Full Interior Rendering UNDER 29 Minutes!!!

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By the end of this tutorial,  you will end up with this image. We will start in 3ds Max with this basic scene and   go through the whole process  step by step using V-Ray 6. As always, I will be following our 8-step system. I will walk you through the whole process  from setting up composition and camera,   through creating gorgeous lighting, choosing the  right colors and materials, then adding assets and   creating a story within the image, and finalizing  our visualization with some post-production work. I am sure you’ll be using this  system too after this tutorial. Start with downloading the base scene from  our website, so we are on the same page! It   will be delivered straight to your inbox. Big thanks to Choas Group for sponsoring   this video! Let’s begin! The scene and design of this interior are  from our brand new Interior Design Course,   check it out if you are interested. I’ll change the preview to clay  so it’s easier to see anything. You can see how it looks, we  have a bedroom with a bathroom. I think it’s a good idea to show the  connection between these two spaces   and do the camera from behind the  window so we can show more space. Choose VrayPhysicalCamera. I’ll start somewhere here. We can choose a Camera to make selection easier. Let’s start with 140cm height. We can work on this now in the viewport. I think something like this will work nicely. The panoramic view is actually great, we can see  lots of the space, I’ll leave the ratio as HDTV. Shift + F to turn on the Safe frames. We can test different Focal lengths. 25mm is way too wide for me here. This is too narrow in turn. I think something in between  will be better, 35mm is perfect. Ok, now let’s adjust the camera. It should be a bit closer now. I’ll select the target and move it  up a bit to help the composition. Don’t forget about ‘Automatic vertical tilt’ as we   have different heights of  the camera and its target. Now, I’ll select the target and move it slightly. We see too much ceiling now, I’ll  adjust the height of the target. Let’s move the camera a bit higher. Here is our camera, the composition looks good. We have the bed in the cross-section of the  guides, it takes roughly two-thirds horizontally. Also, the wall connection  is in line with the guide. I like it! We can go to the next step. Talking about the camera, we have  a big piece of wall on the RHS but   I think we need something else on the  LHS. I will use the framing technique. Glass doors will be great, let’s see if we  can use something from the Chaos Cosmos. Let’s choose the Architecture category. I’d like the sliding doors. They will be perfect! Let’s import them to the scene. We will place them here. You can see that our opening is  bigger. Not a problem, we can edit it. Import as a mesh. Delete the proxy and place the mesh. Awesome, I will show you one trick.  Isolate the walls and the doors first. Then, create a box in the opening. This is great if you want to have  something divided into equal pieces.   You can add segments and easily adjust  vertices to the correct divisions. Choose vertices and adjust them to the box. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just roughly. Here we go, we can delete the box now! I’d like to have the doors open so I  will select the specific polygons and   move the door leaves in the correct directions. Now, we can preview this. Go to Render Setup first, choose the  VRay tab, and look for color mapping. Change the value to 0.5. It’s  always a good starting point. Anyway, we also need some light,   let’s start with the sky. Click 8 on your  keyboard and add VraySky to the Environment Map. Let’s start interactive rendering. Let’s make the image brighter a little bit.  For now, we can use the Exposure layer.  Typically, when we add the framing,  adding the Depth of Field is a good idea. In this case, I want to add just a little  bit, to avoid too blurry background. F-Number equal to 8 is enough. We  have a bit of blurry foreground   but everything else seems to be sharp. To set up the lighting, we need to have all  the most influential elements in the scene   included as they can affect the lighting output.   So let’s start this stage by adding  the bed mattress with some linen. Let’s choose the Bedroom & Storage category. This bed is nice. It’s simple, and  not too messy. Import it to the scene. First of all, import it as a  mesh as we need some editing. Isolate it and our bed frame. Move it to our bed frame. Delete all unnecessary elements and  leave only the mattress and the bedding. Add a Smooth modifier to fix the smoothing. Choose the AutoSmooth option. I’ll rotate it, position it in the correct  place and scale it to match the size. Awesome, it fits perfectly. For now we can add standard grey VrayMtl. Ok, now we can add the Sun. Choose Lights, Vray, and select VraySun. I’d like the sun rays to come  parallel to the wood panels. Click Yes to automatically  add the VraySky to the Sun. Let’s select the Lights now and let’s align  the sun and its target to be in one line. ALT + A. I’ll choose alignment on the Y axis. I’ll move the sun up as I want  to have the day in this image. Ok, we can start interactive  rendering and see how it looks so far. Not bad, but I would like to  have more of the sun inside. Including the corner of the bed. You can see that if we’re going up,  there is less sun coming to the bedroom,   so we need to have lower sun.  