Unwrap ANY Surface | Mapping along the splines

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hello it's aga from rv's artist do you want to know more tricks related to the unwrap uvw modifier if so you are in the good place because today we'll be talking about mopping along this plane [Applause] [Music] this is the third part of the unwrapping series so if you haven't watched the previous ones i put the links in the corner okay without any further ado let's begin the part number three i've prepared a fragment of the road in the file let's apply the material of the asphalt first i apply an uvw map modifier you can notice that it doesn't help much as if the texture fits one side it doesn't fit others so this is the perfect example to use the unwrapped uvw modifier and what's even more exciting there is a simple and pleasant way to do this let me show you let's apply the unwrap uvw modifier to use the option i'm going to show you you need to have polygons selected first otherwise this option is not available now use spline mapping here we need to choose the spline along which we want to create our mapping i've created the spline before i've just copied the road and deleted the sweep modifier so let's pick the spline okay you can notice that something was mapped but it doesn't look good we need to change one more option we have to choose planner mapping here we go you probably notice that it looks like it is map along the spline but it's not the correct direction in this case we should adjust it we can go to the material editor and adjust the bitmap so we can rotate it by 90 degrees great it looks almost perfect and we can adjust the offset and tiling settings to adjust the mapping but this is not a great way to do this as you may have this material apply two different objects and by changing the settings inside the material you're changing how the texture looks on all objects this material is applied for so let me show you a better way to do this and additionally i show you another great modifier so let's go back to 3ds max go back to 3ds max and apply uvw x4 modifier so what this modifier basically does it gives you the possibility to adjust styling and offset in existing uvw coordinates so first of all we can start with rotating the map by 90 degrees and now by using the tiling and offset option we'll adjust the scale and position of the mapping i show you how the texture looks so it will be easier for you to understand how we need to adjust this okay so we have these two lines each side at the edges of the map first i adjust the scale of the width then i move it to fit the road better okay it looks good but as you probably remembered we should have a bit of space from the edges so i scale it down and move again okay we've done this i think we need a bit of adjustment in the length though let's change the util parameter okay i think something like this works great you may ask me great but what if the line is not in the same position in the z-axis and the road is bumpy why not to test it let's do it now i've prepared the object before as well let me unhide it you can see that i have a lime prepared as well let's assign the material by the way let me know in the comments if you like this technique and in which different situation do you think you can use it let's assign the unwrap uvw modifier again remember to select polygons and let's go use spline mapping again pick spline and choose planner uvwx firm rotate by 90 degrees actually we can just copy this modifier from another one as these roads have the same width awesome we just need to adjust the length i want to show you one issue that you may have during the unwrapping process so if you have for example some polygons selected inside the unwrap uvw modifier the modifier on top of it doesn't work properly as it's assigned only to this one polygon so if you have any issues like this check this first okay i'd like to show you the last example of spline mapping let's say we have a lucky bamboo for texture we can also use the spline mapping this time the same as previously i've prepared spline as well let's assign the modifier pick spline this time we leave cylinder mapping if we have the preview like this we can uncheck this option here also we can change these lines display for a thin or fake you can notice that the texture is mapped along the spline we've chosen again we can adjust it by using the uvw x4 modifier here we will have to add another map but we want to do this today there is one more option it may be helpful for you in some cases you can select the edges and make same out of this next go to spline mapping option if you check this option use manual sim it will use the same you created not the automatic one it may be useful if you want the texture seam to be in an exact place okay actually one more thing in the configure panel you can uncheck the pill seam option and the seams won't be visible in the viewport okay now i told you everything i wanted i hope you enjoy this series and you're ready for your own unwrapping journey thanks for watching also don't forget to like this video if you found this interesting share it subscribe and do all these wonderful things see you guys in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Arch Viz Artist
Views: 53,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, lesson, training, architectural visualizations, cgi, rendering, render, 3d image, 3d visualization, architecture, 3ds max, autodesk, vray, v-ray, corona, corona renderer, interior design, animations, 3d render, interior architecture, artist, architectural visualization artist, 3d artist, art, composition, art rules, camera setup, camera, lighting, lighting setup, materials, photorealistic, storytelling, post production, postproduction
Id: tWfPfGVWkrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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