[Free webinar] 3ds Max - Kitchen interior [MODELING, LIGHTING, MATERIALS]

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hello everybody and welcome to our live stream this time we're going to talk a little bit about interiors how to create them quickly and of course as always I'm going to show you some smart tricks that you can use in your day-to-day work because well it wouldn't be really worth your time if we wouldn't pack something worth your time into these streams and guys please tell me can you hear me is everything okay and of course um am i lagging because that's always one of those questions that you have to ask in the beginning of a stream so of course as you know this is stream totally free I created by vis Academy and that's why I'm going to shortly introduce myself I am Mike with 14 almost 15 years of experience in threose max I decided to become a tutor and thanks to visit cata me I'm able to share my knowledge and professional know-how and well with you our students and of course you online guys so guys where you from can you hear me and of course still yes sound is fine so guys as always I'll ask you where you're from because that's always good to know who watches us and as you can well I can see that somebody's from Egypt that's really amazing and okay without any further ado we are visa Kadim e we are online school and we will teach you how to create photorealistic visualizations in just five to seven weeks depending on what option you choose you get two options that is interiors and interiors + exteriors okay now let's have a look at our goal of course this is work done by on architectural company that we will be sharing link to a later on on the chat and all the credit credits for the design go to this group but of course we're going to do a quick case study on how to create the same effect in 3ds max by simply going through the most basic tools and of course we're going to have fun with it so guys Tony the support is with us and if you have any questions please ask them now I ran that's that's amazing week how India and Poland that that means that we have quite far reach and okay let's now continue and move on to 3ds max I took the liberty to of creating a little bit of cheats because we don't want to waste your time on finding the proper camera position and getting the proper resources are usually when working with 3ds Max and your clients you will get at least something that is going to be 2d file or CAD file which is just going to be useful and London that's great and when you work with 3ds max is always most most welcome to plan ahead why because 3ds max is very punishing when you don't know what to do invisi CAD in the online course we will teach you how to which steps are you should take first and what elements you should create as last and now as I said I created this file earlier so we're not going to have to go to the whole process of creating the walls from scratch but still we're going to trace this file because we can be a little bit sloppy in this case but we don't want to be too sloppy because we're going to still use the most basic of tools that we have at our disposal and that is going to be create shape and that is going to be a line and why should you always try to trace your own walls instead of just trying to use what you already have mostly because when you do trace those files you often will find that those are not really good for extrusion for any kind of modeling you just need to usually you just have to recreate them from scratch it's a little bit time-consuming but it's going to save you a lot of time later on and with that done let's just create a little bit of extrusion now okay I'm not really still I still haven't decided how tall this room is going to be so I'm just going to convert this to editable poly and as we're going to work with a lot of elements we don't necessarily have to have this wall at this moment so I'm going to move this back and weld it because we're just going to use a box in here same will go for this wall because I just figured that it's going to be a little bit easier to do it this way guys if have you ever worked with 2d as Max and if you did one is your experience because some of you already know because I really like this like to repeat that but when I started working with 3ds max the first time when I opened it I got so scared of all of those buttons that you can see in here that I basically didn't go back to 3ds max for next two weeks our students really heard this story like 12 times already but still it's it puts smiles as it puts smile on my face because say well this is how I started as as it goes for external walls you don't have to be precise you don't have to really care about the thickness of your walls and luckily we have some kind of files that we can pretty much trace so that is exactly what I'm going to do if you are still learning that's well you came to the right place because physic Adam II is able to teach anybody in just 5 to 7 weeks how to create beautiful 3d renders in 3ds Max and using corner and which is really important for us the crooner renderer is the key element to your success okay so we can basically decide on the height of there's room thanks to this file that I have by the way guys those of you that stay with us up until to the end and email as a later after this webinar are able to basically get the same starting point of the scene so you will be able to recreate it on your own okay so now let's try to trace it and without any way any further wasting time let's just continue and work with 3ds max as always I try to use the most basic of the basic tools you don't have to snap always try to avoid it but since we have such nice files I'm just going to try to use this to my advantage again a big thing that usually people don't know how to create is arches and we're going to show you how to do it and the easiest and fastest way possible because as I always try to tell you we try to be as efficient as possible well yeah you can start learning through these Macs and honestly on your own you're going to have a lot of ups and downs because 3ds max is a really tricky software when you are trying to learn it on your own it took me almost 14 years to get to this to this point and believe me my start wasn't really that good mostly because there was just no resources at all you can now look look up a lot of resources a lot of techniques but usually those are just one one topic webinars that are not really covering anything and now we are already doing the walls and which is basically the most important part for any interior as you can see I already added this camera so we will be we won't be looking for our perfect shot that we seen on the on this stream by the way guys and this is going to be our final image and I hope that we will be able to do it in under an hour so with ten minutes out of our time let's now hurry up and try to do it as fast as possible as you can see now I'm just ungrouping this this files because honestly you could create artists by simply going ahead and doing this by editable poly and making sure that each element of your mash is just perfect but honestly it's a waste of time because before you actually finish welding and bridging all those elements like I do right now you could basically just create a shape and be done with it in a second so this is not really going to be a perfect solution so we're just going to delete this and try to work with it as a spline but how can we actually approach it well by simply trying to trace