[Free webinar] 3ds Max - Modern architecture rendering [FROM ZERO]

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actually see how how far can we reach so let's go let's just continue please visit our site that's going to always be very helpful to do as we're going to go through a lot of exciting things so the purpose of tonight's dream is to promote a vis Academy and of course teach you how to do really professional-grade visuals so let's see what we're actually aiming at you know that we will be creating something exciting since you are already here so let's see our final goal so as you all know using 3ds max can be a little bit intimidating and that's exactly how it was for me when I started so let's actually see what do we have so India Poland Norway Ukraine the Wow Romania Kenya come on wow that's really awesome so guys do you use 3ds max in your daily life are you professionals or are you just starting if your students please tell me where do you study and of course tell me something about yourself so as you can see now on the screen this is our final goal where we'll be creating this visual from scratch I took the liberty to reset 3ds max and actually open a clear window so before I jump into another one let's actually stop this interactive render since we all know what we're aiming at unless actually start so usually when you start working on stuff like this you need to have some kind of blueprint so let's just go for it and skip the one element that is always going to just take a little bit of time and it's going to be boring for all of you and that is placing those auto cad files as you can see this is a really really basic floor plan and as you can see that there's not really a lot of information and that's what you're going to be dealing with most of the time when working with professionals unfortunately and they think that you are supposed to come up with all the solutions so that's exactly what we're going to do before we start I'm going to quickly trace this a ground plane so I'm going to place it somewhere beneath this hole a scene so we don't have any extra a light bleeding from beneath our scene because that's how I'm going to conduct myself in this manner so hey guys a very licensed trainer great that's actually something to be proud of so let's continue by starting off with just the basics so as we're going to a progress we're going to go through at this elements so since we already introduced everything and we checked the model we're going to start modeling and then we're going to jump into lighting materials and the final render so that's our schedule and let's try to keep it short so some of the elements are going to be made a little bit easier or I'm not going to go into in-depth detail because I just respect that thing that we're actually streaming so we need to move fast so without any further ado let me just start by placing the first box by converting this box to editable poly I can enter at this motion mode so we can actually start placing all the parts in the place so if you are not going to beep you're if you're not going to have AutoCAD files don't worry about it we can share them with you later but stay tuned because we're going to actually give you a little bit of special offer for all those of you that stay with us a little bit longer because we just want to share not only the long knowledge but also share with you something special so stay tuned because well staying to the end is always the best idea anyway if we're going to trace your image and you don't want have really any kind of AutoCAD file don't worry about it we can actually work with without it so you probably are going to have some kind of image and that's just going to be some photo or JPEG of that floor plan so you can also place them in the right position so those are going to help you out along the way but at this moment we're just going to continue working on all those elements with this blueprint in mind so let me just place all those parts that are going to be necessary for us to start working on the more final finer detail and as you can see so far it's actually going to be really easy remember that we're aiming at this beauty so we're really going to create something well I hope that it's going to be if not similar identical so guys since we've got professionals and students in our crowd please tell me some something more about yourself how long do you work with 3ds max what is your the software of your choosing so you know just let's keep the chat alive so it's going to be a little bit more interesting for all of us so at this point I'm going to detach this middle element because it's going to be a little bit easier for me to work on the walls around here just to create this detail around here I'm just going to ring this connect and increase the amount of segments I'm going to add we don't have to be necessarily 100% precise what I mean by that we do not have to worry about most of the stuff that you think it's going to be super important in this kind of work fortunately we are able to skip some of those redundant things that are just not going to be that important so at this moment I'm going to just try to place this slope inside of this house so we can actually see some extra elements you may be wondering how are we going to create this curvature I'm pretty sure that most of you would probably pick an option with just tracing some kind of some kind of spline but at this moment I figured it's going to take too much time so instead I'm going to use more efficient way and that is going to be Auto grid and thanks to that I'm going to be able to place this plane exactly where I need it since we needed to be a little bit curvy let me just add a lot of a lot of segments so since we've got it here let's go and ahead and convert this to editable poly we still need to make this fit our iron house so let's just trace it a little bit up as I said we don't need to make this perfect we just need to be good enough and without being sloppy don't think that we are trying to be we're just doing this we're doing any kind of sloppy job what we're doing is working efficiently most of the time your clients will need some kind of reduce or they will ask for some extra so in this case we're just going to use the best methods that are going to be available for us in this instance so since you already know that we're creating this curvature 3x3 FD & modifier is going to be one of the best tools for that so since it's going to simply be not two by two but three by three modifier let's try to copy this element okay so at this moment let's take care a little bit of the lower panel because as I said we're on a tight schedule so let's continue at this moment as you can see I'm always going to use box modeling for for our base we don't need to go into detail at this point because I know that you're all waiting for materials and light so without any further ado let's just start modeling the lower panels okay so since the lower floor is actually modeled like this we are going to take advantage of this really really easy a mesh and actually place all of those elements here so since we've got this since we've got those edges I'm just going to try to loop them and now this is where a chamfer is going to come in handy just by using chaffeur I'm able to do so Sammy symmetrical windows and as you can see that was super easy so you're a beginner level usually work with ArchiCAD that's actually really interesting because ArchiCAD can work with 3ds max unfortunately it doesn't have the quality of a 3ds max at when it comes to 3d visuals but it's good enough for us to work with as let's say pretty much a sketch so you can actually create a really really good work with that software so you may have noticed that we're trying to avoid going into too much detail in this case why because most of the time your clients are going to ask for a lot of reduce wear visualizations are part of the creative process so in this case we're trying to make sure that we're actually working with the most efficient tools that there are so make sure that we're trying to make sure to actually add the proper curvature don't be sloppy and remember we are not going to create exactly the same house as we've got this in this floorplan mostly because it's just going to be a total waste of time to create Windows like like DOS so where's the video frame proper twelve years of on Chris switches from CAD to Trias to max three years ago using Corona that's that's a good approach that's exactly what we chose for our courses so remember to check out our website to learn a little bit more about us so right now I'm going to quickly use this one of the best one of the best tools in 3ds max and that is in set right now we are not going to care much about the topology of this building mostly because it's just redundant at this point as I said we do expect a lot of readers from our clients so we do not need to go for the hyper-realistic and super super detailed elements for your final render it's always welcomed at this point you can see that we've got this lower floor that we still need to extrude so that's exactly what I'm going to do right now without any extra selection I'm going to deselect those two parts so you can either extrude this to add a little bit of space for this window to actually shine or we can actually make this a little bit smaller and inset this again because this is how we can actually do it the fastest way and make sure that the bottom of it is actually on zero or even lower so it's not going to levitate and a levitating objects are always going to look bad so at this point you can pretty much tell that this part is almost finished so let's just move on and connect next parts of this model since the topology is not exactly ideal I'm going to use slice plane instead why because it's faster and it's more efficient at this moment I'm not going to use any kind of animation tools on this house so instead of wasting time on adding the super dense topology and making sure that everything is in quads I'm just going to take the best out of it and use those tools to my advantage again we're trying to achieve this effect and this is how you can do it the most efficient way possible so let's just try to use inset again because it's just going to be very very helpful at this point and again let me just move