Something more like morning. Maybe too much… Something like this looks fine. But I don’t think such a large spot of  sunlight will be interesting enough. I will add some nice shadows. Let’s use Chaos Cosmos again!   This time I will look for a big tree  to cast some organic shadows. Thanks   to this we will create an interesting  pattern from the light and shadows. This White Oak will be great. Ok, let’s show the whole mesh,  and let’s position the tree. First of all, let’s move  it down to our base plane. And I want it to be quite close to the window. Start Interactive rendering. Ok, we can see something but it’s not  enough. Let’s test different positions. Rotate and move the tree until  you will find your sweet spot. Ok, I’ll make the sun a bit  softer. Let’s try the value 2. No, too much. It’s too  blurry. Something in between. 1.5 works great! Ok, as we have the lighting set up,  let’s adjust the camera exposure. Let’s reset the Exposure layer and  we’ll adjust it in the camera settings. Select the camera and go to Color  & Exposure in the Camera Settings. Change Exposure type to Exposure Value. Now we will adjust the  exposure by changing the value. Still too dark. 10 works nice. Ok, we don’t have LightMix  added yet. Let’s do it now. Go to the Render Elements and add LightMix pass. Ok, render again. Go to the LightMix, and let’s adjust the values. I want to have more of the skylight  but more delicate sunlight. Ok, as we have the environment lighting setup,  let’s work on the light in the interior. Ok, so first of all we have the LED light  above the decorative wall behind the bed. So go to the Create Panel, Lights,  Vray, and choose VrayLight this time. Create the rectangular light  in the hole above the wall. I will make it narrower. Let’s position it to be  more or less in the center. Move the light up. Ok, go back to the top view, and  let’s create two more lights. We can copy the existing one and  change it this time to the Disk type. We need something small. A  radius of 5 cm will be enough. They will be positioned above the bath. I don’t want the light to affect  the decorative wall too much,   so I will position it more on the RHS of the bath. And the second one is somewhere here. Let’s start interactive rendering. We can adjust the rectangular light  though. It should be way more intense. Value 5 actually looks good. Let’s see what is going on with the lights. Here we go, they are inside the  ceiling, let’s move them down. We can make them Invisible straight away. Here we go, we can see them now. Let’s change the Directional value now. Maybe a little bit more. Awesome but the effect is too subtle.  I will increase the Multiplier value. Even more. 400 is fine. Ok, but now I want to have a  nice color balance of the lights.   This is why we will make  the interior lights warmer. Looks good! Now, the other ones. These ones I’d like to be even warmer. Awesome, we have the lighting done! As this interior will be monochromatic, the  perfect choice will be the complementary   color hierarchy with blue light from the sky  and the warm orange color from the interiors. This will create a really nice contrast. It  will create a vivid and energizing effect. I love this combination,  it guarantees great effect! Ok, let’s start with the door frames as they  already have the material on them applied.   I would prefer them to be darker without  any gloss to avoid distracting viewers   from the most important point of the image. So I will leave the glass and change all other  materials to black material without reflections. Ok, we can delete the other materials. Great, we can create the material for the  walls. We can use the Chaos Cosmos for this,   you can find a quite big collection  of wall materials in the library. Choose the Wall category and  I’ll go with this white Stucco. So let’s import them to the scene. The walls will be black but  we can easily adjust it. We can use the Mix map. I don’t want it to be too  dark as I want to have the   possibility to add contrast on top of the image. Let’s make another one slightly brighter. Awesome, apply the material to the object. You can see that we need to adjust the  mapping, let’s add the UVW Map modifier. It actually works great! Let’s apply it to the ceiling as well. Copy and paste the UVW Map modifier. Ok, let’s test the materials. The frames look fine. Let’s use the region for the walls. Actually, I need to use Real Zoom as I cannot  see the results in a good enough quality. Ok, I like the effect, it’s not completely plain  and we can see some variations of the material. Ok, now we can work on the bed frame.  