the wall as always I'm not going to try to be 100% precise because smart enough that it's going to understand that when walls are touching they are actually not going to let a light through so let's just create any kind of shape that suits our needs and now let's move this shape to the same position as those arches are usually you would get those arches from your architect but as I said usually those files are really unusable so if you want you can just go ahead and create a simple spline out of rectangle and here you've got corner radius well that's not going to work well so if you go to editable spline and try to move it up now convert those to splines I mean those vertexes to corner and start using this palette it's going to allow you to create a perfect arc and of course those arts are already perfect because I've created them we're just going to skip this step and we're going to simply attach them okay but what now what are we supposed to be doing at this moment since we already used shell and we used it on 40 centimeters it's already in our let's say memory and that's exactly what we're going to use let's just now move this wall closer as I said we don't have to be 100% precise so we won't be using this at any point for those of you guys that just tuned in we are busy atomy and we create online courses that will teach you how to create photorealistic visualization in just under five to seven weeks depending on the option that you choose and you can go to our Instagram to check out the best proof that we can ever have our students works so as you can see we only post that informations about webinars and our solely our students work you can visit any kind of link and there's probably going to be our students Instagram like here in it web Theodore or you can and look for yourself to pretty much get the best proof of our school that we could ever ask for so let's go back to our modeling now yeah by the way guys um will you use Photoshop in the scene yes we will use it but as always we are going to try to make sure that the Photoshop is used at minimum 3ds Max and corona allow you to create beautiful effects just using that video frame buffer so this is the clean render this is actually coming straight out of two Bs max without any Photoshop by the way guys and there's going to be a little bit of trickery because as you can see we've got this nice displacement around here and basically I already said that what we're going to do and we're going to make sure that we have some kind of object that is going to decide where our maps are going to end so that is going to be a lot of fun by the way guys if you have worked with 3ds max what is your experience so far what kind of rendering engines you used and of course how good are you in 3ds max by the way wait a second okay for those of you that don't know 3ds max is actually really easy but you need a little bit time to understand how it works it's never going to be a straightforward because it always requires some kind of basic knowledge of 3d or at least somebody who will guide you looking at this image we now can start adding furniture it really went from from zero to hundred in what 15 minutes so we're going to start adding windows and we're going to add all the detail that you can see in a defensive manner possible as always I took a little bit of Liberty to actually create shapes for hours which we're going to use for most of our objects so let's just try to trace our inside and inside of the room put it somewhere near the roof okay so this is it and now what we're going to do is use sweat modifier and we're going to use our own we're going to try to use our own shape that we already have here and I'm expecting a little bit of problems with it so we're also going to find a solution so luckily there's no problem with it other than just well it's mirrored if you have this problem you don't have to necessarily go inside your object and trying to rotate it this way you can just try to mirror it and try to mirror it using the proper plane so you can either try to use it in X Y or X Z plane and XZ actually work the best as for material so by the way guys what is the hardest part of 3ds max when you try to work with it when you try to create your own 3d visuals what is giving you the most headache for me it was always the furniture but luckily I learned that most of the furniture is actually really easy mostly because when people are trying to create some kind of furniture and I mean those guys that will actually create it from scratch those people are usually a little bit lazy so they try to use the most basic shapes possible that actually cuts the cost so we're going to do exactly the same we're going to create a quick box or the upper cabins and we're going to do the same for the lower cabins luckily I have this file to trace it but usually you can just simply add any kind of value you like so 85 is going to be enough and make sure that you always might always work on the proper scale in your as scene so if you go to customize use it units make sure that you work on centimeters by centimeters if you are an architect that may think that may seem a little bit odd to work on centimeters instead of millimeters because you're so much used to it but believe me it's going to be easier this way why did I start from the molding on the ceiling and then created the furniture mostly because it's going to be easier for us this way as always I not going to try to be precise I'm just going to try to trace as much as I can by going from one corner to yeah to another one and as you can see it's really going really fast so now we almost have our furniture but there's still a little bit of it missing so we've got a little bit of limiting object and we still need to have those fronts and how do we do it it's very simple we can try to edit by simply going with box and now try to copy it as element make sure that you scale it down up until it's roughly two centimeters thick nobody is going to try to measure it and you may be a little bit off so you can either even try to go a little bit inside it's still going to be okay so now how many of those cabins we need we need a six of them and let's just try to add a six splines so let me just select this front now and let's go for ring and we're going to connect we need five connections to create six cabins and now everything looks good okay but it's still only a boss we have six connections so what we can do is simply use chamfer open this chamfer and make sure that it's roughly something about two millimeters as always you didn't have to be precise press three to go to the border and now all the borders so open splines I mean open polygons are going to be selected here by selecting this border were able to use cap that is going to close those gaps and will allow us to basically start working with those objects as prawns so again we're going to copy those fronds move it roughly to the position where our second second floor is our second part of our furniture is and now let's add something about 8 centimeters or 9 as I said we don't have to be all we you don't have to always be precise but if you're going to work with some kind of client you will know how much centimeters you need this time this is a only a light stream that you will be able to basically follow later on so just use your own measurements usually use your own colors and do something that is going to surprise us ok it's still too early for any kind of light but let's go back to our camera view ok we basically have the most