Snow - Stylized Character Retopology Live #1

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hello hello hello welcome to another blender studio live stream okay so today is gonna be a bit different um so completely new characters or like completely new character for this stream new topic uh the last few streams were on the i was working on michelle the sheep which was more sculpting oriented and now it's gonna be back to retopology i see people can hear me awesome welcome to the stream okay so this is a bit of a surprise announcement uh the the new character edition um so this is actually i want to give a bit of context to this project so um we actually also made like a on the blender cloud uh blog post announcement on this so essentially um the like two years ago i worked on the the blender cloud character rain which is a full open source rig that is available on the cloud for you to download and ever since we started the production on this character it was always clear that for especially for animation purposes it makes sense to add a second character especially if you want to animate like a scene it makes sense to have two characters at the same time interacting with each other so it was always a bit uh a plan to have two of them at the very least and last year around june right before the production of sprite fright started i had a bit of time to actually start working on this character the second male character which we nicknamed snow so uh so far the only thing i only had very limited time working on him and the only thing i really got to work on was the sculpting part so figuring out the design so all of this is actually available i uploaded everything that i recorded and all the materials on the blender cloud it's part of my stylized character workflow training course so over here you could like find a bonus chapter which is called snow with like additional time lapses which is essentially just everything that i've done for the character so far and also all the blend files and additional videos and screenshots that i've made so you can just download the files and play around around with it it's all available so um but there's still lots to do so the idea is to continue with the read topology and then go on from there into every uh topic essentially until the character is done so um it's like a bunch of things that were already done the sculpting of the character itself is essentially finished there were like similar design ideas behind the character as with rain to make the character easy easy to animate all the clothing is relatively skin tight so there isn't like any extensive rigging or cloth simulation required and after the general design was figured out i also went into some expression testing so there's actually a bunch of sculpts that i did of just like basic expressions but also some more elaborate ones of just figuring out hey does this design actually work so um all of this is already done you can find more of this in the training course i don't want to get into too much detail in for this but the last thing i did is the pose just posing him in scope mode with the new tools essentially what i've already shown in the past streams and then putting them next to rain and seeing them side by side and seeing that everything works yes also mike's comment if you have any questions to me directly you can tag me or like blender studio in the chat and i will see that more immediately so um for the retopology i want to go not too much into detail but still give like a kind of a comprehensive um overview of my workflow of like how you would go about this because i have a nice chance with this character of improving on my workflow a bit i think with the character of rain there were some mistakes i did with the retopology and i got to rectify them a bit in the training course with the tutorials that i've made for it but even though the the re-topology is is solid uh it's i i have the strong i had the strong sense that it was too dense one of the workflow problems that i had at the time is that i would start really with the fine details and then re-topologize just everything in this really granular small approach and that ended up with a very high density retopology and i want to do that a bit differently for snow i want to have a bit more control over the resolution and not go too overboard with the amount of geometry um but yeah i want to give you also a bit of a nice um example of how um how to make like a really clean retopology for film production or how we would do it for the movie uh or at least how i would go about it so i already made a new um collection over here called snow retopology i'm going to use as the base of my retopology i'm going to start with the head especially the face because it's an interesting subject to show kind of like a bunch of the theory behind it and then i just expand from there but the head is also the most final piece over here because you can see some differences between the full body sculpt and the expression testing and that is because from the expression test i noticed some things i wanted to tweak like little things like where the hairline is but the most significant is just the height of the nose bridge and things like that which uh it's small changes but they actually uh significantly increase the appeal for some expressions and that's why having these uh this testing phase of just sculpting different expressions is actually so useful you you're stress testing your design um but that's why i'm gonna take this as the base so i'm essentially just going to just i'm going to reset the cursor to the world origin and then from the side view i'm just going to move it over here like let's just start over here generally i really like to start from the mouth because it's uh um it's i don't know maybe it's uh from the earliest tutorials that i started watching where everyone was always starting from the mouth that i just stuck with it but it's also kind of a pivotal area where you can easily expand from so what i generally like to do is i like to poly model the entire topology i also think a box modeling approach is really interesting where you would start from cube and just insert more loops to add more definition but i want to show this a bit more step by step so i an easy way to start is just from a plane just put it here and just put it right in front of the mouth i can already go into edit mode actually i'm gonna yeah let's just keep the fade inactive geometry overlay i think that's fine i'm going to keep it at 0.3 it's just graying out all the other objects a bit actually and i actually want to start the music which i always forget about in the beginning maybe i should update the playlist at some point i want to add some more songs by the way which you can also find in the in the description now down below so i actually added um all the albums and bands that are like part of the playlist so uh the first thing that i like to do is just to add a loop cut in the middle so i'm just having it directly here in the middle i'm going to delete the other side and now i can add just a mirror modifier this is the most essential modifier essentially to have here in edit mode on this object i'm going to enable the hidden wire overlay that's just gonna uh set essentially the object that i'm in edit mode to it's kind of into a wireframe mode but it's still obscuring itself it's like um almost like an ideal way of displaying your v topology i'm also disabling orthographic uh proportional editing so now i can um i'm going to enable this button over here which is going to show the topology also on the other side and i'm going to enable clipping on the mirror modifier so this doesn't happen constantly where it's just like it doesn't clip into the middle if it's enabled it's always visible over there i also on the retopology object enable display as oh wait no it's this toggle over here in front so it's always in front of all other objects it's really useful for displaying your topology now i don't have to worry about not seeing my retopology object and yes i see the question will you be able will we be able to download it yes i will make all the files available on the blender cloud once once it's finished essentially uh do you have a read topo template for faces no i kind of i just use my general modeling workspace and there's just a couple steps i need to do to like what i'm basically showing right now to uh make it more ideal to visualize the reed topology um i basically did everything i needed to do right now already just the hidden wire overlay and setting the object to be visible in front um the only other thing left is essentially just the modifier setup so the mirror modifier is one thing but i also want to add a shrink wrap modifier i'm going to set this to target normal project which is usually i use project but it requires more setup i i think actually i'm going to use this as my new default i'm going to set this to on surface which is perfect set the target to be this object over here and that's it so now what this does is in addition to just the regular snapping on in edit mode it just makes sure it's always wrapped onto the the sculpted object so it's always perfectly on the surface and then the last thing i want to do is add a subdivision surface modifier which is just subdividing the result for a smooth preview which i usually keep to object mode i don't want to have this enabled in edit mode um but yes this is essentially everything i need i'm gonna get rid of the 3d cursor um so this is the usual starting point um what i want to focus on at first is i can like make some annotations of like the general thought process