this back you may notice that we've got those openings in this case I'm going to keep this one part in this place because I need this a lot of for later how are we going to use this we're going to use this as our though so to get some kind of glass I'm going to quickly be patch this and save it for later so it's no longer part of my object okay would you like to learn how to create stairs like this because this is an object that usually takes a lot of time to create and I guess we can actually make it really really easy how many years of practice does it take to model so fast actually it doesn't take that much but with with Meissen and my story actually has started almost 14 years ago so I'm not the best person to tell you that but at the same time I didn't have any kind of tutors or any kind of guidance so I was going through a lot of junk over the Internet I didn't know what I'm looking for and since the art viz is actually getting a really really popular these days this is actually a the way to go by increasing this objects density I'm able to actually bend it later but before I actually do that I need to make sure that we've got a some kind of slope around here so let's just do that and go for 2x2 modifier and put this somewhere around here I'm just aiming and I'm just guessing this at this moment because we're still going to make this happen later so just for now I'm going to go back and actually start modeling the stairs how many stairs do we have approximately 15 and so let's just go ahead and create a quick plane so yeah this is not exactly the plane we need because we need 15 and not 500,000 segments so right click on this with segments to quickly go to the lowest value possible and that's one so I'm going to split this into 15 and now the magic is going to happen so by using this quick method I'm going to go to 2d a two by two modifier and quickly move this around here since I've got this advantage of having this AutoCAD file I'm just going to place the bottom and the top of my stairs somewhere around this area so those aren't really stairs right so how can we actually make them look like stairs in us in seconds that's a good question that nobody asked so I'm going to show it to you first of all we select the midpoint segments and split them right now each element is actually it each of those polygons is going to be a separate element and that means that we can actually modify all of them and at the same time I'm I can now go to 4th sub-object level which is polygon scale this down and since those stairs are actually full tears I can quickly grab all of them while holding shift I create this extra mesh and as you can see we actually created our steps in seconds again scale this down to make sure that those are going to be flat there are other options to use in this case but this is the one method I found fastest and easiest what's inside your computer well inside of my computer you can find quite good stuff so that's actually aim the horizon thread Ripper at 20 and I guess 2970 I didn't overclock at this moment and I got approximately 128 gigabytes of RAM but that's an overkill because I work as a professional and I need this for my bigger project but the computer you actually need is act going to be something around to 8 gigabytes of RAM and thirdly recent mmm fairly recent CPU so it's not and not exactly going to be pricey so again you can now see that we've got almost all the elements of our stairs ready but still we need a with more fine detail we are not going to go and and create everything around here because it's just a waste of time so I'm going to quickly align to those two objects so they look pretty good and okay right now as you can see this is where the magic happens you can now go to top view and by working with wireframe I'm going to add the most basic of the basic modifiers and that is bent by placing the gizmo around here so it doesn't have to be exactly in this place but it's just to show you how it works so I'm going to go for the angle of 90 and as you can see this looks like a nightmare so we still need to fix it by changing the axis but those stairs were supposed to be running stairs and not exactly banana so I'm going to limit this effect and make sure that the upper limit which was actually here so you can understand where the up is I'm going to make sure that it's approximately a lot so again let's go ahead and add a lot of this distance now I know that this is not necessarily have to be at 90 degrees so let's go for something like 70 and yet those stairs are really really long so this is where again this is a nice trick to work with because I can now move the gizmo and make this make those stairs stairs actually shorter with limiting this effect I was able to move this and make this a little bit shorter because it's just easier but before I actually bend this I need to make sure that this one element is going to have this a nice slope that I was actually talking about earlier on so how can you actually how can you actually do it without losing this bend modifier easy just cut the modifier add any any changes you wish to add so let's just make sure that it's going to be somewhere around the stairs so it's going to look good so let's convert this back to editable poly paste in instanced modifier and we're back to work so without wasting time and going back and forth to recreate all of those elements I just have well I didn't waste any time on that again which version of 3ds max are you using at this moment I'm using 2020 because it has a lot of options that are going to be really good for you so try to use this and as your main tool just because it's going to be really helpful so again sometimes it may happen that your modifiers are not going to work on your behalf in this case I'm probably going to have to recreate this object as you can see the angles actually got flipped and well the modifier is not going to work properly but don't worry because we can just simply go ahead and use another method which is going to be a chamfer so in this case I'm going to go again for the AutoGrid create this box inside to make sure that it's actually going to cover all of those parts and since the modifier didn't work because this is a live stream so why not actually throw up a some tantrum well three as Max is like this fortunately it didn't yet crash so remember guys to always say and for those of you that are tuning in just now remember we're trying to create this as fast as possible so we're going to go through all of those elements that may be a little bit tricky and a little bit boring but at the same time we are going to try to work with each and every element of this visual of course our final shot is not going to be as noisy because this is just the interactive render so we were actually checking out all of those parts and may we were making sure that everything is in place so let's go back and remember guys for those of you that stay to the and we've got some special offers prepared so you may want to hang out up until the end it's just going to be not only nice but you may want to see what we have prepared for you at this moment as since I really really need to make this Kirby I need to use chamfer so I'm going to go for a really ridiculously high values and just populate this with a lot of chamfer so since the 3x3 didn't work there's always a workaround try to and never lose your hope when 3ds max is acting up because well that's the type of software we're going to deal with I'm pretty sure that right now it's everything is going to work fine and it does so as I said 3ds max just likes to act up so guys just quickly scale it down and as you can see we've got the first curve again to not waste time all I'm going to do with this with the another curve is simply mirrored this one we use the most basic tools in the most professional ways we are not going to show you something that is going to be a total plot twist that nobody ever thought of we're just going to show you that good usage of the basic tools and everything that is going to make your work efficient that's the keyword of our course we want to teach you how to work efficiently and create the beautiful visualizations without any effort so you will have to spend some time to create them it's not going to come easy at first but believe me it's going to be worth it because right now I'm going to show you something that is really really just warming up my heart everything that you see on our Instagram except my face is actually done by our students so you can see that all of those beautiful visuals are created by our students as I said earlier approximately 50% of students come to us with no prior knowledge of 3ds max so 70% of our students haven't report that they do not know to this max at all or they do have some basic knowledge but overall almost 50% don't know anything about 3ds max so you can actually see for yourself that there's a lot of good work around here and that's exactly why you should visit our Instagram and that is visi cottony dot uk' to see for yourself how good those render actually look and for the further proof we've got Lea's work so as she already started working in her LB design first of all I'm going to show you one of our current students so that's Nicole Dunbar and as you can see you can see her progression from before she joined us and after she joined us and so she's now able to create a professional-grade 3d visuals after just a few weeks with us she was able to jump from well her previous level to this super photorealistic a level of visuals but take a look at this lb designed 3d visualization that's Lea you can visit her mind webpage and just take a look at this she started with no prior knowledge of 3ds max and just in few weeks she was able to deliver this tremendous photorealistic visualization and I cannot really stress enough how much I love those shots I actually liked all of them so guys visit our Instagram and check out our students Instagram it's always good to see some new faces there and of course visit our website so if you want to go ahead and roll in yeah so let's continue working on our exterior now since we've got those nice curves already done let's now go for something less interesting and this is the back end of this house I'm not going to waste a lot of time on that because this is going to be barely visible and I