important elements but I noticed that I actually don't like one element here so if we try to render this out in a higher resolution it's going to look a little bit low quality because we can actually count all those polygons what we can do to avoid it is go back to our shell modifier click on edit a editable spline and increase the number of steps 24 should be enough this is going to simply increase the amount of steps it takes this spline to break between the vertexes it's a very handy tool now look how many lines we have compared to the previous situation now this is going to look good and if you want to be a little bit more precise more power to you go ahead now I'm going to press control V so we're going to be able to copy this object delete this shell modifier and we are going to use this objects we have here to make our window frames and our window molding so first I'm going to copy this object so one is going to be our window the second one is not since we have this luxury of working on splines I'm going to simply go ahead and divide it into three so we have now some kind of points that we're going to use to mark those windows as you can see there's a little bit of trickery going on but nothing really fancy so now I'm going to select this three bottoms as you can see now and we're going to copy them until we get the perfect shapes as we actually desire if you try to rotate this it's not going to work so you unfortunately have to do it manually even sometimes even if you trap try to change the pivot for your spline it's not always ideal so to not waste any time I'm just going to quickly rotate those and put them somewhere closer to the ground so you don't have to be precise always remember even if it goes a little bit under the under the object it's still going to look good so we're going to leave it as it is just as a proof so now you go into rendering and while you have this rendering enable in renderer we are also going to enable it in the viewport so right now as a default value we have the radio but we need rectangular so now with a rectangular selected we can pretty much create those window frames as always you don't have to be super precise about it you just need to do do it roughly because in this case you can barely see any wind window at all so without wasting time you can actually move on and if by any chance when you will be doing the preview renders you find out that well maybe the quality is not enough then you can actually try and fix it but for that please don't waste your time okay we have those shapes for molding but we're also going to use this or our hourglass so let's just do do that and put it inside so remember to not be over precise you don't have to be I'm just changing this color so it's going to be a bit easier for us to find it later on as you can see it's a simple shape that is going to be used as our glass so for now I'm going to hide it because we're soon going to start working on our materials okay now the tricky part comes in because we're going to use a lot of shapes we're also going to try to use the swept modifier as we did last time but there's always a little bit of unknown when it comes to 3ds Max and over edited splines that you will probably get a little bit problematic splines that are not going to cooperate so here I've got this a shape prepared earlier and I'm going to pick it because it's going to help us again guys for those of you that just tuned in we are visit atomy we created we designed our own course that is going to teach you how to create beautiful 3d renders from scratch in just five to seven weeks and by joining this Academy you gain access to online support and support actually sounds bad you actually gain access to and contact to our two doors and teachers that means that you'll be able to ask any kind of question really into the 20s Max and we will be able to answer it of course to the best of our knowledge but at the same time the support is unlimited that means that you can ask any kind of questions we do not limit knowledge so the more you want to learn the more you will and now let's go back to our modeling so we've got this shape and actually those actually cooperating I'm really surprised and this never happens during the live streams so I'm really happy for for this at this time I'm really surprised that it worked because usually you have to do a little bit of fixing and I was really prepared to do it for you guys okay again this shape is a little bit uncooperative because it doesn't want to be placed correctly so we're just going to try to mirror it this time in x and y planes so let's just put it in the proper position so probably it's going to be here and now we've got all the moldings done what we have left is adding the mid furniture so let's just take a look at this scene so most of the furniture is already done and that is really really good for us because we're good we're going to be able to finish this as fast as possible so let's just continue now by the way guys and those of you that's that just tuned in please tell me where you're from it's always nice to hear a little bit about you what is your profession what are you what do you do in your daily day-to-day life and what actually brings you to us because as you know we are busy economy and we're trying to teach as many people as possible how to do beautiful renders in 3ds max using Corona renderer most of the time we're going to discuss all of those techniques and all of those no we're going to share know-how and everything else with you and just in seven five to seven weeks and as you know you can check out our students renders on our Instagram which is basically going to be the best example of our skill possible because there's just no better proof than somebody who finished our course and actually made a beautiful render so or from rhyme or your fire and Serbia that's actually amazing I would never in a million years I would actually imagine that we are able to reach a Serbia Egypt and that's really really something if is occurring can you tell me why Corona renderer is better than v-ray so first of all v-ray is a little bit over complicated when it comes to rendering it's going to give you a lot of no-go zones it's going to create a lot of noise and it actually takes a lot of time to get to the point where you can actually start rendering of course it's not impossible but when it comes to Corona you have more artistic freedom because it's a little bit more let's say forgiving when it comes to modeling when it comes to materials and it actually works a little bit faster in some of the cases but of course to be honest very has a little bit more options when it comes to really highly professional use and I mean animation but when it comes to interior rendering which is basically what we do in our day to day work I would never switch a switch to a v-ray for well never mostly because it's just such a waste of time to work in v-ray you have to you pretty much have to master berate before you can actually do something in it hello I'm a civil engineering graduate from India with one year of experience but now switching to design field well if you want to learn as much as possible you came to the right place visit our website to learn a little bit more about our online course which may be um well helpful so now we're going to make this furniture piece and because my number one rule is never model what you don't need in your scene we're now going to add any detail on it on this furniture piece because it's just going to be