of how i go about the retopology so the most general thing you want to follow is the the edge flow so it's just the general flow where these loops should go based on the forms that you have the the shapes of the object but also based on based on the muscle movements that you would have him eventually so i can already like draw around like some some of the most essential aspects of where those loops should go and essentially it's not too complicated like um the most the most basic things are for example like a loop around the mouth around the naso nasolobial fold over here which is like circling the nose and then the the left line and then the chin and then yeah you could for example have like a loop that is almost uh just looping around the face itself and just kind of framing it and if you wanted to like there's various different approaches but you could also in this case add like another like mask loop around the around the brow which is then leading back into here and then you get like a general flow of of your edges um i'm just gonna call this [Music] come on can i rename it double clicking doesn't work uh oh control clicking so edge flow um i can also make a new layer uh and this is the the first uh the the other important thing i actually usually focus on especially when i start with the mouth and that is like having a certain minimum amount of loops um but i also want to read the comments for a moment uh can you flip your camera we can't see your shrink wrapped settings oh thank you thank you for letting me know i actually forgot about that what i usually do is i mark like a little area over here as don't put anything here like [Music] kind of like this but you know what [Music] um i might actually do something different i don't need this much space over here i could also just adjust the workspace a little bit just to have this more visible over here so all of my note preferences let's have the properties over here so you always see the um the modifiers over here on the side i hope this is helpful but thanks for letting me know so now i have like way more space for the outliner which is amazing um awesome so what else is there uh oh wait other questions uh what do you do when there's a lot of polygons and it's lagging while you're trying to preview the animation oh well i'm not gonna preview any animation right now but the ideal scenario is to keep the to disable some modifiers for the viewport for the time being to increase performance by using a vanilla version of blender or any extra plugins i'm going to use the vanilla version pretty much um there are some add-ons that i have enabled like the f2 add-on you can find that it's just a pre-existing add-on it's already available like you can just search for uh wait hold on you can just search for f2 and there it is this is the main one that i'm gonna rely on other ones it's just like the screen caps over here on the side and like some custom menus but they're not really that essential but uh apart from that is also my custom theme which i finally put in the description if you're interested but um just so i don't have to uh explain every time how i made it what do you think about doing a c loop on the eyes another continuous loop i've seen some people not connect the loop at the ends of the eyes well there's like um very there's different approaches and i would say that's it it's more based on like the shape of the head and the style like also the more cartoony you would go the simpler the read apology could be so uh you could just keep it really simple uh and i don't i don't think there's i wouldn't say there's like a essential right or wrong way of doing retopology it's all just dependent on what is required of the character how much realism is actually in this character and how much do you need to achieve with the retopology um if you're interested in more and like how i sculpted this character i have like all the time lapses on the blender cloud but let's just actually jump more into it so with i'm gonna take now the the mouth as an example for this but essentially uh one of the things i learned from like some of my research is um this is more related to if you're rigging later on with shape keys but i think it's it's still generally a great way of making a clean uh retopology it's um to have the right amount of loops for a nice articulation um so articulation is just like uh articulation areas i like um areas of the face that have to do a lot of deformation like especially for expressions so you want to have enough loops to pull off any shape you want any shape you could possibly need any that the animators would require so for that it's nice to have like three loops essentially as like enough curved handles like almost like enough handles to pull off any shape and then of course on the side these um the the capping off point like the the end loops so you get like a mid to um like a left a right and an end and the same essentially also applies for um for the eyes so this is the bare minimum that you would need in terms of loops um but it's still uh not enough especially if you want to hit more detailed shapes on just one side of the mouth so it's a nice a nice way of capping it off is to see like each of these main loops as like curve points but then you also have two curve handles attached to it so i would kind of like aim for this minimum amount of loops pretty much always to just have like uh the middle one with two um extra proximity loops and then the the right and the left one with two proximity loops and then the end loop over here on the corner again with two loops capping that off and that should give you the most amount of control for hitting pretty much any shape you want unless you have like some really special requirements like having like some zigzaggy mouth with sharp shapes or something like that um but in more realistic cases i would say this is pretty much enough um and this is what i want to do right now so i can just start this pretty roughly of just extruding these parts over here and just uh moving stuff around i i generally like to use the the tweak tool a lot for this sort of things like and also you might notice that i'm actually like i'm still have like my own modified key map that's switching to the tools instead of the classical operators but that's not really required so let's just do this essentially this is just my starting point and so i already have the middle loop i have the left and the right one and then i would theoretically over here have um the end point i'm also going to enable this uh toggle over here which is called uh auto merge editing or like auto merge vertices and it's just a helpful way of like if you would slide a loop or a vertex into another one they would just immediately merge so it's just a helpful little thing of saving some time and making it a bit more loose um well uh see i see another question will this be that this video be up after the live stream or will it be taken down afterwards best wishes uh we're actually planning to uh this is always going to be available on youtube but you can also just it will be also available on the blender cloud afterwards which i think is pretty essential it's a great companion piece to the course and the already existing training videos that i've made okay so we have all of the essential loops right now over here so one thing that i'm kind of missing over here and that is like something that i've been struggling with is um you want to keep both sides symmetrical uh the the upper lip and the lower lip same with the upper eyelid and the lower eyelid if they if the loops match it's very easy to connect them and have them meet in the middle so but you want the same to be true for over here and if i would make a loop cut over here it would just redirect the loop to the upper side and that's not what i want it's immediately making it asymmetrical so what i like to do here is i'm just going to select these vertices press j to split them and then i'm going to subdivide it by the way this is just my own menu it's essentially just quick favorites but you can find usually all of this in the in the right click menu now this is a little trick that i often do and it's like a essentially a two pole over here it's a pole as a vertice that a vertex that doesn't have four connected edges um but it only has two connected edges and what it does it would i'm gonna make another annotation layer or actually over here i'm gonna just make this one white it's just the neutral one um so what this does is where usually the loop would be redirected down here if this would be a square because it just immediately redirects it just straight it actually redirects it over here and back into the lower lip and it's just a really nice way of keeping these loops connected and symmetrical and it's just saving me a bit of time and work so now if i add a loop over here it's just immediately going to the other side it's a nice little trick but i can essentially already start with just adding the minimum amount of loops that i need for the mouth that i want so i already have this part over here uh theoretically then i would also need these two over here and now that's essentially it so i just need to disper disperse them a bit more so this is already giving me quite a bit of resolution i think it's already a bit high but this is the target that i that i'm aiming for so i can also arrange this loop a bit more to match up with the edge of the lips uh edge loop yeah you can just cut an edge loop with ctrl r i hope it's easy to follow so from here on out it's actually kind of easy to expand from this i can keep it as simple as this right now and what i would