How to Sculpt Torso in Blender in 30 Min

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[Music] hey guys in this video i'm going to show you how i create a torso in just 30 minutes using a sphere so what i like to do first is i like to go to my settings and go into my remesher i'm going to adjust the voxel size to 0.08 and i'm just going to remash it and going to my smooth brush i like to adjust my smooth brush to a lower value lower intensity at the beginning that way when i'm smoothing it's not going to melt down the clay yeah so when i'm first starting out with the base mesh uh with a basic shape i prefer to have a very low intensity for most of the brushes that way i could still make sure that the the shape of the mesh is intact even though when i'm smoothing or if i'm carving it's just gonna be easier to manage okay so here right now i am trying to shape out the head try to make it look more like a helmet type but i'm not really going to add a detail on this because the purpose of this tutorial is just to create the upper body of the character not really showing you how to do the face but yeah maybe later on i'll show you how to how i do the face of the character in the future so i'm also constantly just remeshing as i'm sculpting and moving things around and so here i am just using the masking and masking this area out that way i'm only affecting the area of the mesh that i know i'm going to extrude for the neck there you go so i'm using the move the move brush here for blender and just pull out the mesh for the neck and now i'm using the the inflate brush to of course make the sticker because it's just not thick enough for the neck area i just want to have more geometry to build upon for the neck area that i could sculpt and i'm using my grab brush to constantly just move this around to get a better shape and then just flatten this using the scrape brush now there are people who ask me why do i use remesher instead of dental pro or dynamic topology i use remesher because it allows me to redistribute the polygons equally on the mesh with then toppo if you are sculpting on one area pushing it and pushing out the clay more and more polygons will be applied on that specific area now you don't really want that because at the beginning of your sculpt you don't want to be led on to refining or defining any details yet you want to keep everything basic just as when you are drawing you don't want to dive into details yet you want to create the basic forms first it's the same with digital sculpting another thing is within dentopo you will experience lagging when the system is trying to create too many polygons on one specific area you are sculpting what you really want to do is to add those extra polygons later on in the form of topologizing so that the loops will be placed more methodically so that when you smooth out your mesh you won't have to end up with way too many unwanted vertices and i'm going to create another uv spear and i'm just going to go ahead and move that down there you go so i'm creating another sphere and this is going to be for the actual torso right and then later on i'm going to combine once i have my torso down i'm going to combine it with the actual head and of course i'm going to change the voxel size to 0.08 again and i'm just going to remesh it so i choose choose 0.08 value because i know that value allows me to smooth without melting the mesh down and it also allows me to move and sculpt the clay without um you know being too low poly so i want it to be just enough geometry or i'm able to create some at least some kind of basic details on there but and not too high or you know it's it's not allowing me to shape it out smoothly as or easy easily as much as i can but yeah you got to find a sweet spot for the voxel size and for me point zero eight is what works the best so for the sphere here i just shape it out to make it look more like a basic form of a rib cage if you have the rib cage down it can serve as a foundation for the overall shape of your torso and and right now i am using my clay strip brush and just adding the the basic shape of the the muscles off the chest area so yeah at the beginning with that sphere shaping like a rib cage just laying down the pecs now on top there you go and also now here i'm trying to think about the arc of the ribcage area and implementing that there and for this one here i want to add a little bulge here if i know where the deltoid and where the arm is going to be extruded out later on so it's going to be somewhat where the deltoid is going to be just bulking that up with the inflate brush and you can see at the back um it's a little too too tiny so now i gotta make it wider because i want this to this guy to have a little bit of size and so now i'm in my clay strip brush when i am in my beginning stages of sculpting i make sure that the clay shirt brush is not too high in intensity and yeah i think a value of around 0.3.4 in the beginning for glacier brush is fine that way i'm able to still smooth it out easier it's not going to make it too bulky and yeah right here i'm using the the draw sharp brush to just kind of carve in where i know where the clavicle is going to be for this area when creating the clavicle area you need to make sure that you don't really have it straight is when i'm doing the collar bone there i'm thinking more of the cupid's bow like if you look at it from the top the top view of the torso of the character is gonna kind of look like a bow uh cupid's bow from the top and right here at the back using my glacier brush to just lay down the the muscles for the back area which is going to be right here is just going to be the trapezius muscle the