Every way for creating hair in blender 2.9+ (Curves, Particle, Hair Cards, Modeling, Sculpting )

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hello and welcome back here is a big part of the character design you can change whole look of the character but creating here is not an easy task there are some artists who develop all their career on just making hair so you shouldn't feel too bad if you're struggling while creating them for making your journey of creating hair a bit easier for you i chose to demonstrate 6 most common ways of creating hair in blender i will slowly go through each one of them and try to give you positives and negatives about using one technique over another curves in blender is one of the best ways of making stylized hair it's very easy to change hair position and it lets you always change the hair shape for creating hair curves all you have to do is press shift a to get an add menu and in a curve options choose path now press shift a again and then the curve options choose circle now you have to select your path again and in a path curve options scroll down to geometry and in a bevel just select object and select your circle at this point you can keep playing with the circle shape whichever way you want you can scale you can drag if you don't want to be bound by curve moving options you can select one curve side on all the curved sides and just press v this way you can choose the changing options you can even choose free this way you will have no bounds on how you can move the handles but if you have a really difficult shape you want to create you can always make your own shape by pressing shift a and add options in a mesh you can add plane now by pressing tab you can go into edit mode by pressing m you can merge every single vertices at the center and you have only one vertices now by pressing e which is shortcut for extrusion and just keep pressing e i can extrude any shape i want now when i'm happy with my shape i have to select the two ends and press f to fill in the loop now i press tab to go back into object mode and in an object at the conveyor 2 i just choose curve now this way i will be able use to use this as a curve by selecting a path i can deselect the last object and select the new one this way i can create any type of shape which i want now if you don't know how to move your path it's very easy just select your path press tab to go into edit mode or change it here and by selecting one or selecting view and pressing g you can move them a few shortcuts you should know is by selecting any of them you can press alt s and move your mouse to scale it as well as you can use ctrl t or twist and spinning your mouse around you can select view [Music] [Music] and have a twisted here again alt s to scale and just move your hair in the position you can also press e to extrude again if this ones are too small alt s i will scale them bigger and this is how you control your path particle here it's one of the best ways of creating realistic hair in the blinder it's easy to use easy to set up but there's a lot of options which can make you confused particle here is not usable for games but it's perfect choice for making realistic hair for just rendering it's also been used in some of blender animations for creating particle here firstly you will need a base so i just apologized the top of my head to get this type of shape where i can set up my particle here so by having my base selected i'll go into particle options and add a new one and then here i can choose here now most of the useful choices in this is hair length random steps children i usually like to simple because simple follows one strand and interpolate just tries to fill out the gap between your articles so as you can see we now have 1000 of them so if i have just two interpolate will try to fill up the gap but if i use the simple one the simple one will just follow them that's why you have a little bit more control by using simple ones now by creating the sample particle all you have to do is add more if your computer can help so you can see how it will look in the render i usually like to add four or five steps depending again for your machine add a little bit of clamping you can even use the clamp curve if i using a clamp curve i would create something similar to ship like this which is pretty smooth now your children follow this radius so if you want them not to spread so much you can lower the value but usually the default value is pretty good depending of this object scale you're working on to get a different length in your strength you will have to use this in a path timing random in the render options i just change it a little bit not too much to get a different distance length in the particles now at the bottom there's a roughness and another roughness you can add just a little bit more variation to your hair i don't really go too much over these options i add only a little bit of them you can even change the size if you want this way i get more iterations more differences in the as well as i can add a pink king type i usually use one of each one of them and just have an amplitude very lowly as well as frequency this way they will have a bit more variation but it will not break the whole hair shape and now i can start setting up my hair i usually only care about the length and i don't care about the numbers because i'm going to add them on my own what i do now is select have my base still selected and go into menu where i can start particle edit i will delete all of them if there is any and at the add options i'll press n to open the side menu let me just turn on the screencast keys if you cannot see and as for side menu and in our tools i will change my count to one i don't care a lot about segments or anything [Music] in here only preserve strand length and preserve root position i can as well use mirror by selecting x if you're working on a side here having mirror is fine as well as the path path steps and by the stick you can see children or not see them so i would just add let me delete these ones i would add the strand let's start from the front and i will use a comb now you can use deflect emitter an emitter is your base that means it will never go under your emitter now if it's too long you can use two things one is cut it will cut your radius or you can use length clicking it simple will make it bigger and by having it on shrink you can shrink i usually choose them on particular reasons and not use always one or another so now when you come as well have this one and options of seeing my paths and now by pressing children i can see how it's going to look if your hair appears very flat on the side you can add some roughness now nothing have changed because when you're in a particle editor you have to reset your children and you will see the changes happening now i wouldn't go too overboard with the roundness and just add a little bit of it now i can just get keep adding more here and getting them in the position another thing is you'll always adjust every single here what you can do is hover over one here and press l and it will have it selected you can have few here selected by pressing alt a i can deselect or a select everything as well i can press l and h to hide now i will be able to others and see this one but i won't be able to move them so you can hide which ones you don't want to move and just move one or a few at the time creating hair cards is not an easy task for creating them we'll use two of the things we already learned we'll utilize the curve options and a particle options so what i do first is delete everything i will add a plane let me have my screencast keys on and i will go into edit new and scale it down as well as dragging it up now i'll add up a particle and create a hair again now utilize all the options which we learned before i would add from five to ten different strands and now i will just use all the options i already used in the