actually like to do is to just i can just duplicate this face over here and i can just model this nasolobial fold over here this extra loop that is going around like this i can keep this i i don't need to do this in like a really particular way of like counting exactly how many loops this is i can make this really rough and simple like this uh and then i can detail it from there uh from there on out i mean we would basically have a similar thing going on for the eyes uh maybe it's not the best idea to already go into the eyes but i can at least essentially repeat what i've done so i would just same with the mouth we have i'm actually going to enable the these over uh these lines again but i love the inclusion of an opacity slider for these annotation layers it's so simple but it was really missing i can i'm gonna make them a bit thinner so same here we have the main amount of loops that i want to add which are then going to culminate over here on the corners keeping it symmetrical for now even though the eye is uh is actually open i'm going to um yeah i'm going to just fill this in as if it's closed just to keep it symmetrical for now okay keeping it like this okay um then i can just extrude and immediately scale this to already put the loops in place for the eyelets [Music] now let's just remove the interfaces again and i have the main loops over here for the sides for the for the edges um and then i can add the supporting loops over here again actually let me fill this in again just in a simple way uh just so i can like add these loops and i can add them on one side and it's also going to appear on the other side like this okay uh i'm gonna get rid of the annotation overlay uh annotation layers again actually let me just um nah i'm going i'm going to just hide them that's fine okay and i don't really need any more loops i can just delete the inner part over here again and i can just rearrange some of this a bit especially since the eyelets over here the eyelet over here is getting a lot thinner of like this um but just like with modeling in general uh retopology is affected by this too i said this in a previous live stream it's a lot of nudging although there are tools in blender now that will make this a lot easier going more into detail once i add more elements that are connected but i can keep this like this for now i can see already one issue i have the mirror modifier over here but it's actually not centered i can see that it's like uh it's mirroring somewhere different so i'm just going to apply the location and rotation that was it okay if those values are just applied then it's just going to mirror it on the same on the same axis as the world and since i aligned this head sculpt also with a world that's ideal so i can merge these over here like this okay uh so to make this a bit easier for myself i can uh i can mark scenes to essentially keep oh to essentially remember where my main loops are so essentially this one and this one these are my articulation lines just so i don't forget okay perfect same thing over here essentially so we have like these loops over here and marked scene and that's it it's just an a nice little way of uh keeping in mind where my most important loops are for now um so where do we go from here so one thing i could do is i could already start connecting some of these but i could also eventually i'm gonna land into more problems so um i'm gonna bring the annotation layers back actually because uh another thing i want to note over here are i need to name this and this is going to be creases so creases are interesting because um i i'm they're basically um they're sometimes going to be fighting your edge loop a little bit uh your edge flow a little bit but they are very distinct shapes that you want to capture with the retopology so for example they are sharp areas over here on the eyelids or like around the nose like over here you would really want to capture these creases in the retopology same thing really for the lips and something that rain didn't have this pronounced chin so it's like all of these little areas um sometimes they are also not visible from the start so they are also like some i would i would call them secondary creases where they are going to be more pronounced the more it will go into animation so let's say uh snow over here is going to smile or look really angry they are going to be creases that appear based on based on his expression so for example there would be one right here uh essentially um also this one would be more pronounced that are following the brow but that means that once the crease kind of appears over there i actually can um let's see i can actually go to that expression because i sculpted it already so i already marked some of these down so over here you can see them really on the brow where you where i really want to have this crease over here appear and some other creases are also going to be more pronounced like the lath line over here and i that means i need to add enough loops for these creases to be able to appear using the rig later on same thing on the on the forehead there's this crease that i want to add but other than that there's not many more it's like essentially all the basics so let's just go back to frame one and continue okay so um and for this to work i essentially need to add like a center loop over here and two additional loops to follow it like this can also be a bit more complicated with like more of a grid pattern where you have these loops not like circle around um but yes that's essentially the idea so these are going to be important and let's just continue with that i'm going to bring back everything else so i really want to have this over here on the laugh line i can already start connecting some of these like over here and i'm gonna keep it simple for now so i'm just gonna keep filling this in a bit but just while keeping in mind what i want to do with this now here it becomes a bit tricky because i want to have this crease over here for the for the chin and for that i'm going to break this idealized clean topology a bit i'm gonna actually slide this up and i would like to actually have something like this happen where like i place a pole over here um to redirect this edge loop instead of it going directly up into the lips it goes sideways and it kind of frames the um the the chin and the same will happen down here i think i can just like fill it in really in a simple way uh although i would like to i can just select this and just insert it and press b to exclude boundaries from the in setting so i can just like get this extra loop in here and uh the reason why i do this is is an interesting thing uh like a general tip that i have for retopology is you see these like vertices over here that have like three or five connected edges don't place them directly on a crease try to place these on flat or like very even surfaces because these will be really visible once you subdivide it and if they're supposed to highlight directly a crease uh it's gonna show some stretching it's going to be a bit ugly um it's it's a small tweak but it's it's just a general workflow that i'm doing of just never allowing one of these poles to be directly on a crease so in this case i have these poles over here and these two loops are essentially framing this crease right here but the poles are not directly on the crease um [Music] yes i'm just sometimes checking the chat if there's anything going on um if you have questions to remember to me directly tag me in the chat again um before each bullet just does the model have edge loops that are hard to be rigged um i mean before reach apology the the topology could can be as chaotic and nonsensical as you want which is actually the case like i can show you this and even though like i had to make some really fast and rough three topology to make the expression tests work um it's not pretty uh it's and it's like it has a lot of poles in it it just goes in random directions sometimes and the most important thing that i had for this reach apology is just that the eyes and the mouth match up and then i just reprojected all the sculpting details on on on top so it's just really messy and with the reach apology that i'm doing right now it's supposed to be much more clean so i'm gonna also let's actually do this uh i want to still mark things as seams just as a reminder of some of these important areas i'm also going to clear these as seams okay this is looking better okay still nudging things around i think this is nice um so here's the thing um essentially i could do this where i would place a pole over here uh i'm gonna do this for now just to see where it goes there's like different approaches on how to how i've seen people manage the upper lip i kind of i usually like to have like kind of like the the circling area that goes around the lip i have the the nasolobial fold like this entire area over here and then the way of how i manage these is and especially going into the nose that i would just add this small little patch over here which is just making this all a bit easier so that's why this pole is right over here uh i'm going over some of this in the theory a bit quickly i hope this is making enough sense do you do this voluntarily or professional oh nice question uh well i uh i mean this is my job i do this professionally for the studio um but this character is like something i pitched and i wanted to make and i actually really enjoy every topology because it's a nice little puzzle it's it's essentially pausing solving a puzzle um and yes i see the question do you reapologize the body as well i will get into that so i will start with face today