How to propagate Pilea peperomioides : How to propagate, remove and repot the new plantlets

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[Music] good afternoon YouTube welcome back to my channel in today's video we are going to be working with Pylea peperomia DS a nice house plant that's kind of trendy these days I acquired mine last year and I haven't done much on them in videos but I just shot a video of just showing my collection and talking about my little experiments I've done with them too much light too little light just right light fertilizer moisture stuff like that so if you missed that video on how you actually care for them make sure you look at my previous video that I just did and then I did I promise in the next video we would be doing some separation of some pups and multiplying these plants so first off let's just talk about how these guys do multiply and my experiments were I put the two that I got over here in big plant or a big pots and I put them in clear pots cuz I want to see what was gonna happen with the roots and they do grow amazingly huge root systems you keep your plant in a small pot it's gonna stay small you keep it in a big pot it's gonna get bigger and in theory produce a bunch of pups now I showed you this guy in the last video and this was a cutting I got this is one of my first plants I got it was an unrooted cutting and I but you did too much for it in the mail and yeah hey-oh shipped to me and then I had to route it and it didn't look like this it had a few leaves on it and was quite small but anyways you these guys will multiply in a couple different ways one of the easiest ways and you can see it already happening with this one is little divisions come off the main stem itself there we go so you can see it coming off sideways and this guy if I was to allow it to grow big enough I could take a sharp pair of scissors or a razor blade and cut that off and then route it they route very easily i routed these ones just directly in the media you see and we'll talk more about the media in just a second and but yeah they even they grow off like the center of the stem let's see look at this one here so these are their pore examples because they're so tiny but I am just starting with these collections myself so you can see there in the center of the screen light is coming right off the stem itself so that is one way these guys multiply and I'm assuming this one multiplied that way because it didn't have any really substantial root system itself you know less than a year ago so looking forward to some little pups off that one now I'm my bigger plant over here which has been in the greenhouse I I've got three cute little fully rooted Pylea pups and I'm calling them pups I don't know if that's the term for them but they seem like a pup sort of plant so anyways look at that super cute ready to go fully rooted and I ended up with three of them off of that one and you're gonna go well how did you end up with three of them off of that one and I'm gonna show you next because the one that I had indoors in my grow room it's looking a little funny because it got blasted with some sunlight and it thought it was just a little bit too much light we talked about light again in the last video so check that video as two reasons I think my plant sort of looks like this in the crown recently but check this out so big pot look at all these little pups coming up in the media itself and I mentioned in the last video you can see in one of the pots the the roots coming right down so they're big substantial roots they're very big I don't know if you can't see that but that is actually like you can see like leaves coming off that was the other point of a clear pot I want to see just like what was going on in here and yeah so they grow there's roots section coming out on the bottom of this pot and this is only been in here since last summer last early summer but I recently am being I bought these at the same time I recently divided off the pups on this one and I did it successfully and I wanted to show you how to do it too and yeah super easy and I think that's the the best way to get pops just put them in a big pot let them be you're not going to be like mass-producing these things or anything but with these two plants in less than a year I have seven extra plants from little pups down here so anyways let's um let's get started I'll show you how I did it on my other one on this one things we are going to need a sharp pair of scissors I use a little spoon you can only use a little shovel or whatever the other one I did in my greenhouse that's where this one lives we're in the house filming today just because the lighting is a little bit um nicer in here right now it's kind of a cloudy day out there and I have prepared my media so some people called medium media potting soil I'm so used to working with plants that don't like nutrients in their soil we don't call it soil we call it media or medium this is peat moss Miracle Grow potting mix I've added a bunch of extra perlite for drainage and a bit of sand as well just again for some drainage one piece of sphagnum Moss made it in there from somewhere else but yeah so just an airy well-drained mix let's see if we can get a good shot for you hmm let's see is that gonna be a good shot that's a pretty good shot you really zoomed in so it's kind of like pixely but what can we do right it's maybe moving this way and down okay so the lock key in place there and hopefully being able to see will work on this guy cuz he's the biggest so it seems like all the little reaps or the runners come straight up from the plant and they're very very shallow that was one thing that was very surprising on these guys although you seen the one go straight down it's at the bottom of the pot I think for the most part they like to be pretty shallow so what I did and this size is perfect because the roots aren't very huge I just went in here and slowly dug up under I'm even using the back side of the spoon because I don't need that much home leverage here and so I lifted it up and you can see that roots are pretty shallow under there there's nothing going down too deep right now they seem to spread across the surface of the pot and then head down after that so I'm not sure where that one's going but so I just got to do that and we're gonna find the root to make a cut the easiest way to do that let's say you can get you back in some light again it moved is I found a spray water bottle and just clean it up a little bit and there we go the route will be coming into view and there it is so sorry every time I put my hand there it changes the lighting and it changes the focus so now I've exposed the route right there it should be pretty easy to make that cut you can see it on the camera now pretty easily I'm gonna go in community the prayer scissors and cut it it's really that easy and I don't know after time if the roots start going down more or what but this is a fully rooted little pup look at that beautiful little plant good size already some good roots that WordGirl went across across the surface not deep at all so it's nice to not have to dig for them and then I have exposed a little cutting here and I like to just leave that exposed for a few days just to let some air dry it out I'm not sure if we're gonna be able to see that on camera or not it's um he's right there at the tip of my finger can kind of see it I'm just going to leave that exposed for a few days you I would just worry about burying a fresh cut and having bacteria or whatever get in it so then as for this guy you can see now nicely where I have cleaned off the cut I haven't found you need to do anything at this point these plants some girl pretty pretty readily especially having the full root system so you can back this off put that down and you can see where this is going with this so I've already prepared my mix I'm going to throw it up here just like so I mean keeping a pushdown ahead of time because the soil likes to to pack up or pack down so he might as well do that first and being it's a very shallow root system we are going to you put it rate like so you know that was careless and broke a little leaf off and there we go so what I'm going to do with this now is give it a quick little drink of water like so make sure the little roots are settled in there and then what I did the other ones was just as a safety precaution I threw it in a little bag for about seven days to make sure that um make sure that I was going to route properly and I just put a hair clip on the top of the bag or an orchid clip and kept it in high humidity for about a week and till I knew that they were going to be happy and healthy and yeah that's all there is to it so that adds another plant to my collection there now I have four little pups from my four original plants so I've doubled my collection in in the less than a year that I've had it plus I have three more little pups in this pot to work with now I'm not gonna work with those on camera with you today working on camera means things go twice as slow but you don't need to see all four done but I would suspect that this is going to branch off somewhere in further and produce more pups and more pups and more pups and I might even get some little plants coming off the stem pretty soon as well so I hope you like this video and if you want to see more videos like this make sure you subscribe to my channel and as always thanks for watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: Brads Greenhouse & Gardening
Views: 23,742
Rating: 4.9274378 out of 5
Keywords: venus flytrap, how to water Orchids, growing Orchids, how, to, care, for, orchids, how to grow orchids, orchid care, tricks, tips, greenhouse, nepenthes, sundew, flytrap, Cephalotus, heliamphora, Orchids, Culture, Dracula Orchid set up, Sharry Baby, Orchid, Oncidium, Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Cattleya, Vanda, Brassia, Dendrobiums, Draculas, Masdevallia, Miltoniopsis, repotting, phalaenopsis, orchid, Flower, Garden, Green, Environment, Flowers, Nature, Gardens, Friendly, yt:cc=on
Id: 5m5LzUQcZCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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