could probably just skip this and add anything here but I instead I'm going to use the most basic of the basic parts and that is going to be box so again I'm not going to go for full precision I'm not going to snap all of those elements you can actually be off for a quite a lot of centimeters when it comes to exteriors you might know in okay so guys tell me for those of you that just joined in where you from how much time it's how much time did it take her to create those visuals as I said after she was able after she was done with our course as she was able to create this and I don't know day or two basically I'm I believe that if you ask her she'll tell you that better but now you can see this peculiar situation I've got three objects and I really need to work on all of them at the same time because I don't want to waste time instead of attaching them in I'm just going to quickly go ahead add edit poly modifier and just move all the parts all together that's a neat trick that is going to save you a lot of time and effort because at this point we don't need to waste time on anything that is not worth it so later on when your client actually approves of your work you can go ahead and add a little bit more detail but at this point we just need to trace it and make it look good remember this is our final goal and this is the model we're actually going to recreate yeah we're not going to model a car because it's going to take a little bit longer but at the same time why not just add it in since one of our colleagues was able to model it out so the model you'll see is actually created by one of the members of our stuff and you're going to see that car quite a lot of times in our webinar so again let's now see what we can do about the windows in this house first of all we do not need to go into some really really specific setup because again we're doing some shot from far away in this case we're just going to try to add everything in and make sure that everything that you see is not overpopulated with detail so let me go ahead and add extrude modifier so as always we are just going to work on the basics of the basics so just add it in and make it as tall as the AutoCAD files asked us to and since it's supposed to be like a tall like that I'm now going to check out if my slope inside is not really too low so it was and that's why I'm fixing it of course it's amazing so thank you guys you may notice that there's a lot of our students in the chat because they deem to actually like us and they joined this to get a little bit more knowledge about our methods so all of those things are actually going to be discussed during our webinars and guys you may not know this but this Academy is one of well it's the only school I know that supports their students and provides unlimited support for their students what do I mean by unlimited well unlimited means that you can contact us and we won't tell you that you ran out of questions or something like that and you don't have to email us we actually do it live and we often call our students to go through each and every problem they had on skype or using any desk so we can actually connect to you show you what is what and step-by-step fix all the problems that you may have in this case you may notice that I've created this shape out of the selection in my editable poly it was quick it was fast so is the easiest method to create Windows like that you don't need to go into fine detail and at this moment I just remembered a really funny story with my one of my friends so I was creating some exterior exteriors and I asked them to deliver a little bit of Windows in some building behind and at this moment I was pretty sure that it's a really easy job and it was he really delivered and by that I mean after a approximately twenty minutes he was able to send me the file but something was off well for the a building that was behind and it was in the background he actually spend so much effort and so much time that at some point the scene was fun two gigabytes heavy just imagine having something in the background with with this kind of this kind of mesh so yeah I ended up not using that peculiar model because well it was just too heavy and that's why we used this method because it's fast and efficient you will learn more about all of those methods during our webinars because we not only support you but we also give you a lot of homework we give you a lot of videos and of course the live webinars where we go through all of the challenges that our our students may have so let's again see what the chance and talking about how does it's your support work oh yeah thanks for the question again you can contact them via Skype yes you can and that's exactly how we conduct ourselves it's the fastest and again the key word is efficient way to communicate since this is a lower lower floor I'm just going to go ahead and create the same type of windows as I did from the for the upper level no need to go into any kind of detail at this point because as I said we're trying to be as efficient as possible so let's move this back a little bit okay guys now I guess so we are pretty much done with all this model and maybe I'm just going to make sure that something is inside here but it's not necessary so yeah on hi all and now what do we have here we are still missing some kind of floor object so in this case we're going to use the model again the fastest way to create floor is of course for those of you that are a little bit advanced floor generator guys how long do you think that this kind of tree visualization would take you to create and I mean how much time do you think that this webinar is going to take because honestly I'm currently almost finished modeling again at this point when using a floor generator remember this is going to be a really good thing to play just a little bit with the Valdis liners don't go crazy with it because at some point if you use too small planks you will be met with a little bit of problems so I'm just going to go for let's say 40 centimeters still this is a 3d visual not exactly a real world so you can just cheat a little bit in terms of modeling detail items like chairs pillows plants cars etc is it is the modeling of this items covered in the course or do you use pre created assets we do both we teach you how to create almost every model that you may need but at the same time we try to be efficient so we don't waste time on anything that is not necessary so if the model is online why not download it it's cheaper and while somebody is going to say that it's cheating because I go through modeling all of my stuff well kudos to you continue and continue wasting your time on and modeling everything but at the same time we will be finishing our second project or the third project with ready models but remember it's not like we don't teach you how to model we do we go through a basic and advanced modeling also if you want to learn more we do not limit knowledge what does it mean it means that more questions you're asked and you will get more answers at this moment could you share the plans for the practice please Thanks well that's exactly part of our surprise so you'll be able to get this if you stay till the end and you'll sign up for our special offers so right now our support is going to share with you links to our websites but later on we will share a little bit of specials so remember to leave your emails to us because we still need to share everything with you if you want to practice so this is going to be our base for the ground so as I said we're trying to create everything that is here this on this moment you can see that it's going to be quite complicated to create just look at this mash it's actually quite complicated so let me just jump to clay mode and you'll see that there's a lot of fine detail around here how do we actually do that well nothing easier well let's just go and be a little bit more creative before I actually start modeling the terrain I need to place the camera this is important because we don't want to go into any kind of detail that we won't use efficiency right so for that I'm going to quickly create a crow camera let's place it somewhere around here and without the angle so I guess this is going to be pretty similar angle to the one we have in our previous shot so let's just place this camera remember when working with exteriors you want to place your camera somewhere around 90 to 160 centimeters above the ground why because this is where your typical photographer would place the camera because of the tripod so still we're trying to simulate mimic and Big Daddy of 3d visuals and that is exactly for the photographic so let's go ahead and add a little bit of a lens correction at this point you can see that the focal length is set to 45 let's use something more photographic so place your focal length as somewhere around 24 28 it all depends on what kind of distance you want to work with right now what I'm going to do is quickly grab the cameras target move up and something is often well we don't want to work with three-point perspective that's why I'm going to quickly go for tilt and shift in this case you can see that we've got this automatic vertical tilt and it's back and it's fixed so since we actually have a little bit of ground in our shot I'm going to actually make sure that we're going to create something interesting out of it maybe just maybe place the camera a little bit further back so we can actually use this ground a little bit more so let me just grab it remember in situations like this where it's harder to grab your items you can just try to switch the type of selection to your desired one and now since this is exactly what I needed I'm going to place it somewhere around here yeah okay so let me just take a look at this shot yeah let's say that is actually pretty similar we don't need to go and for 100% accuracy in this case because we're just trying to learn something new so let's continue working on our ground remember to move back to your typical selection or you can set it to geometry but at this time not all of you know that trees max has this sculpin method it's a push-pull method it's not really that good but it's going to be good enough in this case so for that I'm going to quickly jump to clay here and as you can see this looks quite nice shift F for the safe frames