Starfield Companion Tier List| Every Companion Ranked

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so you're about to start your style field adventure and you want to know what is the best companion to take across the Galaxy with you when this comprehensive tier list I'm going to be going over every single companion in the game of Starfield and liking them from the ones you absolutely must get to the ones you should never take along the way so let's get right into it I want to say that this whole thing is chaptered and time stamped so you can go to every single companion or any of the ones that interests you so let's get into the content so the one we're going to be starting out with guys is the adoring fan now what does the doing fan have going for him not much to be honest with you you get this guy from having the heel worship portrait so you actually have to use one of your traits one of only free traits at the very start of the game so that's a one knock on them he is a meme he I have played around with some he is very funny and this is definitely a Bethesda type of of actual companion so he's got some things going for him in that way of just story wise and just in terms of being a meme this guy basically follows you across the Galaxy just shows up at random times really cool in that way but skills weightlifting 2 concealment one Scavenging one weightlifting isn't going to really help you I mean you can basically use them as a pack donkey and just put a lot of of goods on him so I guess that's something to say for them uh concealment not really helpful if you want to do stuff you should really be uh going by yourself like not having a companion because companions can really mess up the stealth Scavenging not super useful so really in terms of the Annoying fan where would I put them in the tier list I would only put them in average and honestly for story wise I would put them in pretty good but everything else I would probably put them in kind of bad I don't really think he's a great companion since you only have one companion that you can bring along with you and everybody else actually needs to go to your ship it's not a good idea to bring this guy as your only single companion stat wise he just does not live up uh could I see him on your ship not really because he's not really good at much except being a pack mule so honestly a doing fan really cool from a story perspective definitely you should pick this guy up and one of your play Foods just to kind of see uh his dialogue and some of the memes But ultimately you can't really put a doing fan too high up here now the next companion we're going to go for is the one that a lot of people do not even know about I found this companion really really cool it's Amelia Earhart so Amelia Earhart a lot of the companion lists don't even have but yeah you can find her uh she's quite quite difficult to find it's kind of a secret companion but what's really good about Amelia Earhart is she's got two piloting and she's got two rifle certificate so because she's a great pilot you can put her on your ship as basically uh you can put on a ship to basically pilot your ship around she's really useful I would highly recommend picking her up she's quite good and lifeless certificate she's actually good in a gun fight so Amelia Earhart I would put in the probably pretty good tier list uh and I really think Amelia is a really solid companion to bling along with you and really a lot better than a lot of these so uh yeah definitely Amelia Earhart I'm I'm a big fan of a SIM card dialogue is also pretty cool that she's basically been living like I believe it's like 400 euros that like she's she's a clown guys it just to let you know she's not the original Amelia Earhart obviously uh but they basically cloned Amelia Earhart I don't want to actually get into the whole thing I don't want to spoil anything for you but definitely pick Amelia up she's really really cool and she's got the skills to match so I really really like her uh Andrea Andrea what do I think about Andrea Andrea is really solid so let's go to Andrea's um stats here because I'd I just want to put these up on screen so you guys can see them as well so she's got high stealth now like I told you stealth isn't that good actually as a companion to be completely honest with you because most of the time I found that when I was stealthing around it's really not a good idea to have a companion with you so you want to kind of leave them on the ship if you want to be stealthy stealthy but she's got Fleet Plus in the particle beams so that's pretty good energy systems to theft one so she's not a bad companion to bring along with you now she is one of your um name companions so Andrea is one of the four companions you can actually romance that is fully fleshed out um unfortunately you get her fairly late Mission wise so she's not the one that you get like Willy at the start of the game and her having a really high specialization in the stealth isn't that great because like I said if you're if you're into a self-playful like I am actually my main save file is me being a thief and me basically going around and uh you know stealing from everybody just just take it from me stealthing was a companion is not a good idea um you will get caught a lot more bad things can happen you will start gun fights where you really don't want to so Andrea uh it hurts me to say it because I actually really like a personality I really like her storyline and I think probably for romance options for Just Pure Romance I think she's probably the best uh the best character of the game I really really like her storyline so I can't put her too low as but honestly for one of being the four main Companions