Chinese Money Plant Water Propagation Revival | Pilea Peperomioides DYING YELLOW LEAVES

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hey guys it's erica if you've been following my channel for a while you might know that i did a video kind of a long time ago on plants that i'm struggling with and the paelia pepperonis was on that list that pilea is history that pilea died i bought a new one and let me show you how it looks right now so i propagated it i have the footage of me doing that to show you guys because i ruined the roots i think it was from over watering which i'm a little bit surprised because i am a chronic chronic underwater so going from chronic underwatering to over watering my poor little pillia pepperome ladies was really sad um i'm a huge fan of this plant for some reason a lot of people whenever they talk about this plant they talk about how easy it is to care for i struggle with it so much this is the best i've done yet um but we're gonna get to potting this because i have rooted this little baby which i'm so happy about um so let me kind of talk you through what went on so right after i finished filming my root raw rio revival video i was kind of saying in that video like the next time that i found a plant that was root rotted i would kind of film the entire process of how i fixed it how i solved the problem and i was looking around on my plants and i noticed well i noticed earlier but my pilea looked awful and here's me struggling to show you how awful all of the leaves looked the whole entire bottom portion the leaves were yellowing there was dark spots on the center of the leaves which is a big red flag that your plant has root rot so i finally decided to do something about it because i just been kind of hoping that i would adjust my watering schedule and that would kind of account for the root rot and preventing it from getting worse which obviously did not work so the first thing when you have root rot or suspect you have root bra is you got to take your plant out of the pot and look at the roots which is what i'm doing here when i took the pailia out of the pot i noticed the little babies that were popping up and i was so excited to find those because i've been waiting for that plant to give me babies for the longest time but on the bad side i noticed that the roots looked awful you could really tell roots are bad when they're kind of like dangly and they're black usually you want them to be like a nice plump plump and firm and a more white color some of the roots on here were white and okay obviously if it kept the plant alive but we definitely needed to change the soil out and do something about the roots that did go bad you can definitely tell on the leaves that the roots were not the healthiest and the leaves were honestly kind of falling off by themselves but i just decided to move to remove the entire bottom portion of the leaves because they they were turning yellow and once the leaf starts turning yellow it's not gonna suddenly revert and go back to green so why not just take them all off so that i can propagate the top portion where the leaves were still beautiful and the plant was still growing so here we are you can see every leaf that i removed and you can see right there that the leaf that the roots are dangling you do not want your roots to be dangling like that they should be kind of firm and staying in place not wiggling around i removed most of the worst leaves there were still some that were pretty bad above but this was good enough to propagate so i didn't really know how far up i wanted to go on the stem to cut but i left a little bit of a buffer as you can see here and this part top part is going in water and this bottom part is being potted again so the two little babies could continue growing and then i'll have two new plants from there like i mentioned earlier there were enough healthy roots to support the plant just not enough to keep the bottom part alive so that portion could survive still it was a little too difficult to try and remove all of the soil i tried spraying it off with the hose even and it still wouldn't come off so this is how the root ball looked before i potted it up and you could just see how good this part looks when it doesn't have all of those dead leaves at the bottom although a lot of them still do look pretty bad since i put that upper portion in water i decided to take a picture of it on the first moment that i noticed that it had roots and that was about four days after i put it in water so it rooted pretty quickly and i'm gonna attribute that to the fact that i put it in a south facing window so it got a lot of sun and this was the very next day i felt like you can see that the roots grew even if it was just a tiny bit i felt like even that one little day you could see the roots grow a bunch so i decided to take a picture of that too so now i think i don't remember how much time maybe a month later i have my rooted little pailia and i have the little base which as you can see here the baby has gotten bigger there's another baby somewhere buried over here and this stem has grown some plants at the base if you can see them it's all really small very minuscule right here right here those two little areas have it i'm honestly so happy that this plant has survived and it's growing a bunch of little new growths at the base so i'm very happy about that and i'm very happy that this plant rooted and now we're going to pot it today i have a little bit of soil here this is just some of my soil mix and i have a plastic container um because this is not where i want it this is not where i want it to live forever but i want it to kind of get used to having soil on the roots since it is in water right now um so let me just give you a a good view of this because i'm so proud at how easy this was through i was really unsure if it would root the way i wanted it to but it did i left on all the dying leaves for you guys to see oh i actually just broke one off right now which i was actually gonna do so let me break off these dying leaves because i don't want them on my new plant and the roots are kind of growing above it so i'm really glad that the leaves kind of died symmetrically so it kind of looks even here i'm gonna bury it very deep here's the uh root system little top part it looks so much healthier now that it has those little dead dying leaves off of it oh my gosh that makes such a huge difference this looks like a very healthy plant now wow that's crazy okay so we're potting it in here i'm putting it down as deep as possible this is a small little pot but it's very deep so i that's why i chose it and i'm gonna plant this here we go it's all potted up it looks very very good i think i'm gonna have to end up taking off some of these kind of yellower looking leaves but i'll just leave them on for now and then maybe once it kind of um adjusts to being in this pot and i transfer it to it's like a clay pot a pot that it's gonna stay in for um for a long long period of time then i'll cut those off but this looks so good it's kind of like a baby again i am really sad that it did come to this i would have liked to have a really large plant i think that whenever someone thinks of a pailia pepperonis they automatically think of crazy plant guy christians pilea because that thing is insane and that's kind of what i was going for for my plant and this is this is where we ended up because i just got a little too water happy but i think the i think these leaves are really good for like a very good example of how leaves look when they are being over watered so i think these are a really good learning tool i feel like whenever i mess mess up or make mistakes it's a great opportunity to help you guys try and avoid those mistakes so i definitely know it was over watering and i think it was because i put it in such a well-draining mixture that i ended up having to water it like every three days or something like that and that's kind of a lot for me and if the days get too close together i feel like i forget if i watered it three days ago or if it was yesterday and then that's that's how it happens we got these two little baby plants i think giving them lots of sunlight and i these honestly this rooted so quickly when i noticed the roots i took a picture right away because i was so excited about it and this little guy has been growing up really quickly so giving this plant a lot of sunlight has been really good for it i think i think only about a month ago i did a reviving root rot video and i said that next time i would film the process completely and i did that it literally was only like three days later where i was like okay yeah this pailia has root rot and we gotta do something about it so finally film the whole situation but that's it for today's video i hope you guys enjoyed it in the future i will definitely be giving you an update on these plants and i'm going to do an update video very soon for my other plants because it is it's not vlogmas it's more like plant miss plant mist so i am trying to post videos daily this month um so i'm definitely gonna have updates on my other plants but if you guys have any suggestions of videos that you would like to see you can let me know in the comments down below other than that thank you guys so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video it had a really happy ending that i'm so excited about and i'm gonna be sure not to overwater these but yeah thank you for watching i will see you next time bye
Channel: Erika Lodes
Views: 15,032
Rating: 4.9597702 out of 5
Keywords: HOUSEPLANTS, House Plants, HousePlants Care, How To Care Houseplants, How to House Plants, Houseplant Propagation, How to Take Care of Houseplants, Houseplants Beginners, 2020 Houseplant Shopping, houseplants cheap near me, Cheap Houseplants near me, where to get houseplants, rare houseplant unboxing, houseplants ebay, buying plants online, rare plants, popular houseplants, etsy plants, houseplant shop 2020, houseplant tour 2020
Id: 5CYAgtK-woE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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