previous video where i was creating particle here [Music] what i want to do is flip my hair around so i will go into edit mode press r to rotate and e on a axis and 180 degree now my hair will be pointing down i will go into the front view [Music] and now i have to create a camera so i'll do just that i will try setting up my camera in the place and for rendering the texture i would have my resolution on the resolution i want to have my texture on go into the camera view as well as use autographic and pull the camera closer by pressing n i can have camera to the view so adjust it and have it as close as possible again in the rendering options i'll make a background transparent as well as now we will have to create two materials one material will be for the base and another one will be for here so let me create two materials first one will be base and the second one will be here for a base all we will need is transparency make sure the white is at the maximum so it will be completely invisible and in here i will just add principle here now there are coloring i can make any color i want and in melanin i can use natural colors but for this one i'll use just direct coloring you can change all these options the way you want and make the hair color which you want just for a test let's make it purplish blue and now in the particle options in the render set here here material to here as well principle here shader can only be rendered in cycles so let's change two cycles go back from the camera view and we will need to add few of the lights i like area lights set them up into the position [Music] i usually use quite a few of area lights just to make lighting not too flat now my hair is not very visible so i will add way much more lighting you can even add a color in your lighting if you want but it can change the color of your hair a little bit so be careful with how much color you're adding to then i will duplicate my light a few times and go into the camera view just to see how my hair are looking at this point i can just render before your rendering it's good to use denoising press render open image to noise now just render your image when our image is finally rendered now it's time to set it up i showed you all the ways how you can create the shape for you for your path you can also use this extrude option on the path but i will do another path curve path move this path a bit higher delete two sides because i only need three vertices move this one a bit higher and lower its resolution two three now select other path and object as well this is way too big so i will scale it down and it's time to get a material for your path what i will do is import the image texture and for the next step in the edit options preference in add-on click on node wrangler and we have node wrangler on now i press ctrl t on the image and we'll get this this options with textured coordinate and mapping another thing we have to set up is alpha in the alpha and now just open your texture which we rendered i can see that it's not looking too great right now so what i'm gonna do is try play with the rotation this one doesn't put it and z-axis seems like it got it in our place now another thing we will have to set it up is at the bottom of the materials you have to change blend note blend modes and grip shadow modes and at this point i can see that there's something around this gap let's start playing with the scale this scale seems like it's not changing anything looks like e scale and let's see if the position yep it is a position so let's now manually input the number slowly i think that the scale is a bit too big so we will lower it and manually input the numbers [Music] maybe six actually going to work and it is as well x i can see my x scale i believe is too small so i will make it higher and move it on e axis i think my scale is a bit too much now and i'll input the manual number again and now my texture seems to be looking quite nice and now i can freely move and create here modeling here is very slow and difficult task most of stylized game models they are here this way they can save up on their resources by making hair in a minimum where they see count as possible modeling here can go very advanced and every single strand can be connected together creating very complex shape now i can't really teach you how to make it because it's simple modeling but i can definitely show you how i do it so what i do is just create any object then i go into edit mode and delete it then i use a magnet tool to attract my mesh and form the hair shape which i want then i will fill in the faces and extrude then i just add the subdivision and move my hair into the place as well as shape it sculpting here can be useful only in few ways first if you're creating figurines you probably will still need to sculpt your hair for 3d printing but even in this cases sometimes curves are still better sculpting can be slow and a bit hard but it's perfect choice for creating a base shape for your hair which you can follow later with your modeling or curves if you know how to scope you already can try and sculpt here but before you do i would like to give you a few advices so let's start with these tips first tip would be don't forget that the hair is influenced by a gravity what i mean by that the hair will drop down to the ground as a gravity and i see some people having hair like this it doesn't really make sense to have hair floating or they have to be sprayed or this is your choice but usually hair is dragged down by a gravity another thing people always like to add a lot of small strands to here like this making many many separate strands and i don't really recommend doing this at all makes hair look very weird and you're just wasting time looks incomplete it looks weird if you really want to have some more details on your hair i would rather add way less than this okay i can't even go back anymore so i'm gonna smooth it and what i would do i would use clay strips and add quite quite large strip even larger than this and you can smooth crease the side and have this [Music] smaller details but they aren't really that small they still hold the shape of the hair and looks more natural because hair is not really that separated if you look closer at it it it is in chunks so i would rather have these bigger chunks against move and it looks way more natural and better now if you you can add those strips too in the front but what i would do is not add them like this what i would do is go slowly you can even turn off the symmetry i would go over one strip very slowly and i would even change the bottom because it changes whole shape maybe hide the face and get this deeper and actually influence the shape now i can crease it and this way it makes much much more sense than just having lines you can have smaller once and this way this one makes way more sense than just having lines like this okay because then it's actually a separation or just add some here where it changes your form [Music] a bit to the top going i wouldn't even go this much detailed and this way i can see the base but it's not destroyed by a very small thousands of strokes trying to comprehend every single here it just looks weird and it doesn't work [Music] now i can't really say a lot about blender add-ons on here because i never used it but i definitely seen many great things created with it and if you're very interested you can check by just writing in youtube blender here addons but i know they do cost some money well that's it for this video thank you so much for watching if you have any questions please join my discord and write it in there i hope you liked the video and see you next time
Channel: DevilPeace Arts
Views: 77,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, Modeling, Sculpting, Devilpeace, DevilPeace Arts, Blender, Zbrush
Id: db7Xfg_oSYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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