redundant at this point we would actually waste time instead of gain anything so we're just going to eyeball some of the parts but also we're going to make sure that is going to look good so four centimeters as an inset so select the bottom element by the way a neat trick for you guys if you keep clicking on your object so one two three you're going to select the bottom polygon which is very nice helpful and for some people it may save you a lot of time because navigating to the bottom may take you a little bit more time or to the top and this is going to actually save you some of it so now I'm going to move this a little bit to the back so it's going to be closer before I actually add those those cylinders by the way as you can see this is a really easy furniture piece so I'm just going to trace it because all of you are going to be able to do it on your own when you actually receive the files by the way guys email us and request the files on your own at the end of our webinar so that is going to be only for those that actually stayed tuned do you provide exterior render lessons in or in your course yes exactly at Danielle we do and we actually have a special session for it because interiors are a little bit different to exteriors we need sorry in interiors and exteriors are a little bit different topic and they require a little bit different techniques that means that we're going to have spend all two weeks only on exteriors and that is counting that you've already passed the interior course because actually it's going to be mandatory to finish the interiors course because we need to know that you already know the basics and from that point now on you're able to go into more advanced modeling so as always we're going to try to trace those parts of the model that are as well a little bit problematic so let's go and use our Fallot if you just go all the way and try to use the maximum value at some point those points are going to and pretty much have a stop and they're not going to allow you to move it in them any closer to each other that's when you can use fuse and weld and it's going to allow you to create this nice shape again shell modifier which is going to be helpful but this is the same situation I mentioned earlier we still need to go to editable spline turn off the rendering and try to add a little bit more interpolation remember those elements that are going to be closer to the camera need to have a little bit more detail that's why even though this is a really easy art we're just going to try to add a little bit more again let's just put it in right position so something like 8 9 centimeters is going to be enough okay and now how do we add those cylinders inside because well doing this manually will take you a little bit of time and it's always going to look a little bit sloppy in Corona renderer we have a technique that is really useful and you can basically check out our last interior webinar which was about creating a hotel lobby but this time we're creating something else so we're just going to use different techniques so you can actually learn something new and we're going to actually use tools and instead of array we're going to use the spacing tool so let's just not grab any of those handles for your best years and okay everything looks fine this is going to be our base shape control cube to isolate your selection and of course let's quickly go and create some kind of cylinder basically because I already know what we're creating I'm going to go for radius of something around 4 centimeters and height of let's say 70 I'm still not sure how tall this is supposed to be so I'm going to use instances and as I said we need a little bit more detail in objects that are closer to our camera that's why we're just going to select this as it goes so ok this looks so quite ok now the trick comes in you go to tools you select a line and instead of a line you just go for spacing tool spacing tool is going to allow you to select and place some of the objects on splines or other points so let's just pick the path so this is it and increase the count up until we actually get something that we like remember this is an not a perfect tool because each time when you move your camera all of those objects are going to disappear so it's not going to be very flexible but I think that if we go to the top view and actually start adding a little bit more objects at some point it's going to look good 28 it looks good and let's just apply this as an instance so it's going to keep this object still a usable and the chain it's going to change accordingly to the top one so we can now align it and make sure that it's actually touching this top this was actually luck I didn't know that it was 70 centimeters so lucky me but my plan was to basically use this height manipulator to set the height of our object okay now we're done modeling most of the elements but we still have a little bit of windows to go for so without wasting time were again going to create a box the box is supposed to be as tall as your walls so we're just going to make sure that it is convert to editable poly make it a little bit lower so we're actually going to use it to its extent so let's just make sure that no door is going to be stuck by any objects that we add into our scene hey Mike who was your inspiration do you have a CG artists that inspire you and to make renders there's a lot of them if you go to any kind of website lark I like our daily or Crona forum you can really find a lot of fine artists there I don't want to give out any names because it's not going to be fair to some of the people but I would say that it's really easy to find somebody to be inspired with you just create your own Behance and you'll soon see how many people are actually amazing at what they're doing and about what we're doing so we're going to create this window frame in a second but I still needed to pretty much make sure that we're able to guess the height and of course we're going to add as much detail as we can I already have this scene ready in the front window so we can X inspect this object all together because I don't want to actually go through whole process of creating a box and in setting it because it would be a little bit redundant at this point you already know how to add boxes so there's really no trick in it but we're going to use a little bit more time I mean spend a little bit more time when we will be talking about this window material because as you can see we have this nice effect going on here which we are going to create a late today loved interior thank thanks for the webinars thank you and well you're welcome by the way right now in the audience we have some of our former students like Theodore and you can visit his web site I'm hoping that he'll share it on chat so you can see how much difference does it make joining visa Khadem II and I'm basically really proud of Theodore so that's why I'm imagining his name for the second time okay if you want to see how my snap settings actually work there's nothing easier because as you can see I always use only this two options vertex and midpoint I use 3d snap so it's going to be easier for me why midpoint because it's actually very very common to make sure that to position some of the objects in the middle of Honor's so it's basically basically it so as i said we don't want to bore you with going through the boxes so i'm just going to add in this object at the window object in here so in use the same material all the renamed material yeah so we're going