and that is a little disappointing I was really expecting Bethesda to have more unique companions a lot of these does not a huge storyline and you're getting them mainly for the stats Andrea actually has a really good storyline but the issue is how stats just don't live up I'm going to be putting her on the average tier list probably ahead of a doing fan here because I do sick of doing fan is worse than than her in pretty much every way but honestly she's not up there with the best companions in the game at all um as as we're going to be seeing very soon with Barrett so let's move on and talk about Barrett what do I think about Barrett Barrett is s plus two um Barrett is really really good we're going to be going to him so what does he have staff Starship engineering okay that's really useful particle beam weapon systems that's useful robotics that's useful and gastro that's useful so he can cook for you help with robots particle beams so he's he's really good on your ship now the only thing about Barrett that I have to say I really like Barrett as a character and I think his personality is great so there it's got a lot going for him the only thing I will say about Barrett that is a little bit bad is that he's not that great in a gunfight compared to some Champions uh or compared to some companions so you know your mileage may vary there I personally think the game is not that difficult honestly a star field in a lot of cases if you're just playing on normal difficulty just having a companion to be there in a gunfight will help you a lot balance got so much going for him that I do think he deserves the S Plus Tierra but I could see just because of his not being the absolute best in a gun fight I could see that holding him alright so let's move on Danny Garcia Danny Garcia let's cover Danny Garcia what do I think about Danny Garcia Danny Garcia has not got much going uh for her it's it's kind of a kind of a bad companion guys so skills or chemistry with one star robotics for two-star energy weapon systems for one star what is what is good about Danny Garcia not much not much of a storyline chemistry you can basically make your own amps and things of that nature or I actually have Aurora guide if you want to learn how to cook like Walter White definitely go check that out I'll put it up on screen um but yeah Danny not got much going for um robotics we've already talked about Barrett has robotics energy weapon systems a lot of people have one star is not that good chemistry one star you can basically make all your own chemistry one star is no good Danny really has almost nothing going for and I'm gonna have to really put her in the wheelie tier I to put your only companion in the game it makes no sense if you want to have Danny as your clue it really doesn't make much sense to be honest there's not much rule for Danny um her dialogue's pretty minimal her storyline is kind of short you know she's not a main companion so you're not getting a really in-depth fleshed out uh companion but she is a named companion so basically how things work in Starfield is you have three tiers you have the fully fully fleshed out storyline companions which stuff are for uh you have the mid-tier companions or the named and they have a little bit of a backstory so they're not like completely empty shells and then you just have the like higher links empty clue so we're not going to be covering the highlands we're going to be covering the actual like name Companions and above but yeah Danny let's just skip it so now we're going to be going to Gideon Echo what do I think about getting an echo he's okay he's not bad guys he does have two stars in ballistic weapon systems he also has two stars in missile weapon systems so for clue Gideon's actually pretty strong I actually like Gideon a lot the problem about Gideon is he's no good in terms of just taking him along as a companion so I want to give both sides of that if you're actually just taking him and putting him on your ship is clue he's actually got some decent skills and I would put him in a good place but because he's not really got any sort of fighting skills you should never really take him along as your primary companion and since this is still mainly guilt as a companion God even though I'm also talking about how I think of them as clue I would really put Gideon pretty low um I'm gonna put him in the average deal list just because he is useful as glue he's not completely useless like some of these uh some of these companions but yeah not too bad uh now we're gonna go to hello guys hello um hello geology Outpost engineering so really hella only has one role here guys the only reason you're going to be bringing hello along is to work at one of your outposts he has nothing else really going for him because he has geology and because he has three stars in Outpost engineering um I do say Keller has a role on your clue and I will put him in the average tier but really all you're going to be doing with this guy is putting him in your Outpost to basically want them that's it I like his actual like the little voice logs we get the actual little dialogue we get was hella actually really do like so hello is not a bad companion at all but just don't take him as your primary gun it just doesn't really make a lot of sense um but yeah hello isn't terrible he's just not amazing God to you so now we're actually going to be talking about Lynn which Lynn is a really cool companion because she's the lady that you talk to your supervisor basically at the very start of the game so I'm going to give a bonus blounty points just for that because I think for interest wise she's really cool and I really like her personality at the start of the game what