so we can see everything that we need and since the previous image is set to image ratio 1.2 I'm just going to follow exactly that here now since we've got all of this here let's move to the other window so you can see everything what's happening we already know that we will be creating some kind of road or pavement let's call it just well some slopey so again we need to create this kind of terrain we need to add a lot of the a lot of craziness to it we will add rocks we will add grass and that's why we need to prepare this terrain exactly the same method that we teach during our during our course but of course during the course we actually tell you why we do this and what method should you use each time so again with making the brush size a little bit higher I'm going to now move along this line so I know that my portion pool is going to take effect somewhere around here so you can now see that I'm actually trying to create some a random slopes around this terrain so it's just going to fast and easy to work with yeah thank you very much Robert that's amazing and NS is actually are really a great company so thank you for tuning in guys so let's now continue and actually work with this push and pull method since no I need this to be a little bit stronger I'm going to make sure that the pooch value is a little bit higher again let's just create some kind of slope but not like this so for that I'm going to again create and make this brush a little bit higher and let's just go a little bit crazy you don't need to add all the detail in the back because it's just redundant at this point so let's also try to add a little bit more craziness around here so again a push-pull and I'm going to use the same type of brush I had just a moment ago so let's let's go for it okay we don't need the wireframe here and let's try to add a little bit of it so you don't necessarily have to go for the microscopic detail just because now we're going to add a little bit of trickery again since we've got this fairly dense mesh what I'm going to do you may want to use a mop smooth for just a part of this plane so that's a really good method but at this point I'm just going to go for tessellate and allow my site myself to go to face why should you use this method mostly because it's going to allow you to and then more precisely select all of those parts and as I said we're just going to create some kind of slopes some kind of imperfections in the ground first thing I'm going to do now is actually go ahead and start pushing and pulling all those elements by adding noise modifier that's always good to add as almost last element of your ground in this case I'm going to go for something around 10 and let's just go with the scale so it's just going to go a little bit more crazy you can actually see how it's changing how this whole ground is getting a lot of detail if you go for fractal it's even going to be better so it all depends on managed density at this point so let's convert this to editable poly change our selection method to brush and let's spray our pathway so since so we don't need to be super precise I'm just going to try to create some kind of pathway around here so let's just imagine that people are walking somewhere around here to get to the house so this is going to be our main path and that's our first element so at this point we need to do one more thing and that is add turbo smooth so turbo smooth is going to make all of those elements a little bit smoother I know that we already made this mesh a little bit of mess but take a look at this first of all I'm going to first grow and shrink so you now see that everything is a little bit smoother okay so let's select a little bit of that remember no need to be super precise let's make it actually a little bit more organic I'm going to detach this in a moment but first I'm going to use soft selection to play a little bit with it so soft selection is going to allow me to use this form of gradient to make this one part a little bit lower so it's just going to work for on my behalf so we just need to make sure that it's a little bit lower so we get we've can we have some kind of walked through pathway and it's going to be a little bit more realistic so at this point we just need to trick our viewer to believe what we want to show him as you can see I detach that one element and now I'm going to continue using spray to select more and more elements of this mesh to simply create something more interesting when it comes to selection so maybe let's try to deselect some of this parts so we can actually have this interesting parts around here so as you can see would you always make this sketch a rough then change it to actual later you this method is going to make this a little bit tricky because you won't need to exactly go back to the high detail because it's still going to look really really good and if your client is going to ask you to change something in the fine detail it's going to be easier because at this moment we're actually working with let's say somewhat sketch so remember we need to make sure that we are efficient and it's not going to hurt us to make any reduce believe it or not but most of the architects that I worked with don't even know what they're aiming at so that's always going to be back and forth with with you as a 3d professional to help them out see their own product is to see their own visuals at this moment I'm creating the second type of grass so in this case you can see that we've got this nice transition between those two types of grass the one taller grass and the lower grass we're going to get into detail in a second but right now I'm just going to detach this second element so setting up the scatters for this is just going to be easy for us mostly because I already prepared those earlier on and so we're still going to move on to lights and materials so why not talk about it in a separate window at this point I'm just going to show you the basic setup we and we are supposed to go through all of those materials so I'm going to quickly show you that there's no no trickery here it's really easy to work with texture so let's just open this in a window as you can see this is a this is just a photo of the ground with some veiny trees so you can see that it's actually not that complicated the video will be available after a live it's only on livestream the video will be available later for you to watch on our YouTube channel so if you still didn't subscribe do it now because you will be met with a lot of nice tricks and we will be populating our our YouTube channel with a lot of sneak sneak beats out of our webinars and of course we show a lot of tricks there so you don't want to miss that okay at this point and we will be working with these three objects I'm just going to quickly open my render window so let's start the interactive render from Corona toolbar and as you can see now at those three peoples are looking quite boring no they don't they do look good so this veiny ground is looking quite amazingly good let's just take a look at it shall we just look at this fine detail just by using some textures and a little bit of displacement we're able to achieve this level of detail so there's no there's no secret to it this is just a good texture for displacement we're actually sharing at textures like this with our students so you'll see a lot of trickery during our webinars so just by increasing this amount by a bit you can see how awesome this looks like again let's go back to the basic level which we are going to use for our scene and just by you this teapot without any this is a primitive object that comes from true dias max you can see how awesome this looks guys again what kind of software would you like to learn the most because right now we're working in 3ds Max and Corona renderer okay I was supposed to show you how do we work with scatters so let's just go ahead and do that when it comes to scatter it's always good to stop your interactive render when talking about it first of all this is a scatter garden this is a pretty basic setup it doesn't come with Corona and this is something that I like to do to keep everything in check so I always try to create separate rooms or separate paths for each type of object so if I work with trees or I work with grass marled grass I try to create a separate type of scatters so it's a really basic set up that you can check out right here no trickery just a really good setting and we're going to use this freely available online available online objects so we're actually going to show you how to obtain model like this online during our course so remember that it's not only that we show you how to do stuff we also show you how to use all of it so let's go back to our main camera in this scene and let's try to render it out mixed with our ground as you can now see this grass is starting to look really good but since this is just a presentation I'm going to go ahead and add a little bit more density to the scatter and what is going to be super important in this case since Corona 0.4 and higher are going to work with Nvidia denoiser as a default performance enhancer you need to delete this form sorry turn this off while working with why because it's going to take a lot of time to unlearn all of those objects and just to take a look at this this is going to be our ground and this is just a teapot so you can pretty much see how awesome this is going to look in our scene this setup is basic there's a there's just two Maps mixed together and this ambient occlusion is creating a little bit of a darker area so we do not use a right clone in our course we try to avoid adding extra software that requires our students to pay for it so it's just going to be easier for us to work with everything that 3ds max comes with so at this moment as you can see this is a really basic setup there's no trickery just 30 centimeters of displacement and as you can see this looks really good so let's continue by adding all of these objects into our scatter and as I said when talking about scatters try to turn them off again let's add rocks which are going to be really really important stuff for us we've got two types of rocks because we've got two different scatters so one smaller and one bigger for our main path right now I used the scatter grass so that's that's our regular grass and right now