It will be black wood material. Let’s see if we can find something in the library. Go to the Wood category. This will be good enough, I  will need to adjust it though. So first of all, we can adjust the  mapping. Use the UVW Map modifier. Adjust the values. I will rotate the gizmo as the grain  should go in another direction.  Ok, so first of all, we need  to desaturate the bitmap.   Let’s use the ColorCorection Map for this purpose. I will like it to be less contrasty  and darker. Let’s adjust the values. Even more. Also, I’d like it to be matt so  let’s adjust the glossiness map. Use ColorCorrection and make the map darker. Start interactive rendering to see how it goes. Ok, it looks good. Now, is the time for the floor material. So these are the floor  panels chosen by architects. On the manufacturer's website,  we can find the CAD Texture. The texture doesn’t show individual floor panels. So I’ve cropped individual panels in  Photoshop to get the desired variety. So going back to 3ds Max, create VrayMtl. Next, we can use MultiSubTex. I’ll add some random colors  to show you how it works. Start Interactive rendering. Well, you can notice that it doesn’t work.  We have to change the ‘Get ID from’ option. So we can choose Random and By element. We can also see some shades of grey   as we have 20 slots turn on,  and the rest of them is grey. Ok, now let’s add our maps.  Click Batch load, and Add. Next, choose your floorboards. Ok, we can also add some extra  randomization by increasing these values. Let me show you the example. Here we go, you can notice that this panel  for example has much more contrast now. It’s obviously not our desired effect,  we can use something small, f.ex. 0.05. Ok, I think that the wood is a  bit too bright with this lighting,   let’s use the Color Correction map to fix this. I’ll add a bit of contrast too. Cool, let’s add a bit of vibrance  to the wooden panels as well. Ok, now let’s work on the reflections. I’ll add another ColorCorrection Map  and I’ll add it to the Glossiness slot. We, of course, need to add reflection,  something in the middle will be fine for wood. Copy the map. I’ll desaturate the texture for glossiness. Similarly for another one. And I will plug it to the Bump slot.   By the way, let me show you the example  of one of floorboards I’ve created. Anyway, let’s makethe glossiness map   more contrasty to create a bit  more variations in reflections. Ok, let’s start interactive rendering  to see how it looks on render. Great, we’ve done here! Ok, we can work on the stone material now. Create a new VrayMtl. I will choose the map that I’ve downloaded  again from the manufacturer's website. Now, in general, we will need more variations  but in this project, one should be enough. Now, I will desaturate the map as in  reality the effect is not as warm. Something like this will be fine. Maybe let’s increase the contrast with  the use of the color correction map. Turn on reflections. Make it completely white. Now we will create the glossiness map, again  with the use of the color correction map. First of all, let’s make it full grey. Let’s make it really contrasty as we want  to get lots of variety in these tiles. Even more, I want to get a white and black map. That’s it, you can see the  effect on the preview well. We can copy the map, reset to the default  settings, and plug it into the bump slot. We can plug it into the displace map as well. Apply the material to the object. We can isolate the object to  speed up the process of rendering. I will change the view to the  perspective to see the effect better. Start Interactive rendering. I will adjust the exposure for a moment. The displacement is obviously too  strong, let’s reduce the value. Better but still too much. It’s fine for now. If we need  to, we will adjust it later. Ok, now we will work on the decorative wall. It’s built from 3 different types of tiles. Select the tiles and create a new VrayMtl. Now, I’ll use the tiles I’ve got from architects. You can find them on the paint’s website however,   you can use something similar  from your library or Chaos Cosmos. Choose 3 types of textures  to create a variety of tones. Ok, I’ll choose one of the maps. Additionally, I’ll add the desaturated  map to the glossiness slot. Turn on reflections. Fully white color. Apply the material to the tiles. Select the other tiles, copy the material and  replace the diffuse map with another texture. And the same for the last one. Ok, let’s test it. Start Interactive rendering. We can use the Follow mouse option this time. It looks good, and we even didn’t  use too advanced materials! Ok, now let’s add the material to the  bath. I’ll use Chaos Cosmos this time. Choose the Ceramic & porcelain category. Ok, we can use this one, for  instance, we’ll make it black though. You can notice that there is a Mix Map  used, we can change the colors here. I’ll make the first color darker  and the second a bit lighter. Here is the effect. Let’s apply the material to the bath. We need to adjust the mapping though  as the scale is too large now.  