traps and i'm just laying down right here where i know the scapula is going to be and then just bringing this up so he has a little bit more shoulder okay and right here i'm just going to right below i'm going to mask this out and i'm gonna be inverting this mask i'm going to be extruding out that area here so i'm going to go to my move brush right here move tool and then i'm going to make sure it's in mass border and then bring that out so that we have more for our torso to work with i'm just going to make sure i make this a little bit wider bulk that up a bit so as you can see as i go along and sculpt i'm not really detailing everything out i'm just gonna laying down uh some indication of the muscles after i extrude out some mesh i laid on a little bit of the bigger muscle groups and then later i'm going to add a little bit more of the the primary forms there yeah but the point of this video is just to show you how i would do a quick torso uh just the initial shape of it and then if you want to take it to the next level you could of course spend more time to add more details to it so i'm going to mask this area out and going to smooth out the edges and control eyes invert whenever i'm masking i do like to smooth out the edges because that gives like a nice transition if i want to use the move tool the rotate tool here it gives a nice transition between the masking border and from where you move or rotate the mesh and right here just using the grab brush to kind of move things around and very important to look at your character and all views from the front view back view side view and another thing is going to be from the top view it's so important to also look at the topic that a lot of students do not you seem to ignore you know looking from the top and definitely important make sure you also do that but you will see me do more later on as i create more forms here okay so now here i'm like kind of indicating the [Music] separation between the deltoid and the chest and using my clay shirt brush to just lay down some quick shapes for the ab area and thinking about where the love handles i guess you could say that or it's going to end and be careful when you're doing the abs area um the abs some people i see some they create the abs a little too long compared to the chest so yeah be careful because the chest could be a little bit more noticeable especially if you have like a built guy the chest is going to be a little bit prominent and you don't unless of course you want the guy to have flat chest but it's up to you but just be careful not to make i see a lot of beginners making the abs a little too long okay you can see me here i'm looking from the top view i like to look at the top you when i'm sculpting okay because if you don't look at the top view and you know it's going you're not gonna you might miss some things where when you look at the top view you kind of seem better if your mesh is looking too flat and it's also the same thing when i'm doing the face of the character i always always look at the top view because that will give you some information more information about how the basic construction of your face or your body is you can see if your character is looking too flat or too protruding too much but right here i am doing the the spinal muscles and doing the lats and here i'm right there i just indicated the scapula area in the back and the side and right here i'm going to using my scraper i should just scrape this area out because i know this is where i'm going to be extruding the arms so it's ready i want to just kind of make sure it's flattened out before i uh pull this out and i'm just gonna go to my move and i'm going to go to mass border and then just bring that out so we have this for the arms so this is definitely feel like working with traditional clay where you are you know bringing out laying down some clay and they just look like a big goo but then you use your sculpting tools to shape them out form them out definitely same process same thing except for doing things digitally you know if you really want to get good at sculpting and get fast at sculpting yeah this is the first thing you should do is just learn the fundamentals this is what i always tell my students learn the human anatomy when i say learn the human anatomy i don't mean you have to know every single name of the muscles fat and bones but for me i actually had to do that because i know it's what would help me remember each muscle and how they originate and how they are inserted on the bones it just helped me build a mental library on how everything is constructed but i know there are really good artists out there who didn't have to learn each scientific name and i know that there are really great artists there who actually know the scientific name but to each his or her own understand yourself and what will work for you when i first started learning the anatomy i created a plan for myself like for each week i would focus on different parts of the body and analyze how they are constructed so i didn't just grab some bodybuilding photos online and copy them what i would do is i would take the time to study them by tracing the muscle part and observe where they start and where they end and i would label each individual muscle but i wasn't just learning the muscle parts some people forget the importance of the skeletal system the skeletal system is the foundation of our body so if you know the bones you're able to easily identify where the muscles need to go as a whole learning the basics of anatomy where i'm able to create a decent scope took me like a year but learning the anatomy is a continuous journey that never stops i know that i will forever