I'm going to add a little bit of wild grass which is going to be used at our background remember to check if your scatter is actually on so let's just turn it on and you know what I'm going to make sure that the teapot is not going to be covered with the wild grass because we need to have some kind of transition from the foreground to the background and as you can see this is exactly what we're going to aim at we go through all of the details of scatter creation and scatter set up in our course so remember to visit our website and enrolled right now if you're interested in learning as something special so about specials remember to stay tuned till the end because at the end we're going to not only show you something really extraordinary but also we're going to share the specials with you can you say something in Russian I do not speak Russian unfortunately so no I know like two words in it so no again as you can see we're going to aim and dis effect so let's just continue guys so where you're from right now because I can see that there's quite a lot of us or oh by the way are you still following us because I know that I'm talking about a lot of techniques that may be a little bit intimidating at first but believe it or not it's super easy to work with so right now I'm going to basically copy the scanner we've seen a lot a few seconds ago so from this scene before and that's a little bit of cheating but I'm going to show you a car created by one of the members of our staff so he created this from scratch and jet this is just a nice proof of he's a tremendous skill so we're going to use this card in a cute this car in our setup just to make it look a little bit more interesting I'm not going to go through all the details of car creation because we're just focusing on our twist and right now it's not important because you actually all came here to work with all of this catters and well that's exactly what we're going to do how quick is to change your rough placement to actually dimensions well my rough placements to actual dimensions just select all of those objects use 2x2 modifier and soon as you know that you want to work with pressed size a size let's say that you've got your AutoCAD you can actually get it into your scene and trying to use 2x2 modifier and go ahead and snap everything all together so I don't usually do that because it takes time and as you can see nobody is going to notice this this prep NCS and in this case going going out of your way to just add all those smaller details like that it's just going to take you a lot of time so yeah being precise is easy but it's time-consuming and as I always tell our students Toria Smacks is easy it has but at the same time it has 1,000 easy steps to follow and that's when it's actually going to get a little bit tricky so by using one of the plugins I really love I'm going to compete this objects from one scene to do another so let's just paste the scatter in and let's make sure that I am how to rename all of those objects at the same time as I said we're going to use a little bit of cheating in here because I need to respect your time and we cannot go through every single setting but you roughly know all of those settings already so at the same time let's try to oh you K that's amazing you are from Russia so convert welcome I wasn't expecting anybody from Russia this is super amazing uh okay let's now add the scatter so as I said the smaller rocks are going to go to our road the larger are going to cover all of those objects closer so I mean further so let's just add those rocks in but since I don't need as many rocks to be scattered in the I'm just going to either cut this out later or I'm just going to increase this amount since we can actually go for it let's do add 100 more rocks so this is going to be our lower grass so again I'm going to show you that all the settings no trickery here this is just a regular setup for scatter make sure that your grass is rotating accordingly to your needs so it's not going to look weird again let's add this smaller grass only to those pad to those elements of our paths that are going to be covered so you can see that this is where we actually need our lower grass because as I said we're trying to create this nice transition to make our viewers believe that somebody was walking around here so again h2 select objects and let's just select the scatter that we're actually interested in and that's the wild scatter is it possible a hard to import balls building parts from archicad to 3ds max that's again a great question that's actually really easy as long as you export them in a proper format it's going to be super easy so at this point we're actually done with modeling now we can move to lighting and then we're going to create all of those nice materials i'm going to use some of the materials that we already used in a previous scene because as i said i need to respect your time okay so for the light setup we're going to go for two things first of all i'm going to make sure that the direct visibility override is on and that's when I'm going to add Corona sky so Corona sky is actually better solution in my opinion than using most of the age your eyes because it gives us more control and combined with Corona Sun and it's actually easier to work with because you really cannot you are unable to predict your age your eyes settings because well there's a lot of photographers they have their own philosophy about this so yeah it's always going to be like that back and forth and finding of it so if you want to be consistent and know what you're doing always try to work with your settings of Corona sky and Corona Sun in this case I'm going to use material override and let's finally see what we're actually creating so let's make sure that every other interactive render is off and let's wait for it to load in so it's really common for 3ds max to crash in moments like this so I'm just going to make sure that I first save the scene just because it would be really really bad to actually have all of you guys wait for me to re-create everything so when working with a setup like this I tend to go for negative values in exposure and mostly because it's just easier for me to do it so I don't like that those rocks are in such a position so I'm just going to play a little bit with the randomisation seed and it's going to update it and as you can see it's already better and luckily the randomisation seed was really good for this plant and actually since I was doing in life I wasn't exactly expecting it to be this close to the camera what the pack of Grass so the packs of Grass are we like to use are you know widely available online those are a promotion and visp and of course sorry and of course a real grass it's there's a lot of them I don't want to go through the list but we tend to use every motion and because it's actually really good so in this case you can see that our lights is now missing a lot of umph and well we're just going to now go ahead and create something extra first of all we need this ground to be exactly as it walls on the teapot scene so I'm just going to add it in to all of this ground and make sure that my displacement is actually set at this moment we do not need exactly the displacement but since my computer is going to allow me that I'm going to turn it on and I'm going to make sure that my material is actually allowing me to work with it and how do I do it you can now use this preserve net methods which are here so let's just preserve this placement and glass but there's no glass in this scene so since we've got all of this already mapped oh sorry it's not matte it's still going all of our objects now will require some kind of mapping so we're just going to use a regular UVW map set to planner mode with a little bit of rotation but the rotation is just just something that will make it seem like it's a little bit more complicated but it's but at the same time this texture is is seamless so we're not going to go through it what is the VA material some kind of material a library plugin guys where do you get all those good questions so yeah the VI material is something I named this because our students are actually blessed with a lot of nice gifts and we like to share them with our students so we not only share textures we also share material libraries we're still in development of our own material library which is going to be really really good and it's going to cover most of the common situations when working with artists so as you can now see we've got a little bit more detail in this scene now we need to add materials before we actually start playing a little bit more all of those fine lights and fancy M elements maybe we should actually work on the sky so who wants to see the lights burst and who wants to see the sky first a quick poll let's see how many of you vote for one or than or the other since I don't want to select any objects that I don't need I'm going to quickly show this car sky that's a that's a one vote for sky and let's continue sky sky okay the sky is winning so the background is going to be set with a little bit of trickery as always first of all you need to find a proper texture it's some must so I'm just going to quickly do a trickery and actually open my folder so we're going to use this image as a background we'd want to make sure that it's going to be it's going to look identical you can get your backgrounds from Google or any other means but in this case I would strongly recommend you use some kind of Google search or go to best sites there are so that one of them is actually HDRI heaven for some of the maps and texture heaven which is super super it's just amazing just visit that guy and if you're going to use his work make sure to chip in a little bit of extra to actually buy him a coffee on patreon or something to make this object's mapping a little bit easier for me I'm going to quickly detach that one object because I want to make this a little bit darker because as I said we're trying to recreate everything that we here we see here and again I'm going to hide everything that I don't need a nice shortcut for to hide cameras when they are in your way is shipped see so it's going to be by default in that place and I would strongly recommend you use that because well it's going to be easier so at this point I'm going to use a