do I think about Lynn just in terms of what she can do well she has demolitions and she has Outpost management so she's kind of very similar into hella but I think because she's like hella but just has a little bit more personality I'm gonna put Lynn into pretty good I think if you want somebody to learn your Outpost it's really cool to to have Lynn on your team and just because you know she was your former supervisor from the very start of the game I feel like there's more of a storyline connection so I think for somebody to run your Outpost it makes more sense like you guys were friends you guys knew each other so it's kind of like one of those situations where it makes more sense for her to come and work for you um even though she was your supervisor and now you're her boss which is kind of a bit of weird dynamic but yeah I think I really like Lynn below Amelia Earhart definitely not even close to Barrett but solid companion I would definitely recommend her so now we're going to be talking about America Boris or boros um what do I think about her so she's got shotgun certification she's got ballistics and she's got particle beam weapon systems so there's better options guys there's better options but if you want to take a primary companion she's not bad because America actually does have just some straight up gun fighting skills and honestly really you're probably going to be using a companion in one of two ways when you're actually having your main companion number one you really like that personality and are using them primarily as a pack mule so you're just using them to Ferry around Goods because there's a big inventory management problem in Starfield and you will run out of actual inventory very very quickly the second thing you would want them for is the specific skill set and ability to be great in a gunfight um America is not bad I'm gonna put her honestly in the pretty good because I think she beats out a lot of companions where they have no real useful skills in a gun fight so I can't really recommend them and really although therefore is just pack mealing for you and story uh connotations America's not bad but she's not in the absolutely great tier but you know right below Amelia right below Lynn I could see take America you could use her as your primary companion because she does actually have some combat skills so not terrible not great now let's go on to uh the meme Lord Mickey Mickey Cavalier this guy is one of the weirdest ones you're ever going to find this is definitely a Bethesda companion I ran into this guy when I was first in neon I picked him up oh boy did I regret it Mickey's got almost nothing going for him I'm gonna be honest with you what skills do you get uh Gastronomy you already have people that have Gastronomy no no good only one star Wellness two plus useless incapacitation OnePlus this guy is basically an alcoholic he's a he's an edge Lord he's crazy uh I mean look at him he looks Delaine she's like a former journalist that just is like begging to get on your ship would not recommend Mickey I mean definitely in terms of personality he's got some he's got some things going for him but that's about it I'm gonna put Mickey in a kind of bad he's not as bad like he's not in a really bad tier list but he's pretty pretty bad and I would not recommend getting Mickey on your team so now we're on to Amare Hassan now what is the more I bring to the table well he brings a free plus the shield systems and a one plus the Starship engineering you can find him in the Aquila Outpost what do I think about Amoy there's not much to say guys about Amoy you can take him you're not going to use them as your primary companion let's just get that right out of you know laid out on the table immediately um you could use him as clue you could put him on your ship having Energy Systems isn't terrible Amore is kind of bland I'm going to be honest with you his name is really his coolest feature which is not saying anything good for him um you like I said you could use him as clue I found him to be kind of dull I really wouldn't recommend taking Amari at all I would put him right here on the kind of bad along with Mickey I just think there's better options and you're not going to be using him as your primary companion you really can't use him as a pack mule his storyline kind of sucks like he doesn't have almost any characterization it's just he's not a great companion All Things Considered and I think there's so many better options that really you probably shouldn't be using him as your primary companion so now we go to Raphael Aguero Raphael what does he got going for him well he is got a OnePlus star on outpost engineering he's got two plus star in Starship engineering and one plus and outpost management he is pretty good if you just want to have somebody managing your Outpost so we've we've kind of talked about these companions so honestly Raphael he's not a terrible Choice I'm gonna put him in the average to your list kind of along there was hella um definitely not as good as Andrea definitely not as good as as your adoring fan he's not terrible but there's so many better ones there's so many better ones um you know Lynn Amelia Earhart Barrett I mean it's just really hard putting him that high up there I would just use him as clue you definitely do not want him as your primary companion but if you just stick him on your Outpost then Raphael is not terrible um he's just not somebody that you're going to write home about honestly but I don't hate him and I do think he has some place in your team but just mainly as clue on an outpost that you're probably only going to be going to once in a blue moon so you're not going to really remember him too much I do