learn the human body up until the day i die or maybe up until i can no longer stay in the computer for long periods of time or maybe if my artists start to really kick in it's going to be really difficult for me but yeah that probably i don't really have to worry that i worry about that until maybe i'm lying around 65 or 70. probably just kind of late on just lay down the beach enjoy hopefully retire i would say that the biggest challenge for me though when it came to learning the human anatomy was getting started i was quite intimidated by the anatomy books and anatomy courses out there with the scientific names i was like there's no way i could do this plus the idea of me sitting down and studying i i didn't really like that and yeah a little bit turned off by that i prefer to just get on right away with sculpting however i found a way to push myself to finally do it and that is by finding artists that i really like and learning that those character artists i look up to they all have a grasp of the human anatomy i thought man if i want to get their level i better start my journey in studying the human anatomy i wanted to be able to have the freedom and skills that these artists have and i knew that stepping out of my comfort zone was very essential so i had to invest a lot of my time and effort to get where i wanted to be when i finally finally got the basic knowledge of the anatomy just even the basics made a very huge improvement in my sculpts i became faster and everything i made had just leveled up yeah when you learn anatomy you're going to get better not just in sculpting but also in drawing yeah and anything good in life really comes with the price and the price is basically time yeah i'm so right here i am doing the arms now so laying down the forms for the muscle of the lower arm there and laying down the bones right here the the elbow bones right there and thinking about the lower arm bone as i'm doing this here okay and here for the triceps for the triceps there's going to be three muscles there's going to be the lateral head the medial head and the long head and yes you can see me i'm doing that here and right here on the biceps we we got some indication of the bicep right here now be careful when you're doing the bicep you don't really want to make it too bulbous yeah um this is like on a common mistake for beginners when they're doing biceps they make it way way way too bubbly and yeah that doesn't really work even with stylized characters you're not gonna see the bicep looking like a balloon it comes more like an angle so be very careful with that even if you have an exaggerated character and yeah for our build guys sure you're gonna see the the bicep pop out right but really the what really makes up um a huge portion of the arm the upper arm at least is going to be the tricep yeah the tricep is going to make up a huge part of the arm so you have your triceps that that you really need to also focus on so you could see it's like some guys they're just like they're focused on when they go to the gym to just focus on working out on their bicep area doing arm curls which is fine but the triceps is also like a very very large part of what makes up your upper arm and right here i'm doing the trapezius muscles just laying down more of the clay there to further bring out the shape there are lots of people that struggle to do the back and i think probably one of the reasons why people struggle doing the back because it's not really something that we see a lot you know when you go to the beach you probably see more or notice more or you pay attention martin to people's front muscles or the front of their face you know we barely look at the back unless i guess if you're a guy in the uni you or you're a girl you know you're like a butt person you always look at the back but as far as the upper back goes you know it's something that we don't really pay attention to so that's why a lot of people really do have a hard time with doing the back muscles but i think if you kind of take the time to try to understand the big muscle groups there it will definitely become a lot easier it's not going to be as hard as you thought it was going to be i thought that was going to be hard to the back part at the beginning but it really is not i actually think the hardest the most difficult part for me to remember for the muscle is going to be for the wrist area but that really took more time for me to learn which was fine i guess at the end you know it takes all all it takes is practice to understand everything yeah so yeah i started out with a remeasure of about 0.08 but if you start to see that your mesh is sticking too much to each other like especially under the arm when you remesh it and then it's just start the underarm areas start to take this torso start to stick onto the arm area that means you probably have to increase the value for the the voxel size where you re-measure for your re-measure before you remesh it again so that way the arm would not stick under the torso area and the underarm yeah the time when i start to remesh will be the time when i want to create more more of the definition on the body basically the more and more uh brewery measure or voxel size you have the more of the definition you could create on the body as and when you smooth it then that detail will stay there but yeah as i mentioned before better to start out with the low voxel size just to get the basic shape down and if you're ready to add more details and slowly but surely crank up your crank up your voxel size for your remesher and right here i'm just creating like a line here it's like aligning with the nipple area and this is going to show me the the