How to remove baby Pilea plants | According To Jess

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hello welcome to another plant video today i'm going to be repotting this and this other guy too so these are both pillia plants or also known as chinese money plant also known as pancake plant and today i'm going to be not only repotting them but showing you how to re-pot them and separate out their babies because both of these plants have had babies which is amazing and just a really good sign of good health so i'm going to be showing you how you can repot these to remove the babies from the mum give the babies their own pot to grow into adult plants and ensure that their adult plants still grows really healthy and thrives so i'm just going to take this plant out of its main pot then out of this inner pot as well just being gentle with the soil then all i'm going to do is start massaging the soil so that it comes away and we can see the root systems of the individual plants as you remove the soil you'll be able to see where the babies which are these ones so any of these kind of stems that are away from the main stem which is in the center these are the babies and you can see they've got their own leaves and then you can get right up to where they join onto the mum and all you need to do is using a sharp knife you just want to carefully cut the baby away from the mum and you can see that there is your baby plant now some of your pups may have their own roots like these ones and some won't uh it's fine either way but this will determine whether you need to put them in water or not so this one already has its own roots so you can plant this straight in soil but with this one it doesn't yet so i'm going to put that in a bit of water to help it to grow its own root system before it has its own pot so you can see here that i got one two three four five babies off the main plant all of varying sizes which is completely fine and then this is the mam plant still pretty big i'm just gonna plant this back into her normal pot so there is the big one planted in its own pot now with its root system so i'll see how that one does for the other few babies i've got these two glass jars which i'm just going to fill with water and then propagate them in these it's really good to have clear glass jars when you're propagating in water because it means that you can see if there's any roots growing so i've got four here but the root system of this one is quite a lot bigger than the others so i'm going to put this in one of the pots by itself and the other three together so you want to make sure that the bottom is fully immersed in the water but it's not touching the leaves at all i'm gonna put the biggest one in first you can see here how the roots are in there but the water isn't touching the leaves or the stems at all so this is how you want to keep it and then you just want to make sure that you change the water when it needs it so perhaps once a week for now whilst it's growing season i really hope you've enjoyed this video showing you how you can remove the babies from your pancake plant i'll post a few updates in a few weeks to show how these little babies are doing but in the meantime if you have any questions at all just let me know
Channel: According To Jess
Views: 12,550
Rating: 4.9836063 out of 5
Keywords: plant, houseplant, houseplantcare, tutorial, houseplant tutorial, pancake plant, pileaplant, pups
Id: bLE_TnE8bUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 52sec (232 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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