think he's kind of the little bit of dialogue and a little bit of backstory you get with him though is kind of cool so definitely check him out and see if he strikes your fancy so now we're going on to Rosie Tannen Hill now I like Rosie I really really do uh she's got a one plus in medicine Fleet plus and wellness skills-wise she's not too cool uh she comes from Aquila so you get her an Aquila City the problem about Rosie is it's really hard to recommend her just on a pure stats basis but she's got Wellness she's got medicine you could use her as your primary companion I'm gonna be honest with you it's not the best idea but I do like Rosie I actually like the little bit of personal personality and characterization that we do see from Rosie so she's not the worst choice I can't put her in in pretty good I really can't it just makes no sense because there's so many better characters but I'm gonna put her right here was Andrea in the top of average because I think that she could be a primary companion she could Pack meal for you she could you know heal you things of that nature Maybe Rosie I played around was maybe an hour with Rosie I wasn't foiled with her I just think I looked as cool I think the dialogue you have was is cool so I think she's personality wise a good companion to have and I would definitely recommend you get her and check her out and see what you guys think but uh yeah just let me know down in the comments what do you think about Rosie she's she's one I'm probably one of the most conflicted about because on the one hand I like her personality wise but on the objective side of things I just can't see stat wise why you would take her so that's why I'm putting her basically in the average uh average to your list here um so let's move on now we're gonna go to Samco Samco is really good guys samko is really really good probably I want to save Semco may be one of the best companions you can take really really good so what do we get we get a four plus time piloting a three plus star and rifle certificate two plus two on payload One Plus in geology just because of the piloting and rifle certificate this is probably one of your go-to choices for actually your main companion the guy that you're actually taking around or the woman you're taking around with you along with your trip in the Galaxy Samco is probably one of your best options I'm gonna put him above uh Barrett I definitely think he deserves that his storyline is super cool you know you definitely get that Ranger feel from Samco he's definitely you know kind of Cowboy west on Space West on field I really like Samco as soon as you get him you're probably gonna gravitate towards him pretty hard and just in terms of stat wise I mean here's the here's the advantages you have romanceable that's that's a huge Advantage much better questline plot line like he's one of the four main companions so you get a lot better characterization so that's a huge uh huge Advantage he's got really good stats you know having rifles I mean that's that's super good guys I mean rightful certificate plus flee this guy's gonna hit like a truck when you actually give him a rifle so it's really really hard not to put him in S Plus steel honestly probably one of the two or three companions that I would really recommend as your primary campaign Canyon is Samco probably the first major companion you can choose and a really solid Choice overall Sarah Morgan what do I think about Sarah well let's look at how just that was aerodynamics or sorry astral Dynamics four star lasers free star leadership two star botany one star just in terms of stat guys there's no way we can put Sarah any less than SEO um she's got really great fighting stats with lasers so if you give her a laser gun she's gonna fight extremely effectively just like Samco Astro Dynamics I feel like isn't as good as some other stats in my personal opinion but the leadership in the botany really do kind of contribute to it um Sarah's a bit of a weird one because I think just definitely personality wise she doesn't mesh with me as well I would rather have Samco on my team every day um I think that they kind of made her a little bit lovely if that makes sense like they made her she's a romanceable uh character but I feel like Sarah is a little bit like a sister or a mother role if that makes sense um and you know I hate to say it that way but that's just the way I feel about things uh but she is really good stat wise I would personally rather have Samco or Barrett pretty much any day but I can't really deny that just that wise Sarah is is a really really strong option and can be one of your primary companions across the Galaxy I just think those people that are better characterization wise and personality wise so I'm not putting a super high up there but I'm not putting her super low evil so now we're going on to Simeon bankowski what do I think about him well he's got some decent stats guys if you want like a sharpshooter he's got one plus Sharp Shooting he's got two plus sniper certificate and he's got one plus Marksman so this guy is really your Ace in the Hole if you want a companion that's just called snipe and you guys will like a team that is like only Long Range Guns and just killing people from very far out this could be a useful uh team member for you honestly dialogue wise and just in terms of characterization he's kind of flat he's he's kind of like a pancake there's not much going there uh he is one of the minor companions but just that wise I can't really put him any lower than pretty good because I actually think snap-wise he beats a lot of people um and this is somebody you could actually have a main companion and you could actually use and actually it's