and then this will expand until i get to re-apologize the hair the rest of the head the body the clothing and then once and once everything is re-apologized we will go into more areas like texturing and shading and so on um so i'm going to leave this right here like this for now and the nose now that's interesting so i kind of established this edge loop over here to be to be the center of the crease so i'm going to follow through on that it's going to remain the center of the crease all the way over here and just as well over here and that means this loop over here is going to culminate right here just so i have this nice line over here follow exactly the shape of the of the head [Music] there we go kind of like this i think that should work um but this is gonna be tricky because let's actually add one more over here so again i always want to have um uh the like the center of the crease not be connected to any ports so i will i already added like this extra face loop over here to gain some distance from the from anything that i want to do on the nose so let's just continue with that okay for the nose i'm just going to start to extrude this and scale it inwards like this you can already see it's a bit messy because the shrink wrap modifier is just immediately shrink wrapping it onto the surface so i need to uh nudge some of this around a bit at the bottom of the nose that's gonna become really tricky that's gonna be really tricky okay i think the nose is still one of the most tricky areas that i regularly just struggle a bit with um which is a bit of a shame so um sculpted this is an in this in an interesting way where i have essentially two creases right next to each other it's not ideal um i'm also going to disable the mirror modifier for edit mode it's going to make it a bit easier to see [Music] what i'm doing right now [Music] yeah like this okay i'm already gonna merge these two faces over here and add like two edge loops just to add a bit of definition to it it's like the minimum amount i think let's see the nose holes are also going to be really tricky maybe you can cover the nostrils with a face first and then insert it yes i could like i could just kind of like do something like this where i first kind of like fill this in and then i just like inset it and um essentially move it in like this but i'm not sure if that's gonna highlight the shapes in the best way right now so i'm gonna keep it like this for now i have like an interesting flow going on over here and i want to capture that it's not the easiest thing [Music] okay so i'm just gonna keep filling this in for a bit because it's just going to make it easier to look at this if i have it already [Music] yeah because nothing's really going to change on this surface over here this is gonna remain mostly the same but the nose hole that's gonna be tricky [Music] okay [Music] i think i'm gonna this is a bit tricky because i i really do have two creases over here right now so if i want to follow my logic of having the poles never directly on a crease i would need to make some compromises here by adding more loops let's see i can space some of this stuff a bit more out it's fine at least for now now to the interesting part how do i capture this shape can i actually do it in an in a relatively uncomplicated way if i merge this i want to have this extra loop going around and kind of frame this i can try this [Music] it's not ideal but it could get me at least the shape that i want um i can keep it like this for now um again i want to damn it um so i had this one marked as my crease right now which is not ideal it's a bit messy um i'm not gonna lie [Music] for now it's messy uh is snapping supported for edge slide and the build you're using no edge sliding uh doesn't snap and i i think it's actually i guess in most cases it's good that it doesn't but um yeah sometimes it happens anyway uh on your scale of 1 to 20 how much do you like your job i mean i like my job a lot that's i'm really grateful for the opportunity of live streaming over here and i i think it's um it's it's it's a lot of fun i get to show some of this stuff that i that i um that i'm doing um it's definitely slowing me down and it's it's interesting that like i get to do this during the production of sprite right but i'm really grateful for it okay wait i'm gonna merge this okay again um hmm i want to actually try something i just now i don't want to i don't want to merge any of this stuff it's just it's going to be too visible me too i need to destroy what i did here in the nose hall a bit okay [Music] so what am i trying to achieve right now i want to have all of these hard edges kind of captured in the retopology over here and especially around the nose that's a bit tricky for rain i kind of ignored the problem and i want to learn a bit from from the things that did not work out on rain and do it a bit better for snow i think this might actually work no these polls are terrible um wow these ones these are horrendous i cannot keep them uh it's just it's six connected edges to one vertex and that is not going to work so i actually need to split this off like this this would relax it a bit more and i could like merge this and fill it in again and now it's at least uh it's it's five connected edges i'm actually going to select this and another little trick i like to do is in the viewport display over here i can enable wireframe for specific objects and now it always shows the wireframe on this object i'm also going to decrease the opacity of wireframes um still has did my logic not work out it still has six connected edges because because i didn't actually change [Music] anything [Music] i am going to delete this all together for now and the uh the ideal way that i see it is would be to do something like this where i have the loop kind of like lead outwards wait is it actually oh there's the face missing and now i relaxed it a bit now there's actually like uh two five poles over here uh can we make games in blender well yes uh blender is missing its game engine that it used to have but you can absolutely make a lot of the assets and animations that would go into game creation [Music] do you plan on doing a rigging life for this character i actually don't know how to rig um so someone else would have to do that live but it would be amazing um if we could do some more and some more tutorial content or just like presentation present presenting our work uh on rigging and shading and all that stuff in this format okay so i like this actually more like you maybe you can see what i'm going for with here uh with this like where this loop is kind of like framing the nose button only mostly on the top and then on the bottom it's just kind of sliding in it's just that's just fitting the design of snow's nose a bit more [Music] but um i already see some issues uh popping up where like uh what if i would actually want to make a nose hole in that case i think i might actually be able to do something like this [Music] i don't actually want to add more edges over here but i'm going to going to just do it for now just to see how this affects [Music] the topology because now i could just [Music] take these faces over here or maybe just this face and just extrude it further in for the nose hole or maybe just leave it filled in for now [Music] but this is getting a bit dense over here now i'm spending a lot of time right now on the um on the nose that's not good to be honest um now i might actually try to do this trick where i'm just like sliding these two edges over here in and filling just making a quad out of these two faces like this just to reduce the amount of edges a bit there we go [Music] um although to be honest that was not very wise because i i terminated it really earl uh really far down over here let's actually undo this there we go i'm gonna try something um can i do something like this that would be ideal hmm pretty much kinda i'm playing around a little bit but uh this is at least getting rid of one of the loops and actually sending it somewhere where it's actually helpful which is in the nose hole now i have a bit more resolution over here it's a bit messy but i can clean it up uh one thing i actually like to do is oh um how important is it having uh square and uniform sized faces for something like this very important um it's i would say like like square is definitely important because it's square faces have basically no stretching by themselves um when subdivided if you have a triangle or an n gone that's gonna have some stretching but for uniform i i'm not opposed to like having like uh much more rectangular faces on the retopology as long as the shape is more consistent like um you don't want your lowest resolution and your highest resolution to like your subdivided resolution to look vastly different that's just gonna make it unpredictable um it's essentially what stretching is um can you make a vfx tutorial uh not really um i think i'm the i mean personally i'm the wrong person for that but uh maybe someone else at the studio is up for it at least for now it's not really planned i wouldn't strictly say no it's never gonna happen but uh it's not on the radar right now [Music] now this is interesting i have too many loops theoretically going upwards i'm gonna make a hole here uh i i like having a hole in like some of the areas that you wouldn't see later on because you actually get to get rid of some loops in there i don't mind having like now an extra loop for the nose bridge but i didn't want to have two i like this resolution okay now a lot of this stuff is needs to be nudged around a bit more um but uh at least the structure itself is