to use this and still we're going to talk a little bit about the tricks in the materials okay wait a sec so this is not exactly copied yet okay now we're just going to copy this this is one of the plugins I like to use that and that's called copy to its it allows you to copy objects from one scene to another and that's basically three that's a free it's a free plugin that you can download from Internet so just look it up copy to it's very useful and as you can see it's well it works flawlessly as I said we already have some of the objects created and to be honest I don't want to waste your time on each and every object in the scene because you know this is just windows and we already done them using the same technique so here it wouldn't be anything else but for those of you that are going to try to trace it I'm going to add a little bit more detail into it I mean in the files that we are going to share and now let's continue as the modeling part is basically done it's time to add the objects that we already have ready we're now going to go through the modeling of all the pieces of furniture because it would be redundant because those models are already created by some other artists I actually am going to use only models that are available online for free so you can just google it or find something that is going to be more suitable for you and just add it into your own scenes as always try to work with the best quality objects that you can find but as always it's not going to be possible to find everything that you need so basically don't stress don't stress it just try to be efficient and my trick I mean I'm not really necessarily a trick but let's say my motto is that your viewers are not going to be able to tell the difference of 5% so if something is a 5% off they're still not going to be able to say and if that anything is wrong so that's your safe margin again by going through imports I'm just going to add all the objects and we're just going to try to add them one by one because always that requires a little bit extra work but and before we actually continue we're just going to quickly talk a little bit about this Academy so as you know guys we are Fitz Academy invest Academy is an online school which is going to teach you how to create beautiful renders in five to seven weeks we teach you both interiors and exteriors which is two separate parts and that is actually going to be very well productive for you because you will be able to learn how to create interiors what is the training program and of course how to handle each step so basically the first week is going to be modeling so if you're totally new to today's max don't worry we will teach you how to model from the basics to more advanced modeling and of course remember to ask questions then we're going to start creating lines that's exactly what we're going to go for in a second so for that from that from that point we're going to move on to materials and we're going to do some renders so now let's try to yeah the plugins really work well so hello again today okay [Music] hmm okay about the linear workflow most professionally used gamma like maybe three vis better Garza but they don't mention how to set it up to be honest gamma point one is an outdated way of working with 3d and I would actually argue that working with default gamma of 2.2 is going to be most efficient for artists and working with gamma point one is not going to be necessary in most of the cases why because it's just updated it it may be something that they found to be more comfortable for them but the spectrum of light is actually going to be on your side when working with gamma 2.2 it's going to produce a little bit of problem when trying to translate some of the materials but it's not going to be waste time wasted when you start working with gamma 2.2 so to answer it short to sum up the answer I would say that working with gamma 2.2 is actually a better solution why because most of the models and most of the resources that you're going to find on your way are going to be created in that technique going back to point one is just going to be well like going back in time and trying to read that to reinvent the wheel it's not going to work and there's a reason why 3ds max actually moved from a gamma point one to gamma point two as a default because it just works well and okay I really I am really unable to pronounce your name but hello it's nice to see you okay now let's continue since our modeling is basically done we're still populating our scene with all those extras inside so of course we're going to soon and start creating we're going to start creating a light button there's a little bit of tricks that are ahead of us so guys to not waste time by only adding this objects into the scene we may actually move on to the second step of the scene which is actually the dumb scene I know it's a little bit of cheating and basically I shouldn't be doing this but to be honest it's best to do it this way because as you can see it's basically the same technique but this time I'm going to talk a little bit more about the objects that we're going to work with so first of all we've got this camera one which is basically again the same scene same settings but with all the objects already in place so this is the difference okay and now let's continue and start inspecting a little bit of those objects as I said we need to talk a little bit about materials but first let's start by rendering a white render so let me just clear this up and now if we're going to go for Corona MTL remember to always preserve glass and portal materials if you actually are going to use portals first of all let's just try to render it out as a basic okay this is not supposed to be happening at this point so we're just going to clear this up and I actually stepped ahead a little bit so this is our white render and now let's explore our light setup because as always we try to use the most efficient most efficient techniques so in this we created basically just two lines one is the environment which is Corona sky on default values nothing else was changed because as I said we want to work efficiently and we want to work really on the easiest possible materials will there be recording on this lesson yes you will be able to try to view it online just as you will be able to watch all other of our webinars because we've already created so many some of them are about exteriors some of them are about interiors by adding a corona sky to our single map as an environment we're able to lit our whole scene this is a really basic step we don't need any kind of light because our reference image doesn't really require it the only trick that is really going to be discussed here is that we created this molding earlier but it doesn't really have any kind of detail on it more of and more than that it doesn't really have any kind of material that would suggest such a detail that's why we used Corona displacement modifier with some kind of mapping that means that we use a UVW map set it to planner insert box we have to use planner so let's just create something like 15 by 15 move it closer to our object and position this in the XY manner now looking at this object you can see that it's still not it's still not covering the portions that we'd like so let's go for 12 by 12 and now if we go back to our camera you'll see that this displacement modifier is going to be displaced oh sorry it's going to be displacing this texture which we are also going to share because it was created by this