regular UVW map instead of UV unwrap I got you there right so let's just go for UVW map and this time set it to box I'm going to go for 800 by an 800 because I'm still going to play a little bit with it so guys remember that this course is at this webinar is actually created to promote our school physic Adam II is helping you to make sure that you understand that we're we're open for our 4 signups and we still have just a few spots open so right about now and I'm checking that we've got six open slots for our September's a group so if you want to grab your own seat remember to move fast and remember guys to visit our site the this how you enroll just click in and you pick your your pack I mean your panel of choosing in this case we want you to select the package you are interested in so if you want to create interiors go for this if you want to go for interiors and exteriors go for this and if you want to go for the VIP package which is actually in well really nice discount because we're still having a really nice summer sale remember guys that this is the most important element to sign up to not miss out on everything that we actually have prepared for you our course is going to cover complex and topics not only the topic of object modeling and right now I'm going to go back to this concrete material so I'll let take a look how our map is actually working with us at this point and you can use a 2d floor to 2d zoom zoom mode for this I want this line to be somewhere around here so for that I'm going to move my UVW map somewhere in the middle do you guys offer support after the course is finished yes we do you can always contact us and we're going to help you out with your problems we do not grant you the full support at that time but we you can always schedule a meeting with us so I'm going to always be there for you to answer your emails or questions just after the after our course the support is moved to the emails but we're still pretty much open to help you with each of all of your problems and make sure to contact us because I actually like contacting of your students when they start working with some real life jobs it's always good to see how they conduct ourselves in the real world to see that our work is not being wasted and they actually learn something that are going to actually use in real life so we do support our students after the course is done so remember to sign up today because this free webinar is going to be just a hint of what we actually do during our real course so as you can see now all of those elements are packed with materials so that's why I'm going to add those as you know what we no longer need this material override but we still need to add some kind of glass and some kind of glass frame around here so for that I'm going to quickly create the easiest color and glass material there is and that's just a plain reflection with plain refraction so no need to go into detail and let's go just through these two objects let's add Glantz material to those object that actually require it remember guys that most of our students are actually starting from zero knowledge it's super rare to find somebody who has some professional knowledge to sign up for our course but this type of people also happen to join us so if you want to learn something new or you found that this webinar is actually really helpful to you remember we do not limit knowledge during our web during our course what does it mean you can always contact as well in the working hours and we provide you with support 12 hours at 12 hours a day so you can shower us with any questions and most of the students that already answered some of the questions in our chat it can be can actually tell you how it actually looks like so guys if you are interested in our course remember to sign up today if you enroll it for on the course what happens if you miss a webinar some of us have children well that's again a great question nothing bad happens we understand that you have your life and we cannot expect you to be 24/7 that's my role to be there as a support to help you when you are available to work with us and not the other way around so if you miss a webinar you're going to be sent a copy or a link of the video along with the homework and if you need this we will schedule an extra lesson so we can actually catch on on all the topics so just to make sure that you don't miss out on anything again guys remember this is super important for us that you understand does that vis Academy is here for you and we really care about our students we try to make sure that they leave us not with just take a bad taste in their mouth but they we want them to leave with good portfolio so as it is stated on the web you finish our course with at least two up to four good interior visuals but as always it all requires your work so we cannot push you to put in the hours but if you do I promise you that I will put put in even more to make sure that we are all on the same page and there we're not going to leave any student behind if you are just a little bit behind in your studies we are just going to help you out to catch up with all the topics how long would it take for a new starter to recreate what you just made as you can see approximately two hours so honestly after our course this is going to be easy and understandable for all of you so as I was supposed to create the sky that's exactly what I'm going to do right now for first of all you will need some kind of bitmap you can find it wherever on all over the Internet so in this case I'm just going to go for this background that we already downloaded earlier on but adding the background just like that it's not going to do the trick so that's why we've got this nice option in corona to actually use a little bit more than that so if I just add this as an instance and that's exactly what you should you should go for okay let's wait for it to recalculate oh it's actually starting to look good right um the sky doesn't so let's now do the tricks first of all you need to check this and change this to from spherical to screen so it's going to cover all of your screen at the same time you need to make sure that you use one of the corona maps and that is going to be Corona and tone map control believe it or not but not many professionals actually know about this map so you're in for a treat so we're going to make this map actually work with us and ignore some of the tone mapping so at this point you can see that even if we try to play with acceso can you hear me guys guys can you hear me is everything ok please give me a thumbs up or plus to make sure that I'm not talking to myself so please guys it give me a little bit of chat work to see if we're actually online right now that's a plus and thank you for that I stay tuned for the rest of our webinar to make sure that where you went offline but you're online now yeah I had a bit of errors around here thank you for this plus so I hope that we're still here and everybody's online guys as you can see this is starting to look good and now we're going to play a little bit with the tone mapping before we move into the most important element and that is going to be still offline please okay guys let's take a short break and I'm going to try to and please try to okay let's one second for the chat so let's try to ask those people that don't see this chat to actually refresh it so okay so let's try it out and we'll be right back and one second I'll just make sure that everything is correctly set up one second you okay guys I'm just going to try to restart okay guys we're back after the short break some technical tease this always happens during the live streams so it works everything's back again so whoo I'm happy too - you stayed and actually helped me to notice this because we're actually getting into the lights to respect your time I'm going to go through the quickest and best methods to do it as always because we just don't want you to waste any time on something that you don't need to learn and it's something that is going to be boring or uninteresting and as you can see just in a few minutes we were able to okay it was actually an almost an hour but you can actually see that everything is working fine right now now I'm going to select all of those objects that I've previously made sure that are prepared for as my window frames so I'm going to show you a nice trick with windows in just a second but first of all let me just select those frames as four frames as some of the people are actually going through super complex materials to work with them and I always tell them that well you do you and I'll be good so first of all I'm going to go lower with the diffuse color to make sure that it's somewhere around three don't go 4-0 because that's the moment where your materials are going to no longer respond to any kind of light so zero is a no-no in three visuals so now we've got those frames and the trick I like to give you a give you guys is actually really really easy so as you can see while going to a wireframe mode like this as selecting the window is actually almost impossible right so even if I it is zoom in using 2d pan zoom mode it's going to be quite annoying to do so so you will have you will be forced to move to standard mode to select it but what I like to do instead is select my window make sure that I've got all my vertex is selected and I just connect them like like so so now if I go to wireframe mode it's easier for me to select all of those elements so as you can see before we weren't able to actually select this but right now it's easier to locate any kind of window and it doesn't obstruct the view or create any problems we've render so just a quick hint for you how to select windows and that's always going to be a good way to check if your windows actually have some kind of glass so let's connect those and make them actually visible so you can now see that we've got this nice glass actually showing in our scene so for light setup we already now now have the sky so we need to actually work with a little bit more than that we usually work only and almost only with Corona sky so I'm just going to add a lot of fine detail to make this lighting setup really easy and easy for you to follow so I'm not going to use any plugins I'm just going to place them in in the right position and make sure that those aren't