kind of getting where i want it to be and i can continue with some more areas so for example i mean i can bring back the annotation layers so i can capture the creases like at least the loops that go there um oh yeah i see questions on like about the pc that i'm using i have noted some specs down below in the in the video description so you can check it out over there but yes i would like to actually continue with for example the brow and one of the interesting things that i noticed with the brow is one of the i um the the brow is essentially also an articulation area like you want to treat this as sort of a a curve so you kind of have the like end points over here um and then also three curves to give you the most amount of uh freedom on like actually um deforming this in various ways it's actually interesting that like uh if you go to the to the course i also made like a bunch of uh cheat sheets so to be honest it's like it's also something that i sometimes like to look at myself just because it can be kind of helpful to remind myself on like what is the more ideal topology uh or like some of the theory on it [Music] um in this case like i i i had the feeling that like these are actually too many loops like this is the bare minimum that i actually would need it's a fine if they misaligned with the articulation loops of the of the eyes they don't need to match up directly um so what about the inner mouth i see the question um yes i also need to read apologize the inner mouth but that's easier to do afterwards um and also question i need to purchase rain well uh rain and the like a lot of the content on the blender cloud is uh like it's kind of behind the subscription service but it's still open source so if you even if you once had access to it and you downloaded it you you have it you own it like you just you don't need to pay any fees to it so that's actually something i heard about a lot of like characters that you could animate for that you could animate out there it's like they are hidden behind like a subscription service or something like that it's not really nice or at least i don't like it [Music] okay [Music] so what i like to do for the eyebrows is that the topology of essentially the uh the brows the eyebrows are matching each other so wait there we go like it's more like this if the topology of the eyebrows which is like all the hair and the eyebrows and so on i'm not gonna make a groom of it like any hair simulation it's actually it is going to be a hair mesh so that just makes it a bit easier but in any way it's not it's really helpful if your brows the topology of the browse match up with the eyebrows so they can move in unison makes it especially really easy for for for animators okay i'm gonna actually hide all of that again i'm gonna mark these as seams these are my important ones uh using a mouse no i'm actually using a tablet right now i i actually got so used to just always using a tablet even though then there's not really optimized to doing that okay i'm actually going to just skip ahead over here and just work on the jaw so that's just actually i like to use the extrude cursor as well for this so i just need to click [Music] um let's see there we go what kind of tablet screen or no screen well it's um it's uh it's just a regular drawing tablet no screen attached i don't think you really need a screen it's actually quite uncomfortable in my opinion not just in my opinion it's actually ergonomically uncomfortable um it takes quite a bit of effort setting it up in a way that is not going to hurt your neck your back or your arms okay um i'm gonna add enough loops to actually connect all of this kinda at least down below i don't need to connect it yet i just want to have enough loops available to connect it i like this um and then essentially the same thing on the browse i could also already connect it actually just to see if it matches up there we go i can get rid of it again okay the ears are going to be tricky i'm looking forward to that so i'm gonna fill some of this stuff in just for a bit but i am still planning to adjust it um so i need to remind myself right now on like where exactly i put that line for yeah it's like this one over here [Music] so this one oh hmm this one right here okay actually i'm using the wrong annotation layer for this i want to use this one [Music] okay um let's see more questions in the development of blender do you plan to improve the display of the mesh for real topology like returboflow yes that is still planned there were already prototypes in place actually but they weren't finished the the development goals kind of shifted elsewhere but i think eventually it is definitely in the best interest for everyone related to new topology workflows to just at least improve the display of the mesh question for julian have you learned 3d modeling on blender or did you make a switch from another software well originally i started with blender that was like 10 years ago then i switched over to zbrush for sculpting and softimage for modeling then to maya for a very brief period of time and then back but on the side just kept working in blender but i still miss exercise a bit it's like little things in there that i wish blender would have uh [Music] so um how do i continue i could so i want to align these loops over here i think that makes sense [Music] just kind of like this main loop that is kind of like framing the face to just have that align with the crease over here which means i also need to add like two loops next to it like these ones [Music] and this then already aligns with the brow which i'm also just going to mark completely as a crease i want to remind myself that this is the light the landmark that i've set where the eyebrows are going to be placed um i don't want to get into this part yet [Music] i also don't want to connect too many pieces yet because that's gonna just become tricky but just for laying out some of these things it can be can make it a bit easier to plan okay same thing over here i have i'm going to have a crease right here so i need these two loops right next to them um ah thank you you are awesome i'm inspired by you thank you very much um how do you get to color a character like that i reached late for the live stream uh well uh the color is just from vertex colors this was actually before i started using sculpt vertex colors the experimental feature that is available in the alpha version this is just i'm i went to vertex paint mode and i just painted over it and that's it uh like if i just go to flat colors this is essentially it if i remove cavity it's just very simple colors and then studio lighting which is just my own little setup over here but you can also use mat caps if you wanted to actually i could switch to eevee i should actually this is actually making it um much more pretty and it's not like it's getting less readable i would say like this is fine but this is just popping a bit more um but i do want to decrease the backlight a bit where is it yes this one set this to six no is that this one let's see it's this one six there we go um okay disabling extras again [Music] um other oh my god lots of questions um uh it would be cool to get some variation on this character for animation with two men oh yeah uh that is true it would actually be nice to um to for example offer some various hairstyles to give some variety so you could technica you could theoretically use the same rig twice for two different characters but they just look mostly the same and yes here is a separated mesh i saw that question just a moment ago [Music] um for the crease on the on the brow this this is going to be interesting i think um it's enough if i like cross hatch it like i don't need to have like this this crease kind of go around that's just making the topology pretty complicated i can also just keep the relatively uncomplicated structure that is that it has right now the edge flow and just offer enough loops loops that i can add a crease over here um but it is interesting that i'm running out of loops so i might have actually overshot the mark a bit over here or i could change this a bit i can i can add another loop over here so i have three this would make this one the crease which would make a lot of sense um then i can already connect these two it's getting a bit dense over here but i think this is really necessary and then i can just extrude this fill this in like this i can also add another loop over here in the middle of the brow especially if i want to let's see this would be also the crease and over here it would continue like this i want to have this and then i would need these extra loops over here to kind of frame them i hope that makes sense um uh again if you have questions uh just tag blender studio in the comments it's easier for me to see then okay [Music] so this is already getting a bit dense but i think it's fine especially when compared to rain it's not too abnormal i can already extrude and scale up uh the region over here on the eyes i think that's actually a good idea like this hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] huh yeah connecting this is gonna be a bit of an issue [Music] uh i wonder if i can or if i should connect the crease over here which would then ideally go directly into the corner of the eye so let's actually try that you can actually connect the two creases like this [Music] now i noticed that like ah i have like i have a lot of topology over here from the eye and leading that into the brow is adding a lot of loops that i don't really need for the brow but probably that could be fine i'm gonna just try this yeah filling it in to see if it actually