Academy wait a sec so this is the texture just simply added in blatently as a displacement object so once your render actually starts you're able to render it with all this detail and we're still going to use this to our advantage because we have to add two colors to our objects and that's mine we're going to try to deselect all of those objects that are not going to be useful for us at this moment so let's now add all the materials that were you already know that are going to be the most important oh by the way I forgot to add a little bit of description about this light in here so that's only a corona light ascent to rectangle it's wide enough to cover all this kitchen and of course it's only one centimeters when one centimeters deep so it's not going to be too big so no trickery here and let's now try to start working with materials as always we start from the biggest chunks of materials that we have so that is going to be our wall and all the objects that are supposed to be covered by this nice paint so first I'm going to try to turn off the material override but I already have a little bit of materials on it so let's just try to add the materials to all of those objects altogether oh yeah so now let's try to visit this materials luckily I've prepared the materials for us because just going through all the materials would be actually a waste of time so we're going to try to examine them one by one so we've got the pink furniture so that is going to be this part and furniture in the back plus all of those statues and that you can see so basically these three elements are going to have this pink furniture material and that's exactly what we're going to add right now let's examine this material for a second because it's basically really really easy why do we do I have corona color instead of coloring here because I just want to be able to sample this color to other objects like the curtains that you can see here those are going to use exactly the same material so we're just and we're just now able to sample the same color as you can see now and of course this is the material copied from the basic materials from Corona renderer did you know that Corona renderer comes with material library that is free for you to use well now you do hey Mike what kind of specs are you drawing on your computer Corona seems to be process really fast well I'm using thread Ripper and that is 29 okay wait a sec okay this is not supposed to be happening but still so this is my whole setup so that's thread Ripper 2970 WX it's 24 core so 48 threads and it basically calculates quite fast so I strongly recommend you to get a good setup but anything around 100 pounds is going to be rocking with Corona and believe me this is going to be really really good and now with all that said let's just start adding materials to our objects now I've got these three objects selected and I'm going to select a little bit more of them ctrl shift a to select similar I'm going to add the pink furniture material to it and now we're going to make sure that those objects are actually excluded from our list so let's just add it in let's loot it and we have this beautiful pinkish color and now let's add a little bit more so we're going to go for the floor again the material was discussed in the previous videos of ours so I'm not going to go into detail but to be honest this is just texture added to Corona material multitexture set to material ID or mesh element depends on what you need karana UV down the randomizer and this is the settings that you can use to your advantage and of course the floor itself is really really easy to set up so as you can see it's just reflection one looking at zero zero seven and nothing really else was done to further enhance this material why because as I said Corona allows you to be really strict and go easier on your materials you don't have to waste any time on setting up those materials that you just don't have to because it used physically based materials it's going to allow you a lot of artistic freedom again the black frames of for the windows are nothing special because I didn't want to add any chamfers to it I added her own around edges which is going to allow me to get a little bit of round edges around the corners of this object and let's examine how it actually works it's a huge huge time-saver when it comes to objects like this where you just don't know if you actually want to add any detail so okay we also need to select those middle lines and do the same with them so let's just do it like this so again black frame now as you can see it's already recalculated and now let's add a little bit of detail to it as I said we're going to check out they're rounding edges now the model itself is totally flat and it's basically as you can see not perfect but that's perfect for us because it's going to look more realistic and thanks to the round edges ma'am that is exclusive for Corona you're actually able to create a little bit of rounding and that's going to allow you to get a little bit better effect with your scene so again let's go go and continue by adding the white frames to our other objects so let's just go for it so we've got this frame now the white frame is basically the same material as the previous one again set to say 65 because it's a little bit more it's going to be a little bit more matte than the floor itself so let's make it a 65 one o'clock when it comes to glossiness and now let's continue let's deselect it from our override so it's going to again allow us to work a little bit faster and add a little bit more materials so now all that is left is to a deselect or detach from our blue furniture let's just add this material to this statue so basically we're covering all the objects all together as we go so let's just add it in and to save a little bit time I'm not going to go through the process of the chairs because it's just again basic material and a little bit of trickery so we're just going to make sure that those objects are already be selected from our override but now we have a little bit of problem look at this we've got materials that are not compatible with Corona that is click light the corona light doesn't really support very materials so what we can do we can stop our render for a second go for Corona converter and click on start conversion so that is going to basically change all of those materials that are and not support it at this moment into supported material and that is really going to be a huge time-saver for all of you guys because translating and just transitioning from a v-ray 2 to Corona is going to be that easy and now let's select this spheres to make sure that the converter was able to handle it if it didn't it's ok we can still use this map and it was so let's just make sure that this material is correctly set up so we don't need this albedo I don't know why people do this font they often try to add a lot of a lot of front for now but at the same time they forget to play a little bit with the color so I'm just going to reduce this and add a bit of glossiness because we still need this nice shiny by the way guys remember that setting up your materials to ridiculous amount let's say color to two point A two five five it's not going to leave any extra space for your reflections and your colors are just going to be burned out so avoid it as fire like fire so did we cover the small glass detail on the right hand side windows no not yet we're going to get there in a second so let's just now try to add this here now rerender with