How to Render Space Without Windows??

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Have you ever had trouble  rendering a space without windows? Today, I will show you how  to go from this… to.. this. So here is the situation - we  have no windows in this bathroom. It’s quite easy to do an interior render if  you have windows, you add environmental light   everything looks well from the beginning. Unfortunately, it’s not the case today. First of all, we need to keep the lighting  balance so we have to add different sorts   of lighting. The idea is to create  the layering effect. Let me show you… We’ll start by adding the main source of  light in this bathroom, the downlights. We’ll choose Corona Light  for this, rectangle shape. Adjust the height. There are four sources of ceiling lights in this  project so let’s copy it around as an instance. We can use Light selection to make coping easier. Let’s add the LightSelect  to add it to the light mix. Let’s call it Downlights. Add the lights. Start Interactive Rendering. There is some noise. Let’s  use the region rendering   to test if it disappears when rendering longer. Yeap, we don’t have to worry about it. The lighting is definitely not strong  enough, let’s increase the value. 1.5 is perfect. The next lights we will add are the  LED around the suspended ceiling.   These sorts of lights add mood to  the space and highlight the design. We can set the width to 3cm. And center this, it should be in this hole  between the wardrobe and the suspended ceiling. And now, let’s create another one, also 3 cm. Add both lights to the new light layer. We can call it LED. Start interactive rendering  so we can adjust the lights. Of course, we need to move the light up. It is too strong, let’s reduce the intensity. Ok, 0.75 works nicely. And let’s adjust the color now. The trick is that if you want  to create outstanding images,   you should not only use different intensities of  lights but also use cold and warm colors of them. Thanks to this you will create an interesting  contrast and shape the space better. Ok, we have another LED light above the  mirror. Let’s use the rectangle light again. Adjust the height. Add the light to the new layer. We can name it MIRROR. Let’s see the preview. We can copy the color of the  lights from the LED layer. Hmm... I will make it more intense. Yeap, better! It shouldn’t be too strong to maintain harmony. I think we can try to add a bit  of blue color to these lights. This blue should not be too strong though  as we want to keep the natural effect. I’ve already told you many times that  blue and orange are a great combination! Awesome, the bathroom has shape and it  actually works great without windows! But that’s not everything, we  need to add a pendant light. You can see that this model  has Corona Light added so we   can add the model to the new layer straight away. Let’s call it a pendant lamp. And start interactive rendering. Let’s increase the intensity. You can notice that we cannot see light  here. It’s probably on the Rest layer. It happens sometimes. Anyway, I think we need the  light to be even stronger. Let me show you the lights one by one. Awesome, it really works. Isn’t it? We can change the pendant light  to something warmer though. Let’s copy the color. But I’ll make it less intense. Perfect! We’ll add the first reflection to the toilet  and the second to the cosmetics on the basin. Let’s create a rectangle light  above the glass jar first. Don’t forget to uncheck the options to  make the light invisible in the camera. Change the option to include. And add the objects. Ok, now copy the light and  move it toward the toilet. To get the best result we need to rotate  it to lighten up the edge of the toilet. I’ll move it down as well  to create a sharp effect. Great, now remove the objects  from the list and add the toilet. Add the lights to the new layer. We can name it REFLECTIONS. Start interactive rendering. Btw, if you want to learn how to design  outstanding interiors like this one, check   out our new Interior Design Course, where we  cover everything from understanding trends in   interior design, preparing together  for the first meeting with the client,   creating a functional plan, designing a concept,   and finally, creating technical documentation  to make just an idea to be alive! We decided to create this course  with our friends from Furora studio   who are practitioners and work in the profession. 70 lessons in total, more than 10 hours of video  content, and as always some bonuses for you. You will find the link in the  corner and in the description below. Let’s use the region to make rendering faster. Well, it’s too strong for  sure. Let’s reduce the value.   It should give us a delicate  effect, it shouldn’t be too strong. And it should be less warm as  well, let’s adjust the color. Great, look how much it helps!  It makes the object way more 3D! Let’s assume that we have a camera from  a different side. Even though we have the   lights set up the same way as in the previous  image, it doesn’t look good in this example. Let me tell you what is the biggest issue here… You can notice that our downlights   made the wall look quite flat and this  is definitely not the look we want to go. So let’s turn it off. Instead, we can hide the doors as they will  not be visible in the camera or reflections. Next, let’s add environmental light. And let’s start interactive rendering. Let’s turn off all other lights. This light looks way better and  it makes the wall look more 3d. However, it is not strong enough.  Let’s increase the intensity. Ok, I’ll make it blue. The same reason as before. Now, let’s turn on other lights  and let’s make some adjustments. LED light is too strong in this  case, I’ll reduce the strength. We can increase the mirror light though. 0.7 looks nice. Now, the pendant lamp should be stronger as well. I like the effect it adds on the wall. 10 is perfect. I will make the reflection bluer as  it imitates the environmental light. And a bit less strong as well. Another great trick you can  use is to add extra lights   to expose some features, it’s a  common technique used in photography. As the wall is an important part of the design,   I’d like to highlight that it is  not plain and one-dimensional. I’ll add extra light. I’ll position it somewhere around the doors. Let’s rotate it toward the direction of the wall. Adjust the height. Change the option to Include  and add the wall to the list. Great, add the light to the new light layer. We can call it REFLECTION 2. Let’s preview the effect. Ok, you can notice that the tiles are  way more 3D and this was our goal. Let’s copy the blue color  and adjust the intensity. We want it to look natural  so it cannot be too strong. Awesome, perfect output! Now, you can see that we have a big  black spot in the mirror reflection. We can add extra light to it to  imitate the reflections from the door. Copy the light. Rotate and adjust the position. I’ll make it higher. Delete the wall from the list  and add the wardrobe instead. Now, start interactive rendering,  and let’s see the results. Cool, it looks way more interesting but  we need to adjust the dimensions a bit. Ok, better. The light is too strong  though. Let’s reduce the intensity. I will adjust the position a bit  to create a nicer reflection. Awesome! To learn more about interior designing,  join the training I’ve mentioned before. Also, watch a tutorial where I cover  interior visualization from start to finish,   or another video YouTube thinks you might like ;) Bye, bye!
Channel: Arch Viz Artist
Views: 47,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, training, architectural visualizations, cgi, rendering, render, 3d image, 3d visualization, architecture, 3ds max, autodesk, vray, v-ray, corona, corona renderer, interior design, animations, 3d render, interior architecture, architectural visualization artist, 3d artist, camera setup, camera, lighting, lighting setup, materials, photorealistic, postproduction, 3d rendering tutorial, 3d rendering, interior design software, architectural render, architectural visualization tutorial
Id: s7jSf9eVxX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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