,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, Modeling, Sculpting, Devilpeace, DevilPeace Arts, Blender, Zbrush
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 47sec (3407 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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