How To Care For Pilea Peperomioides | Houseplant Care Tips

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in this video I'm going to show you guys how I got this guy and through this guy [Music] guys what's going on welcome back to my channel if this is the first time you're discovering this my name is Christian also known as a crazy plan guy I mostly do plan videos on this channel sometimes I'll throw in the occasional reaction sneakers our blog but lately it's all about plants that is because I'm a plant holic just like you I'm just kidding but yes so if you have not subscribed yet be sure to hit that button also you can follow me in Instagram that's where I am pretty much everyday living my urban jungle life crazy plant guy that's me and this video we're gonna talk all of what the POF pepperoni Otis also known as a Chinese money plant tada this guy so I had this guy for almost a year now and I would say I think I got a maybe late October early November of last year so not even a year yet and when I first got in he was this tiny little pup I actually found him online by this guy who was selling it because during that time the stores in the city did not have these plants available and this was the implant of 2017 I think it still is the implant may be the stray of Hearts is actually taking over that's in my opinion anyway but regardless this is a beautiful plant they are known for their circular leaves almost looks like a lily pad coming off this very long skinny stem and yeah I mean they are one of the easiest plants I think to own and take care of considering the way you know he looks people are often intimidated on how to care for something like this but honestly I think he's one of the easiest plants to care for so with that I'm actually going to share you guys my tips and how I got him to look like this I often get the question why he's so circular and evenly you know has this kind of like don't looking thing going on honestly I would have to say it's the lighting I'd give this guy they do prefer bright light however you know you here for these guys in the medium sometimes law lines in a north-facing window it will be okay but they do prefer to be in west east or south facing window now self obviously is the one of the harshest like and you can get unfortunately unfortunately I guess that's the only window location I have I have a south-facing window that's here and I actually put this guy right in the corner so he's about two feet away from the large window next to the filly face so that kind of creates a bit of shade I make sure he does not get any direct sunlight because as soon as the Sun hits this uh leaves and even for you know thirty minutes or so it will burn so he is prone to getting sunburned so again avoid making sure this guy gets any direct sunlight but make sure he gets a lot of bright filtered or indirect light because that is what will promote his growth quickly and how I got him to go into this nice you know someone even circular vive and luck going on is I actually rotate him every day or every other day I'll move him about an inch or two just to make sure he grows straight and even if you don't do that he will lean over and follow the Sun and I made that mistake where I was I think away for a few days and I left him and I didn't rotate him so he's got a bit of a lean going on you can't really tell right now faintly I caught it on time if you do find that you know he is leaning you'll also want to maybe put like a like a chopstick or a sticker to kind of hold it straight up and that usually will help but that is a definitely I think might and my number one trick when it comes to caring for this guy's just making sure you get a lot of bright indirect light and just make sure you rotate him so that way you can grow nice and even now if you don't have bright indirect light and you haven't have like a north-facing window or always you know they can still grow it's right there growth will just be a little bit slower and there are there Spence will tend to be a little bit longer because you know again they're searching and reaching for the Sun so you may not get that that nice evenly circular look that like this guy has regardless I think that's what I think that's unique about plants is no matter how they grow they are beautiful in their own way and now when it comes to watering I water this guy like most of my plants only when they are dry so once he is dry I will water him I will let water pass through history drainage cold maybe two or three times just make sure he does get well watered and I will put him back in this decorative pot once all the water is completely out of the soil and drained through I never want to have your plants sitting in water you guys know that it's the number one cause of root rot and obviously killing plants so when it comes to watering the one thing you guys should obviously do and use for the P Lea like I mentioned with my hellacious is use filtered or distilled water if you don't and you only use tap water there are chemicals in tap water that are pretty harsh on plants and what will happen is they will create this you know like poles and white spots on the leaves and that will you know not look so good on your plants I made that mistake a few times see that signs earlier bottom leaves have a bit of those white spots but since then I started using distilled or filtered water and he's a lot happier healthier obviously you know if you guys don't have a filter or you don't want if you don't want to spend money on distilled water I'm just letting your water sit for 24 hours before using it to water your plants that usually does a trick and yeah it's pretty easy when it comes to the soil like most of my plants my rule of thumb is I mix up premium potting mix 50% then I will at 45% cacti soil and then five percent perlite and I will make sure that the soil is actually not packed in a little bit looser that way again it helps with the drain of the water when you do water this guy and that way he can you know his puffs will grow out of the soil as well as on the side of his stems which this guy has written and that tons I'm not sure if I'm gonna actually remove some of them because I kind of like this look but he's kind of getting out of hand I know I'm going to repot this guy but that is the other thing too I actually want to repotted him once from that small four inch pot - now this six inch pot and I don't think I'm going to repot him until maybe next spring - maybe an eight inch pot because I do think they typically prefer to be a little bit crowded or compact in the soil so those are kind of my tips and tricks on how to care for the peel yeah again very beautiful plant very easy to care for and yeah I learned that that hopefully you guys got something out of this video if not feel free to leave a comment ask some questions and I will do my best to get to them I'm not sure should i propagate some of these babies let me know comment below if you guys wanna see a video that hopefully you guys had a great day and I'll see you guys soon please [Music]
Channel: Crazy Plant Guy
Views: 500,593
Rating: 4.9460139 out of 5
Keywords: houseplant care tips, pilea peperomioides, pilea care tips, how to care for pilea peperomioides, welcome to my jungle, indoor house plants, indoor jungle, house plant collection, houseplant haul, tropical house plants, pilea peperomiodies propagation, pilea plant, growing pilea, chinese money plant, growing a jungle, easy to care house plants, houseplant tour, house plants, plants for beginners, instagram famous house plant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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