really too small or too big as always we don't need to go into super fine detail because nobody is going to look at your 3d visuals and see and look for those super super small details make sure that your light source is invisible and we don't need it to be in refractions and we don't need it as it cal sticks and make sure that you actually turn off this occlude other lights because if you don't you're going to have a little bit of problem with this because your light is going to create shadow from the back Corona comes with a lot of iOS files so you can use them to your advantage as well as as well as Lu T's and materials more about it later so let's wait for autosave auto-saves can be actually really helpful because they really save your life so respect them and be patient because they need to take their own time sometimes it's going to be during the livestream and it's going to be a little bit stressful for you but don't worry it's just something that really needs to be done before I actually go for this and add this iOS file let me just make sure that this light is actually in place so let's move it here and let's turn on our interactive render to see what's the difference between some kind of light and es light so at this point we've got this cute little shining a point so let's make sure that it's actually stronger so a little bit more power to it iOS so now we need to pick one of those that come with Corona so I'm just going to select this focused one because it's going to look really good and as you can see this is exactly what I was aiming for right now I'm going to go for Kelvin temperature because we want this light to be a little bit more warmer as to create this nice nice mood that we're aiming at so again let's now make sure that our camera is locked in place so I'm ooh I won't be jumping from one picture to another yeah well let's wait for okay guys so right now um is there a big difference between tone map control and color correct map yes there is there is a tremendous difference because when you use a Corona a correction map you will only change the color and tone mapping of the current texture and if you use control you will make sure that your tone mapping is not being applied to your texture so you've got a pretty bland display of this texture in the back again let's now lock this camera and remember guys this free webinar is especially for you hosted by physic Adam II because we're trying to make sure that everything you see here is just a small portion that you're going to see during our main course so if you want to enroll in do it as soon as possible because we're running out of spots to actually accommodate all of the students but we still do have six or five at this moment I'm not sure because it always happens that during this livestream somebody is going to sign up so guys remember to sign up to our course if you want to learn everything that I show you right now and you if you want to know the full know-how just and go ahead and well sign up right now I'm going to do a little bit of trickery a remember to visit our site and go to enrollment so it's just like this go to our main site and as you can see it's going to be one of those clicks around here just do it pick the package you're interested in right now we've got our Summer Sale so before we actually start before you actually go to college or go back to work make sure that you check out our offer on our main page at this moment we need to I cannot stress this enough we are running out of spots and so if you still want to take part in our course remember to join us so guys right now I'm going to add a little bit of tricky lights that are going to be considered a little bit of cheating but well that's always good for 3d visuals because your main goal is to cheat your way into your clients heart you just need to make sure that they love you're doing that's why I'm going to add a little bit of fakie lights behind the slope to add a little bit of this extra oomph to your scene so let let's just move this here and right now I'm going to move this light a little bit back and to the left so it's not going to be physically visible but it's going to create this nice effect around here and believe me this is going to be really good for your clients at this moment you can turn on the bloomin glare which is going to also help a lot I think that my sky is a little bit too bright so I'm going to lower the exposure a little bit and go a little bit more crazy with the contrast I still need a little bit of filming highlights to make sure that everything is ok so as you can see we still need to add a little bit extra and here guys so if you want to sign up to our course remember to actually visit our site because this is the exact moment you should do it we're now going to add a lot of nice tricks that I like to do with my externals exteriors so first of all we need to add a lot of lights that are going to create this nice reflections around here as you can see this is going to be a little bit tricky so let's just make sure that it's going to be somewhere around here I want to make sure that this light is unique and it's going to shine both on this stairs and somewhere around here so it's just going to mimic some kind of lamp that somebody would actually put in there so make unique if you were working on instances earlier on and I'm going to make this a little bit more orangie so it's going to add more of that effect but let's not stop there and actually copy this a light two or three times to add a little bit more effect but this time I'm going to move this a little bit lower so it's going to look a little bit different and it's also going to add a bit of shine to this car so that's again something that is going to add to your shot at this point a another trick is to add light planes that are going to add a little bit more shininess and reflection around your house I know this is those are tricks and this is actually witchcraft so let's so guys stay tuned in and um right now I'm going to change this a sphere light to plant a planar light because I don't want it to cover all of those elements and let's just make a gigantic this time because we do not need it to be super strong but we need this reflection can you see it it's beautiful so let's rotate this place it where we need it and this is totally too strong but still possible so I'm just going to make sure that it's not too strong so let's go for ten ten times no at 25 yeah 25 is going to do the trick so you can now see that we've got this nice gradient it doesn't have to be yellow or orange you can use whatever color you fancy for your shot so as I said we're going to go go ahead and try to recreate this so we're still going to use a LUT we're going to use a lot of extras and we're going to add to this shot so right now I'm going to make sure that I've got this copied here and from this moment now on it's just going to be me copying lines and adding everything else so I think we can actually stop the modeling summer around here and instead of continuing copying the lights from one place to another we can actually go ahead and add something that I really like to add as a last element of my visuals and that is actually almost exclusive element of Corona and that is going to be light mix so let's just stop here and let's add little bit of light mix so light mix it's always a really good thing to work with why because it saves you a lot of time maybe I should add a little bit of a little bit of this extras but at this point we're just going to wrap this up and let's go for light mix as you can see light mix it allows you to change your mood to change the mood of your scene in just seconds just imagine that your clients are going to ask for a lot of reduce and a lot of different moods and Karuna actually allows you to work with both news new lights and old lights to add more color more details and it's just going to be super easy to work with in Corona because it allows you this free artistic this a lot of artistic freedom so as I said earlier for this type of shots you should have your interactive render set too we should have this set too okay guys this is actually getting a little bit out of hand yeah again make sure that the fast preview is off we don't need it at this moment and since we've got all of those elements all together we can now play around with LUT s and actually make the final shot look really good so if you want to change the mood in your scene just go for it if you want to control some of the lights on the elevation just go for it it's real it's real time it's going to be super responsive so if you want a little bit sharper or smaller light around here or you even want to change the color of your sky this is where you can do it so as you can see adding a pinkish light to my scene was just a second so if I want to make this overall shot a little bit warmer so it's going to be most most likely some kind of sunset this is how you do it so in this case it's go this is going to also affect the stone mapping so let's make sure that we actually work with everything that we need in this case so backlight of the car yes it's now shining so you can see now that it's actually creating a little bit of this a nice gradient around here nice reflection and as I said this is going to be where I'm going to move to our specials so guys for those of you that actually were able to stay with us on line 2 till the end as I said we're going to send out our specials for all of you that tuned in first of all I'm going to go through a little bit of our school school site so let's talk about a visit caddy me for a second again guys while our final shot is rendering in the background I'm going to quickly tell you a little bit about us so most of our students come to us without any prior knowledge of 3dsmax or they have just the basics that their college actually was forced to teach them and as you can see this is a really nice transition after just five weeks we do not waste time we go from topic to a topic and we do not limit knowledge this is actually super important for you guys why because the more questions you ask the more time you spend with us you need to know that this is the moment where you learn so the special offer is now posted on our a chat so visit this site and for those of you that actually will visit our special offer link