our dumb materials so it actually starts to look really good now let's go and check out the material on the right side so it's the window material which is actually going to be a little bit tricky but still easy to do because we want to avoid adding any extra detail to it that is unnecessary so we're just going to we just created a regular plain so let's just see it so hide unselected is just a plain with glass material on it added thickness of a few centimeters so it's actually visible and UVW mapping so we're able to map it using our gradient one gradient because using gradient like this is going to allow you to create a really nice bump so let's just go for it and create corner material material and add it in now I'm going to change this preview time into box so we're going to be able to see the effect a little bit better now we have this a gradient that is just repeating itself so it's basically mirrored reflected and tiled gradients let's just check it out set it up so it's basically there really the basic gradient that you would see well this is just basic so I'm I'm not sure what do I what else can I say about it but as I said we try to use the most easiest solutions to our plot problems now by adding this as a bump I'm able to add a little bit of this detail to it so as you can see by going for bump and going for Corona bump converter I'm able to add this fine detail to my to my object and now we're just going to do the same with this glass as you can see it's basically the same premise but the glass material reacts a little bit differently to it so all we need to do is make sure that the bump is set to a little bit higher value than oh one so one is going to be enough most of the time but you don't have to stick to it so now this is not a thin glass remember that's why we added this thickness so it's actually going to create this effect you can add a bit of glossiness to it but it's also going to add a little bit of and more to the render time so I would suggest you to avoid it and now let's say okay now we only have one material left to add and that is going to be actually the best trick of all so let's select those three elements actually four elements or maybe five elements actually is it five yes it is five so we've got those five elements so let's just find unselected as you can see this is the floor panel the windows and the sides so now we're going to create a special material for this for this occasion because we want to control where the line is drone and where we actually want this blue a wall to appear and where we don't want it that's why we're going to use corona distance map wall white is going to be our base material so let's just add it to this selection now we're going to make sure that all of those objects are deselected and we no longer need material override so unhide all start interactive and let's see for a second how it looks like I already mentioned that we copied this material from the corona library so we don't need to go through it but it's basically there so now the materials are almost done as always the wall material doesn't need a lot of trickery sometimes people like to add a glossiness to their walls but that tremendously increases the rendering time so I was suggested to avoid it at all costs but if you just need to do it try to add this in a subtle manner now let's go ahead and add a Corona layered material which is going to be our base material with white wall now we're still adding this material and as our first layer on top of this object we're going to add this blue wall but if we do it this way it's just going to cover all this materials and well it's not exactly what we were going for that's why we also are going to create one extra object which is going to be a distance box which well I'm just going to create a box okay that's that should be enough from birth to and object properties this is a very important step you should basically to remember about it renderable off by the way guys and for those of you just that just tuned in we are physic Adam II and welcome to our free webinar we're actually getting closer to finishing our render by we're still going to jump into Photoshop to work with it for a little bit and then we're going to call it a day but this Academy is an online school that is going to teach you how to create beautiful renders in five to seven weeks why five to seven because you can choose interiors and interiors plus exterior scores that means that you'll be able to pick which option you like and of course what is very important is that we already closed our January group reputation so you cannot you can no longer enjoy our January group but the March group or well late mark group is a registration is now open so if you want to join and do it now because we've never really had such big traffic and I must say guys that it's the we're running out of slots and if you want to join in and do it as soon as possible because I think that the Christmas is working on everybody and they just wanted to give their cell and themself something special and that is a visit cata me online course and so our visit got any online course works like this the first week we try to teach you and actually do how to model then we go to the white rendering and setting up the lights that's what we basically done so far create materials that's also covered already in this webinar and of course we're going to finalize our render so this is the moment when we try to go back and forth with our model and redo some elements and add a little bit more detail because you don't always know what detail is going to be necessary for your shot then we go we finish our interiors and we start working with exteriors solely so the last two weeks are going to be for exteriors only of course if you would choose exteriors as well and the learning effect is pretty much visible on our Instagram you can go ahead and visit our Instagram and let's say for example Eric this is something amazing and I always loved this render and I actually still do so you can visit his Instagram as well as his friend attila and actually joined our physical taking online course and he was also able to finish it with tremendous results as so all of those students that i mentioned are really good but as you can see we don't have bad students we just have students that welcome to tremendous job i'm really proud of all of them and I must say that well this is really amazing to see so many so good work so now let's continue with our rendering and actually do the trick so let's do the thing by going to material editor and we're going to introduce you guys to corona distance map it's going to be very easy to work with so for now we're going to set up the zero on distance far so this is far means the white color remember white color means 100% of effect black color means zero percent of effect in this case we need we actually need white only inside of this object so we're going to go for color inside copy it from this white color here paste it in and of course we're going to copy this black core and paste it again we don't need any near and far distance because it's just we don't need any gradients at this moment so how are we going to use it we're going to use it as a mask for our object so you can already see that a corona actually informs us that something is going on and something is wrong so no distance objects so let's just go go ahead double click on corona distance material at this box that we already know that it's going to be our and well magic trick and we're