Shadowheart: All 8 Endings | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

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they already heard how you disgraced yourself before lady Shah how she marked you as the enemy I am very glad you decided to return a cautionary tales such as yours will be studied by Lady Shah's initiates for years to come but perhaps I can make a case for some small measure of Mercy give me the artifact and I can at least make this quick enough I don't answer to you not anymore I'm here for my family that's right I know what you did and it's not going to be quick this is your family and now you have turned your back on it the artifact was your last chance to prove yourself wandered it [Music] you there surrender this one to me now and you can consider lady Shah's forces your allies in the battles to come what no you keep such shrewd companions Shadow heart a shame you didn't learn from them sees her last night was perfect though I couldn't help lying there thinking about my parents before you stood more than I thought would be possible considering the short time we had I gave them the release they asked for freed myself from Shah's grasp just as they wished for but there's moments where I think I'd trade that to be able to see them again to them again there's so much only they could have told me but that's all gone now I've got to move on find some place for myself I was hoping you'd say that whatever lies ahead will be far less daunting if I have you it could be just like old times well hopefully not exactly like old times I think I've had enough camping and Mortal Peril for one lifetime I was afraid for the briefest moment when I woke this morning I didn't know where I was I thought perhaps it had all been a dream stopping the absolute saving my parents then I realized I was in your arms they did everything's perfect almost anyway after everything that happened with my parents with Shah I didn't think I was owed any happiness I did things things that fill me with shame now there's at least one person who doesn't want me happy I felt the wound last night while you were sleeping like some sadistic child de-winging a fly she can try to twist the knife all she likes I know I can survive her worst nothing she does can sour the fact that I have my family again thank you sometimes I have to remind myself of that very thing it's nice to hear someone else say it you and I our time together has been very dear to me I had hoped maybe there might be more to come I'm hoping to find some place I can settle down and stay close to my parents somewhere quiet where they can find peace and gaze at the night sky if that sounds at all appealing then I'll keep a spot for you it'll be just like old times last night was an exception I hope you understand that the battle's won our journey is over and I need to take my place at lady Shah's side how could I forget a pleasant vivid memory but now I have to move on all this has been to bring me to this point and now I'm finally here thanks in no small part to you lady Shaw's work is never ending I've cleansed the ranks of her followers leaving only the faithful the Worthy now is the time to spread her word so many have suffered greatly in recent times gripped by pain and loss they will rush to the dark ladies embrace it was special but also fleeting as it was always going to be do you know why I love night orchids in part because they do not last they bloom where few ever see them and in that moment they're perfect then they return to the darkness that birthed them I am glad for the time we had together there is much I still cannot truly remember but I will never forget you you are the last night was perfect almost perfect I didn't mean it like that after everything that happened with my parents with Shah I didn't think I was owed any happiness I did things that fill me with shame now there's at least one person who doesn't want me happy sure I felt the wound last night while you were sleeping like some sadistic child de-winging a fly thank you sometimes I have to remind myself of that very thing it's nice to hear someone else say it you and I hard time together has been very dear to me I had hoped maybe there might be more to come it's not an exciting life that I lead but I'd like you to be a part of it I doubt I'd have anything at all if it wasn't for you I'm hoping to find some place I can settle down and stay close to my parents somewhere quiet where they can find peace and gaze at the night sky if that sounds at all appealing then I'll keep a spot for you it'll be just like old times last night was perfect serving the world is quite the aphrodisiac well we may have put a stop to the absolute and rid ourselves of the tadpoles but too many of my own concerns went untended as a result now I must try to rectify that see to my own affairs little point in saving the world only to have no clear place in it afterwards this is something I have to do for myself what we shared was special to me but I think our paths diverge from here on but who knows perhaps we'll meet again though hopefully not after being abducted be good and if he can't be good just don't get caught last night was an experience but I don't think you've changed quite as much as some might think I'd recognize that Vigor anywhere it sounds like the city is trying to get back on its feet already normal life is returning which means things are about to become decidedly more difficult for you perhaps you could wear a mask say you're a leper or have taken religious vows to conceal your face no and I wouldn't ask you to in truth you're living proof of the sacrifice you made but I fear others may not see it that way after what this city's been through people will scarcely tolerate cuttlefish at the fishmonger stool never mind a full-blown mind flayer in their midst do you know what this means you deserve to be wanted adored statues in your image should stand on every square a whole generation of babies should be named in your honor but it will not be so all those people you saved most of them will never know what you did but you know and so do I I'll never forget I need to get you out of here it was difficult enough smuggling you in here covered in cloaks it will only get worse as normalcy returns I can't at least not right now I'm sorry after everything that happened with my parents with Shaw I need time to myself time to find myself that would call for an awful lot of discretion you know enough to make even a former shower and take pause but after all we've been through I really should know better than to doubt you shouldn't I all right let's try we've gotten this far after all just let me do the talking you'd be amazed what a pretty face can get away with thank you [Music] [Music] what in all the sweet Hells are you doing together conquer or come on [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamerpillar
Views: 145,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3 guide, BG3 guide, Baldur's Gate 3 Shadowheart, Shadowheart Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 Shadowheart Endings, Shadowheart Endings Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 Illithid Ending, Illithid Ending Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 Mindflayer Ending, Mindflayer Ending Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 Endings, All Endings Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 Shadowheart Romance, Shadowheart Romance Baldur's Gate 3, karlach, shadowheart, laezel, astarion, gale, wyll
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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