Let’s use the UVW XForm modifier. This looks fine. Let’s make it more glossy, I’ll  reduce the glossiness value. Ok, this looks nice here, let’s test it on  render now. Start Interactive rendering. You can notice that the bump is way too strong. Oh, it’s 250 - this is why. Let’s reduce it a lot. Way better! Ok, we can add the material to the bath tap. It will be the standard chrome  material. We can use the Preset here. Let’s apply the material to the object. And let’s preview it. Ok, that’s cool. We can work on the beddings now. As the bedroom is monochromatic   I want to use something simple here.  I’ll start with the white linen. Go to the Fabric category. This Plain White Sheer will be perfect. It has a simple pattern so we will see  some details but it’s not too distracting. Apply it to the object. Well, we definitely need to  adjust the mapping first. I’ll use UVW XForm again. Don’t forget to have the  Apply to Entire Object on. Let’s test what will be the best scale. This is good, we can leave it. Now, I’d like to add a bit of character here as  the whole bedding in white will be too boring. Why not add the checker pattern to  the blanket? Let’s test this idea. So detach the correct  elements to a separate object. Copy the Smooth modifier  and apply it to the blanket. We can add the same material to the pillows in the  back as well so we can detach them straight away. Don’t forget about the Smooth modifier as well. Ok, let’s copy the material and add  the checker map to the diffuse slot. I want this pattern to be delicate so  I will change the black color to grey. And white to a lighter grey. Apply the material to the pillows and the blanket. Let’s use the UVW XForm again to adjust the scale. I don’t want this pattern to be too prominent  so I’ll use a small scale of the checker. Now, it’s a good time to adjust the position   of the pillows as they should  be propped against the wall. Let’s move the pillows back. Actually, I will detach the other pillows as well. Don’t forget about coping the modifiers.  Select all pillows and move them back. Adjust the height of the pillows. Ok, let’s start interactive rendering. It looks good at the first glimpse. We can check the details with the  use of the Follow mouse option. It looks good, I like the combination of this.  It’s simple but it is broken by the pattern. We can start by searching by name. I want something simple, the  best in white, greyish colors. This is perfect. Let’s import it to the scene. I want it to be on the LHS of the image. Next to the bed. We can change the preview to position it better. Cool, let’s add some books  laying horizontally as well. These ones will be a great match. Ok, now I will import this lamp  selected by the architects. This is a paid model from the 3DSky but I  saw the free one on their website as well. Awesome, we have two models though  so I will choose the smaller size. I will group this model and  move it to the correct layer. I will create the new one  actually. FIT_Accessories. Ok, let’s position the lamp on the RHS of the bed. We can use 2D Pan Zoom mode  to help with adjusting. And start interactive rendering. Ok, I want to adjust the glass material. I will create new material and use the Glass  preset from VrayMtl. Let’s see how it looks now. We can also notice that the light inside has  an orange color. It’s always better to keep   it white and change the color in LightMix  as otherwise, it is hard to adjust right. Change the color of the light to white. I will increase the Multiplier value  as the lighting is not strong enough. 600 is fine, we can always decrease  it later in the LightMix if needed. Ok, I will make this light quite warm. It creates really nice effect, I like it! Now, let’s add some bathroom accessories.  I’ll look for some containers and cosmetics… We can find useful things in the  Bathroom accessories category. I will choose these items. Ok, let’s position them now. I will change the preview to be  able to see the models better. I will rotate the object as well. Ok, let’s add some cosmetics. If you go to the decorations, you’ll  see some suitable accessories. I’ll choose a couple of items  and import them to the scene. Remember about the layering effect  if you want to get natural results. Let’s adjust the position of this model as well. Ok, I like the position of the objects  but I want this brown wood to be black. Let’s use the color correction  map to desaturate the diffuse map. I will make it less contrasty as well. Replace the wooden materials  with two other objects. Let’s preview the effect. Looks good! Something is going  on but it’s just a little accent. I will add a towel hanging on the bath.  