just going to move this box inside of this since it's not going to be renderable it's going to basically create this nice effect inside of this interior so let's just continue add and add a little bit more of this effect by the way I'm going to select all of those objects that basically created this green color so I guess we need to cover a little bit more objects yep and now let's just stretch this out so it's going to actually look properly so we need this floor to go inside of this room so now it's going to look more professional because this floor has some finish and now let's play around with our box a little bit more so this is our basic shape so it doesn't really have to be a box it can be a sphere or cylinder whatever you choose and now by simply scaling it up or down we're able to change the size of this blue wall and that's amazing because we're able to control it and we don't have to slice and dice all of those objects that we haven't seen well it's just an easy way easy solution to create maps like this and especially if you don't have enough time to work with materials that you just don't want to master and now and we still need to add this furniture blue furniture material to this counter so it's going to take a second but guys thank you very much for FEV annika for joining us and see you in our class because the vegan cat just joined our our there's Academy online course so I would say that well she's going to learn a lot from us again let's now select this object add the final material so that's actually furniture let me just go back blue furniture again click it and well everything checks out we've done it in almost an hour basically I was trying to be as fast as possible but you asked so many good questions but that it would be really ashamed to ignore that anyway guys we were able to create this in under an hour so without wasting your time for renders and everything else I moved this into Photoshop already so when you work with sorry when you work with 3ds Max and you create something that is going to look photorealistic always trying to render out your white render because most of the people are just not going to understand that this isn't data photo and with corona quality and you're going to basically be able to you're basically going to be able to fool people that you're a great photographer but in reality you're just great through the artist so that's one of the things I would strongly recommend you and now we have this render as I said with Corona renderer you rarely need to do anything with your renders whatsoever so as I said I render this out earlier but I haven't really noticed this one small problem on the right side so we can just select some of those tiles and try to move it by simply going for free transform but it's just not going to be necessary in this case because it's just not going to be noticeable and that's not exactly the key element of our webinar for today so let's just move it here trying to add a little bit of spackle and as you can see it's barely visible at this moment but it's not really necessary to do to add it and I don't want to be that sloppy so how are we going to add the production most of the time it's not going to be problematic at all and that's exactly what I like to do but before we actually jump into it as I said about this Academy online course if you want to join our APIs Academy online course remember to go to www-wait that UK that is going to open this site and where you will find all the necessary information so you can check out the pricing over here by clicking on this link you can choose the option that you're interested in and of course right now we have this nice discount of 40% and that's solely because Christmas and everything else so at this moment the exteriors course is 170 sorry mmm 1700 and now let's choose a plan once you choose a plan you can fill in this here you'll fill in this information and this is the first step to become our student more information will be sent out later on but if you want to enroll please follow this pricing links list pick whichever option you you like and of course join physic Adam II by choosing your plan now let's go back to our rendering because I forgot to actually told to tell you about one beautiful thing which is almost exclusive for or Corona renderer and that is light mix so this is basically one of the best elements of Corona which I basically love you're able to use your to change your materials and I mean your light setup in real time in Corona just by going into light mix that's something really unheard of you're able to add ten thousand modes in just one interior by changing one or two things and by adding different totally different light power light color it's going to allow you well limitless options and this is a tool really used and abused in my day-to-day professional work because I just love how it works it can change totally the mood of your room I mean your interior exterior and it's basically going to be a free cheat and when you want to do a little bit of more artistic style rendering why should you actually use it well mostly because it's going to allow you to surprise your client with a lot of moods a lot of options and well you can actually see how amazingly good it works now let's go back to a tree to photoshop and try to use a little bit of exposure and as always I try to make sure that my post-production is kept to minimum so I try to just go back and forth with exposure contrast highlights but most of the time the textures are really really helpful clarity is going to make at this HD Rhine look but just don't overdo it the ice is going to pretty much allow you to get rid of some of the let's say foggy look in your scene so you're going to be able to get there but to get into a really photographic look you need to add some effects like vignetting and that's always going to be very welcomed by your clients now the last thing I always do which is HSL settings you can basically make sure that all the colors are set up to your needs and if you need to change just a little bit the tone of your colors or change something in your scene that just stands out this is where you go and now I'm not going to actually add any HSL a settings because it's just not necessary because Corona actually is that amazing and it doesn't require you to do anything else then just go ahead and render now this is our final render down almost solely with Corona renderer in one hour 20 minutes so guys thank you very much for attention and remember to visit our website that's vis economy that UK click on pricing to choose the option that you're interested in and of course we're going to be able to contact you later on remember that 75% of our students actually started from 0 so no prior knowledge of 3's max or 3d is required so join us at any time and join the March group because January group is already full and thank you very much for your attention and see you in an another webinar
Channel: VizAcademy UK
Views: 34,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rendering, 3ds max, 3d max, visualisation, tutorial 3ds, tutorial, render, 3ds max tutorial, interior rendering, tutor, 3ds max course, 3dsmax, autodesk, lighting, creating materials, renders, corona, vray, zbrush, substance, megascans, textures, creating scene, webinar, vizacademy, vizacademy uk
Id: OO7f11R0Wx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 32sec (4712 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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