How To Repot & Propagate | Pilea Peperomioides

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[Music] hey guys what's going on welcome back to my channel if this is the first time you're discovering this my name is Christian also known as a crazy plan guys I mostly do plan videos on this channel and if you have not subscribed yet be sure to hit that button also follow me on Instagram crazy plan guys that's where you'll find me pretty much living my everyday urban jungle life so in this video we're going to repot the pina pepper Romeo this as well as propagate some of his babies if you guys recall I just did do a video on how to care for this guy and if you're looking for those channel characters be sure to check that video out I'll provide a link in the description below as well as I check out the card in the corner right here so normally when you want to repot sky you always do it during the beginning of the growing season which is around the spring or in this case when he is completely rebound or pretty much it's getting out of hand right and I can tell because lately I've noticed that that had to water him a lot more so that just tells me his babies are taking up a lot of energy and there's not probably enough soil soil for all of them so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to move him up from this six-inch pot that you see here to an 8 inch pot so when you do repot any of your plants you make you want to make sure you don't go too big and I always go about 2 inches up a size and at the same time you also want to consider and make sure that where you are going to plant him is a very similar environment to what he has right now so that means making sure that the soil I use is similar to the soil mix he has which is 50% anti soil 45% premium potting mix and 5 percent perlite and a bit of orchid bark to help with drainage as you guys know you want to make sure your soil is has a lot of area aeration and is well draining so that way you don't risk the plant sitting in water and potentially having root rot which is the number one plant killer so we're gonna get started here and then I also have my propagation station so that way when I do remove the babies you know I can put them in water and you know wait a couple weeks for the reasons to grow before putting them into soil so let's get started here so typically what I want to do with this guy's obviously be very careful and gentle his you know his uh bottom leaves our limit fragile right now and I can tell because they're really droopy so let's see how I can go moving this I'm gonna move this guy for a minute there okay so normally when you want to remove this guy out of a pod I loosen it by squishing the container a bit to make sure that you know I can easily pull him out of here and that we're not gonna cause problems be very very gentle because I really don't have any place to hold grab this guy up [Music] already look at this guy look at him so much have to put him down here so you guys can see so the first thing I'm going to do is actually going to remove some of these babies and I'm going to see we're going to start here you know what yeah I start right these two guys right here these two are probably a lot more mature than the rest so I guess it's here right now how crazy this guy is look at all those babies so what we're gonna do is try and remove the soil as close to the bottom so you can see where you actually start and then from there that's where you want to clip him so so once I remove some of these babies that cut it right here I'm then going to remove the old soil gently move it alright guys so I am done removing a bit of the soil from the top and I'm going to make my cut on this baby peel yes so typically you want to leave maybe give it about an inch from his last or bottom leaf and that's where you'll make a cut so you wanna make a cut right here so I'm gonna take my sharp scissors there see so look at this guy it's kind of perfect I just need to balance him out and that's what I wanted to do is obviously them put him in water and yeah let him sit there for a few weeks and then do one more right of this guy right here right here yeah so me cut okay I wanna make sure give him a bit of stem to you [Music] so see one more there I don't think and gave him enough room but we'll see hopefully that's good and winding one more this guy is really mature as well screw this guy so we're gonna do we really just got right here this guy here he looks good you know I really did not want to do this because I really want to see how he looks with his babies similar to my spider plant but you know in this case you want to make sure your plants are gonna be healthy and thriving so again got one more here so you don't want to you know you don't want to just force him to do you know whatever she's not liking it and I think this guy will be a little bit definitely lock happier so I'm done cutting a couple of the babies I have three of them you know they're going to propagate here in water so what I'm editing with this and that guy he knows I'm not she's just going to try and loosen the rest of his soil you know but just you know gently removing it with your fingers or you can get like a toothpick and you know poke him around make sure you're not damaging the roots as well so let me do that yeah [Music] all right guys so I'm going to keep a bit of soil here to keep his root ball and the rest of his babies intact and then I'm going to put him in this new container I would have soiling here a bit so just gently place - Skyy I'm actually going to need to put a bit more soil so that way you want to make sure this guy has room to grow down as well so yeah I think this is perfect so once I have him in my container pot I'm just going to fill him up with the rest of these soil mix that I have here and actually going to leave him a bit this way because he's already got to lean and then I'm gonna face him this way to try and straighten this guy out when I place him back into this location so sometimes I lose I'll actually use on this old soil and to put into this new soil again you just want to make sure he's got similar environment to where he was because I know I kind of shot this guy by removing you know a couple of his babies as well [Music] tada there you guys have it fetus now in his new home and the one thing to keep in mind when you are adding soil is to make sure you're not packing it down tightly and you want to keep the soil nice and loose so when you do water him it drains through quite well speaking of watering after you don't obviously transplanting him into this new soil you want obviously water disguise so that way the roots can merge with the soil and then obviously put him back to his previous location where he was you don't want to move this guy to another environment or another location because again you shock the plant by obviously you know repotting him and then removing his baby so what typically may happen is the bottom leaves may fall off and that's pretty normal as long as your new leaves and the new babies aren't falling off then your plant should be good so yeah that is pretty much it pretty easy to do and with these you guys we're gonna make a couple more of them obviously in a few weeks they will grow roots and then I will repot them in their own soil so yeah that is it if you guys do have any other questions about the peeling of pepperoni Otis and whatnot feel free to comment below and that's the way not trying to get to them as soon as I can if you do want to see more propagation videos of any of my plants that you see on Instagram or on YouTube be sure to comment and let me know and I'll try and get to them as well other than that hopefully you guys enjoy your Sunday and I'll see you guys soon peace [Music]
Channel: Crazy Plant Guy
Views: 491,781
Rating: 4.8900967 out of 5
Keywords: repotting pilea peperomioides, propagating pilea pepromioides, chinese money plant, how to care for chinese money plant, how to propagate pilea peperomioides, how to transplant pilea, houseplants, houseplant care tips, hoseplant collection, house plant tour, house plant haul, how to repot pilea peperomioides, indoor plants, meet my plants, welcome to the jungle, propagation station, propagating plants
Id: 1-bCGzqkxpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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