leave your email first name and last name and we'll we'll be sending you emails with specials and of course you're going to get the practice materials and for those of you that sign up today are those of you that sign up today are going to get this beautiful scene that I created online on your eye on your eyes absolutely for free so sign up and roll in for our course and you're going to get an extra as something to work with something to play with so this is going to be really good thing so guys remember if you want to enroll to our course click on this enroll in the upper right corner of our main page it's all already shared with you on ours on our sky chat make sure that so also guys see for yourself the webinars chat right now we've got this special offer listed around here so go ahead and just visit chat see it for yourself visit this link click on it and while you do you're going to be moved here leave your leave us your email your first and last name and we're going to contact you with some specials so if you want to learn how to create visuals this is how you approach this of course I'm going to now continue a little bit more about our site we actually work in three main elements first of all we we've got some kind of planned out as scheduled so first a week we go through basic and advanced modeling so you will learn how to create models as starting from tap actually finishing on your interior then we're going to go through the lighting and materials and we're going to teach you how to finalize your render and add post-production so next thing is in the fifth week we can actually start working on your second and third image in this case you'll already know how to use all the tool tools to create some special shots we're also going to cover close-ups and master and we're going to teach you how to master lenses and work and think as a photographer when creating visuals the last part of our full program is actually exteriors so we both go through exterior modeling lighting and then materials and finalization so it's all in just as seven weeks remember guys to click the chat to visit our special site and yes it is like Christmas so this year's it's earlier on so let's continue as I said all of those images are seen on our website are actually posted by our students sorry are created by our students I still cannot believe how good they are I kind of jealous when I look at some of those shots so I need to tell you that I'm really really glad that they were able to pull this off just look at this beautiful beautiful renders so let's just continue now and as you can see all of those professional shots are done by our students they started just from the scratch and remember you can also become a hero so from zero to hero if you don't know Tullius max if you find it somewhat intimidating this is exactly the course for you why because you'll be able to get not only at the knowledge but also three textures free materials and some free models that are going to help you along the way we're going to teach you everything that you need to know from scratch so we have individual to toe to toe so that means that we don't just send out a bot that will answer your questions I'm actually going to do it personally and if it if your case requires that we're going to actually call you on skype talk to you or give you a special lesson so you can catch up so if you lis miss a webinar don't worry everything is going to be fine because we're going to make sure that you you are cut up with the with the whole group and you'll see that it's actually really easy to do so remember guys to click on the special offer link down below on our chat so do it now to add in hadn't your info so we can actually keep contact keep the contact with you because we want to stay in touch with you guys because not only we're going to create more webinars like this but also we're going to make sure that our online conferences don't just go over your head that means that we really really need to make sure that you guys learn how to create everything at this moment we've got approximately a 225 students trained so that's quite a number right guys so visit our Facebook to see all of those nice comments were actually transitioning them to our main page we've got a lot of people actually giving us this nice comments so read them now and see for yourselves those are our students so those that allow us to share their information and add their instagrams or contact info like Lea or Nicole are actually going to be able to give you their own testimonials so if you sign up today you're also going to get a special a special scene that I that we've created videos that are only limited for those that are going to sign up today so go ahead follow the special offer on our chat do we get a thirst certificate when we are finish it yes you will get a physicality certificate this is going to be well your own certificate with your own name so we will you you can use this as your reference so if your future employer is going to contact us we will vote for you and we will give you the recommendation that you need you need so I'm Mike I'm the main teacher of visca in UK and the rest of these guys are actually our support and you can actually call them more like founders so they're always online and to help you out but mostly I'm going to do the this job because at this moment I'm just taking care of the VIS economy UK so guys remember that right now we've got a special cell so it's only summer limited and our next group starts on 25th of September so sign up now because we're running out of spots to actually join in and we're actually making sure that you remember that you can pick one of the three options I strongly recommend you to go for either interior rendering exterior rendering or our VIP a veep a VIP option which is going to cover even more with extended full support and lots lots more work to do for those of you that sign up for the VIP package at this moment the mud heartache is actually interior/exterior and you will learn all the techniques that are needed to create images like this so going back to this shot I'm now going to go back with a little bit of environment exposure and what is super fun in corona is that right now you can see that we're making sure that everything looks amazingly good so this light is actually a little bit too bright no problem there we can just make it a little bit a weaker and you want to add a little bit more oomph to around here no problem there let's just do it so guys remember to sign up we we will teach you how to create interiors and exteriors so guys remember that where your students able to find jobs and employment in this case I actually went through the case of Leah she's already working as a professional she she's already grabbing her own class she didn't update all of her pictures on Instagram yet but you can visit her site to see her progress because she's uploading there more she's actually working as a professional right now she's recreating her own projects but also we were able to guide and guide her through no not actually guide her through we were able to give her a little bit of hints and tips on how to improve her own professional job she was quote as she created some quotes she worked she worked with hotels and well quite large clients already so visit her site visit Nicole's Instagram and you're going to see that those people are actually good to follow because those girls are going to add a lot of new shots so guys in this case you can actually see that we can change that on not only the colors but power of each light so if you want to work a little bit mode a little bit more with the mood you can just do it okay choose a plan that you're interested in and remember guys this is super important for us that you understand that interiors are full package and exteriors are just the expansion so you get even more you're going to go through all the interesting stuff that I shown you during the today's webinar and remember again click on this special offer to leave us your email and contact details so we can send out you to use some special offers those are limited time so please try to follow this link right now we're going to send you those beautiful extras as soon so guys I guess this concludes our webinar so guys we will learn you how to become professional in 3ds max and remember to choose your plan and to sign up for you're give us your contact details so we're going to be able to actually sign you up for our course and actually we're going to see what do you expect from us we do not expect you to just follow us we expect you to give a give us a little bit more to work with because we want to teach you how to become a professional so choose the plan that you're interested in and make sure that it's exactly what you need so exteriors and interiors is going to be the full package and the VIP is for those that need a little bit more to work a little bit harder and they want to become just a little bit more professional guys as I was saying this concludes our webinar so remember to choose your plan type in your contact details and follow us on Instagram YouTube and of course Facebook but we're mostly active on Instagram and YouTube so remember guys we want you to pick the package that you're interested in and well guys thank you very much for your time we're going to post another webinar soon our next group starts on too many fifth of September so remember that it's actually the time is limited the spaces are limited I'm expecting a lot of signups after this webinar so since we don't really have a lot of spaces left remember don't be quick were actually just do it right now why not okay guys as I was trying to say that this concludes our webinar thank you very much for your time and let's try to remember that let's try sorry let's try to remember that we need you to click at this special offer sign up now join vis Academy and see for yourself that it's worth it thank you very much and bye-bye you
Channel: VizAcademy UK
Views: 117,520
Rating: 4.9400601 out of 5
Keywords: 3ds max, course, lesson, vizacademy, corona, renderer, render, rendering, visualization, interior, exterior
Id: Bw_naDT9_9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 56sec (7076 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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