This will automatically add some story   to the image. As the bathtub is waiting  for someone to take a hot, pleasant bath. Go to the Chaos Cosmos, I’m sure  you will find something there. Ok, this towel should be fine  if we edit it a little bit. Import it as a mesh and move towards the bathtub. Isolate the towel and the bath. Delete unnecessary parts of the object. Rotate the object to fit the bath more or less. Also, adjust the height. I will delete the back part of the towel as it   won’t be visible in the camera. I’ll change the selection type. I’ll select the polygons roughly. It doesn't have to be perfect as it  won’t be visible in the camera anyway. I’ll scale it down a little bit as well. Now, let’s adjust the material. I don’t want it to  be too visible so I’ll change the color to grey. I will use the Mix map again. I’ll change the black to darker grey. And the white to light grey. Ok, turn off the isolation and  start interactive rendering. Nice, it gives some contrast to the  dark space in the background, I like it! In the end, I’d like to add one more pillow in the  center as I feel that the bed looks too empty now. We can type pillow in the search tab. I’ll choose one of these long ones. It doesn't really matter which one as I  will change the material to white anyway. Let’s start with positioning it on the bed. Ok, apply the white sheer material to this pillow. The mapping looks good actually,  we don’t have to fix anything. Start interactive rendering. Way better, I like it! Ok, we’ve done assets. There are many ways to add storytelling to the  image. One of them is by adding specific assets,   which tells a lot about inhabitants,  who they are, what they like, etc. Also, the towel adds a story that  I’ve already explained to you before. Similarly, with lighting, the  warm spotlights in the bathroom   add a cozy atmosphere to the image, and so on... But I would love to add a person here to make it   easier for the viewers to  imagine themselves there. We have a nice collection  of people in Chaos Cosmos   so let’s see if there is something suitable. Let’s see Walking people. She will be great! The lady in the towel. Import her to the scene. I don’t want her to attract too much attention,   just to add some life to the image and to  stimulate the imagination of the viewer. I will position her in a way that she  is walking toward inside the bathroom,   so we cannot see the whole model. Actually, I will mirror the model.  I think it will work better. Ok, start interactive rendering. Awesome but she is too dark, I’ll reduce the  contrast of the map with color correction. Ok, I like it! We’re almost done! Now I  want to add the steam to the bath as well   but I’ll do it in the post-production step. The post-production will be divided into 2 stages,   the first one in the Vray Frame  Buffer, and the second in Photoshop. I’ll make the basic adjustment  here. I’ll add the Curves first. Let’s make the curve S-shape to add some contrast. Ok, we can also add the Filmic tonemap. It’s definitely too strong,  I’ll reduce the opacity. This looks good. But maybe I’ll brighten up the image,  we can increase the Exposure value. And to make the whites more toned down,  I will reduce the Highlight Burn value. I always desaturate images a bit  to make them look more natural. Let’s jump into photoshop now. We can add Levels to add a bit more contrast. Next, I will add a steam overlay  over the bath to add to the story. Scale it and use Screen mode  to remove the black background. Add a mask and with the use of the soft black  brush, paint out the parts you don’t need. I’m using the fog from our library,  you can look for something on Google.   Search for fog or steam overlay. Reduce the strength of the effect. Next I will use the steam only over the bathtub. Change the mode to Screen. Scale to adjust the size. Add a mask and paint out with  the use of the soft black brush . Here is a before and after. To learn more about interior  visualizations, download our free ebook. Also, watch a similar tutorial where I cover  exterior visualization from start to finish,   or another video YouTube thinks you might like ;) Bye, bye!
Channel: Arch Viz Artist
Views: 42,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, lesson, training, architectural visualizations, cgi, rendering, render, 3d image, 3d visualization, architecture, 3ds max, autodesk, vray, v-ray, corona, corona renderer, interior design, animations, 3d render, interior architecture, artist, architectural visualization artist, 3d artist, art, composition, art rules, camera setup, camera, lighting, lighting setup, materials, photorealistic, storytelling, post production, postproduction
Id: CQ78Xl6C8R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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