he's a useful companion so you know he's not great but he's not terrible and I think that's kind of where you're at with Simeon where you know do you not really care at all about characterization do you just want somebody that's going to help you in a gunfight pick Simeon if you if you'll play in the long range game and you don't want to fight Close Quarters pick Simeon um if you care about characterization and you won an actual companion to kind of interact with you throughout your adventure in the Galaxy don't pick Simeon so pretty good just purely stat wise but probably wouldn't be one of my top recommendations so we are on to Sophia Grace uh Sophia Grace what is her skill set well she has three plus in stealth and one plus in lasers as we've talked about already with Andrea stealth is not great there was no reason to ever pick uh Sophia whatsoever she is cool looking character I really like her look her dialogue is pretty interesting but honestly if you're playing a stuff playful and you really want to take a companion just take Andrea there's no reason to take Sophia she's just really got nothing going on for her at all I really have to put in the Willy to your list because there's no reason you wouldn't take Andrea her personal uh personalities better characterizations better stats better and she's basically Sophia is just a worst version of Andrea realistically without really anything redeeming for her other than I guess the weak weak personalization you're gonna get but it's not really worth it it's not gonna make up and I really think she has pretty much no place on your Starship roster she's not really even useful to get his clue because what are you going to use her for since her primary skill is stealth so she needs to be a primary companion but there's just so many better options that really prevent that from ever making any sense so finally we reach Vasco Vasco is our companion right at the start of the game he's the very first companion you get um I love having a robot as your companion I think his dialogue is absolutely fantastic I really love Vasco um what do you actually get for skills iniotic Fusion useless Shield systems OnePlus em weapon systems one plus he could be used as glue honestly why guys stats wise it doesn't really make sense to take Vasco but I love him in terms of story I can't put him as any less than pretty good just because I think some of the dialogue you get with Vasco is some of the best in the game I really like Vasco I love his personality and he's honestly a great companion like I told you guys it's not really that important on a companion um I mean the stats are important but ultimately the most important thing is who you associate with and who you really gravitate towards they're on a playthrough I do think Vasco is really really cool but stats wise there are definitely better options so now guys let's actually conclude the video we're going to do a tldr and I'm gonna tell you who I think you should bling so who are the best companions to bling along with you in your quest across the Galaxy Samco number one if you really want my number one recommendations take Samco absolutely second recommendation probably bear it Barrett would be really really strong option and I really like there but I do think his personality is good and he's got the stats to back it up who's my photo recommendation you'd probably think it's Sarah Morgan it's not it's actually going to be Amelia Earhart I think Amelia is really cool I think she's kind of a Hidden Gem um and yeah if you unlock her I think she can be a really really good companion and if you're really trying to play a stealthy snake playthrough um I do think Andrea's dialogue and I think her personality and her quest line and her actual characterization is pretty good so she would be my fourth recommendation but just remember guys that for stealth characters having a companion go directly with you isn't that great now for clue there's a lot of options that could make a lot of sense but ultimately I wanted to distill this down into primarily about Canyons go to the individual parts of the video if you want to learn who's the best for clue but guys if you had one recommendation for this list take Samco he's probably a best option when you're going across the Galaxy I really think him or Barrett is going to be your best option and you're going to really love their character you're gonna love the dialogue that comes about as you as you go through this game of Starfield I really hope you enjoy it I've been playing for probably the last four or five days obsessively like eight ten hours a day and yeah guys I really enjoyed Starfield I can't wait to see you out there in the stars get in your get in your game guys on the sixth enjoy it uh take one of these great Companions and hit that like And subscribe button it would really help me out it's it's such a big thing for a small content creator like myself I really hope you like this video crush the like hit that subscribe button and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: That Anxious Gamer
Views: 113,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield companions guide, starfield crew members guide, starfield crew roster, starfield best crew members, starfield best companions, starfield crew tips, starfield tips, starfield, starfield tips and tricks, starfield beginners guide, starfield beginners tips, starfield guide, starfield gameplay, starfield how to, starfield things to know, star field, starfield starter guide, star field tips, star field guide, starfield increase crew limit, starfield crew limit
Id: flnJz7wlMt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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