division for the serratus interior muscle for the oblique muscle around here so it's going to look like a sawtooth a sawtooth appearance in the serrated area so the oblique that meets up with the serratus interior oblique muscles and that kind of where they meet up that kind of like underneath from under the nipples there and i'm using a mixture of the draw sharp brush and the clay strip brush so i using the draw sharp brush to kind of outline where the muscles are and then using the glacier brush to add the volume and then later i just smooth it out and then here laying down a little bit more the clay using the glacier brush to bulk this up so around the edges here like where the two chests meet up i make sure that i make that area bulky that way you can see more of the the definition of the muscles and right here just kind of laying down the a little bit of the bony landmark for the spine all right so we're pretty much almost in a good shape so we could just combine the head and the torso ctrl j to combine that and then back to sculpt mode and just gonna remesh this and when you remesh it you see that how those two geometries are now combined in one piece which is really good and now i could kind of make this a little more i can make the seamless by using the glacier brush and adding a clay around the area that has those seams alright cool and now i can go and kind of redefine this with the draw sharp and now i want to just kind of smooth this out so you want to be able to smooth it but at the same time you don't want to lose the details then just make sure that you bring down the the value for the smoothing and back on the draw sharp to redefine everything here yeah i think that the blender stopper program reminds me a lot of zbrush i think pretty much if you have experience with zbrush i think using blender here will come pretty easy to you because they're pretty much the same if the tool spills pretty much like zbrush like the clay strips brush here and blender pretty much filled the same way as the clay brush or the clay tube brush in in zbrush and the drawstring brush is going to be like the damn standard brush in zbrush so that's the thing with this is also going to bring up why it's important to learn a human anatomy i think if you have a good understanding or at least the basic understanding of the human anatomy then switching from one software program to the next it should not affect you how good your scope is going to be because if you have knowledge of the human anatomy you could create a pretty good artwork with almost any software program and just learning the software program will become any software program will become easy to you you know whether it's blender or a mug box or 3d coat yeah learning the fundamentals guys is very very essential okay so here i'm just going to redefine the the lats area when you're doing the lats just go and think about the v-shape area it's like the wings at the back i would say yeah and some people ask me what are some anatomy sources that i recommend when trying to learn anatomy yeah i would suggest you check out uh scott eaton's anatomy course if you have the money for that one i think cost about 800 you could you know check out that one or you could uh if you are on a budget then i suggest you go to udemy and there's some uh there's a course that i offer there it's called human anatomy for artists course so that's also something that you could take to try to learn the anatomy and i guarantee you your life will change when you take an anatomy course and you will become much faster with sculpting and you know time time is definitely definitely important when it comes to building characters and yeah you will just have so much more freedom with what you want to do and you're not going to be so tied to always looking at references i mean references are important but you know if you learn anatomy you don't have to be so dependent on it you could quickly create a fast scope and then if you want to use the references which is i highly suggest that you do you want to go to the references and make sure everything is accurate then you go ahead and do that but at the beginning like this is what i do from the beginning like when i'm sculpting i don't really use any references i everything right here like right now is just from my mind like all the muscles that i'm building right here right now no references that i'm using right now because i pretty much had a lot of practice and we have a pretty good understanding of the anatomy already and i've been sculpting for a long time so i don't really need much of the reference and all the muscles here is all straight from my memory but yeah like definitely learning the anatomy is is something that will definitely speed up your workflow but yeah at the beginning this is what i do i just kind of go and scope without reference and then later i go go to my references that i download online and then just make sure that everything is accurate just to double check everything but yeah and i think this saves saves so much time just doing this okay so just going to my shapes here and using my clay shirt brush you just kind of add a little bit more hair and there but yeah this is basically how i start out with creating any character uh when it comes to doing the body and i hope that you guys enjoy how i create the body in under just 30 minutes and thank you guys
Channel: Victory3D
Views: 71,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sculpt torso blender, torso sculpt blender, how to sculpt in blender, blender torso, how to sculpt torso
Id: Xypvsf94onc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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