matches up and i think this is fine kind of like this [Music] the further the brow area goes towards the outer edges over here i don't need to match it up exactly anymore one thing i kind of like to do is to go into sculpt mode for this i'm gonna go back to solid view and [Music] i'm actually going to disable this overlay um and i like to just use the slight relaxed block uh the slight relax brush to slide around some topology a bit and smooth it to relax it just a bit um what is the upcoming update of blender well the next uh i'm just reading some questions right now it's the the next update to blender i mean that's 2.93 there's going to be release notes about it when it comes out um when you are creasing does that serve a purpose beyond just the uvs i'm not sure what you mean well there are cr you can't crease the edges and that can have benefits for the depart for the retopology but i wouldn't recommend it um how high poly do you get usually i try not to go too high poly but i also don't shy away from it if it's necessary [Music] oh scrolling is a bit difficult uh how do we apply a material for a part of a mesh sorry i don't know what you mean um why do you need creases in a reed topology well i mean uh with creases i don't mean uh like applying a crease to an edge like what you would do with um like over here with shift e or oh i think you mean seams um the seams are just a reminder i'm just i'm just not a noting basically a little um uh little bits of information about the retopology like what kind of important loops are in here and the elements that i want to keep and preserve that i'm working around essentially um is it better to read apologize with such high poly counts what would you do when you reach the body uh well yeah that's gonna be a tricky subject and i'm gonna get to that once and once i'll get to the body but there's no way of getting around it i want to have this poly count for the head this is gonna give me the most amount of control i give the the rigger and the animators the most amount of control later on i don't want to have too few loops in here because it's not going to be helpful hmm yeah this is not looking good but i can tweak that later on um i can also just oh i can also just go into scope mode and just move around some of this geometry a bit and smooth it specifically yeah using the slight relax brush i really like this i really like doing this now here it's getting a bit tricky i have a lot of topology over here and the brow area which i still think i need but it's a lot it's actually too much for oh wait i want to see the other side there we go it's actually too much going into the rest of the face i could try to like add it over here but i don't think this is really helpful okay yeah look at this this is i i can i can try it i'm not going to say no to it immediately [Music] because i could also use these loops for highlighting the the creases in the surface like this uh uh are you using a mouse or tablet a tablet but sometimes also a mouse i have one right here on the side but mostly right now i'm just using a regular drawing tablet would it not be the same as working with half the polygons then applying a subdivision also how are you getting the polygons to stick to the face in scope mode well i'm getting it to stick to the face in scope mode because i i have the modifiers visible in scope mode there's just a shrink wrap modifier and it's just shrink wrapping it back onto the face and subdividing the the the retopologize the retopology to get more resolution is not a good solution it's actually like it's if you um if it's about getting more topology like you should just tailor ideally tailor the the topology to have the least amount of topology necessary the fact that you're the just subdividing it is not going to give you much more control or it might actually give you a lot more loops than you would realistically need so add ex i'm punching the microphone and exactly the amount of loops you want to have and not more subdividing should have a different a different purpose so um have you ever tried using universal mesh for several characters same topology layout with different proportions uh for different proportions type uh yes and it's difficult like if you uh as long as the the head proportions and the style is pretty much the same you can get away with it i think that's actually a really good time saver but it's tricky for this case i could not use reuse reigns topology or any of the other open movie characters i want to tailor this specifically to this character um can you tell how to make a one minute animation uh no but we can make about 10 seconds right uh i i'm not an animator so i don't know um are there plans to put slide relax into the modeling tab i'm constantly switching to you to use it well yes it would be ideal to like the slight relax brush in general is a really amazing modeling tool and having that available in edit mode as well is is the ideal scenario at least a simplified version of it so yes that would be great [Music] to disable the subdivision surface modifier to not see like a smooth result and in scope mode i can just smooth over this a bit with the slight flex brush [Music] oh i should not do this [Music] [Music] uh oh i see a question how do you enable the face filling function you're using the whole time it's the f2 add-on it's actually it's actually in blender by default you just need to enable it in the add-on [Music] section [Music] i'm going to disable face sets i don't want to see this yeah i need to push this up i would love the slight relax brush to be available in edit mode it's the only one that i'm really using it's the only reason why i'm switching to scope mode really so but there are uh deeper changes that should be done to the retopology workflow um here's interesting like now i have like a lot of loops from the eyes and i don't want to just add more loops over here because they are going to go into the mouth and i already have the optimal amount of loops for the mouth i don't want to add more just unnecessarily so adding loops over here for example is way of a better idea because i don't mind having more loops on the nose this is actually really helpful so i'm just going to fill this in it can look a bit ugly for now like this and i should also now like from time to time i like to just duplicate to duplicate and apply the shrink wrap modifier because then everything just snaps back to the surface i can make sure that i can just like sculpt on this and it's not going to deform in any really weird ways uh oh oops okay just moving over the nose a bit to distribute this geometry a bit i like that i don't have to do this with the regular edit mode features because it would take so long i see way more questions um uh i was wondering why are some edges red and some black well by default the edges would be black but i'm marking some of them as seams with ctrl e and then mark seam just as a reminder for myself where do i have my creases where do i have my main patches and really important loops that i want to keep earlier in the in the stream i was explaining why i was setting some of these like they are basically like art main articulation loops i want to have to get some control to give some control to the rigger later on and some creases that i want to have in there [Music] where did you learn to read apologize lots of people it's essentially like uh knowledge that i accumulated over the years part of it from like um like mentors and uh people that from my um from when i was an apprentice at a 3d studio at a 3d animation studio for advertisement then like also other co-workers here at blender and also just from research looking up for example brian tyndall who's like really amazing retopology a guy and like articulation artist working for uh for pixar it's it's really insightful just looking at all of their stuff and you can really learn a lot reaching out and they are typically also have like books and tutorial content um there were some talks about read apology mode heard pablo mentioning it so that could be a cool solution yes um i i don't know like uh read topology mode is still something that i am a bit lukewarm towards to be honest because it would just duplicate a lot of functionality that is already in edit mode but i also see the benefits to it so i wouldn't i don't think it would be totally out of the question like it makes sense but i would rather want to see also solutions explored where you would have a retopology workspace and then the settings in in in the viewport and in edit mode are just more accessible towards that workflow okay now i'm actually going to mark some of these um yeah i don't want to mark the uh the creases over here as seams i'm gonna clear seam and i'm going to mark them as sharps now they're blue it's perfect so it's just an easier way of recognizing hey where are my uh where are my creases and the red lines are then just my important loops um like the articulation lines and just the main patches that i want to keep that i want to have in here okay i want to change something over here there's like lots of loops going around here i wonder if i can add another loop over here without much worry [Music] and then just fill this in like like this and we get rid of one [Music] now no probably not it's getting really hot really dense though i don't like it well uh actually it should work like i can just slide this in move this one up even if this loop is like supporting a crease over here oh no it is the crease now i can't do this i don't want to have a pole on a crease so i'm going to keep it like this that's just going to cause some unnecessary stretching so ah this is so dense over here i don't like it maybe i can do something like this i can like push this around a bit can you turn a loop back on itself uh well that is the main goal that like whatever loops i create here that they always lead back into themselves try to never spiral a loop out of control that's just gonna lead to bad things my ideal i i really love it when a a loop is really leading back into itself in a way that it forms like a very self-contained patch but um that is sometimes not possible to achieve it's not possible to keep it always like that um hey good to be able to tune in if i may add something to the conversation that poorly about the above the lip feels a little misplaced above the lip um i mean the ellipses they're still going to be adjusted but maybe i should do that now let's just do it now um so one of the things i would like to do is just to add like two loops over here to frame the edge of the lip because this is a crease this is a sharp line and i want to have topology here to support this sharp line like this maybe not so much anymore towards the edge of the mouth like so i can just fan this out a bit but definitely towards over here i want to have this sharp so if i go into object mode and enable the subdivision surface modifier you can see it is now a sharp line now i can add like two more loops over here in the middle to fill the lips a bit more with volume and to save me some time i'm just going to duplicate and apply the shrink wrap modifier um you should uh wait i see some more questions how you make these lines on the face well oh you mean i i don't know what you mean like the yellow ones that's the uh edge the forgot the name the loop cut tool and these lines i marked them with ctrl e as seams and as sharps just as like a way of annotating the model um you should bevel the edges of the lip or something it looks quite sharp um maybe beveling sometimes i find it a bit unpredictable what it actually does if i bevel this it would create two sharp edges it would just destroy my annotation so i generally like to just cut in edge loops with ctrl r but i will add as many loops and as i need to to make the sharp lines really sharp as sharp as necessary essence essentially um are you gonna do a hair simulation or just keep them a mesh i'm going to also re-apologize the hair that is definitely planned so everything will be re-topologized not just the the face but also just uh the entire body and outfit so all of this is gonna be done so let's just continue over here i'm gonna continue in eevee i want to use evie more for retopology just modeling tasks in general i think it's really pretty but i'm going to disable sampling i think or at least keep it on like let's keep it on six samples so it's moving a bit while navigating but it's not like constantly sampling um why you don't use read every retuper flow or similar add-ons well i did use summary topology add-ons but i wanted to um i wanted to show a vanilla workflow like how do you use blender without any add-ons i think using retroflow is actually like a valid approach it can save some time but i think like the the main modeling features of blen blender are all uh they're fine for this workflow um but right now i'm doing it a bit slow intentionally also just to be able to comment a bit more on it okay here we go so the cheeks they're gonna be different they look always a bit difficult but they're actually quite simple in theory because it is really just about making a kind of like a square patch out of it so i could now just really [Music] uh extrude this upwards like this let's add some edge loops over here and essentially this is like the big square patch um which addons you're using to display the shortcuts on the viewport it's the screencast keys add-on it's like i have it over here screencast keys it's it's a really nice add-on uh you can find it on github just google for screencast keys blender and then buy nutty uh that's uh that that's just in general the best version uh will you be adding bones during the stream as well now that's not really necessary a vanilla workflow is really good to show great work too thank you i am strongly in favor of like especially if it helps your own workflow to use blender add-ons i'm using it too like i'm using the pie menu editor to make like some more cust customized add-ons but also because i'm not the best in python it's just giving me a bit of an interface to make that more easily but um add-ons can be helpful and i like the open um uh like culture of blender of like everyone just making and providing and sharing events it's really nice uh let's see how do i do this [Music] hmm i think i want to be honest to be to have at least one loop leads back in here oh just to get just so i don't have all of the loops over here go down to the cheek but i am fully prepared for just adding more loops in here i think that's fine i'm just going to fill this in like really dirty [Music] um not like this wait just to see how many loops i would really realistically need even to fill this in and to see if this is actually fine like i can do this in a really quick and dirty way like this is really dirty but now i can still go into sculpt mode and with the slight relax brush just smooth over it like this and it's looking already much better but i am not necessarily a big fan of how dense it is that was actually one of the things i wanted to avoid but if it's if it can't be avoided i'm also fine with it okay let's just apply uh wait duplicate and apply the shrink wrap modifier again there we go [Music] another question i meant whether you're going to turn the hair into a particle simulation or just keep it as a mesh and thanks for the awesome work thank you very much um right now it's really just a sculpt but i would re-topologize it so it's a cleaned up version still a mesh and i would never add a particle simulation to it um [Music] so i mean that's still a possibility eventually to make a particle simulation but that's not really in the plan right now can we use blender add-on can we use blender on android i'm not sure i never tried [Music] i don't think it's really supported but it could be um so it's having loops that don't spiral or cross themselves important for later stages of character development or is it just for the sake of the modeler well it is for the same sanity of the modeler but also for the rigger like uh spiraling loops are going to uh generally increase the amount of loops that you're gonna have to an unnecessary degree so it's actually good to keep them away from your model as much as possible okay so i have the square patch over here i think that should be fine but i'm not necessarily super happy with um [Music] with the resolution of it it's a lot i think that could be improved [Music] see [Music] uh what time is it anyway oh wow okay i'm getting um close to the end of today's stream anyway um i'm gonna continue a bit with a face but i'm already kind of happy with progress i'm going to remove the the red seams over here i don't need that visual clutter actually um hmm i think i can actually get rid of this one let's actually cut another one in here i want to get the amount of loops down as much as possible it's definitely going to be one of my top goals right now this is a lot right now and i could just for now add like compromise over here with like a little diamond quad but i'm not too happy about that i can like add a hole for it let's see i'm doing a surprising amount of cleanup even though it's not necessary yet i also see some questions that i missed have you tried to make your own hyper realistic portrait on blender no no not yet really not happy about this whole area let's see hmm uh another question this is just for showing technical purposes or will you do something with your good work well the idea is to eventually once the retopology is done of this character the complete character to go further into uv unwrapping texturing and shading and also just rendering and presenting the character in an interesting way but eventually the character should be rigged and added to the to the cloud character library so you can actually access it there download it animate it and all the files should be available so on what i'm doing right now let's see this is interesting i think i would want to push this down just to match the shapes a bit more over here by the way i turned the object right now via shortcut into a wireframe object you can find that here and display as wire or by default it's displayed as textured so if it's wire then it's just making it a bit easier for me right now to see the underlying object in the underlying sculpt in scope mode while still being able to sculpt on the retopology like this um uh what is the first character you had designed uh i don't know to be honest not right now it's been a while okay hmm in general this is looking fine i would like this to have a bit more distance over here so it matches the shape a bit more of the cheekbone and this is going to be tricky i want to have the line follow this shape over here and this is actually not just any line it's actually a crease so i'm going to actually mark it as such over here this is a crease which i want to keep okay so how do i manage that [Music] i have a feeling this is going to be very tricky because if i can match up the loops of the cr the end point over here on the on the eye with this crease that would be ideal let's see oh boy can i can i merge these i want to get the like uh this is not ideal but i could manage wow no this does not work this is now like where the puzzle is getting kind of interesting uh do you know if the rigging will be streamed no i'm not sure um i don't like where this is leading ah [Music] hmm yeah i'm just experimenting right now on how i could fill these areas without adding a lot of loops i mean the easiest way is to just like really to lead it into the cheek because this but there's already so much going on there that it's just a bit overkill [Music] i don't like this idea okay i should say if i haven't saved any eternity is there any plate versions in blender sorry i don't understand um how many hours have you spent making a complete character rig the texture it will just depends on the character uh there's like some simpler characters where we spent like a week or like a couple weeks um like for example the settlers project but then rain for example was an entire almost like a research project that took it took like one and a half a couple months but it's essentially like making the main character of your movie so it makes sense that it takes a lot of time um i'm i i i'm a bit disappointed that like uh with the retopology right now i didn't get to lead the loops really nicely into like very organized patches but that's fine it's still the topology it still itself should still work the way it does right now now i think mostly everything is kind of here at least for the face um of course the best way to test this is to just like enable the subdivision surface modifier and to see how it looks in comparison to the sculpt underneath there's also something weird going on over here what is that that's weird [Music] oh there's a there's a face that was hidden okay there we go so just this mask this um this part of the retopology how much does it match up i think it does fairly well the most important thing it is that it captures not necessarily the main volumes because that's something i can fix afterwards but the creases especially around the eyes i think it does a pretty good job it could be sharper over here so i could just nudge this further in and interestingly enough there is no well i would have to add at least one edge over here as like the counterpart like really just to make this crease visible might actually make it too visible right now but it can be softened yeah it's looking good and then someone is drilling i hope that's not audible in the stream okay his nose is so big yes that was definitely part of the design i wanted to give him a bigger nose than rain i think the design of the nose is pretty fun like there's certain aspects of the character designs that are exaggerated between these different characters like for rain it was really supposed to be the brow and her eyebrows actually has a really pronounced brow for him it was definitely more the nose and the chin okay how do i make this work in the best way i could like push this up i mean these loops are close enough to each other that they could uh that they could pinch together and form that crease without having like a severe loss of volume around on the on the other sides it could work i assume the eyebrows are separate geometry if so is it tricky to make it not disappear into the face or something when freaking or deforming that is a really good question to avoid that what i always try to do is to have like the topology over here on the eyebrows this is the topology of the face but it should match up with the eyebrows as much as possible except for the outer parts over here where it would become too tiny but what that offers us is if we make an eyebrow geometry it can have the same amount of loops at this at the same place and then they can move together without add real effort to the rigging [Music] so that just makes it easier i think this is already looking pretty good um of course there's like other elements missing like for example re-topologizing the ears the neck and all that stuff but i think i'll leave that to another stream um that would be then in the next part finishing up the rest of the head i just want to double check on uh these facial elements like the the nose for example like i just left a hole in here for now and i could finish up the eyes that's something i could do at least um not going into the inner eye like the thickness of the eyelids and such um actually it's let's do it anyway that's the least i can do so i can just like extrude and scale this in like this and then i kind of get the the inner eyelids and don't shy away from making them thick eyelets are actually really thick if you look at them uh like from an anatomical standpoint of course i might need to have to adjust the distance to the eyes so they don't have to clip into each other but something like this oh i actually hit the the eye object there we go like this kind of like this okay and then i need a certain amount of loops in um oh wait there's actually some more questions i should also answer those are you a t-pose a typo is an a post type of person well uh i've tried a few different resting poses throughout the different productions we had and the most popular for the animators is generally the t-pose just because it's making uh rotation values on bones and all that all that stuff much easier to manage so if you want to give animators less of a headache go for a t-pose but for sculpting in general i actually i'm now moving away from t or a poses completely i want when i'm sculpting a character on a design perspective like just finding the character design i'm going to just post them with the arms down in the mo in in the most relaxed way or natural way as possible i don't want to i don't want to do the design to be less readable because of technical specifics something that a problem then we ran into a few times now uh but yes the eyelets i already have this edge loop over here and i would like to add at least like yeah like three more and these three are just enough like if the eye should ever close that there's enough loops to keep the volume of the eyelets intact like that the eyelets could have a bit of curvature and actually wrap nicely around the eye but then also these two loops are a nice counterpiece to the creases that we're gonna have here so i'm gonna add one more over there as well and this is gonna also be marked as a sharp and this just makes more sense now so i have these two loops over here for this crease and these two loops for this crease and these four uh these uh for loops over here can be used for uh for when the eye closes that's a general it's a really good rule of thumb [Music] um the year i'm gonna do that in the next stream i think i am pretty happy with how this looks the temple area is gonna be uh tricky i think i need to figure this out this out next time i i know that i messed up the temple area a bit on the rainy topology and i want to fix that mistake but let's just have a look at this again like i'm actually going to switch to a matte cap so i can see the surface curvature even more so if i switch between the face and the retopology just like this height and unhide think the the lip crease could be sharper it's losing a bit of volume right now same thing for the um for the chin and same thing over here but other than that it should actually be good it's capturing most of the details but yes the lip that is that is actually a thing [Music] so i'm going to slide these up more towards this critical point over there where i want that crease same thing over here [Music] the closer they hook this edge over here the sharper the crease is going to be and over here i'm actually going to add another loop so this one can be i can slide this further upwards and this one can rest a bit more snug on this crease over here like that and now i have this like this crease over here much better captured as well as on the lips there's a general loss of volume but that can be fixed another way afterwards once i'm happy with the general retopology [Music] when will be the next stream i'm gonna do this weekly uh each thursday at four o'clock i kinda settled on that time in general now but yes if you're hungry for more there's also the time lapses of the sculpting progress on the blender cloud but more on the retopology uh can also be found there like re-topology of the character rain but for snow you would have to wait for a bit i'm going to show the basically everything else that's left to do for creating this character life just making it as accessible as possible um [Music] i'm going to quickly just short for a short time hide the seams and sharps just to have a look at the topology and i think this is actually looking pretty good i think it could be tweaked in a couple areas not too happy with how some of these loops actually like where they lead but the none of it is nonsensical it's all yeah it's all kind of nice and symmetrical and even though some areas like over here are a bit dense it's not like they're any more dense than any other area of the face so should be fine and i have just enough loops for every major crease that i want to have available for animation uh yes yeah that should basically be it for now uh i'm gonna end the stream here so i hope you have really enjoyed this i'm just quickly checking for any more uh questions another shrink wrap duplicate apply might be smart before quitting aha that's a good tip okay i'm going to actually do it shift d control a bam so now we can actually see how this compares i think this is pretty good progress okay then i'll see you next time thank you very much for joining and have a good day
Channel: Blender Studio
Views: 39,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sXhIz-5g3Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 32sec (8192 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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